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题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:24 题号:22831261

Study trips are really popular in China now. They bring a lot of fun to people. And they are a natural way to learn about the world. Some villages in Fangshan, Beijing are good places to take study trips.

You can go to Huangshandian village. You can pick up eggs and run after chickens. What’s more, you can learn about something about Chinese herbs (药草) in a special garden there.

A lot of visitors would like to go to U World Nature Education Farm in Xia Village. People can watch many kinds of plants there. The 330,000-square-meter farm also has a restaurant, a library, and a small zoo. Remember to go to the farm with your tents. It is fun to go camping there.

Persimmons (柿子) are a calling card of Dayugou village. Visitors can learn about persimmons there. In 2019, Zhu Qijiu went back to his hometown of Dayugou village in the hope of helping young people learn more. In the same year, Zhu built a two-floor “doctor’s house”. In it, young people can learn science about nature. “I learned about lots of birds,” a boy said. “I never knew that a village was so much fun.”

1. Why are study trips so popular?
(List two reasons why study trips are so popular.)
2. Which village should people visit if they want to learn about Chinese herbs?
3. What should visitors remember to take if they go to U World Nature Education Farm?
4. When did Zhu build the two-floor “doctor’s house”?
5. What did the boy think of Dayugou village?
【知识点】 说明文 景点/建筑


任务型阅读-多任务混合(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

You have been familiar with the learning environment in your middle school, and it feels like home. So it is not always easy to say “bye-bye” to middle school.

After entering high school, you may face some new challenges. The schoolwork may become more difficult and require greater skills. Most students need support. Teachers and parents may give you a hand.

◆ Who do you prefer to ask for help with the schoolwork: your teachers or your parents?

Nick: My teachers. They know what I’m good at and what I’m poor at. They can always give me useful advice on my problems.

Lucy: I prefer to ask my teachers for help.
They are always patient with me.

Jack: My parents.
My teachers are so strict that I’m afraid to ask them questions.

Alice: I often turn to my parents for help. They are nice and never get angry.

Well, you can’t depend on others all the time. What can you do to succeed in your schoolwork? Here are some suggestions.

★ Understand what kind of learner you are. Do you need silence to focus? Then make sure the TV is not on when you are studying. Provide yourself with a quiet learning environment at home. Some students focus better in the morning; others at night. Find the right time so that your efforts will work well.

★ Learn to be better organized. It might be helpful when you get used to making a to-do list of all your schoolwork, and checking each item off when it is completed. Try to divide your work. This will create smaller, more manageable tasks out of the larger ones. Big projects seem less difficult if they are done step by step.

★ Form good reading habits. Read every day—the more, the better. It doesn’t matter what you read. Reading newspapers regularly is a good choice. Newspapers provide plenty of details and background. In addition, information you get from newspapers is usually official and true.

High school life can be enjoyable. Old friendships might come undone and new ones will develop. Hope you will feel confident and perform well in high school!

1. Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
2. Why do some students prefer to ask their teachers for help with the schoolwork?
3. What can we infer about Jack from his words?
4. What does the underlined word “This” refer to?
5. Please complete the chart. What else can you do to be successful in your schoolwork?
6. Are you looking forward to high school life? Why?
2022-04-04更新 | 74次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】回答问题。 请阅读关于我的梦想房子的文章,根据所提供的信息回答后面的问题。

I want to tell you something about my dream house.

In the future, my house will be very big. In summer, it will be cool and in winter it will be warm, so it will be comfortable. There will be a beautiful garden in front of it. We can see many trees and flowers in it. And we can change the seasons from spring to winter in the garden as we like.

We can also travel everywhere with our houses. The house will be very light and it will be easy for us to move like a vehicle (交通工具). In the houses robots will do the heavy jobs, so we’ll have a lot of free time to relax ourselves.

Will these houses be very expensive? No, it will be very cheap. Everyone can buy it. We don’t need to worry about the money.

1. When will my house be warm?
2. What will be in front of my dream house?
3. What can we see in the garden?
4. Will it be easy to travel everywhere with our houses?
5. What will robots do if we want to have a lot of free time to relax?
2023-02-16更新 | 66次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

What subject do you worry about the most at school? Many students worry about math. Some students can’t sleep well the day before a math exam. Others may feel very nervous during the exam itself. But there might be a way to make the subject less stressful (压力大的).

“For people who are worried about math, posture (姿势) makes a big difference, ”Erik Paper from San Francisco State University told the Daily Mail. That’s right—sitting up straight can help you do better on math exams.

Scientists tested 125 college students. They asked them to do a simple math exam while sitting in a slumped-over (趴倒的) posture, or sitting up straight. 3. After the test, 56 percent of students said the exam was easier to do if they were sitting up straight.

Slumping over is a defensive (戒备的) posture. It can bring about bad memories in the body and brain. This can stop you from thinking clearly, Paper said.

4. Students who were not nervous about taking the math exam did not necessarily benefit (受益) from better posture. But they did find that doing math while slumped over was more difficult, Science Daily reported.

Good posture isn’t just helpful for taking math exams. Sportspeople, musicians and public speakers can all benefit from better posture. When you feel stressed out, you can also try to sit up straight or stand tall. It can help you feel more certain and focus better.

A. 根据短文内容简要回答问题。
1. According to the passage, what is the way to make the subject less stressful?
2. Is slumping over a good posture for an exam? Why?
B. 将短文中画线的句子译成汉语。
3. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
C. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题
5. ________________________________
2024-05-06更新 | 22次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般