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任务型阅读-阅读表达(约330词) | 困难(0.15) |
1 . 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

Learn to Love Yourself

Do you ever compare yourself to other people and wish you could be more like them? We are all different in our own way. Self-acceptance (自我接纳) can help you feel happier and better about yourself.

What is self-acceptance?

Self-acceptance means learning to accept the things that make you who you are. As well as being thankful for what you’re good at, like sports, science or singing in the school choir, self-acceptance also means valuing (重视) the parts of you that don’t shine very brightly, like being forgetful or untidy. A 12-year-old girl, Lily, says self-acceptance means “knowing your own weaknesses and strengths (强项), and accepting who you are no matter what other people say or think.”

Why is self-acceptance good for you?

When you accept who you are, you worry less about things you can’t change. This makes you feel happier and more confident (自信的). The Anna Freud Centre, a charity (慈善机构) that helps young people, says everyone can feel that they have to be perfect, but that makes us forget about the little things that make us special, because we’re so busy trying to meet someone else’s standards. Learning to accept everything about yourself can also help you find what you’re really good at. For example, some people may find letters or numbers hard to read, but they might have strengths in other things, like finding good ways to work out problems.


Start by making a list of all the things you like about yourself. Maybe you’re good at cooking, or people find it easy to talk to you. Also, try saying kind, happy things to yourself in a mirror (镜子) every morning. Think up ways to treat yourself, such as taking a long bath, watching your favorite film, or eating delicious ice-cream. But don’t forget it’s important to eat healthy food and get enough sleep.

1. Does self-acceptance help us feel happier?
2. In Lily’s mind, what does self-acceptance mean?
3. What are the advantages of self-acceptance?
4. What can you write on the line?
2024-06-06更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市西城区2022-2023学年七年级下学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约390词) | 困难(0.15) |

2 . China is widely known for its ancient civilisation (文明) which has continued all the way through into modern times, in the fact of many ups and downs in its history. There are many reasons, why this has been possible, but one of the main factors has been the Chinese writing system.

At the beginning, written Chinese was a picture based language. It dates back several thousand years to the use of longgu-animal bones and shells on which marks were cared (雕刻) by ancient Chinese people. In ancient China, characters began as simple drawings of natural objects—trees, rivers, mountains and hill, horses and oxen, human beings themselves, etc. The earliest character-like drawings are “pictographic” in quality. Compared with other scripts (字体) in the world, Chinese characters appeared much earlier with the first evidence of the characters around 5, 000 or more years old. More than 50 kinds of carved marks appeared around the Banpo Site and other nearby places. They were shaped and ordered in a certain rule and they have the same characteristics as today’s simple characters—scientists judge them to be the original Chinese characters.

By the Shang Dynasty (around 1600—1046 BCE), these marks had become a well-developed writing system. Over the years, the systems developed into different forms, as it was a time when people were divided geographically, leading to many kinds of dialects (方言) and characters. This, however, changed under Emperor Qin Shi Huang of the Qin Dynasty (221—207 BCE).

Emperor Qin Shi Huang united the six major states into one country where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction. That writing method was of great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture.

Written Chinese has also become an important means by which China’s present is connected with its past. People in modern times can read the classic works which were written by Chinese in ancient times. Chinese character, therefore, is a bridge between the present and the past.

Today, the Chinese writing system is still an important part of Chinese culture. As China plays a greater role in the world, an increasing number of international students are beginning to show their love to China’s culture and history through this amazing language.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To present ancient Chinese civilization.B.To explain the reasons for ups and downs.
C.To show the importance of Chinese writing.D.To introduce the civilization in modern times.
2. Why did the writing system develop into different forms in ancient times?
A.Because it was a picture-based language.B.Because it was in different animal bones.
C.Because Emperor Qin Shi Huang changed it.D.Because people were geographically divided.
3. The word “uniting” in Paragraph 4 probably means “________”.
A.separating and becoming different groupsB.guiding and helping to the one direction
C.dividing the writing systemD.joining and getting together to make one
4. How did Chinese writing develop?
A.From picture-based language to different writing systems to united system.
B.From simple characters to simple drawing rules to different writing forms.
C.From colorful carved marks to different characters to simple object drawings.
D.From simple writing rule to different scripts to well-developed writing system.
2024-06-06更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市昌平区2022-2023学年八年级下学期期末英语试题
书面表达-材料作文 | 困难(0.15) |

3 . 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。


提示词:competition, prepare, difficult, proud
●What was your experience of working hard?
●What did you do to get success?
●What have you learnt from your experience?
2024-06-06更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市二中教育集团2022-2023学年八年级下学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约490词) | 困难(0.15) |

4 . Me and My Brain

We all know that meaningful changes happen in our bodies during adolescence (青春期), but have you ever stopped to wonder what’s actually going on inside our brains during this time?

To paint a clear picture, we should first know about ourselves with the different parts of the brain. Did you know, for example, that our brains are made up of around 100 billion nerve cells (神经细胞) called neurons (神经元)? And coming from these neurons are several branch-like structures for sending and receiving electrical signals? Every time we do or think anything, a signal is sent. The signal travels down a long structure called the axon (轴突) and, at the end, it passes across small gaps called synapses (神经元的突触) to the dendrites (树突) of another neuron, which receive the signal. In this way, messages are sent across our neural network.

Our brain structure changes greatly as we grow up. Newborn babies have almost all their neurons but few connections between them, which is why they can’t do very much. After a few months however, the number of connections increases quickly, which in turn helps small kids master new skills such as walking and talking. Most brain development is completed in the first few years, but we now know that our brains continue to develop throughout our lives and perhaps the most surprising time of change and development is during adolescence.

During this period of reorganization, the brain notices a sudden increase in neurons not dissimilar to a plant growing uncontrollably in spring. Just as we cut back a plant to make it stronger and healthier, we cut back our brains. The connections that are used become stronger, whereas those which aren’t used dry and die. So, the more often an action or thought is activated, the stronger the connections become between the neurons, which in turn makes the part of the brain being used stronger. This explains why the more you do something, the better you become at it, reinforcing the old saying “practice makes perfect”. In fact, the teenage brain provides conditions for perfecting skills such as playing a musical instrument, speaking another language, or learning a difficult computer game. It could be argued that teenagers decide the development of their own grey matter through the activities they take part in and their experiences.

It may also be unsurprising to many to learn that the last part of the adolescent brain to develop is the frontal cortex (额皮质), responsible for self-control, problem solving and decision making. So, long before teens are good at abstract thinking (抽象思维) and logical decision making, they depend on the emotional center of the brain to make choices and think. So perhaps unpredictable, uncertain, risk taking teenage behaviors, often put down to hormones (荷尔蒙), may actually have more to do with what’s going on inside our brain.

1. What do we learn about the structure of the brain?
A.All neurons are activated when we think.
B.The structure of a brain cell is compared to a tree.
C.Neurons allow a message to travel around the brain.
D.The structure of a brain changes when a message is sent.
2. What does Paragraph 3 tell us?
A.A decision helps babies learn how to speak.
B.Most changes in brain happen after adulthood.
C.The process of brain development is continuous.
D.Babies are born with the ability to do anything.
3. The word “reinforcing” in Paragraph 4 probably means “_________”.
4. The writer agrees that teenagers ________.
A.are cleverer than they used to be when they study their brains
B.are misunderstood and they can play difficult computer games
C.want to learn more about the changes in their brains and bodies
D.can benefit from understanding the changes that happen in their brains
2024-05-31更新 | 167次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年北京市门头沟区中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-匹配(约190词) | 困难(0.15) |

5 . Teachers Needed in the Community


Making Paper Cuts

Some children in our community want to learn making paper cuts. We plan to teach them to cut some flowers at first. We need a student to teach them. The lesson is from 9:00 to 10:00 on Saturday morning.


Writing Chinese Calligraphy

A few old men are interested in Chinese calligraphy. They want to learn how to write Chinese calligraphy. We need a student who has good skills in writing Chinese calligraphy. The lesson is from 19:00 to 20:00 on Friday.



A group of old ladies want to learn square dance. We want to invite a student who can dance well to teach them. The lesson is from 18:00 to 19:00 on Sunday evening.


Playing Basketball

Some school boys between 7 and 8 years old want to learn how to play basketball. We need a student to teach them basic actions. The lesson is from 15:00 to 16:00 on Saturday afternoon.

1. ______: I’m good at dancing. I can dance well and I’m very patient.
2. ______: I like creating many things with scissors and paper. You can see my work on the wall of my school.
3. ______: I am the leader of our school basketball team. We have won a lot of matches.
2024-04-28更新 | 116次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年北京市通州市中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约470词) | 困难(0.15) |

6 . Have you heard of a bike bus? It carries a group of children to school in the same way a school bus does, except everyone is on bikes. The “bus driver”—an adult on a bike—guides a slowly moving group along a route (路线) that has already been chosen. Kids and their parents join the group on their own bikes when the group rides by.

Bike buses are a way for everyone to bike together for fun, convenience and safety. On busy streets, a big group of five to ten kids is much more visible (明显的) than one or two kids biking alone.

Sam Balto is a PE teacher. He leads a bike bus to school. His bus is especially visible because it has hundreds of shouting kids and parents. It stretches out over several blocks (街区). Sam vlogs his bike bus trip. As the parent of two kids, I can’t watch his videos without crying. The bike bus calms my fear that the kids will get hurt on the road. Laughing kids! Outside, in person! Together! So when a friend asked if I would lead a bike bus in our neighborhood, of course I said yes.

Using active transportation to go to work and school—whether that’s a biking bus, or even a walking bus—has many advantages. Yes, people are healthier and happier when they’re more active, but reducing the number of cars around a school can also reduce heavy traffic and air pollution.

I was shocked by what starting or driving a bike bus meant to different people. For Luke Bornheimer, the leader of the San Francisco Bike Bus, it’s amazing to see children take care of themselves. “Kids are really smart and strong.” Bornheimer says. “They get how to ride responsibly (负责任地) and have fun. We’re just giving them that chance.” For me, the bike bus was the start of rejoining my community. My kids love the bike bus, but we parents might love it even more. We talk about everything, from the bike bus to other topics, such as planning neighborhood roller skating meetups and party nights.

I do accept that getting more kids to safely bike and walk in more places will take a lot more work than parents just trying to get their kids to school every day. But our efforts are a start. We live on a planet that has many environmental problems. Maybe the best way to remind ourselves that we and the Earth are worth (值得的) protecting is by moving through it, not in cars, but with fresh air on our faces and the sounds of kids’ laughter echoing in our ears.

1. According to the passage, a bike bus is __________.
A.a special bus that parents take to go to their workplace
B.a school bus with parents riding bikes as guides in front
C.a fun game for children as they’re on their way to school
D.a way for children to ride to school with a “driver” on a bike
2. Why did the writer want to lead a bike bus?
A.She couldn’t stand her kids shouting.
B.She decided to do something for the school.
C.She liked how it kept children safe on the road.
D.She thought cycling was a popular outdoor activity.
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.The writer is the leader of her neighborhood activities.
B.Different people started the bike bus in different ways.
C.Bike buses offer kids chances to be responsible on the road.
D.The writer started riding a bike because of the heavy traffic.
4. What is the writer’s purpose of writing the passage?
A.To introduce the good and bad points of active transportation.
B.To invite some experienced bus drivers to be bike bus leaders.
C.To advise the local government to offer more public services for kids.
D.To ask people to help kids and the environment by starting bike buses.

7 . Recently, some people have complained about the purposefully addictive (上瘾的) designs of smartphones and social media, which make it hard for anyone to put them down, especially teens. Now, a new report in Emotion gives facts that back up what these people said.

According to the report, young people’s life satisfaction and happiness have dropped since 2012, the year the percentage of teens owning smartphones started increasing rapidly. The report also finds that teens’ psychological (心理的) health gets worse the more hours a week they spend on screens.   

Jean Twenge is the lead writer of the report. She graphed (制图) the connection between happiness and screen activities, such as social media, texting, gaming, and video chats. She also graphed the connection between happiness and non-screen activities, including sports, reading, and face-to-face communications. She called the relationship between screen and non-screen activities “zero sum”—if you are doing one, it takes time away from the others.

Diane Tanman complains that her sons are like that. They are 11 and 15. They used to play games in fields, and it made them happier. These days, her sons are more into online games. Many of the games have rewards (奖励) built in to keep players coming back. “It’s just junk food for the brain,” Tanman said.

Ed Lazzara says his 12-year-old son Leo is a fan of video games. After playing a lot, Leo gets more upset and uncomfortable. He wants his son to play fewer video games.

However, totally staying away from electronic devices (设备) doesn’t lead to happiness, either. Twenge and her co-writers found that the happiest teens used electronic devices a little less than an hour daily. After a daily hour of screen time, unhappiness rises in relation to increasing screen time.

Spending time in front of a screen is a normal part of being a teenager. Many schools require students to be online and to use iPads or other devices to do their work. But teachers and parents have also complained that technology can get in the way of learning when teens use their devices for things other than their studies.

If we recognize how screen time influences young minds, we can help teens use technology better and protect their psychological health in the process. Screen time is like ice cream. Sure, we can have some once in a while, but it shouldn’t be part of our everyday lives.

1. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Screen time at home is not as beneficial as screen time at school.
B.Nearly an hour of screen time every day makes teens happiest.
C.Technology should be encouraged in classroom learning.
D.What teens do on the screen influences their happiness.
2. Why does the passage give the examples of families with teens?
A.To prove the bad effect of the addictive designs of electronic devices.
B.To show parents have little control over their teens’ screen time.
C.To compare different-aged teens’ feelings about screen use.
D.To explain why electronic devices make teens feel happy.
3. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.Use of Electronic Devices: Should We Consider Teens’ Needs?
B.Teens’ Psychological Health: Why Is It Important?
C.Screen Time and Teens’ Study Performance
D.Screen Time and Teens’ Life Satisfaction
2024-01-18更新 | 374次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市东城区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末统一检测英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 困难(0.15) |

8 . In ancient (古代的) times, people tried to explain the world based on what they saw. People saw that the sun came up from one side of the earth and went down on the other side. So they believed that the sun traveled around the earth. Going directly from observation (观察) to conclusion (结论) is called non-scientific thinking.

Here is an example of non-scientific thinking. Maybe you had a stomachache, and ate some chocolates. An hour later, you felt much better. You might think that it was the chocolates that made you feel better. But there are other possible explanations. Maybe you had taken some medicine an hour earlier, and it took a while to work. Maybe enough time had passed, and you would have felt better without eating the chocolates.

While the scientific method is a way of thinking that helps you to avoid drawing wrong conclusions. It helps you to avoid no-scientific thinking. It reminds you to take your first conclusion as one of several possible conclusions. It also reminds you to find evidence (证据) to support your conclusion.

The five steps in the scientific method begin by questioning an observation, and end with a conclusion that is based on evidence. Step 1 is to ask a question about your observation, such as, “What makes a stomachache feel better?” Step 2 is to state a possible answer to the question, such as, “Chocolates make a sick stomach feel better.” Step 3 is to test. You could wait until you have a stomachache again, eat some chocolates, and see what happens. You could ask a lot of people if eating chocolates had ever made a stomachache feel better. Step 4 is to think about the findings—think about what happened when you made tests. Step 5 is to draw a conclusion—and share it with others.

1. Why does the writer use the example of the sun and the earth in Paragraph 1?
A.To show what non-scientific thinking is like.
B.To prove that the sun travels around the earth.
C.To help people explain the world around them.
D.To tell us people in ancient times were clever.
2. What do you know about the steps in scientific thinking?
A.Many findings are from what you see.B.Conclusions usually come from testing.
C.Interviewing is a quick way to get answers.D.Questions are more important than answers.
3. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The reasons why scientific thinking is more popular.
B.The possible explanations for non-scientific thinking.
C.The differences between scientific and non-scientific thinking.
D.The conclusions made by scientific and non-scientific thinking.
2024-01-14更新 | 150次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市石景山区2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约430词) | 困难(0.15) |

9 . Personality describes the certain ways of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that tell apart a person from others. The word “personality” comes from the Latin word “persona”, which refers to a mask worn by performers in the theatre to play roles, or disguise who the person is. Although there are many meanings of mask personality, most focus on the way of behaviors and characteristics that can help predict and explain a person’s behavior. Explanations for personality can focus on lots of influences, from genetic (基因的) effects to the role of the environment and experience in shaping a person’s personality.

Types of Personality

There is popular general knowledge of personality types such as the Myers-Briggs theory. The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI人格类型量表)recognizes a personality based on four aspects: introversion-extraversion (内倾-外倾), sensing-intuition (实感-知觉), thinking-feeling, and judging-perceiving (判断-感知). After taking a Myers-Briggs personality test, you are considered one of 16 personality types. Here are some examples of these personality types:

◇ISTJ: Introverted, sensing, thinking, and judging. People with this personality type are logical, organized, detail-oriented and practical.

◇INFP: Introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving. They are easy to be idealists and sensitive to their feelings.

◇ESFJ: Extroverted, sensing, feeling, and judging. They are outgoing, kind, loyal and sensitive.

◇ENFJ: Extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging. They are known as “givers” for being warm-hearted and they are practical.



Research on personality can offer deep understanding about how personality develops and changes over the course of a lifetime. This research can also have important practical applications in the real world. For example, people can use a personality test to learn more about themselves and their advantages or disadvantages. Some tests give people deep understanding about how their personality affects many areas of their lives, including careers, relationships, personal growth, and more. Understanding your personality type can help you find out what career you might enjoy, how well you might perform in certain job roles, or how effective a kind of psychological treatment could be for you. Personality type can also have an influence on your health, including how often you visit the doctor and how you deal with stress.

Understanding the psychology (心理学) of personality is much more than simply general knowledge or studying. The findings from personality research can have important applications in the world of medicine, health, business, economics, technology, among others. By building a better understanding of how personality works, we can look for new ways to improve both personal and public health.

1. What does the word “disguise” probably mean in Paragraph 1?
A.To question.B.To hide.C.To discuss.D.To guess.
2. What might be the strengths of an ISFJ?
A.Outgoing and kind.B.Humorous and self-confident.
C.Curious and practical.D.Practical and sensitive.
3. Which of the following would be the best heading for ________?
A.The Influence of Personality.B.The Forms of Personality.
C.The Changes in Personality.D.The Studies on Personality.
4. The writer probably agrees that ________.
A.people’s living environment is decided by personality
B.a personality test is a must when looking for a worker
C.deep understanding of how personality works matters a lot
D.learning psychology can largely improve one’s personality
2024-01-13更新 | 375次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市昌平区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末质量抽测英语试题
10 .

Eyes on Vision

Two years ago, Azara Mason was having trouble seeing the board in class. An eye doctor told her she had myopia(近视), or nearsightedness! People who are nearsighted have trouble seeing things that are far away. Azara now wears glasses when she needs them.

The eye works like a camera. Light passes through a lens and is turned into images. The brain then helps us understand what they are.

When people have healthy vision, their eyes focus(聚焦) light on the retina(视网膜). When people are nearsighted, their eyes focus light in front of the retina. That makes objects that are far away look blurry.

Dr Maria Liu is head of the Myopia Control Clinic at the University of California at Berkeley. She says a growing number of people have myopia, and kids are developing it at a younger age.

Many studies show a rise in myopia. The National Eye Institute(NEI) found that nearsightedness among Americans grew 66% from 1971 to 2004. Experts say that by 2020, myopia could affect(影响) one third of the world’s population.

Scientists link(联系) the rise in nearsightedness to an increase in near work, including computer and cell-phone use. Studies show that less time spent outdoors may also be adding to the increase.

What can you do to take care of your eyes? Liu advises everyone to stay away from electronic devices(设备) and spend more time outdoors to keep eyes healthy. Screen-Free Week, from May 4 to 10, is a good time to do just that. Liu also tells patients to take a 15-minute break to look at things in the distance for every 45 minutes of near work.

If you are worried about your vision, you should visit an eye-care professional. Liu often advises patients to use special contact lenses and eye drops. She says they can correct nearsightedness and slow it from progressing. Glasses and regular contact lenses improve vision but don’t have that extra benefit(益处), she says.

If you suffer(遭受) from myopia, your parents and doctor can best decide the treatment that is right for you. Azara’s mom is looking into options other than glasses. But for now, Azara continues to happily wear her glasses and clearly see the board.

1. The word “blurry” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.
2. What does Paragraph 6 mainly talk about?
A.The treatments for myopia.
B.The link between myopia and near work.
C.The causes of increase in myopia.
D.The electronics for studying myopia.
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Using eyedrops can’t slow nearsightedness from progressing.
B.The number of people who suffer from myopia is increasing.
C.People’s eyes focus light behind the retina if they are nearsighted.
D.Reading on electronic devices outdoors can help to keep eyes healthy.
2023-11-14更新 | 296次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市丰台区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期中英语试题
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