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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:107 题号:10919251

Changing our lives

COVID-19 has made people think harder about their relationship with nature. It has also raised questions about urban (城市的) lifestyles. The sharing economy (共享经济), working in open offices, living in crowded apartments and the food industry’s use of reusable products have made the perfect storm for a pandemic (大流行).

Although the sharing economy might be good – it’s cheaper to rent than to own – sharing spaces and objects are great ways to spread the virus. How does one do “social distancing (和他人保持安全距离)” when they are expected to share cars, bikes, apartments and even the same offices?

The trend (趋势) of using open offices, which can save space, is working against us. In this type of office, workers don’t have their own desk – everything is shared. Sometimes, computers and chairs are also shared, which is not hygienic (卫生的). Fortunately, more workers are working from home during the pandemic, but that won’t last forever.

Reusability (循环利用) is a common practice in the restaurant industry. Reusable cups and chopsticks are often used. Unfortunately, reusable products increase the chance of spreading disease. For example, Starbucks recently stopped refilling (重新装满) customers’ reusable cups in order to stop the spread of the virus.

People like to be social. But the virus has made this more dangerous. We have to be careful about how we interact (交往) with others for now. Perhaps we need to rethink about our lifestyles to reduce the spread of future pandemics.

1. The paragraph (段) 3 is mainly about ________.
A.how working at home won’t last longB.how shared offices can save space
C.the hygienic problems of open officesD.the sharing economy trend
2. According to the author (作者), restaurants can spread the virus easily because ________.
A.everything is shared in many restaurants
B.they use too much disposable tableware (一次性餐具)
C.many restaurants have poor hygiene
D.cups and chopsticks are often reused
3. The author probably agrees that _____________.
A.we need to change some of our lifestyles
B.the sharing economy won’t last forever
C.no one can stay out of the sharing economy
D.we shouldn’t stay away from shared products
2020·山东枣庄·二模 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Think about how much time you spent outside last week. I mean “really outside”. Walking from the car into the mall doesn't count. Now think about how much time you spent inside: on the Internet or playing video games or watching TV.

“I play inside more than outside,” said Casey M. of South Bend, Indiana. “I like to play games on the computer because I think it's very exciting.”

If you're like Casey, it's likely that you spend more time inside than outside. Kids spent two fewer hours per week on sports and outdoor activities in the early 2010s than kids did in the early 1990s.

Are you staying inside because you need a place to go to? People fill open places with buildings. Rhonada Clements said, “Students still need some special places. There they are free to go and meet friends. And they can make them relax there. What's more, parents should spend more time staying with their kids.”

Even when there is a place to go to, personal safety is a problem. “I wish I could play outside more.” said Angela P. of   New Haven, Connecticut. “There is a park down the street, but my mom worries about my safety when I go there by myself.” Many kids are home alone in the afternoons because their parents tell them not to leave the house. Most parents always think it's dangerous for their children to stay outside.

1. What can we know from the first three paragraphs?
A.A lot of people like playing outside.
B.A lot of people like playing computer games.
C.More and more people like watching TV with their family.
D.More and more people like spending time inside.
2. The underlined word “they” here refers to ________.
A.special placesB.people C.students   D. friends
3. Why do parents tell their children not to leave their houses?
A.Because they want their children to spend more time with them.
B.Because they think it's dangerous for their children to go outside alone.
C.Because they are afraid their children won't finish their homework.
D.Because they need their children to do some housework at home.
4. How did the writer write the passage?
A.From writing about himself to writing about other people.
B.Firstly tell us a fact and then tell us the fact is wrong.
C.Firstly talk to the parents and then talk to the teachers.
D.Firstly give a question and then answer the question.
2021-03-08更新 | 72次组卷
阅读理解-判断(约140词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐2】阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的涂 “A”, 错误的涂 “B”。

Last week we did a survey among 100 kids of different ages in America. We asked them two questions. One question is “Do you often surf the internet?” The other one is “What do you often do online?” Here are the results.

Age Groups


Percentage of kids online

send an e-mail


play games


go online to get new8 or information


send or receive messages


Buy things including books and clothes


watch short videos on TikTok


1. We may find this survey in a magazine about teenage health.
2. The chart on the right mainly tells us about the children’s online activities in America.
3. According to the survey, most children in America surf the Internet for shopping.
4. In America, the older the children are, the more active they are on the Internet.
5. The bar chart on the left shows us the percentages of different aged kids surfing the Internet in America.
2022-07-07更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)
文章大意:本文主要通过Mona El-Sheikh的研究讲述了睡眠不足对孩子们来说是个问题,睡眠对孩子们来说很重要。

【推荐3】Getting enough shut-eye really matters for children, and those who are poor need it the most. We all know kids need a good night’s sleep in order to grow. After studying thousands of children, psychologist Mona El-Sheikh, a professor of child development, says children who don’t get enough sleep suffer from serious consequences.

“They do not concentrate as well or perform well on tasks that are difficult to understand,” she explains. “Even worse, they may be more likely to be unhappy, sick or obese. Sleep is very important for brain development and also for emotional control.”

As it turns out, what sleep gives, and what the lack of it takes away, may be much worse by poverty. “Poverty is a very major stress or for our children,” says El-Sheikh.

On average, El-Sheikh says the children studied get about seven and a half hours of sleep. Experts say children aged 5 to 10 need about 10 to 11 hours of sleep a night.

With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), El-Sheikh and her team at Auburn University are studying sleep shortage and how it has an impact on kids, including those who are otherwise deprived. El-Sheikh says the findings are clear. Sleep matters more for kids, and those who are poor need it most.

“Children, especially those who live in poor neighborhoods and come from more economically disadvantaged homes are likely to benefit more when they sleep better and tend to suffer more when their sleep is poor,” she says.

El-Sheikh is not sure why. She thinks it may be combination of all the stress factors in the children’s lives. The good news is, if poor kids get enough rest, that seems to level the playing field.

“They don’t get sick as frequently, they are less violent, they don’t show as much depression and worry in the home, and they do much better at school.” So, even parents who are struggling can give their kids encouragement by sending them to bed early. It’s an idea worth sleeping on.

1. El-Sheikh thinks sleep shortage may be worse because of ________.
A.studyB.poor lifeC.homeworkD.stress
2. The underlined word “consequences” in Paragraph 1 means ________.
3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Children aged 8 need about 10 hours of sleep a night.
B.Kids who don’t get enough sleep can focus well.
C.Children in poor areas need more sleep.
D.Poor kids, if they get enough sleep, will benefit more.
4. The best title for the passage is ________.
A.Why sleep shortage is a problem for kidsB.How does sleep shortage happen
C.Sleep is a problemD.How to sleep well
2022-02-26更新 | 129次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般