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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:140 题号:15104355

Welcome to our website (网站)! Welcome to the BISS - world! Here is something about us.

Our classroom sizes are quite small. Every class has 15 students. Then, teachers can care each student.

Not only our class, but also the school size is small. It’s good for students and teachers to be in a small school. For example, the teachers know every student and his or her parents in our school. They know everyone’s name. Even the Head of school is able to get to know every student and his or her parents. In small school, each child can try what they like. If they like to play basketball, they may join the team and take part in the games.

In addition, BISS is one of the caring schools. We focus on the needs of children and families.

Come and visit us. You will like the BISS as soon as you walk in front of the door. We are part of it and we are proud of it.

1. The teachers and the Head of the school both ________
A.can get on well with every student.
B.can help to teach each student at school.
C.can know the home of every student.
D.can know every student and his or her parents.
2. The underlined words “focus on” mean ________ in Chinese.
3. What does “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.BISS is one of the caring schools.
B.The classroom and the school size are small.
C.Students can not play basketball in the school.
D.Everyone can try what he or she like in the school.


阅读理解-单选(约150词) | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐1】Hello, everyone! My name is Jim Green. I’m from England. I’m 13. Jim is my given name and Green is my family name.
Now I'm a new student in No. 1 Middle School in Hangzhou. There is a big hospital next to our school. And a big theatre is behind it. There are 24 classrooms, a big dining hall, a library, 2 science labs, a big playground and a gym in our school. We can play basketball on the playground with our classmates. The library is in front of the gym. I like the dining hall best because it's clean and it has a lot of delicious food and drinks. They are healthy. My favourite food is noodles. I like my new school. I hope I can make a lot of friends here.
1. How many classrooms are there in Jim’s school?
2. A___________ is next to Jim's school.
A.dining hallB.hospitalC.factoryD.gym
3. The gym is _____________.
A.next to the libraryB.behind the theatre
C.in front of the libraryD.behind the library
4. Jim likes the dining hall best because_________________.
A.there is a lot of food in it
B.the dining hall is clean and the food is delicious
C.there are a lot of drinks in the dining hall
D.he can make a lot of friends here
2018-11-25更新 | 218次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】My Classroom

My name’s Tony. I come from America. My classroom is full of pictures. My teacher puts up pictures all over the walls. There are   blackboards   in   the   front   of   the   classroom.   My   teacher always has writing all over the blackboards.

I’m Alice. I’m from England. Our classroom is full of desks. Our desks are full of books, notebooks and pens. I try to keep my desk clean, but I have a lot of things in there.

Hi, I’m Betty. I study in Canada. At the back of my classroom is a bookcase full of books. We can borrow those books and take them home to read.

I’m Mike, and now I’m in Australia. There are tables at the back of my classroom. We often do our artwork on the tables. Sometimes we cut things out of newspapers with     scissors and we glue (粘) pictures to the paper. I like art class.

1. Where is Alice from?
2. Tony’s teacher puts up on the walls.
3. What subject does Mike like?
4. Who can take books home to read from the classroom?
2020-04-03更新 | 130次组卷
阅读理解-判断(约120词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】There are two reading rooms in our school. One is for students. It’s big. The other is for teachers. It’s small. Students can’t read books in the teacher’s reading room and they only read books in the reading room for students. Students can’t take any books out of the reading room. When they read in the reading room, they must keep quiet and keep the reading room clean.

1. There are two libraries in our school.
2. Students can read books in teachers’ reading room, too.
3. Students can’t take out any book from the reading room
4. Students can read and talk in the students’ reading room.
5. The teacher’s reading room is bigger than the students’.
2019-10-25更新 | 23次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般