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1 .

These days a video from the Beijing Wildlife Zoo has been going viral (走红). It shows a dog playing with lions and tigers four to five times its size! Is the dog in danger? Of course not.     1     Animals make friends with members of a different species (物种).

A zookeeper said that they raised the dog together with the lions and tigers when they were very young.     2     If you think this is too amazing, just remember that people have made friends with animals for a long time.     3     Maybe you have a pet yourself.

There are some other stories of cross-species friends. At an animal center, a cat named Marina and a pig named Laura became friends after they came to the center.     4     They grew up in the wild (野外) without their mothers’ care. They were close to each other and played happily together when they first met.

Why can different species be friends? In the wild, animals are busy hunting for their food. They have to work hard to keep themselves safe and protect their families.     5     When they needn’t do these things, animals will not have much to do. So it’s possible for them to make friends with members of other species.

A.They are a strange but loving family.
B.It takes time and energy to take part in the activities.
C.Both of them lived a hard life in the past.
D.Actually, the dog and the big animals are friends.
E.Some people keep animals like cats and dogs as pets.
F.Animals are our friends.
G.They like playing balls and enjoying the sunshine.
今日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:衔接点02 名词 (小初考点差异及衔接)- 2024年小升初英语无忧衔接(通用版)
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2 .

The first copyright case (版权案件) about AI-created (人工智能生成的) images in China had its first result from the Beijing Internet Court (北京互联网法院).

A man surnamed (姓) Li is a Chinese social media Xiaohongshu account (账户) owner. He used the software Stable Diffusion in February to make a picture. And then, he posted the picture on Xiaohongshu.

However, a lady surnamed Liu used the picture in March and cut off the Xiaohongshu watermark (水印) in her post in Baijiahao, a blog-style platform under Baidu.

The court found that this was an act of infringement (侵权) and said the lady must make a public apology and pay 500 yuan to Li.

The court decided that the AI-generated picture had “originality (独创性)” and that such pictures should be known as works and protected by copyright law (法律). The court said that Li made the setting of the AI model based on his needs. The image was produced based on his ideas and showed his own expression. So, Li is the creator of the image and owns its copyright.

This case is not the only one raising discussion. Another recent case is about ChatGPT. 

In the case of ChatGPT, the model is trained on a huge amount of text from many sources, so it could be argued that the creators of the source material should have some claim (所有权) to the copyright of the generated content (内容).

However, it could also be argued that the creators of the model, OpenAI, should have the copyright because they created the program and wrote the code (代码) that generates the content.

The law is still not clear on the copyright issues around AI-generated works like this. Decisions on such issues are expected to change rapidly over the next several years.

1. What was the consequence for Li as a result of the court’s decision?
A.He was ordered to pay 500 yuan to Liu.
B.He was recognized as the copyright owner of the image he created.
C.He had to publicly apologize to Liu.
D.He was required to stop using the Stable Diffusion software.
2. What was the main reason behind the court’s decision to support Li in the copyright case ?
A.Liu used the software Stable Diffusion to generate her own image.
B.Li had not previously registered the copyright for the image.
C.The court found originality in the AI-generated image created by Li.
D.The watermark was removed from the image by Liu.
3. What did the court rule the lady named Liu to do for her infringement action?
A.Delete the image from Baijiahao.
B.Create her own AI-generated picture.
C.Make a public apology and pay Li 500 yuan.
D.Give the AI software credits for the image.
4. What is the main legal problem related to the ChatGPT case?
A.The images created by ChatGPT are not considered original.
B.It is unclear who holds the copyright for the content generated by ChatGPT.
C.OpenAI has already been assigned the copyright for ChatGPT’s outputs.
D.All text generated by ChatGPT is open source.
5. According to the text, what are the future expectations for legal disputes over the copyright of content created by AI?
A.The law will become stricter on AI-created content.
B.All AI-created content will be freely accessible without copyright concerns.
C.OpenAI will be granted automatic copyright for all AI-generated content.
D.Decisions on these issues will likely change frequently in the near future.
今日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:【2024年中考英语二轮复习讲练测(全国通用)】专题12 阅读理解(四)
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3 . AI-generated content has recently won big in the literary world. Japanese author Rie Kudan (九段理江) won one of Japan’s most famous literary awards, the Akutagawa Prize (芥川奖), with the help of ChatGPT in The Tokyo Tower of Sympathy (《东京都同情塔).

The book is set in future Japan, where AI has become an important part of people’s lives. The story centers around an architect who creates a comfortable prison but struggles with a society that she sees as being overly sympathetic (同情的) to criminals.

Kudan admitted at a news conference that “around 5 percent of the book’s text was taken directly from generative AI,” reported Kyodo News. She added that there is a scene in the book where an AI chatbot answers the protagonist’s questions and she used AI-generated text in the responses given by AI in the story. The word-for-word content generated by AI was lauded (称赞) by committee members as “practically flawless (完美的)”. This is not the first time that AI-related works have won prizes. In October 2023, The Land of Machine Memories (《机忆之地》) was awarded second prize at China’s fifth youth popular science and science fiction competition. The fiction was fully created by AI with the prompts (提示) given by Shen Yang, a professor at Tsinghua University. Surprisingly, just one judge among the six of the competition realized that what they were reading was the product of a machine. 

So will literature in the future be all about AI? Debates are still ongoing on the matter. Japanese literary critic Akira Okawada told Tyodo News that “it is difficult for AI to create work that addresses ethical themes in-depth”.          

However, Chinese writer Luo Ping holds the opposite view. “Improvements in technology will not cause human laziness in creating, but rather will only make them involved in more heated competition. With the help of technology, the starting point of human thinking will only grow higher.”

“I think this is only the beginning for AI in creating literature,” Fu Changyi, a member of the Jiangsu Popular Science Writers Association, added. “We will wait and see how the future goes”.

1. How did the committee respond to the AI-generated content in The Tokyo Tower of Sympathy?
A.They criticized it for ethical concerns.
B.They were confused by the AI’s writing style.
C.They praised it as “practically flawless.”
D.They disapproved of its use in literature.
2. What was a unique aspect of the fiction The Land of Machine Memories?
A.It was the first book to win a prize using AI.
B.All judges realized it was created by an AI.
C.It was written entirely by an AI based on prompts.
D.It criticized the overuse of AI in daily life.
3. According to Akira Okawada, what is a challenge for AI in literature?
A.AI-generated stories are too simplistic.
B.AI cannot deeply address ethical themes.
C.AI will overshadow human writers.
D.AI writing cannot be classified as literature.
4. What does Luo Ping suggest about the role of technology in literary creation?
A.It will make humans lazy in creating.
B.It will reduce the competition among writers.
C.It will lead to more intense competition and higher thinking.
D.It will eventually take over the literary world entirely.
5. What is the main idea of the article?
A.AI-generated content is being criticized in the literary world.
B.AI has started to play a significant role in winning literary awards.
C.All future literature will solely be created by AI without human input.
D.AI-generated content has been banned from literary competitions.
今日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:【2024年中考英语二轮复习讲练测(全国通用)】专题12 阅读理解(四)
阅读理解-单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 .

The Yellow River is known as the mother river of the Chinese people. However, flood (洪水) control and disaster forecasts (灾害预报) of the river have always been challenging for people. Now, scientists can better work on these issues by giving the river a digital twin.

The digital twin of the Yellow River uses different kinds of technologies, including big data, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things. Devices (设备) are set up along the river and collect and transmit (传送) information to the center. Based on the information, a 3D model of the river is showed on the computer screen. It’s like the Yellow River has a twin that reflects its real conditions.

One big thing in the digital governance (治理) of the river is “smart stones”. According to Wang Qin, a lead researcher at the Information Center of Yellow River Henan Bureau, a smart stone is a detector with chips, a battery, and a signal transmitter in it. They are put in important dike (堤坝) locations to record and report the movement of dike stones. “On feeling movement of the dike stones, the smart stone sends an alarm to the center for quick response,” Wang said.

“In the past, researchers had to learn the conditions of the dike on the spot by themselves, putting their lives at risk,” said Zhao Xiaoxiong from the bureau. “Now the smart stones can do this for us, more safely, quickly, and accurately (精确地).”

In the sky, there are flying drones. These drones are designed by engineers to look at the river, its dikes and flood prevention projects. Shen Lin, from the Yellow River Conservancy Commission, explains that the drones provide researchers at the command center with photos and information. The researchers use this information to update a 3D model, which helps them test floodwater release plans in case of emergencies.

Under the water and up in the sky, intelligent systems are helping to protect the Yellow River Basin on all fronts. According to the Ministry of Water Resources, in the future, we can expect to see the construction of an even more comprehensive digital system for this important river.

1. What is the main purpose of creating a digital twin of the Yellow River?
A.To conduct historical research.
B.To raise public awareness of river protection.
C.To improve flood control and prevention efforts.
D.To create a virtual tourist attraction.
2. What technologies are used for the creation of the digital twin of the Yellow River?
A.Solar energy, hydropower, and mechanical devices.
B.Big data, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things.
C.GPS, satellites, and radar technology.
D.Nuclear power, wind energy, and hydroelectric power.
3. What is the function of “smart stones” in this system?
A.They act as detectors to monitor and report the movement of dike stones.
B.They are used to build the dikes along the river.
C.They are decorative elements along the river banks.
D.They help to filter the river water and keep it clean.
4. How do drones contribute to the digital governance of the Yellow River?
A.They are used for entertainment purposes.
B.They collect photos and information for researchers to update a 3D model of the river.
C.They are used to transport goods across the river.
D.They are designed to save people who fall into the river.
5. What is the main idea of this text?
A.The Yellow River is the origin of Chinese civilization.
B.The Yellow River’s flooding and disaster forecasts have always been challenging.
C.The digital twin of the Yellow River improves data collection and assists in flood control.
D.The future of the Yellow River’s protection lies solely in technological advancements.
今日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:【2024年中考英语二轮复习讲练测(全国通用)】专题12 阅读理解(四)
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5 . The AI Safety Summit (人工智能安全峰会) took place in the UK from Nov 1 to 2. People from different countries, AI-related (AI相关的) companies and organizations attended this event.

A paper called the Bletchley Declaration (《布莱奇利宣言》) on AI safety was signed by 28 countries including China, the US and the UK, and the European Union during the event. The paper highlighted (强调) shared worries about AI risks and safety. For example, AI systems might make unfair choices. AI software used in hiring people might not treat everyone fairly. People worry that AI software might use people’s gender (性别) and background in bad ways. 

China’s Vice-Minister (副部长) of Science and Technology, Wu Zhaohui, mentioned global action on AI governance (治理) that China brought up earlier during the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛 ) in Beijing. Wu also talked about the importance of focusing on people, being responsible and making sure there are mutual benefits (互惠互利) in AI development. He called for the Global South to have more say in the governance of AI.

Before the summit, the UK government made some funding plans (拨款计划). They hope to provide training to make sure that workers are ready for the future with AI. Workers need to learn how to use AI tools. For example, people in customer service jobs are being taught to use AI chatbots (聊天机器人) to deal with common customer questions. This way, people can do more important tasks while chatbots do simpler ones.

Also, US President Joe Biden issued (颁布) a new order on artificial intelligence  on Oct 30. This is the first action of its kind by the US government. The order includes creating new safety standards for AI, protecting consumer privacy (隐私), and speeding up job creation for workers skilled in the field.

1. What is the main objective of the Bletchley Declaration signed during the AI Safety Summit?
A.To promote global collaboration on AI development.
B.To express concerns about AI risks and safety.
C.To establish new regulations for AI usage.
D.To encourage the use of AI in hiring practices.
2. What do we know about the global action Wu Zhaohui mentioned?
A.AI safety needs the joined efforts of countries.
B.China did well in AI governance.
C.Countries in the Global South are strong in AI technology.
D.Countries can take advantage of AI governance.
3. The funding plans were made to ________.
A.develop AI technologyB.train people to use AI
C.replace human workers with AI robotsD.remind people of AI risks
4. The last paragraph is written to ________.
A.compare the US’ actions with the UK’s
B.present the US’ efforts in AI governance
C.introduce new safety standards for AI
D.pay attention to the AI safety workers
5. What is the main idea of this article?
A.Discussing the future prospects of AI technology.
B.Analyzing the hosting and attitudes of the global AI safety summit.
C.Emphasizing international cooperation and governance issues in the AI field.
D.Discussing the impact of AI on the current and future workforce.
今日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:【2024年中考英语二轮复习讲练测(全国通用)】专题12 阅读理解(四)
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6 . Su Shi, also known as Su Dongpo, was an outstanding Chinese poet (政治家), who lived during the Song Dynasty from 1037 to 1101.

Su Shi was born into a well﹣known family in Meishan, Sichuan province. His father and brother were both great poets. Su Shi showed great talent from a young age and was known for his skills in handwriting and painting. At the age of 20, Su Shi successfully passed the imperial (科举), Su held a number of different government positions across China. However, his different opinions often got him into trouble because of disagreements at court, he was exiled (流放) three times. In 1079, Su Shi was even sent to prison. Although he got out of prison at last, Su Shi’s literary talent continued to shine, and he produced a great number of' poetic works during his lifetime. In 1080, he found peace in nature and produced some of his best works. The famous poem, “Red Cliff”, was one of them. Su Shi’s talent was beyond poetry, as he was also a great prose writer. His article “On the Love of the Lotus” shows his love for the beauty of the flower. In addition, his collection of short stories shows his humour and wisdom.

It was not only in the literary field that Su Shi was highly praised. As an official, he won the love and support of the people. During his services, he did a lot for the people. In 1077, he protected the city from a terrible flood. The people in Xuzhou were thankful to him and gave him some food as presents.

Although Su Shi’s life was filled with both achievements and troubles, he is remembered as one of the greatest people in Chinese history, and his creative genius and strong spirit continue to influence and guide people around China.

1. In what order did the following happen in Su Shi’s life?          
a. He began his official career.
b. He protected Xuzhou from a flood.
c. He created “Red Cliff”.
d. He was sent in prison.
e. He showed great talent in painting.
2. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Sushi’s official career.
B.Sushi’s early life experience.
C.Sushi’s achievements in literary field.
D.Sushi’s most important literary works.
3. Why could Su Shi win the support from people?
A.He looked on the bright side and created many works.
B.He was good at writing humorous and wise short stories.
C.He cared about the people and helped them solve problems.
D.He was sent to prison and under strict control for a long time.
4. What does the writer think of Su Shi?
A.He encourages a lot of people.
B.He has changed Chinese history.
C.He is the greatest poet in China.
D.He lived a happy and successful life.
昨日更新 | 3次组卷 | 1卷引用:【2024年中考英语二轮复习讲练测(全国通用)】专题12 阅读理解(二)
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7 . Herbie could hardly stay in his seat. A jazz musician had come to speak to the class today, and Herbie had so many questions for him. The visitor was a short man with a wide-brimmed hat and a colorful suit. Herbie’s teacher introduced the visitor as Terrence Harris, a clarinet (单簧管) player. “I’m sure the students will enjoy hearing about your music, Mr.Haris.” she said.

“Please,” said the man, “call me Terry.”

Terry talked for a few minutes about music in general. Then he began talking about jazz, and his whole face lit up. He described what was unique (独特的) about jazz music, and be explained how he had become a professional (职业的) clarinet player. After a while, he asked the class if they had any questions. Herbie raised his hand.

“What’s the best way to become a jazz musician?” Herbie asked.

Terry laughed. “First, find a musical instrument that lets you breathe music through it. Next, practice that instrument every day for the rest of your life.”

Herbie’s eyes opened wide. “I want to start practicing right now!” he shouted, jumping out of his chair.

“That’s the spirit!” Terry said. “But why don’t you wait until after school? Jazz players need to get good grades, too. When I was a young man, I didn’t think much of school.”

“Really? What do you mean?” Herbie asked as he settled in his seat again.

“Yes, really,” Terry replied. “It all began when I was eleven years old…”

1. The writer begins by saying that Herbie could hardly stay in his seat to show that ________.
A.Herbie knows the visitor
B.Herbie is excited about jazz
C.Herbie is late for jazz practice
D.Herbie knows a lot about jazz
2. Which of these do you think Herbie will do? ________
A.Talk to his parents about music lessons.
B.Complain about Terry’s presentation.
C.Ask his parents if he can stop his study.
D.Leave class early.
3. What is the writer’s main purpose (目的) for writing the story? ________
A.To say something about a clarinet.
B.To explain what is special about jazz.
C.To give ideas on how to become a musician.
D.To tell a realistic story about a boy meeting a musician.
4. What will most likely (最可能) happen next in the story? ________
A.The teacher will give a test about jazz.
B.The teacher will let everyone leave early.
C.Terry will talk about what happened when he was young.
D.Terry will give to class a clarinet lesson for a long period of time.
昨日更新 | 82次组卷 | 2卷引用:专题03 阅读理解-备战2023-2024学年七年级英语下学期期末真题分类汇编(江苏专用)(二)

8 . I dream of being a fireman someday

Saving families from the flames

What a good job that will be

Fighting fires every day

Many people will thank me

For carrying them away from danger

Mothers and children, sons and uncles

Will always want to meet me

In a fire, they will need me

Happy to help with hands and hose

Climbing ladders to the windows

There I will be, to rescue

1. In the poem, many people will thank the writer because ________.
A.the writer always meets them
B.the writer saves people from fire
C.the writer carries heavy things
D.the writer climbs a ladder to the window
2. Which of the following best describes line 11 (第11行)?   ________
3. Which of the following is an example of “rescue”?
A.A man went to a cinema to see a film.
B.A man bought three notebooks last week.
C.A man watched TV in the evening on Friday.
D.A man climbed a tree to bring a cat in danger down.
昨日更新 | 76次组卷 | 2卷引用:专题03 阅读理解-备战2023-2024学年七年级英语下学期期末真题分类汇编(江苏专用)(二)
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文章大意:本文探讨了个人电脑(PC)行业面临的挑战和AI技术潜在的振兴作用。随着电脑使用寿命增长和创新难度加大导致销量下降,微软推出AI Copilot为行业注入活力。尽管AI功能仍在完善,但展现了电脑与AI合作的未来潜力。

9 . When we think of personal computers (PCs), we often imagine bulky (笨重的) monitors and large screens. As the PC industry faces difficulties, it looks to AI to be its saving grace. What might this “partnership” hold in store?

Since the birth of the first electronic computer in 1946, the personal computer has been widely used all over the world. However, improved technology and a longer computer lifespan (使用寿命) have reduced people’s need to get new computers as frequently. At the same time, it is more difficult to innovate in such a stable and fixed manufacturing industry(制造业). This has led to about two years of reduced global shipments of computers, reported Science and Technology Daily.

But Microsoft’s recent move has stirred things up. It introduced a new AI Copilot to Windows 11 PCs at the beginning of 2024, which was seen as a measure to reinvigorate the industry by bringing the power of AI into the equation.

As of Jan 15, Copilot had already reached a “milestone ” with more than 5 billion chats and more than 5 billion images, according to Microsoft. It is already capable of performing many functions. Whether you need help to make a summary of a web page, send an email to your teacher, change your settings to dark mode, enable Bluetooth, or connect a new pair of headphones, Windows’ Copilot can assist you.

Apart from serving as a housekeeper for your PC, the new system also has an artistic side. Window’s collaboration (合作) with Suno, a leading AI music creation company, allows people to easily create unique and beautiful songs regardless of their musical ability by giving orders like: “Create a pop song about a family adventure”. 

So now, the race is on. Chip companies such as NVIDIA and Intel are competing to release a series of new products designed for AI PCs, and Lenovo Group has also launched over 10 new AI PC products, reported China Economic Net. 

However, AI PCs’ capabilities (功能) are still quite basic and far from accurately (精确地) meeting people’s personalized (个性化的) AI assistant needs. The extent to which AI-integrated PCs can deliver intelligent experiences  and the level of user acceptance are still subject to (取决于) market testing.

1. What is leading to fewer people buying new computers, according to the text?
A.Reduced interest in PCs.
B.Extended computer lifespan.
C.Rising shipment fees.
D.Rapid innovations in manufacturing.
2. What does the underlined word “reinvigorate” in paragraph 3 most probably mean?
3. How does the partnership between AI Copilot and Suno benefit users?
A.It helps them read web pages.
B.It improves their musical abilities.
C.It enables them to create unique songs.
D.It allows them to download popular songs.
4. What is the current state of AI PC’s capabilities, according to the last paragraph?
A.More advanced than other types of AI.
B.Fully meeting people’s needs.
C.Highly advanced and personalized.
D.Still under development and requiring testing.
昨日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:【2024年中考英语二轮复习讲练测(全国通用)】专题12 阅读理解(三)
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 .

Goldfish are good pets. They are easy to care for. But they need the right home. Fish need more than a bowl. They are too small. Goldfish belong in tanks. A tank is better than a bowl. It holds more water. Your fish will have more room.

First, choose a place for the tank. Pick a safe spot. Put it where it will not fall. Do not put it near a window. The water will get too warm.

Next, add tiny rocks. Put in plants. You can add toy ships. These make good hiding places. Fish like hiding.

Finally, add water. Wait before adding your fish. Check that the water stays clean. Buy a pump. It cleans the water. Dirty water makes fish sick.

Now you can add your fish! You will bring it home in a bag. The bag will be filled with water. Let the bag float in the tank. The fish will get used to the tank. Then, open the bag. The fish will swim out!

Buy food for your fish. Do not feed it too much! Extra food makes the water dirty. It sinks to the bottom. Just give your fish what it can eat.

Put a cover on the tank. This keeps the fish safe. Nothing can fall into the tank. Your fish cannot jump out. If the cover has a light, you can watch your fish at night.

Each week the tank needs to be cleaned. Take out some old water. Add new water. Scrape the walls of the tank if they look dirty. But do not worry. It does not have to be spotless.

Just keep the water clean. Your fish will be happy!

1. What may happen if a fish tank is put near a window?
A.It may get cold.
B.It may get dark.
C.It may not work.
D.It may get warm.
2. Water may get dirty in a tank because of   ________.
A.too much food
B.too many rocks
C.too much water
D.too many hiding places
3. Which is the best title for the article?
A.How to Keep Pets
B.How to Feed Goldfish
C.How to Set up a Goldfish Tank
D.How to Choose a Tank for Goldfish
昨日更新 | 58次组卷 | 2卷引用:专题03 阅读理解-备战2023-2024学年七年级英语下学期期末真题分类汇编(江苏专用)(一)
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