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题型:任务型阅读-多任务混合 难度:0.4 引用次数:171 题号:8671683

Playing is a serious business for children. In fact,it's what they do best!Ask them why they do it,and kids will probably say,“Because it's fun!”But it's much more than that. It's also good for them.

(A)孩子们从出生就开始通过玩来学习。They use their five senses to get to know their new world. Touching allows them to discover how different things feel. Brightly colored toys and clothing help develop a baby's sense of sight(视觉).

When small children choose which toy to play with,they begin developing their(B)abilities in making decisions. Children love toys that allow them to use their imagination. Sometimes an empty box is more fun than ahigh-tech toy. That's because a box can become anything a child imagines to be.

Crayons,paints and Play-Doh(彩色塑泥)are also good because they allow children to create. Traditional building blocks teach important premath skills like problem-solving.

Playing doesn't become any less important once children start school. Many valuable lessons about life are learned on the school playground. Kids learn how to share,take turns and play by the rules.

1. 请根据短文内容,将合适的介词填在横线上。
When small children choose which toy to play(1)________,they learn how to make decisions. They learn how to share,take turns and play(2)________the rules.
2. 请将文中第二段(A)处画线句子译成英语。
3. 请根据短文内容,列举两项孩子通过玩可以开发的能力。
4. 请在文中找出与“When children begin to go to school,playing is also important to them. ”意思相同或相近的句子。
5. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。
【知识点】 青少年问题 教育 议论文


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】On the bus, on the subway, every head is lowered to a cell phone, iPad, or other digital devices(电子设备). According to the National Reading Survey, before the 17th World Reading Day on April 23, 2018, only 1.2 percent of Chinese people said they read a lot. But 38.6 percent said they read on digital devices like cell phone and e-books. This is a 17.7 percent increase from 2010.

Many experts are talking about a trend(趋势) toward fragmented reading(碎片阅读)—reading many short messages or items on a digital device like a cell phone instead of one long text in a book.

Zhao Jianmin, a professor at Shanghai University, said fragmented reading was part of modern life. “The fast pace(节奏) of life leaves many people no time to sit and read a whole book,” he said. “So making use of fragmented time to read is sure to be a trend.”

Fragmented reading has its advantages. People can enjoy large amounts of information, knowledge and entertainment(娱乐) in a short time. Digital reading is faster than traditional deep reading.

However, some experts fear the trend of digital reading will influence people’s way of reading. Xu Guosheng, at a Chinese Academy of Press and Publication, says fragmented reading makes it harder for people to think more about what they read. He also warned fragmented reading could make people lazy about remembering facts because they know they can always just search for answers online.

“Fragmented reading is sometimes good, but don’t let it take all your time,” suggested Tian Zhiling, an editor. He said it was important to read quality books in a deeper way, and we should read for knowledge, for practical use and for pleasure. He suggested people choose easy books first, and then move onto more difficult ones.

1. Is it easy to see people who lower their heads to a cell phone on the bus or subway?
2. How many disadvantages of fragmented reading have been mentioned?
3. Why do people get used to spending so much time reading short messages on a cell phone instead of one long text in a book?
4. If you take both books and smart phones with you on the subway where you have to spend some time, will you choose to read on the smart phones? Why or why not?
2020-12-08更新 | 184次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约430词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】[1] Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes these can get in the way of their schoolwork, and parents might worry about their success at school. Teenagers often think they should be allowed to make their own decisions. Do you agree?

[2] Liu Yu, a fifteen-year-old boy from Shandong, is a running star. He is on his school team and has always wanted to be a professional runner when he grows up. He practices his hobby as much as he wants for his dream. However, his parents won’t allow him to train so much. “Of course, we want to see him achieve his dreams,” says Mr. Liu. “And we know how much he loves running. My wife and I have every one of his races. We have nothing against running! But we think our son needs to think about other possible jobs. He’s getting older now, so he needs to think about what will happen he ends up as a professional runner.”

[3] Liu Yu doesn’t really agree. “Well, I think I should be allowed to decide for myself,” he says. “My parents have always taught me how important it is to work hard at school and enter university. I understand this, but running is not only the thing I’m serious about but also the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do.

[4] His parents believe that Liu Yu should study hard in the evenings so they don’t allow him to practice running at night. “Maybe he thinks it’s too strict or unfair,” says Mrs. Liu. “But we think we’re doing the right thing. It is difficult to become a professional sports star so he needs to spend more time on his homework.”

[5] But Liu Yu still disagrees. “I know my parents care about me. They always talk about what will happen if I don’t succeed. But I will! I’m a quick runner! I think I should be allowed to make this choice myself. Only then will I have a to achieve my dream.”

1. What’s the best title of the passage?
2. How does Liu Yu achieve his dream? (No more 9 words)
3. Why do Liu Yu’s parents want him to spend more time on his homework? (No more than 9 words)

4. Fill in each blank with a proper word. (No more than 1 word each)
__________       __________       __________
5. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese.
6. Do you think Liu Yu should be allowed to practice his hobby as much as he wants? Why or why not?
2023-10-21更新 | 22次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约320词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Nearly every parent says that we never grow up. In fact, we are maybe 16 or 17 years old. In their eyes, we are always little ones and always do wrong things. For example, when I need to stay at home alone, they always worry about me and my life without them.

Most parents always think that they have offered(给予) the best things they can to make their children live in a comfortable world. They buy their children pretty clothes, cool shoes, strange but expensive school things, and always a thousand-yuan-cost bike. They think that they have done everything they can to their dear little children. In return, they only want their little boys or girls to give them good results in the exams.

But why can their little babies still not understand them? Does it mean that they still want more material(物质的) things? No. As a matter of fact(事实上), what they want is a true family. What does a true family mean? I think it means a place where we can hide ourselves from the outside cold world. From here, we can get warmth, we can get consolation(安慰), and we can get happiness. And one important thing is that we should be stronger and more confident in the outside world because we know that we have a family.

So I think that parents should save their money and sit down to talk with their children to let them know that they have a true family, so the child and his parents could understand each other more and more. Then, no boy will be regarded as(被看作) a little boy.

1. Why do parents say that we never grow up?
2. What do parents expect all of us when they give us so much?
3. Do most children want more material things?
4. Who lives a better life, a child with a true family or one without a true family?
5. How can parents let children know that they have a true family? (请自拟一句话回答。)
2022-11-15更新 | 67次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般