组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 社会 > 青少年问题
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:68 题号:9752986

You will never imagine sending a message can be disastrous. But in fact it is dangerous to write message on your phone while walking. A study shows that it is more dangerous than doing that over driving. Researchers found that there are more people hurt for walking than driving. The survey shows that walking is not as easy as it is. It is a little difficult. We have to pay close attention to many things around as at the same time to walk safely in a straight line. The researchers said that people forget how to walk properly, so dangerous things always happen to them. They run into walls and other people. They walk into cars, fall over things in the street, and even fall into holes or downstairs. A researcher said walking is a difficult action. There two reasons why sending messages make walking dangerous. One is that people cannot see the street. The other is that their attention is always focused on their phones instead of their feet. Their minds are somewhere else instead of thinking about walking safely. It is said that more than 3,000 people visited the hospital last year because of sending messages with a phone. He said the worst cases are head hurting. When a walker fell into the air, he or she has nothing to protect the hand. The damage can be serious. So we’d better stay away from smart phones when driving.

1. What does the writer think of sending messages on the phones?
2. What are the reasons why sending messages makes walking dangerous.
A.One is people cannot see the street.
B.The other is their attention is focused on their phones.
C.A and B
D.I don’t know
3. What does the underlined word disastrous mean?
4. How many dangerous things are mentioned in the text?
5. What is the best title for the text?
A.Are you sending messages when walking?B.It’s time to stay away from smart phones.
C.Watch your phone.D.Smart phones change the world.


阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Schools help protect kids’ mental(心理的) health in many ways. Some states in the US let kids take mental health days. Should schools offer mental health days? Here’s what some students have to say.

Bibi Tooren, 11

Schools should give kids days off for mental health, because mental health is an important part of health. If you don’t feel well, it will have a big impact (巨大影响) on your ability to focus(注意力). Kids get stressed with long school days. Plus, kids don’t have much experience dealing with mental health crises(危机).

Hailey Young, 12

The weekend was created to give us time off, and children need to learn to better manage our time. We hardly get our schoolwork done in the five schooldays we get. Plus, schools would need students to make up mental health days. They would probably do so during our real breaks: in summer vacation or winter vacation. Another thing is that, for some kids, school might be safe.

Johnny Gabel, 9

I don’t think schools should give students days off for their mental health. Having too many days off can have a bad influence on grades. And many students' parents have to go to work. If students get too many days off, they might get left home too much. This could make some students’ mental health problems worse.

1. According to Bibi Tooren, kids with mental health problems ________.
A.can’t pay full attention to what they are learning in class
B.are able to deal with their mental health crises
C.shouldn’t make up work which adds stress to their life
D.need to listen to soft music to make themselves feel good
2. The underlined word “so” in the passage refers to (指的是)________.
A.taking advantage of the weekend
B.making up mental health days they have got
C.finishing schoolwork in the five schooldays
D.giving kids a safe place like their school
3. Who thinks kids might have low grades in exams if they get mental health days off?
A.Bibi Tooren.B.Nugg Canales.C.Hailey Young.D.Johnny Gabel.
4. The passage is mainly about ________.
A.several suggestions for improving kids mental health
B.the importance of offering kids mental health days
C.some opinions about whether kids should get mental health days off
D.the discussions about kids’ mental health crises
2023-04-03更新 | 257次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Sleep is important to teenagers because it plays an important role in their physical and mental development. So how many hours of sleep does a teenager need?

Age groupAge rangeRecommended hours of sleep every 24 hours
School age6—12 years9—12 hours
Teen13—18 years8—10 hours
Adultover 18 years old7 hours or more

A recent report shows that many teenagers in America are not getting the recommended amount of sleep. Here are the results.

Why is it hard for teens to get good sleep? There is no single reason. Instead, several factors (因素) relate to this problem. One of them is late bedtime and early school start times. Now, more and more teenagers are developing a habit of being “a night owl”, staying up later at night and sleeping longer into the morning. If allowed to sleep as they wish, many teens would get eight hours or more a night, but most school start times require them to wake up much earlier in the morning.

The use of electronic devices (设备) like the smartphone and computer is another factor. Research has found that 89% or more of teens keep at least one device in their bedroom at night. Screen time late into the evening can cause sleep problems. Using these devices can keep teens excited and unable to fall asleep. And being in the light from smartphones also makes people feel less sleepy.

So teens should improve their sleep environment and habits to get better sleep. Here are some tips.

◆ Get eight hours of sleep a night on weekdays and weekends.

◆Put away electronic devices at least half an hour before bed.

◆Keep the bedroom cool, dark and quiet.

1. How many hours should 11-year-old Lucy sleep each night?
A.7 hours or more.B.8—10 hours.C.9—12 hours.D.13—18 hours.
2. What can we learn from the results of that report?
A.70% of high school boys can get enough sleep.
B.40% of middle school students don’t sleep well.
C.3 out of 10 high schoolers cannot get enough sleep.
D.6 out of 10 middle schoolers do not get enough sleep.
3. What does the underlined part “a night owl” probably mean?
A.A person who stays up late.B.A person who likes studying animals.
C.A person who enjoys night views.D.A person who lives in the wild.
4. Which of the following can be put in ________?
A.Reply quickly to unread messages.
B.Keep them on silent mode during the night.
C.Do some activities before bed to relax your body.
D.Avoid coffee, especially in the afternoon and evening.
5. The main purpose of this passage is to ________.
A.call on people to pay attention to teenagers’ sleep
B.tell something about American teenagers’ sleep
C.show how smartphones influence the teenagers’ sleep
D.give the reason why teenagers go to bed late
2024-05-17更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Maybe you should sit down before you read this. You might feel afraid that your sitting may be killing you.

Health researchers say in the US, adults (成年人) now sit about 6.5 hours a day. That is up about an hour a day compared to 2007. The news is even worse for middle school students. The National Center for Health Statistics collected the numbers for the past 16 years and found that students sit 8 hours each day. The researchers are worried about this finding.

Too much sitting has bad effect (影响) on people. Study shows that people who do not often do outdoor sports can get ill more easily. People burn (燃烧) fewer calories (卡路里) so that they put on too much fat. They might even get serious illness such as heart problems. They are also at risk for high blood pressure (血压).

What do people do in the free time? About 60% of people in the US watch at least two hours of TV each day. That number doesn’t change much these years.

Computers are the biggest reason for more hours spent sitting. Computer use outside of work or school is going up for all age groups. Now, 50% of adults spend at least an hour of their free time on a computer each day. That is up from 29% in 2020. About 53% of middle school students now spend at least an hour of free time on computers. So do 56% of little children.

Standing up and doing sports help in lots of ways. It can burn more calories, make you happier and give you more energy (能量). It can also help you sleep better. So get up, take some breaks and go outside. You might save your life by doing outdoor activities. There are many choices for you.

1. The writer tells us that ________ is the biggest reason for more hours spent sitting.
A.the computerB.the TVC.the mobile phoneD.the paper book
2. What do you know about middle school students from the passage?
A.Middle school students sit about 6.5 hours a day.
B.Middle school students spend 8 hours sitting each day.
C.About 53% of the students do outdoor activities each day.
D.50% of the students spend at least an hour on a computer a day.
3. What is the passage mainly about?
A.What to do to burn more calories.B.The disadvantages of using computers.
C.The cause and effect of too much sitting.D.How to solve the problem of too much sitting.
4. What will the writer probably write next?
A.Some health problems.B.Some outdoor activities.
C.Several examples of sleeping well.D.The importance of getting more energy.
2023-10-13更新 | 170次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般