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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:211 题号:9922729

You know the saying “You’re as young as you feel." Well, there may be some truth to that, according to researchers at Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Ellen Langer, a Harvard psychologist who studies how the mind influences the body, and colleagues reviewed the scientific literature for evidence that a person’s perception of their age might influence their health. They published their results in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science.

In one study that Langer led, 47 women had their hair done. The women who thought their new hairdos made them look younger did look younger to objective observers, who were shown before-and-after pictures. The women who thought they looked younger also showed a drop in blood pressure. Another study involving 4,421 men found that those who became bald at a relatively young age were more likely to get cancer and heart disease than men who did not. Similarly, another study involving 2,017 men found that those who lost their hair early were more likely to develop heart disease. “We believe that the feelings associated with being older than one’s real age account for some of these health outcomes,” the researchers wrote.

The researchers also described studies that found that women who had children later in life were more likely to be healthier and live longer than those who had children early, which they attributed to the fact that these mothers tend to spend more time with younger women. Similarly, people who marry younger partners tend to live longer than those who marry older partners, according to other studies.

Taken together, the research “supports the general mind-body hypothesis (假说) that when a younger mind is prepared, a younger body can accompany it.” While the mechanism(机制) remains unclear, the researchers figured that suggestions associated with aging can “make one unconsciously or consciously aware of old age and set in motion a series of physiological processes that can have real effects on short-term and long-term health."

1. What’s the author’s attitude towards the research results?
2. Which of the following statements is true according to paragraph 3?
A.Blood pressure is highly related to hairdos.
B.Getting cancer or heart disease is the cause of hair losing.
C.Feeling older than real age may be tied to health problems.
D.The women who love hairdos look younger than those don’t.
3. It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that ________.
A.often staying with younger people can benefit people's health
B.the younger one of a couple lives much longer
C.a younger mother is more likely to live longer
D.people who want to live longer need to marry
4. The passage mainly tells us that ________.
A.Getting bald too early is not good for health
B.People’s feeling of their age may have an effect on their own health
C.Feeling younger to a couple is very important to their health
D.Women had better give birth later in their life


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】British men are abandoning(抛弃,放弃)their stiff upper lips but still do not wear their hearts on their sleeves like Americans, a new survey showed. When it comes to strong emotion, the once serious British are now happy to shed tears quite openly.

“Thirty percent of all British males have cried in the last month. That is a very high figure,” said Peter Marsh, director of the Social Issues Research Center which took the emotional temperature of Britain. “Only two percent said they could not remember when they last cried,” the head of the independent research group said.

Long gone is the “No Tears — We’re British” time when emotion was considered distinctly bad form. “In our survey of 2,000 people, very few people in their forties of fifties had seen their father cry. Now it is twice as many,” he told reporters. “Seventy-seven percent of men considered crying in public increasingly acceptable.” Almost half the British men opened the floodgates over a sad movie, book or TV program. Self-pity got 17 percent crying. Nine percent cried at weddings.

From the days of Empire, the British have always considered themselves models of reserve(含蓄缄默), laughing at “excitable foreigners” who show no self-control.

Marsh argued the divide was still there: “We have probably not caught up with the Americans or the Italians when it comes to the actual display of emotions.

“But we are clearly changing. What we take as typical British reserve has significantly faded”

Women’s battle for equal rights has certainly had an effect — both in the workplace and at home. “Men in their twenties or thirties are interacting(相互影响)with women on equal terms much more than a generation ago. They have to relate to the opposite sex. Women become more man-like and men become more female. That transfers into the work place too,” Marsh said.

1. The underlined phrase wear their hearts on their sleeves means ________.
A.wear their sleeves properlyB.express their feeling openly
C.put their heart into their workD.have a heart-to-heart discussion
2. The British used to think crying in public ________.
3. British men cried most ________.
A.over a sad filmB.over self-pity
C.at weddingD.at graduation
2018-07-03更新 | 63次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】It was a cold and wet night, I had just left a local club to travel home when I lost control of my car. I crashed into a car, then hit a tree. The force was so great that is knocked the parked car several meters forwards. I was knocked out cold. Worse still, I had no idea that a fire had started under the engine of my car. It then set the tree on fire.

Driving behind me was a young man, who I later found out was called Jared. He saw the accident occur and stopped to help me out of the burning car. He put his own life in danger when he got into the back seat to try to undo my seat belt. This wasn’t easy because I’d hit the car on my driver’s side and my seat belt was squeezed into the console (操纵台).

With my seat belt undone, Jared then hit open the driver’s window to drag me out as I had still not regained consciousness (意识). He bravely did this while my car and the tree were burning. Woken by the crash, the homeowners came out to investigate. Jared told them to ring emergency services. I was rushed to the Royal Adelaide Hospital in a serious condition. I eventually woke up a day later.

I owe my life to Jared and I consider him a friend due to the special bound. Jared says that although the events of that night initially shocked him, he never once hesitated to help. In addition, he doesn’t believe that he did anything special.

1. What happened to the author in the crash?
A.He was knocked out of his car.
B.He was knocked unconscious.
C.He felt cold because of bleeding.
D.He climbed on the tree to escape fire.
2. Why did Jared get into the back seat?
A.To unfasten the author’s seat belt.
B.To get the author out of the car.
C.To help the author drive the car safely.
D.To put out the burning fire in the car.
3. Which is the best title for the passage?
A.A narrow escape from deathB.A courageous crash rescue
C.Jared, my best friendD.A frightening car fire
2017-10-09更新 | 114次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】My mother-in-law left us an unexpected and priceless gift. After she died, my husband and his sister were going through the contents of her house when they discovered every letter that we had written her during our 46-year marriage. She also kept all the letters that my mother had written to her over the years.

During the pandemic(大流行病), I've had time to go through these letters. I read of our early married life, our struggle to have children and, especially, the progress of our three children from birth to adulthood. I began writing all these details for my children, and now they have details about when they were small. I discovered much that I had forgotten.

To read the letters written by my mother to my husband's mother is a gift. I wish that I had saved my mother’s letters to me, but now I have these letters that tell me things about my own mother that I never knew. I see that Mom and Mamma shared their great love for us, their children, and for our children, their grandchildren.

I come from a long line of letter writers and was trained to stay in touch with our parents. My grandparents loved to receive letters from across the ocean. When I was away on a student exchange in 1970, my mother told me that my grandfather kept my airmail letters in his shirt pocket and read them daily. Knowing this, I have tried my best to write to our two families regularly.

To all of you who write to me, I thank you. The handwritten word is a powerful tool of friendship; it connects us together.

Perhaps the greatest gift that these letters have given me is to see how much my husband's parents valued our letters to them. The letters helped her know her grandchildren and feel like part of our lives. I shall file them for my children so that they can read the events of our lives and know that they, too, were treasured.

Keep writing to those you love. Those letters are our greatest gifts to each other.

1. What did the author do after she read the letters?
A.She had a talk with her mother.
B.She passed on the letters to her children.
C.She required her children to write letters regularly.
D.She wrote down details about her children's childhood.
2. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.How the author stayed in touch with her parents.
B.What handwritten letters mean to the author.
C.What inspired the author to keep writing letters.
D.How the author's grandfather influenced her.
3. What is the power of handwritten words according to the article?
A.They help us make new friends.
B.They allow us to practice writing skills.
C.They strengthen emotional exchanges.
D.They improve our hands-on abilities.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Unforgettable giftsB.Parents love
C.Family lettersD.Handwritten memories
2022-03-24更新 | 86次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般