组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 安全与救护 > 安全守则
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:67 题号:10847288

Many children use the Internet to get useful knowledge(知识) and information, and to relax in their free time. But some of them are not using it in a good way. Here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the Internet.

◆Make rules for Internet use with your parents. For example, when you can go online, for how long and what activities you can do online.

◆Don't give your password(密码) to anyone else, and never give out the following information: your real name, home address, age, school, phone number or other personal information.

◆Check with your parents before giving out a credit(信用) card number.

◆Never send a photo of yourself to someone in e-mail unless(除非) your parents say it's OK.

◆Check with your parents before going into a chat(聊天) room. Different chat rooms have different rules and attract different kinds of people. You and your parents will want to make sure it's a right place for you.

◆Never agree to meet someone you met on the Internet without your parent's permission(允许). Never meet anyone you met online alone.

◆Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Treat (视为)everyone online as if they were strangers.

◆If something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable(不舒服), leave the site. Tell a parent or teacher right away.

◆Treat other people as you'd like to be treated. Never use bad language.

◆Remember—not everything you read on the Internet is true.

1. The writer tells children to ________.
A.send their own photos to himB.make rules for Internet use with parents
C.believe everything they read on the InternetD.give out their personal information
2. It's good for children to ________ on the Internet.
A.give password to othersB.get useful knowledge and information
C.give out a credit card numberD.go into a chat room as they'd like to
3. What shouldn't be done when you are on line? ________.
A.Using bad languageB.Sending messages and e-mails
C.Leaving the site if you feel uncomfortableD.Treating everyone online as strangers
4. If your parents don't agree, never ________.
A.read anything on the Internet
B.relax in your free time
C.have a face-to-face meeting with anyone you met online
D.treat other people as you'd like to be treated
5. The best title for this passage is "________".
A.How to use computersB.Surfing on the Internet
C.Information on the InternetD.Internet safety rules


阅读理解-单选(约20词) | 适中 (0.65)
1. What can the poster help us to do?
A.To stay clean.B.To stay safe.
C.To stay strong.D.To stay popular.
2. According to the poster, which one is TRUE?
A.Don’t meet any friends in public places
B.Stay away from our sick family
C.Don’t have meetings with other people
D.Try not to take buses or subways
3. When you miss your friend, what is best to do?
A.To visit her at home.B.To join her for dinner.
C.To meet her in a park.D.To have a trip with her.
2021-06-18更新 | 93次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Many Canadian kids woke up to the smell of wildfire smoke last summer. Some are wondering: Is it dangerous? How can I protect myself? CBC Kids News talked to two children’s lung specialists, Tom Kovesi and Dan Hughes, to find out how kids can stay safe.

Is wildfire smoke dangerous?

For most people, the impact of wildfire smoke is only short-lived. Effects can include irritation (刺激) of the eyes, nose and throat; coughing and shortness of breath. They will get worse the more time you spend outdoors, especially if you’re active outside—doing sports and other exercise,

I spend my summers around a campfire. __________

The difference between campfire smoke and wildfire smoke is that wildfire smoke is harder to avoid, Hughes said. “When you’re camping, you typically don’t stay in front of a fire for too long,” he said. “And if it’s really smoky, you’d probably sit upwind from the smoke or take a break.” Wildfire smoke, on the other hand, is everywhere. Therefore, the effects can be more long-term and dangerous.

The key to staying safe? Stay inside.

Both Kovesi and Hughes agree that the best thing for kids to do is stay inside when wildfire smoke is in the air.

“It’s especially important for kids who are super active to stop those activities. This is not the time to go jogging, play soccer and other sports, ” Hughes said. “Those activities require you to breathe harder and deeper, which gives you a greater exposure (暴露) to the smoke and the particles (微粒) the smoke carries.” Other steps you can take.

It’s best to close your windows and doors when inside. You can also use an air conditioner, if you have one, to filter (过滤) the air more. Kovesi said that masks can also help lower the risk a little, particularly N95 masks. But they need to be worn correctly.

1. Wildfire smoke can make people ___________.
A.die youngB.be super activeC.stop coughingD.feel breathless
2. What sentence should be put into the __________?
A.Where is campfire smoke from?
B.How is it different from wildfire smoke?
C.What causes wildfire smoke?
D.How can we stop them?
3. Which of the following can we do to stay safe from wildfire smoke?

a.    b.    c.    d.

4. In which section of a magazine could you read the passage?
2024-06-04更新 | 18次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Summer is here. One of the best ways to cool off on a hot summer day is to jump into a swimming pool. Swimming is great exercise, and a trip to a pool or beach is a good way to have fun with friends. But swimming can also be dangerous, so it’s important to stay safe as you do it. Here are a few things you can do to swim safely.

Swim only in areas set for swimming.

Don’t swim unless there is a lifeguard(救生员) on duty. If you’re on a beach near the ocean, this is especially important. In some places, fast currents(急流) can sweep swimmers away without warning. So if a sign says “No swimming”, please take care.

Be careful when diving(跳水) into the water headfirst.

Most pools have deep ends where diving is safe. In natural water, don’t dive unless you know that the water is deep enough. Or you could hit your head on the bottom.

Make sure you have a partner with you.

Nobody knows what will happen while you are swimming. lf something goes wrong, you can get help from that person as soon as possible. In this situation, a few seconds can make a big difference.

Pay close attention to children’s safety.

Kids who don’t know how to swim should wear life jackets. But by themselves they are not enough, so an adult should always be present. If you have a pool at home, put a fence(围栏) around it in case children fall in. And if a child disappears, check the pool first.

1. If you’re swimming on a beach near the ocean, ________ is especially important.
A.a signB.a partnerC.a lifeguardD.a life jacket
2. From the passage we know we can dive in ________.
A.the deep end of a poolB.anywhere of a pool
C.anywhere of the natural waterD.anywhere of the sea
3. While swimming if something goes wrong, you can get help from ________ as soon as possible.
A.a strangerB.your parentsC.your teacherD.your partner
4. From the last paragraph we know ________.
A.kids often fall in the pools at home
B.kids should go swimming with adults
C.it’s safe for kids to swim in the pool at home
D.kids who don’t know how to swim can go swimming by themselves with a life jacket
5. The main idea of the passage is ________.
A.how to swim safelyB.how to swim well
C.where to spend the hot summerD.where to have fun with friends
2021-05-31更新 | 64次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般