组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 社会 > 青少年问题
题型:阅读理解-判断 难度:0.65 引用次数:45 题号:16503979

Strawberries look nice, but a light pressure can make them out of shape. Nowadays, there are many young people who are just like strawberries. They easily break down when they face difficulties. They don’t know what to do when they are in trouble. They have a common name—strawberry kids.

Why are many students so easy to break down? Parents and schools are a main reason. Parents do almost everything for them in their daily life, while schools care more about their grades instead of developing their personality.

Liu Yue, 13, is from Fujian. His mom hardly criticizes (批评) him and he always feels good about himself. When a teacher criticized him strictly, he felt surprised and sad. He began to doubt his ability.

Students should do something to make themselves mentally strong. An expert said, “When you are in trouble, don’t ask for help too quickly. You should try to deal with problems first by yourself, I also advise you to take an active part in sports and social activities. That can make you mentally strong.”

Growing up is not just a happy process. Pains also go along with it. The most important thing is to face the pains bravely and learn from them.

根据短文内容判断下列各句子正(T) 、误(F) 。
1. Some students are called “strawberry kids” because they like to eat fresh fruit such as strawberries.
2. One main reason for many students to break down is due to their parents and schools.
3. Liu Yue, a teenager from Fujian, is often criticized by his mother.
4. According to the expert, students should ask for help as quickly as possible when they are in trouble.
5. The writer advises students to be brave in the face of pains.


阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】If you were born (出生) in the 2000s, you are the oh-ohs. The 21st century would make you young, creative, connected, world-wide and smart. Maybe good-looking, too. Right? But what do other people think about your generation?

Some adults (成年人) worry that you are more interested in the screen in front of you than the world around you. They think of you as “the face down generation” because you use your phone so much. They want to know how you will deal with (处理) schoolwork, friends and family.

Other adults worry that today’s youth are spoilt (溺爱) and don’t want to face the challenges of adult life. “Helicopter parents” fed children born in the 2000s. They were always there to guide and help their children with a busy program filled with homework and after-school activities such as dancing, drawing or sports. With parents who do everything for them, today’s youth seem to like to live like teenagers even when they are getting old.

Does “the face down generation” need a heads-up? Well, probably not. The fact is that many of today’s teenagers are better-educated and more creative than past generations. They seem to be willing to be leaders (领袖). More young people than ever volunteer to help their communities (社区). There are also brave young people such as Malala Yousafzai, the teenager who won the Nobel Peace Prize for girls’ rights to go to school.

So if you are one of the oh-ohs, there are reasons to be hopeful about the future. Things are looking up for “the face down generation”. Chances (机会) are that you do great and laugh out loud.

1. Which of the following is an oh-oh?
A.A girl who is good-looking.B.A girl who is smart.C.A boy who was born in 1999.D.A boy who was born in 2007.
2. Why do people name oh-ohs “the face down generation”?
A.Because they use their phones too much.B.Because they need to study hard in school.
C.Because they are interested in younger friends.D.Because they are more creative than their parents.
3. What do “helicopter parents” do for their children?
A.They help their children to face the challenges.B.They help their children do homework.
C.They guide and plan everything for their children.D.They keep their children away from after-school activities.
4. The underlined word “rights” means ________.
A.somebody that leads a communityB.somebody that looks after teenagers
C.something that people volunteer to doD.something that people can do
5. What is the best title of the passage?
A.The Helicopter ParentsB.The Over-worried Parents
C.The Spoiled GenerationD.The Face Down Generation
2022-12-07更新 | 125次组卷
阅读理解-匹配(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)
    1    . My 13-year-old daughter, who used to be very outgoing and active,   recently becomes very upset. I ask her the reason, but she doesn’t want to talk.
    2    . My son is crazy about online games. He spent nearly all his free time playing them. Every day, I shout at him, but he is still playing.
    3    . Amy is my daughter and she has a mobile phone. Recently she likes talking to a boy for a long time on WeChat and she doesn’t study as hard as she used to.
    4    . John is my son. He always skips (跳过) his online classes. His teachers call me almost every day, but I’m just too busy to keep an eye on him.
    5    . I don’t know why my son doesn’t understand me. I try my best to do almost everything for him. But he still complains. And sometimes he even shouts at me.
A. Don’t do too much for your son. In fact, it is not good for them, because you are developing his bad habit. So you should let him take his own responsibility (责任).
B. Using mobile phones too often is bad for their eyes. Many kids become short-sighted because of it.
C. You can talk to her teacher or her best friend. And try to find out what makes her upset.
D. Don’t just shout at him. You’d better talk to him calmly about the harm that the online games bring.
E. Because of the COVID-19, students in many parts of China have to stay at home to have online classes.
F. Try talking to the boy’s parents privately about your worries and maybe they have good ideas.
G. Being too busy is not a good excuse. After all, nothing is more important than your kids.
2023-06-10更新 | 36次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When the food we order at a restaurant arrives, the first thing most of us want to do is enjoy it right away. But for every person who just wants to eat their meal, there’s another who must take at least five photos of their food to share on social media.

While this may seem like a recent situation, “foodtography(美食摄影)” has been around for longer than one would expect.

Take US photographer Irving Penn for example. In 1947, Vogue magazine published a series of food photos taken by Penn. When people look at the carefully placed salad ingredients or the series of cakes on road shops, it would be easy to think Penn’s 70-year-old photos were taken just last week.

Besides Penn’s efforts(努力), it seems that social media is behind the recent rise of foodtography. Today, if a social media star with thousands of followers posts( 发 布 ) just one delicious-looking food picture and mentions where it was taken, it can lead to hundreds of new customers for the restaurant or café.

One such star is “Clerkenwell Boy” with over 100,000 followers in Instagram. He tries to use his influence for good by encouraging people not to waste food.

Research found that 55 percent of the 18- to 34-year-olds it surveyed were more likely to try to create Instagram-friendly dishes that can be popular in Instagram. Leading to increased food waste. So while it’s fun to share snaps of delicious dishes with your friends, just remember the most important thing: Don’t forget to eat your meal afterwards.

1. What are most people likely to do at first when the food is served?
A.Share their photos with 5 friends.
B.Take at most 5 photos.
C.Enjoy the food.
2. The action of foodtography may be a________situation.
3. What might happen if a social media star posts a food picture?
A.Plenty of new customers will go to the restaurant or cafe.
B.No one will pay attention to it.
C.Hundreds of new customers will be encouraged to work in the place where photos were taken.
4. The star “Clerkenwell Boy” has the good influence of________.
A.asking people to take photo of food when they are eating
B.calling on people not to waste food
C.persuading customers to order food more than they can eat
5. The purpose of the writer is to________.
A.teach people how to take photos
B.introduce the situation “foodtograph” and ask us to follow it
C.tell us the situation “foodtograph” and ask us not to waste food
2020-05-14更新 | 86次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般