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1 . Can tapping(轻敲)feet be a way to greet others? What about winking (眨眼)? It might sound a little strange. But the new coronavirus is infectious(传染性的). To help stop its spread, people are giving up their usual greeting styles and thinking of some safer ways. Let's take a look!

No more kisses

Lean(倾斜身体)forward, touch cheeks and make a kissing sound. This is the French way of greeting. But when facing the virus, too many kisses are not good. France has suggested that people should not kiss each other on the cheeks. French etiquette expert Philippe Lichtfus gives everyone in France a suggestion: simply looking into a person's eyes can be a greeting.

Wink at others

Like the French, Italians often hug or kiss each other when greeting. Recently, an Italian woman made a video to help everyone fight the disease. According to her, if you want to say hello to others, do not hug or kiss. Instead, you can wink at them with one eye. It's a cute way of greeting.

Pat(轻拍)on the back

It's a very Australian thing to shake hands, Bu if you do this during the epidemic, the virus can jump from one person to another. A health official in Australia named Brad Hazard said a pat on the back might be better. But it might not be a proper greeting for everyone. For example. it's a bit impolite if you do this to your teacher. What do you think?

Tapping feet together

There is a new way to greet others that is now popular in Iran, according to a popular video. In the video, three Iranian men meet and tap their feet together. They wear masks and put their hands in their pockets. It looks like they are playing a fun game. If we cannot shake hands, why not try to "shake" feet? There is a similar video from Lebanon. It shows two celebrities(名人)tapping their feet against each other while making kissing sounds with their mouths.

1. To stop the virus,French people might______________ to greet each other.
A.kiss cheeks twiceB.make eye contactC.give a big hugD.wink twice with one eye
2. In Australia, you should not pat______________ back.
A.your sister'sB.your friend'sC.your classmate'sD.your teacher`s
3. The writer uses the video from Lebanon to show that______________.
A.tapping feet is a traditional Icranian game
B.tapping feet is a new way to greet each other
C.tapping feet is popular among celebrities
D.tapping feet is a fun game in Lebanon
4. Which is a safer way to greet each other during the outbreak?
A.Shaking hands.B.Kissing cheeks.C.Waving.D.Touching noses.
5. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Tapping feet is a strange way to greet each other.
B.Winking is a safe way to greet each other.
C.Patting on the back is impolite to greet others.
D.Some specials ways to greet others to prevent the virus.
2020-10-15更新 | 251次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年山东省聊城市莘县中考一模英语试题

2 . Good advice can help people make better decisions(决定). When someone asks you for advice, you should take it seriously and try your best to give good advice. Sometimes you should remember what your mother taught you: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all, because bad advice may have terrible results. There are some ways for you to give advice.

☆Listen to the person asking you for advice. Every situation(情况) is special, so never think you know all about a problem. Listen to the person who wants advice, and learn as much as possible about the situation.

Put yourself in others' shoes. Think about what you will do if you are in the same situation. Don't just depend on(依赖) your experiences to give advice.

☆Think about the results of taking and not taking your advice. When possible, think twice about all the possible results. This is more important for really difficult problems.

☆Understand that the person may not take your advice. Someone asks for your advice, but he or she may not take it. When you give advice, the idea is to give someone the tools( 方法) to make their own decision, not make the decision for them. The person knows more about the situation than you do, so your advice may not be the best. Don't be surprised when a person doesn't take your advice. Live with it, and let the person live with his or her decision.

☆Don't be afraid to let the person know that you don't have anything to say if you are not able to give any advice. Take some time to think about it. You may share your thoughts later.

1. When a person asks you for advice, you should ________.
A.try to give good adviceB.say nothing at all
C.ask your mom for adviceD.tell the bad results
2. Why should we listen to the person asking for advice?
A.Because we should learn from other people.
B.Because the person has something nice to tell us.
C.Because we need to know about the special situation.
D.Because the person will feel much more comfortable.
3. What does “put yourself in others' shoes” most probably mean in Chinese?
4. When the person doesn't take your advice, ________.
A.you will have to try harderB.you shouldn't be surprised
C.you can make better decisionsD.you can shout at them angrily
5. What is this passage mainly about?
A.How to give advice.B.How to take others’ advice.
C.How to ask for advice.D.How to solve difficult problems.
3 .

Americans usually eat three meals (餐) a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight o’clock in the morning. They usually have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice and coffee. Lunch is between twelve and one o’clock. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or buy it near their workplace. Children take sandwiches, fruit, and cookies (饼干) with them or eat at school. Dinner, the main (主要的) meal, is between six and eight in the evening. People usually have dinner at home. They cook (烹饪) it carefully. They may have meat or chicken, turkey and duck. They may also have potatoes or rice, vegetables or salad. The drink is coffee, tea, or milk. Then comes the dessert (甜点).

1. Americans have breakfast ________.
A.after eight o’clock
B.at eight o’clock
C.before eight o’clock in the morning
D.Between eight and nine in the morning
2. What does the underlined word “light” in this passage mean in Chinese?
3. ________ is the main meal in a day for Americans.
4. Americans usually have dinner ________.
A.near their workplaceB.in the office
C.at the restaurantD.At home
5. When Americans have dinner, ________ comes last.
2020-10-12更新 | 616次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市长清区2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末英语试题
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约260词) | 较难(0.4) |
4 .

In Chinese tradition,it is said that getting a haireut during the first lunar month would cause one's mother's brothers to die.

Although this is not true,some people still choose to avoid cutting their hair during this time.They wait until Dragon Head-Raising Day(龙抬头),the second day of the secondlunar month,to line up outside barber shops(理发店).

(A)Nobody knows why haircuts have anything to do with one's uncles.One popular theory(理论)says the tradition mighthave started during the early years of the Qing Dynasty(清朝).At thetime,as new rulers,the Manchu people forced the Han people to cut their hair in the Manchu style.Many Han people refused to do it.They decided not to cut their hair during the first lunar month,saying it was to“commemorate the former dynasty",or in Chinese,“思旧”.Since“思旧”soundsvery similar to“dead uncle”,there may have been a misunderstanding and thus the“no haircut”tradition.

Ancient(古代的)Chinese people thought that the human body,including one's skin andhair,was something that was naturally given by one's parents and should not be altered(改变).Therefore,they cherished their hair very much and considered cutting hair to be a greatinsult(侮辱)to one's parents.

But this doesn't mean they never took care of their hair.They would wash,comb and trim(修整)their hair and beards regularly.

1. Why do many Chinese people avoid cutting their hair during the first lunar month?
2. According to one popular theory,when did the"no haircut"tradition start?
3. Many Han people refused to cut their hair and used the first lunar month to
4. What does the third paragraph explain?
5. Please translate the underlined sentence(A)into Chinese.
2020-10-11更新 | 112次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年山东省烟台市招远市中考一模英语试题(含听力)
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . If you have a younger brother or sister, you may remember how fast he or she grew as a baby. If not, look back at your own baby photos. During the first year of life, a baby usually grows between 18 and 25 cm. That is quite a bit of growth, considering most babies are about 50 cm at birth. As one can imagine, growth slows down during the second year of life. Most babies grow only 10—12 cm more in their second year. This is around half of how much they grew in the first year.

After the first two years, growth becomes more regular from year to year. Between the ages of 2 and 9, most children grow 6 cm per year. But this growth may be faster during some months. Often, these are called (A)“growth spurts”. Children typically grow more in spring and summer than at other times of the year.

When children reach middle school, they start growing faster again. Most girls start this growth period before boys.(B)It starts between the ages of 8 and 13 in girls and between the ages of 10 and 15 in boys. On average, this stage of life lasts for two years. Most girls add 18 cm to their height. In contrast, most boys add about 20 cm to their height.

1. 请根据短文回答问题。
When do people grow the most during their lives? ________________________
2. 请根据短文内容,猜测(A)处划线部分“growth spurts”的汉语意思。________
3. 请从文中找出 (B) 处划线单词It所指代的内容。________________________
2020-10-11更新 | 99次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年5月山东省青岛市胶州市、平度市中考一模英语试题
6 .

Are you afraid of going to the dentist (牙医)? If so, you're not alone.

These fears could just be in our heads, however. According to a recent survey by Martin Tickle, a professor at Manchester University in the UK, the pain   isn't felt   most of the time in dental surgeries (牙科手术). In fact. among the 451 interviewed patients, 75 % reported no pain at all during their visits, including situations when they had their teeth pulled out.

Could it be the sound of the drill (钻头)then?

"I found that the sound of drilling can evoke deep worry in dental patients. Actually they don't have any pain." Hiroyuki Karibe, a scientist at Nippon Dental University in Tokyo, told the   Guardian.

To find the reason why a drill might bring on a racing heart, Karibe divided the volunteers into low-fear and high-fear groups based on how much they feared a trip to the dentist. Volunteers were played the sound of a drill while their brain activities were watched by a machine.

What Karibe found in the low-fear group was increased activity in the areas of the brain relative to auditory processing (听觉处理), which means, for these people, the sound of dental drills is no different from other sounds

In the high-fear group, however, the brain area that was activated (激活) was different. It was the area that carries out a number of duties, including learning, feelings and, most importantly, memory. This means that these volunteers not only heard the sound, but they remembered it-they made connections between the sound of a drill and the worry it produced in the past, causing their worry to return.

Understanding how brains reply to the sounds of dentists’ drills could help scientists find ways to make patients more relaxed, according to Karibe, because patients who worry about going to the dentist might keep putting off their visits. But the best way is to keep your teeth healthy.

1. How does the writer explain that the pain isn't felt most of the time in dental surgeries?
A.By showing facts with numbers.B.By asking questions one by one.
C.By giving examples group by group.D.By comparing results of patients.
2. According to the fourth paragraph, what does the word "evoke" mean in Chinese?
3. How did the sound of drilling produce different results to the volunteers in the study?
A.It produced some worry in the volunteers in the low-fear group.
B.For the low-fear group, it activated the brain area dealing with learning, feelings and memory.
C.For the high-fear group, it caused more activities in the brain area relative to auditory processing.
D.It made people in the high-fear group remember their past uncomfortable memories.
4. Which of the following is Not True?
A.The researcher used machines to check volunteers’brain activities.
B.The sound of the drills is the same as other sounds for the low-fear group.
C.The sound of drilling has nothing to do with the feeling of pain.
D.Different brain areas were activated by the sound of drilling
5. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.How the study might be useful.B.Some new ways to treat teeth.
C.The proper way to treat dental patients.D.The importance of keeping our teeth healthy.
2020-10-09更新 | 120次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年山东省济南市历城区中考三模英语试题(含听力)

7 . Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally(理性地) about what to believe or what to do. According to a report on the World Economic Forum (2016), critical thinking, creativity, and their practical application(应用)are widely accepted as the top three skills that young people need to have in their future career.

A good critical thinker usually takes the following steps before he decides what to do. Whenever he needs to do something, he would, first of all, reason. He checks why he needs to do it and whether he really needs to do it. Then, analyze(分析). He tries to find out what it really is and the best way to do it. After that, evaluate. He makes sure whether he is able to do it and how to do it well. Finally, he makes the decision and takes action. Take the “Double 11” (a popular online shopping day in China) as an example. A few days before it, he checks carefully what he needs and whether he really needs them, and makes a shopping list. He goes to the online shops to compare the quality(质量) and the prices of the things that he is going to buy. He compares the shops that sell these things. Then he checks whether he can afford(买得起) them and in which shops he is going to buy them. Although it takes him some time to make the decisions, he would not regret(后悔)after the shopping.

Then what would happen if he didn’ t think critically before he made the decisions? After the crazy “Double 11”, there were usually a lot of complaints(抱怨)on the Internet. There were regrets about buying more things than they needed. There were complaints about the poor quality and the prices of the things they bought. There were also complaints because they received wrong things or simply received nothing. There were all kinds of regrets and complaints. Why so? They had not thought critically before they made the decisions.

Critical thinking helps you make wiser decisions. It helps you avoid wasting time, money and so on. Therefore, do look before you leap.

1. According to the passage, critical thinking is a thinking skill that ________.
A.helps make better choicesB.will appear in the future
C.helps make quick decisionsD.makes us spend more money
2. In Paragraph 2, how does the critical thinker analyze the things he may buy?
A.He checks what he needs to buy.B.He makes a proper shopping list.
C.He studies the quality and the prices.D.He checks how much money he has.
3. Which of the following examples is the use of “critical thinking”?
A.Darning did a new science experiment before reading the order.
B.Lingling’s parents became very angry when they knew her bad marks.
C.After looking at the other team’s weak points, the coach made a new plan.
D.After hearing the stranger’ s words, the girl followed him into a supermarket.
2020-10-09更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市舜耕中学2020-2021学年九年级上学期实验班9月月考英语试题
8 .

Do you think animals can see colours? Scientists think that many animals can not see colours. The world is black and white to them. Scientists want to find out if dogs can see colours. When the scientists give the dogs food, they show them a certain(一定的)colour every time. The dogs get ready to eat when they see this colour. The scientists then show the dogs another colour. Again the dogs get ready to eat. The colours are all the same to them. Colours are not all the same to monkeys. For example, if we put food in a red box, and do this every day, a monkey will always go to the red box to get food. If we put food in a blue box, the monkey won’t go to it.

1. Scientists show the dogs colours __________.
A.to tell them to eatB.to find out if they can see black and white things
C.for funD.to find out if they can see colours
2. The dogs get ready to eat when they __________.
A.hear different pieces of musicB.see the monkeys
C.see black thingsD.see all the colours
3. Colours are __________.
A.all the same to monkeysB.not all the same to dogs
C.different to dogsD.not all the same to monkeys
4. If we put food in a blue box and do this every day, a monkey will always go to __________.
A.the blue box to get foodB.the blue box and put food in it
C.the red box to get foodD.the red box and put food in it
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Scientists find that dogs don’t like colours.
B.Monkeys will not go to the blue box if we don’t show them before.
C.Monkeys like the food in the box.
D.Dogs like to hear different pieces of music.
2020-09-19更新 | 113次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州禹城市2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末英语试题(含听力)
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |
9 . 阅读表达

Messaging app WeChat is being used for an ever longer period of time and is growing into a lifestyle choice embedded into daily activities and communication,a new survey has found.

In 2016,one third of WeChat's 889 million monthly active users spend four hours or more per day on the app,twice that of a year ago,according to the survey showed by Penguin Intelligence,a research arm of Tencent Holdings.

The average(平均)daily time spent is also up a bitnow 66 minutesmore than Facebook's average 50 minutes recorded last year.

And it's becoming more popular than ever,spreading into new aspects of life from offline payments to receiving newsfeeds.

The survey has also found a large number of newly-added contacts(联系)of WeChat users are casual acquaintances(泛好友),especially in work-related communication. Such a developing situation is turning the app into a virtual workplace. Over 80%of users have handled office work on WeChat.

“The all-in-one super app is completely changing the way we live. When lining up for coffee,I can't see a single customer holding a wallet. __________,they hold mobile phones over a reader and coffee is theirs,”said Fred Wellington,an Australian auditor working in Shanghai.

1. 回答问题:How many WeChat's monthly active users spent four hours or more per day on the app in 2015?
2. 将划线句子翻译成汉语。
3. 回答问题:Why is the app WeChat being turned into a virtual workplace?
4. 根据对文章的理解,在空白处填入一个合适的单词。
5. 请给文章拟一个恰当的标题。
2020-09-11更新 | 169次组卷 | 2卷引用:人教新目标版英语同步导学九年级全册Unit 4 Section A课时练习(青岛专版)
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约160词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Very few people enjoy doing chores around the house.1.However, we all know that they must be done. Kids living in the age of Washington helped their family do chores every day. 2.The chores for kids today are quite different from those in the past. Here (A)_________(be) some of the things kids needed to do:

1. Helped wash the clothes
2. Gathering the eggs that the chickens laid
3. Working in the kitchen and garden
4. Helping take care of younger children
5. Getting water for cooking, doing dishes and washing
6. Bring in firewood to cook and keep the home warm
7. Visiting sick family members or neighbors to bring them things they needed or cheer them up.
8. Feeding the chickens or milking the cows.
9. Going shopping at the market or store
10. Sewing(缝) clothes such as socks.

Today, children do not need to do so many chores. They just do some simple things and (B)有很多时间来玩和学习。

1. 将文中画线的句子翻译成中文。____________________
2. 将文中画线的句子翻译成中文。____________________
3. 用(A)处所给的正确形式填空,补全句子。
4. 将(B)处的短语翻译成英语。
5. 回答问题。How many kinds of chores that kids needed to do are mentioned(提到)in the passage?
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