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题型:任务型阅读-多任务混合 难度:0.65 引用次数:31 题号:20194070

Tony: Hello, everyone. I am Tony, the group leader. These are my group members, Betty and Daming. Today, I’d like to introduce the longest man-made water way — the Grand Canal(大运河) to you. Here is our presentation(展示).

Betty: I’ll introduce the process. First we made a plan about the time we would need and how to do the project. It took us two weekends to do online searching, watch the short videos and make the slide (幻灯片). Here it is.

It is 2,700 kilometers long in total—the longest man-made waterway in the world.

The oldest part can be more than 2,500 years old. It links the north of China with Hangzhou.

It’s a system of canals and rivers. Thousands of boats use it every day to transport food and many other goods.
Click here to watch the video of the canal: https://tv.cctv.com/2016/03/21/VIDEO...

Daming: The government is now doing new work on the Grand Canal. It is making parts of it deeper to make sure that bigger ships can use. The canal will also help to move water. There is a lot of rain in the south of China, but not so much in the north. The canal will carry lots of water from the south to the north.

Tony: The Grand Canal sees the changes of Chinese history. It’s possible for us to go on a trip along the canal to know more about Chinese history. Now, what do you think of our project? Your comments and suggestions ate always welcome. Thank you.

1. How many students are there in Tony’s group?
There are ___________ students in the group.
2. How long did it take the group to do the project?
It took them ____________ to do the project.
3. How old is the oldest part of the Grand Canal?
It can be _____________.
4. Which word means “连接” in the slide?
It is “___________”.
5. Please write down one of the benefits(益处) of the Grand Canal.


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】阅读短文   回答问题。

Where does Harry come from? He’s from the U.K. It has four parts (部分)—England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Scotland is on the north of England. Wales is on the west of England.

England is the biggest part in the U.K. .The weather (天气) of England is very changeable. In England, you can feel four seasons in one day. It can be sunny, rainy, or windy at any time of a day. It’s raining when you get up in the morning, but it can be sunny or windy in the afternoon. It is sunny when you get up, but when you go out, it can be rainy. So don’t forget to take an umbrella with you.

In England, stores open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday. On weekends, stores open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. But a lot of stores don’ t open on Sundays. Banks and other places open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If you want to go to the parks, you can get there at any time of a day. In England, you can take the bus, the subway or the taxi to the places. Englishmen go to a restaurant every month. They also like fast food like hamburgers, sandwiches and chips.

1. Where is Wales?
2. Which word means (意味着) “易变的” in the passage?
3. What should you take with you when you go out in England?
4. How many hours do the stores open on the weekends in England?
5. What fast food do Englishmen like?
2024-01-03更新 | 14次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Think about a world without insects (昆虫). It might sound nice at first. There would be no flies in your room. But in fact, this could be really bad news. The number of insects is less and less, according to British biologist Dave Goulson (戴夫·古儿森). “In the 27 years from 1989 to 2016, the number of insects fell by 75 percent,” Goulson wrote.

Scientists say the main reason for this is the use of pesticides (农药). They are bad for the places that insects live in. What would happen without insects? It’s almost impossible to give an answer, but the results would be far-reaching. We need insects to pollinate crops (给庄稼授粉). They also break down dead plants and animals and turn them into new useful things. We need them to keep the soil (土地) healthy and do much more. Without insects, many animals would have nothing to eat. They would go hungry and die. The ecosystem (生态系统) would be off balance (失去平衡). The first step to stop this is to let more people understand “the values (价值) of the natural world, both for what it does for us and for its own sake,” Goulson said. “The best place to start is with our children. We should encourage them to protect the environment from an early age.”

What if bugs die out?

Number of


* It is becoming less.
*It fell by     1     percent from 1989 to 2016.


The     2     of pesticides.

The role of insects

* They pollinate crops.
* They     3     new useful things.
* They keep the soil healthy.


* Animals would die of hunger.
* The environment would get worse.


* Understand     5     to humans.
* Teach our children to protect our nature.
2024-03-06更新 | 13次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

China has entered the business of making airplanes. The first Chinese-made commercial (商业的) aircraft took off from Shanghai on Sunday and landed at Beijing Airport. The narrow-bodied C919 plane had 128 passengers on board. The company that made the plane is the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Lid. This is shortened to “COMAC”. China’s President Xi Jinping praised the C919 aircraft as a “triumph of Chinese innovation”. Newspaper s in China called the C919 “a symbol of industrial strength and national pride”. A passenger on the flight was impressed with the plane. He said: “The flight was very smooth, comfortable and memorable. I’ll remember this deeply for some time to come.”

COMAC hopes to be a major player in the commercial airplane market. It hopes to compete with industry giants such as Boeing and Airbus. COMAC started developing the C919 in 2008. Production began in late 2011. In September 2022, it passed the standards (标准) to fly commercially in China. COMAC’s first customer was China Eastern Airlines, which bought five of the aircraft. COMAC plans to build 150 planes each year for the next five years. A spokesperson said there were orders for more than 1,000 C919s from different Chinese airlines. He hopes airlines from other countries will soon start making orders. He added that the plane was an “important milestone” for China’s aircraft industry.

1. Where did the C919 first take off?
2. What did newspapers in China call the C919?
3. When did COMAC started developing the C919?
4. “Made in China” (中国制造) is shining worldwide. How do you feel about this? Why?
2024-03-18更新 | 147次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般