组卷网 > 知识点选题 > 常见动物
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| 共计 5 道试题
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 任务型阅读多任务混合

Mike loves cats very much. He wants to buy a pet cat and he joins a chat group named Happy Cat Shop (7). Now he is talking with the shopkeeper, Lily.

Happy Cat Shop (7)

Mike: Good morning, Lily! Could you tell me more details about cats?

Lily: Good morning, Mike! Definitely! Cats provide friendship, fun and entertainment for people of all ages.

Mike: It is said cats are independent.

Lily: Yes. But they still have basic care requirements. They need regular meals, exercise, entertainment and vet (善医) care.

Mike: I see. What should I consider before I decide to own a cat?

Lily: There are a number of things to consider: the reasons why you want a cat, the amount of time you can spend caring for your cat, the cost of feeding and caring for a cat, your lifestyle, and arrangements for your cat when you travel.

Mike: Thanks. I’ll think it over. Any other tips for choosing a cat?

Lily: You have many choices when choosing a cat: a kitten or an adult, long-haired or short-haired, male or female. Remember that the type of cat you desire may not suit your lifestyle, family or environment.

Mike: What are the differences between a kitten and an adult cat?


Lily: As you can see, kittens are lovely, but they require a lot of attention and more protection. They need regular exercise, playtime and training. Sometimes they may play with your furniture (家具).

Mike: Kittens are So cute! But I only have time after work. How about adult cats?

Lily: Adult cats:   

➢are usually not as destructive to furniture as kittens.

➢are just as likely to make friends with you as kittens.

Mike: Great! Before I buy one, will it be carefully checked for health problems?

Lily: Sure. Before they are sold, all cats will be regularly checked by a vet.

1. Before buying a cat, Mike has to think about things EXCEPT ________.
A.the places he plans to stay with catsB.the reasons why he wants to buy cats
C.the cost of food and other care for catsD.the amount of time he spends with cats
2. What is the meaning of the underlined word “destructive”?
3. Why does Lily send Mike the video?
4. What type of cat will Mike most probably buy?
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Ducks are social (群居的) animals that need time to be friendly with humans. If you have some pet ducks, I hope you will be able to spend enough time every day with them and of course,(A)this doesn’t include their feeding and cleaning time. If you(B)are not able to spend time with them,(C)you’d better make at least 2 or 3 ducks live together. In Virginia, buying only one duck is(D)________ the law (法律). Ducks usually live in groups. So to have a group of ducks is good for(E)their health because ducks may(F)________ from the sickness caused by not having companionship (陪伴). And remember that ducklings (幼鸭) are so delicate (纤弱的) that sometimes they are hurt by children. Because children are always not aware (意识到的) of the fragile (易碎的) bodies of ducks. To make the(G)cute friends alive and healthy, we must touch them gently and treat kindly. And if you have pet ducks,(H)记得和它们一起玩啊!

1. 文中画线部分(A)和(E)指代的是:________________
2. 写出文中(B)和(G)的同义词:________________
3. 将文中画线部分(C)改写为:________ better for you ________ make at least 2 or 3 ducks live together.
4. 在文中(D)和(F)的空白处分别填入一个适当的单词:________________
5. 将文中画线部分(H)译成英语:
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . A giant panda is a kind of bear. It has a white face with black patches around its eyes. It also has black ears, shoulders and legs. The(A)________ of its body is white.


Pandas live high up in the mountains of Central and Western China. They live in the bamboo forests(B)there.


Pandas in the wild usually eat bamboo. In zoos, their menu includes bamboo, apples and carrots. A giant panda can eat as(C)________ as 30 kilograms of bamboo a day.


Pandas like to live(D)on their own. They need to eat a lot to stay healthy, so they spend more than 12 hours a day eating. Although they are big and heavy, it is(E)not difficult for them to climb trees.(F)They are strong enough to protect themselves.


Pandas live for about 20 years in the wild, but in zoos they can live for 35 years.

The future

People are cutting down forests, so the pandas are losing their homes. Some people are killing them for their fur.(G)他们这么做很残忍. There are not many pandas in the world now.(H)Protecting them is important.

1. 请在(A)和(C)处填入适当的单词:________________
2. 请写出(B)和(F)分别指代的是:________________
3. 请写出(D)和(E)的同义词:________________
4. 请将(G)翻译成英语:________________________
5. 请将(H)改成同义句:
________ important ________ ________ them.
2024-04-12更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:牛津深圳版八年级下册拓展练习-Module3Unit5Reading(2)
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约320词) | 困难(0.15) |

4 . Dogs are smart. They are fun pets and great friends. Dogs can hear and smell better than we can. They learn fast and like to be helpful. Some dogs are trained to help with very special work.

People who can’t hear may miss important sounds. They won’t hear an alarm clock, a doorbell or someone calling their name. A hearing dog is trained to alert them to sounds.

Therapy dogs help people to feel better. They are gentle and patient. They visit people in nursing homes, hospitals and homeless shelters. They provide quiet company when someone is sad or ill or feels lonely.

A guide dog is trained to help someone who can’t see. The dog always stays at the person’s side. The guide dog helps a blind person cross a busy street safely. It can warn the person about curbs (路缘石) and steps.

Sheep spend most of their lives in a large grassy pasture (牧场). They may wander to different areas. Sometimes the farmer needs them all in one place. The herding (放牧的) dog finds all the sheep and moves them to that spot.

Sometimes people are lost in the woods or are trapped in a building that fell down. Search-and-rescue dogs find people who are lost, hurt or trapped. They move slowly and carefully, finding people rescue workers might not see.

Big Newfoundland dogs are strong swimmers. In Italy, they work as lifeguards. They will jump in the water and pull a drowning person to safety. Some can even jump into the water from a helicopter.

Dogs help us do many types of jobs. Can you think of other great jobs for dogs?

1. According to the author, which of the following makes dogs good workers?
A.They have fur that is nice to pet.
B.They learn fast and have a good sense of smell.
C.They like working and having jobs.
D.They enjoy sledding and hunting.
2. What is the main idea of this book?
A.Both dogs and people do many types of jobs.
B.People could not survive without dogs.
C.Dogs do many types of jobs that help people.
D.Dogs are the smartest animals in the world.
3. What do all service dogs have in common?
A.They guide owners on adventures.
B.They open doors for their owners.
C.They help people with disabilities (身心障碍者).
D.They visit sick people in hospitals.
4. Therapy dogs (治疗犬) offer ________ to people in hospitals.
5. How many kinds of dogs does the passage mention?
6. Do you like dogs? Why or why not?
2023-08-25更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市罗湖区翠园东晓中学2020-2021学年七年级上学期期中英语试题
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约510词) | 较难(0.4) |
5 . Read the following article and answer the questions.

Marine Turtles

[1] Marine turtles travel the world’s oceans today, as they have done for around 100 million years, but they have never faced so many threats to their survival as they do now. Despite being determined ocean travellers, turtles need to come ashore to nest and lay their eggs. Although many of the sandy beaches they prefer are protected from poachers, climate change is warming up the sand, and there is evidence that this is changing the sex of some unborn turtles.

[2] At sea, turtles have always faced natural predators, such as large sharks, but they now face an increasing number of threats from man. The reptiles are hunted for their skin, meat and distinctive shells. Additionally, they can become entangled in fishing gear or struck by ships, as they swim close to the surface of the water. Marine turtles must surface to breathe — if not they will drown.

[3] Young turtles migrating between feeding areas can cover thousands of miles. Environmental charities claim that turtles contribute to marine ecosystems wherever they go, by keeping sea grass beds and coral reefs healthy. Without their feeding, marine vegetation can become overgrown and sickly, leading to the suffering of other species.

[4] Sadly, all seven species of marine turtle are in danger of extinction. Hawksbill and leatherback turtles are among the most famous varieties. Hawksbill turtles are much sought after for their beautiful brown and yellow shells that are used to manufacture tortoiseshell items. Leatherback turtles are killed in some places for their meat and precious eggs.

[5] As marine turtles risk their lives to come onto land to lay their eggs, the odds seems tacked against them. The length of time required to reach maturity and the many natural dangers they face mean that as few as one in 1000 eggs will survive to adulthood. However, environmentalists are working hard to help these hard-headed survivors by protecting beaches. They have also designed turtle-friendly fishing nets successfully and tracking their immense journeys by satellite has helped ships to avoid them.

1. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1) According to Paragraph 1, which two problems do marine turtles face when they nest and lay their eggs on sandy beaches?
2) What natural products are marine turtles hunted for by humans? Give two examples.
3) According to Paragraph 3, how do marine turtles help to protect marine ecosystem?
2. Decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F) or the information is Not Given (NG).
4) ________ Marine turtles stay in one place for most of their lives.
5) ________ Sharks sometimes eat turtles.
6) ________ Hawksbill turtles are more common than leatherbacks.
3. Find ONE word from the article having the most similar meaning to each of the following words.
7) unique (Paragraph 2) ________
8) produce (Paragraph 4) ________
4. Some words are underlined in the article. Write down what they refer to.
9) they (line 1) ________
10) this (line 4) ________
11) their (line 14) ________
12) they (line 18) ________
5. According to Paragraph 10, complete the table below about dangers to marine turtles and solutions to the problems. Fill in each blank with ONE word only.
Man-made DangersMan-made Solutions
________ taken from sandy beachesProtect beaches
Marine turtles caught in fishing netsDesign ________ fishing nets
Being struck by shipsSatellite ________
2022-03-11更新 | 74次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市国际交流学校2020-2021学年七年级下学期期末英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般