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题型:阅读理解-判断 难度:0.65 引用次数:777 题号:23071

Jia Meng used to keep a diary (日记) in Chinese. But one year ago, the 14-year-old girl from Hei Longjiang began to write her diary in English, because Jia found her mother was reading her diary secretly. She changed the language because her mother can’t read English. “It’s like killing two birds with one stone.” said Jia, “My privacy (隐私) became safe and my English improves a lot.”

Jia’s mother is not the only mom who reads her child’s diary. Recently, Renmin University of China had a national survey among over 2, 3000 parents. The results show that 40% of parents read their children’s secrets. That’s why, like Jia, many teenagers try to find ways to protect(保护) their privacy.

Wu Lei, 15, of Shanxi, keeps a diary, too. But he doesn’t write in on paper. He writes online which he thinks is perfectly safe because his parents “know nothing about the Internet.”

Lu Huan, 13, of Guangdong, said her parents always secretly listened to the talk between her friends and her on the telephone in their room. To solve this problem, Lu asked her parents to buy her a mobile phone.

“Parents want to know what is going on in their children’s lives,” said Shao Xiazhen, a teenage expert in Beijing. “But sometimes they go about it the wrong way.” Shao suggested to teenagers that instead of hiding their secrets, talking to parents is a better solution. “If your parents know that you are safe, they’ll let you keep your secrets.”

1. Jia Meng writes her diary in English in order to improve her English.
2. Recently, Renmin University of China had a national survey, and the results show that 40% of parents read their children’s secrets.
3. Keeping a diary online is the best way to protect the privacy according to the article.
4. Lu Huan asked her parents to buy her a mobile phone in order to protect her privacy.
5. Shao Xiazhen thinks parents will let children keep their secrets if they talk to parents and parents know they are safe.


阅读理解-单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A makeshift hospital(临时医院)has been set up by members of the California National Guard in California, in the US.

Feng Bangli, from Wuhan, Hubei, began to have a fever at the end of January and suspected that he had been infected(感染)with the virus. He tried several times to be allowed to enter a hospital but failed. He gave up and stayed at home, taking drugs prescribed (开药方)by doctors.

At that time, “too many patients were waiting to see doctors at every hospital, and it was not possible for me to get a bed,” said Feng. Days later, with the community staff’s help, Feng tested positive for COVID-19 and was sent to a makeshift hospital for treatment.

“Without such makeshift hospitals, many COVID-19 patients like me may never have found a bed,” said Feng, who recovered(恢复)and was discharged(获准离开) from the makeshift hospital in Wuchang district at the end of February after staying there for 12 days.

Like Feng, more than 12,000 COVID-19 patients in Wuhan received treatment and care at 15 makeshift hospitals, which were converted(改造)from exhibition halls and sports stadiums. These hospitals, which mainly received patients with mild symptoms(轻症), contained one in every four confirmed COVID-19 patients in the city, said Ma Xiaowei, minister of China’s National Health Commission.

“Building makeshift hospitals was a key decision made in the critical(关键的)moment when Wuhan was facing a formidable task of epidemic(疫情)control, and it has played an important role in both prevention and treatment of the disease,” he said.

Makeshift hospitals have greatly reduced pressure(压力)on designated (指定的)hospitals to receive and treat patients, which made it possible to treat and isolate(隔离)all people in need, said Xu Junmei, vice-president of Wuchang makeshift hospital. “They were the life vessels(生命之舟)during the peak of the epidemic.”

1. What point does the writer make by using Feng Bangli’s example?
A.COVID-19 has infected a large number of people in a very short time.
B.Hospitals should always be prepared for any unexpected situations.
C.The COVID-19 outbreak happened suddenly without the slightest warning.
D.Makeshift hospitals have played an important role in the fight against COVID-19.
2. What does the underlined word “formidable” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?
3. Why did Wuhan build makeshift hospitals during the outbreak of COVID-19, the followings are the reasons for it except _________.
A.it has greatly reduced pressure on designated hospitals to receive and treat patients.
B.it was needed for receiving and treating patients.
C.Wuhan has a poor medical system.
D.the designated (指定的) hospitals aren’t enough
4. What did Xu Junmei think of makeshift hospitals?
A.They wasted resources.
B.They were greatly helpful and saved a lot of people.
C.They were not practical.
D.They would not be used any more.
5. What is the main purpose of the article?
A.To praise China’s quick response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
B.To make other countries copy China’s method of fighting the virus.
C.To show the value of building makeshift hospitals to fight COVID-19.
D.To compare the measures different countries have taken to deal with COVID-19.
2020-06-24更新 | 154次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Li Jun, a middle school boy, felt shy and nervous when he was making a speech in class yesterday. But before the speech, he thought it was quite easy to speak in the front of his classmates.

“I was wrong. It was more difficult than talking to my classmates during playtime,” Li said. “I felt like a mute(哑巴)and wanted to leave the classroom quickly.”

Many students now have the same problem: they can talk about their ideas freely with their best friends after class, but can’t speak in public. According to Zhou Hong, a teacher from a college (大学).

Zhou hopes schools can give students more chances to open their mouths, such as speech competitions, English parties and class meeting. He also gives some advice to students. “You should practice more during your free time. When you’re speaking in public, deeply(深的)breathe and speak slowly. Imagine(想象)you’re talking to your friends at home and you’ll become confident.”

1. What did Li Jun think of the speech at first?
A.It was easy.B.It was difficult.
C.It was Interesting.D.It was boring.
2. What was Li Jun’s problem?
A.He was ill.B.He couldn’t sleep well.
C.He couldn’t pass his exam.D.He was afraid to speak in public.
3. According to the article, Chinese students have fewer chances to ________.
4. What does the underlined word “breathe” mean?
5. Which one is Zhou Hong’s advice?
A.Students should get along well with their classmates.
B.Health is important to students.
C.Students should speak in public often when they are free.
D.Taking a deep breath is good for health.
2022-04-14更新 | 51次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In the fight against the new coronavirus(新型冠状病毒), Chinese people have come up with many creative ways to solve different problems. They have shown their wisdom(智慧)during hard times.

Amazing China speed

In cities like Wuhan that have large numbers of infected(被感染的) people, more hospital beds are needed. The quickest way to solve this is to build makeshift(临时的)hospitals.

On Jan 23 and 25, the government decided to build Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital in Wuhan. More than 4,000 workers worked day and night, and nearly 1,000 large machines and transportation helped with the project.

Within less than 15 days, the two hospitals were set up. They provide about 2,600 beds in total. The speed shocked many people around the world.

All for masks(口罩)

During that period, medical things such as masks are in great need. To increase production (生产) over 3,000 Chinese factories have transformed their production lines to make medical things. For example, a factory that used to make clothes spent 55 hours transforming their production lines and is now able to make 1,200 protective medical suits every day. Several car factories in China have also turned their production lines into mask-making lines.

Sharing workers

The idea of "sharing workers" became popular during the period. As most people were staying at home, many workers in restaurants, cinemas and shopping malls had no work and were not getting paid. However, online everyday and medical things continued to grow, making the workers from Dingdong, Freshhema and other online shops too busy.

As of Feb 10, over 1,800 workers had started their new short-term (短期的)jobs as delivery(送货)workers with Dingdong and Freshhema, Xinhua reported.

1. Which of the following statement show the China speed?
A.Government finished two hospitals in about two weeks.
B.One factory could transform their production lines fast.
C.About 1,000 workers worked together to finish the project.
D.Dingdong and Freshhema could send things to people in a short time.
2. What does the underlined word "transform" mean in Paragraph 5?
3. Why did people come up with "Sharing Workers"?
A.Building hospitals needed more workers.
B.Some online shops were too busy with delivery.
C.The online shops wanted to take place of other stores.
D.Dingdong and Freshhema wanted to make more money.
4. If there is the fourth part, which of the following may be the proper topic?
A.Protecting wildlife.B.Taking care of your mind.
C.Longer national holiday.D.Working and studying online.
2020-10-15更新 | 9次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般