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文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道,报道了来自洛杉矶的卡拉·托雷斯在“Stuck at Prom”奖学金比赛中获得最终入围资格的故事。

1 . Karla Torres, a recent graduate of Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School in Boyle Heights, designed and created an 18th-century-inspired dress with the support of her mom to enter the yearly “Stuck at Prom” scholarship contest, sponsored by a trademarked brand of duct tape (强力胶带). The Los Angeles teen was named a finalist last week with the grand prize: a $ 10,000 scholarship.

In the beginning, Karla often spent hours online looking for clothing ideas or different styles. But it wasn't until a recent visit to the J. Paul Getty Museum — the only field trip she took in high school — that she found her inspiration from the 18th-century French paintings, featuring impressive, grand dresses.

“We’ve never made a dress, much less out of duct tape,” Karla said. “We didn’t know how much duct tape we needed. We were just doing it by trial and error.” In the end, the college-bound teen and her mom spent at least 120 hours, over many days, working on the dress, and used l4 rolls of tape.

“Tape is so tough and you can’t move it easily,” Karla said. “It was really challenging to make it all come together.” But the fashion-forward teenager overcame that challenge. Of more than 200 entries to the contest, Karla’s work was selected among the top five, judged for color, quality, originality, and the use of the brand tape.

While it’s Karla’s name officially in the contest, this whole process was more of a collective effort by her family. “It means a lot to me. The $ 10,000 prize would go a long way as I plan to attend a California State University school in August. I wouldn’t want my parents to struggle trying to find a way to pay for it,” Karla said. “It would really help my parents.”

1. What inspired Karla to create the dress?
A.Social media.
B.The encouragement of her mom.
C.Her visit to a museum.
D.The impact of other competitors.
2. How did Karla’s work stand out among the other entries in the contest?
A.It showed great skills and originality.
B.It copied the style of modern paintings.
C.It reflected a variety of fashionable ideas.
D.It used expensive and high-quality materials.
3. Why is winning the contest important for Karla?
A.It’s a recognition of her mom’s efforts.
B.It allows her to find a job in the fashion industry.
C.It ensures her admission into the California college.
D.It saves her parents from struggling to pay for her college.
4. Which of the following can best describe Karla?
A.Creative and considerate.
B.Humorous and hardworking.
C.Responsible and brave.
D.Kind and generous.
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2 . That year I was eleven and in sixth grade. In Wethersfield, all sixth graders are _________ to take part in the R.O.P.E. Program. Its main _________ is to believe your peers (同龄人), work together, and _________ new adventures. These programs including falling backward and _________ peers to catch you, working together to fit into a small circle and something of that kind.

I was ready to participate in these _________. Falling backward and fitting into a small circle were nothing to me. Crossing over a stream with nothing holding me up but a rope was daring, but I could _________ it. Finally the day came when my sixth grade class would travel to climb and rappel (绕绳下滑) a mountain in Southington. Those people who were too _________ were allowed to practice climbing and rappelling a smaller area of rocks, but that wasn’t for me. I could climb the big mountain.

Twenty minutes later, my _________ arrived. As I was well _________, I set off at once. I got a quarter of the way up but couldn’t seem to get any ________. I tried and tried. I began to put myself down and cry. There was nothing more __________ than my classmates were looking at me. All I kept __________ was “Lisa, you can do it, try to fit your foot in there. __________, Lisa. You’re almost there.”

It was then that I thought to myself, “Why am I crying? I can do this.” Almost __________ I went on going up the mountain. Within five minutes I successfully __________ to the top.

A.Come onB.Watch outC.Hurry upD.Walk along
昨日更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省开封市新世纪高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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文章大意:本文是记叙文。讲述了Freed – Kernis退休后雕刻石头的故事。

3 . In 2019, after retiring from her career as a social worker, Ane Freed - Kernis decided to build a home workshop and devote all of her free time to stone carving. “I might be covered head to to e in dust but I’m happy — it was something I needed more of in my life when I hit 60,” she says.

This appeal has its origins in Freed - Kernis’ childhood. Growing up on her father’s farm in Denmark, she used to wander through the fields with her eyes fixed on the ground, looking for stones to add to her collection. “I’ve always been drawn to the shapes and textures (质地) of stones,” she says.

After moving to England in 1977 and training as a social worker, Freed - Kernis soon became occupied with her busy career and the demands of raising her son. Stones were the last thing on her mind, until her father died in 2005. “He took a stone carving course in his retirement, and I always thought stone seemed so fun but never had the time to look into it myself,” she says. “After he died, I became determined to learn in his honour.”

Signing up for a week-long stone carving course at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Freed-Kernis began to learn how to turn a block of rock into well-designed shapes. “It was really scary at the start because you would spend hours just hammering (锤打).”

Now 65, Freed-Kernis has a thriving small business built largely through word of mouth. She creates 12 to 15 pieces a year that can take anywhere from a few days to three weeks to complete, while her prices range from £ 200 to £ 3,000. “I’m making smaller ones,” she says. “I don’t have to depend on the money much, so I want to keep prices in the range that people can afford, mainly just covering costs and labour (劳动力).”

1. Freed-Kernis was first attracted by stones when ______.
A.she was 60B.she was a child
C.her father diedD.she moved to England
2. What can we infer about Freed-Kernis from paragraph 3?
A.She never cared about her father.
B.She led a disappointing life in Denmark.
C.She spent lots of time studying stone carving.
D.She learned stone carving under the influence of her dad.
3. How did Freed-Kernis feel when she started stone carving course?
A.Hopeful and proud.
B.Confident and satisfied.
C.Nervous and frightened.
D.Impatient and unprepared.
4. Why is Freed-Kernis making smaller pieces?
A.They are easier to move by her.
B.They are more affordable to people.
C.She wants to save costs and labour.
D.She is too old to focus on making large ones.
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4 . In San Francisco, a large group of sea lions move themselves out of the bay waters and hang out on PIER 39, which is a popular tourist destination. According to dock (码头) officials, this is the most sea lions seen in the region in 15 years.

“Over 1,000 sea lions have been counted this week,” PIER 39 harbormaster Sheila Chandor told many different media. “The surge in sea lions is usually a good sign of their strong population and healthy living environment,” said Adam Ratner, Director of Conservation Engagement at the Marine Mammal (海洋哺乳动物) Center in Sausalito, California.

“California sea lions are sentinels (哨兵) of the ocean,” Ratner said. Their population to some extent reflects the health of the ocean. Therefore, seeing a large number of California sea lions is clearly a good thing.

For nearly 35 years, the slippery (滑的) residents have been a star attraction for tourists. That autumn in 1989, PIER 39 had just been repaired, but the ships had not yet been moved back. At that moment, the sea lions unexpected arrival not only attracted fans but also created enemies. According to a website, some dock residents and workers were scared away by the strong and very unpleasant smell and noise of their new neighbors, while others saw these animals as a bright spot after the destructive Loma Prieta earthquake.

The officials sought help from the Marine Mammal Center to find a way to deal with sea lions. Ratner said that the final decision is to let the sea lions stay and coexist with humans. “The fact proves that this is really a good thing,” he said. “This is just a proof of how we can truly work together and think about how we can share our coasts with marine mammals and other wildlife in a way that benefits all the parties involved.”

1. How does the author start the text?
A.By describing a situation.
B.By answering a question.
C.By holding a conversation.
D.By comparing different opinions.
2. What does the underlined word “surge” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Sharp increase.B.Tight control.
C.Slow development.D.Sudden movement.
3. What is Ratner’s attitude to the final decision?
4. What message does the author seem to convey in the text?
A.Sea lions are pretty cool animals.
B.Animals and humans can live in harmony.
C.Watching sea lions might not be a proper action.
D.Sea lions should be driven out of PIER 39.
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5 . At some point, something will have to be done about the stuffed toys (毛绒玩具). I haven’t counted them because, truthfully, I’m not prepared to know how many there are. Lately, our neighborhood’s message boards are filled with posts about parents trying to make space, to clear out the things their kids no longer need. The tone of some of these posts can best be described as “emergency”. “Help!” they sometimes begin. “I have to get this out of my house.”

“The proliferation (激增) of children’s toys is the outcome of a long, gradual cultural change,”says Gary Cross, a professor at Pennsylvania State University. To understand how we got here — drowning (淹没于) in all those stuffed toys and bricks — it helps to look as far back as the late 19th century. “Parents were no longer passing their jobs on to the children,” Cross says. “Instead, they connect across generations through the gifting process. From the early 20th century on, goods became the things that define relationships between family members, and the way of marking success as a family.”

Then, how can parents deal with the proliferation of children’s toys at home? Naeemah Ford Goldson, a professional organizer, is also a mom of two. In her own home, Goldson likes to include her kids in the work of sorting out their toys. They know that the items they don’t need anymore will be given to people who can use them, to families who might not be as fortunate as theirs. “Doing so helps them build those habits of letting go,” she says, “so then they don’t become adults who are too dependent on material things instead of experiences, or people, and the memories we make with people.”

Her idea made sense. She told her 5-year-old they should pick some to give to kids in their community who came from another country and had to leave their toys behind. She immediately took a pink bear from the pile.

1. Why does the author present the posts in paragraph 1?
A.To show the popularity of children’s toys.
B.To offer suggestions about choosing children’s toys.
C.To praise the role of social media in buying children’s toys.
D.To introduce the influence too many children’s toys bring about.
2. What has caused the huge increase of children’s toys according to Cross?
A.Children’s demands.B.The growth of technology.
C.The traditions in the 18th century.D.The practice of gifting among family members.
3. What does Goldson do to avoid too many toys?
A.Involve her kids in organizing toys.B.Put away toys for her kids.
C.Buy her kids fewer toys.D.Sell unwanted toys to neighbors.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.The Rise of Toy Stores in NeighborhoodsB.The Importance of Choosing Proper Gifts
C.The Challenge of Managing Children’s ToysD.The Joy of Collecting Children’s Toys
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6 . A broken heart and a sad ending to a long friendship. That’s something most of us have experienced, or probably will. After all, it’s part of human life. But the experience can be hard to get over.

But research shows there are pathways through the heartache. Listening to sad music is a major one. It can help you begin to feel joy and hopefulness about your life again. It can arouse (激起) the desire to connect with others.

Sad music can help heal (治愈) and uplift you from your broken heart. A recent study from Germany found the emotional influence of listening to sad music is an arousal of feelings of empathy (同情), and a desire for positive connection with others. That, itself, is psychologically healing. It draws you away from concentration on yourself, and possibly towards helping others in need of comfort.

Another experiment, from the University of Kent, found that when people were experiencing sadness, listening to music that was “beautiful but sad” improved their mood. In fact, it did so when the person first consciously accept the situation causing their sadness, and then began listening to the sad music. That is, when they intended that the sad music might help, they found that it did.

These findings link with other studies that show accepting your sad situation emotionally leads to healing and growth beyond it. It seems unbelievable but it does make sense. For example, research from Cornell University found that accepting discomfort about a life experience or new situation, and viewing it as a step towards growth and change, encourages people to find a pathway through it, beyond it. As Churchill famously said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” That discomfort points you towards creating a plan, a new action. It brings hope.

1. What can we learn from Paragraph 3&4?
A.Sad music can make people help others.
B.Sad music can make sad people feel better.
C.Sad music can make people believe in themselves.
D.Sad music can make people concentrate on themselves.
2. What does the phrase underlined in the last paragraph mean?
A.Hearing a swear word used by enemies.B.Avoiding a place to go after death.
C.Getting an extremely pleasant time.D.Having an unbearable experience.
3. How does the author develop this article?
A.By listing figures.B.By giving directions.
C.By presenting research findings.D.By comparing examples.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the article?
A.How to Find Pathways through Heartaches
B.How We React to a Broken Heart Matters a Lot
C.What We Can Do to Overcome Discomfort in Life
D.Why Listening to Sad Music Heals Your Broken Heart
昨日更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省郑州市郑中国际学校2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Ken Campbell如何在晚年成为一名超级长跑运动员的经历。

7 . The last attempt of Ken Campbell to run could date back to high school. When his wife, Susan, injured her foot, she needed support to rejoin her running group, so Campbell went along to keep her company in the recovery. “We were just walking at the beginning,” he says, “I was heavy, and weighed over 90kg.” But as the weeks and months passed, the weight fell away, Susan recovered and Campbell’s abilities grew. At the age of 63, he ran 50 km, and at 70, he completed a 100 km ultramarathon (超长距离马拉松赛跑).

So how does someone with no experience of running become an ultradistance runner in his 60s and 70s? Susan had run marathons (马拉松比赛) before her injury, but for Campbell, the turning point came when Susan’s Fleet Feet running group started training near their home.

Campbell went out to visit Susan’s group, and “the paths were a terrible mess. It had been raining, and I was slipping, sliding and falling. But I thought, well, I like this a lot.” What he liked above all was the feeling of “being wrapped by the path, being hugged by the closeness of the plants and the nearness of the river”.

Running the 100 km ultramarathon took Campbell 16 hours. When Campbell crossed the finish line, Susan handed him a 100 km sticker to display on the back of his truck. “It is a public statement that you are part of this community,” he says. “Wherever we park, I see a line of vehicles with their various stickers and I feel that we are a community.”

Campbell suffered from arthritis before he started running, and was “waiting for knee replacement”, but for now, he no longer needs an operation. It can put an end to the running—but the “sense of wellbeing and achievement will carry me on forever,” he says, “If I can’t run, I will walk.”

1. What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?
A.Why Campbell attempted to run marathon.
B.What led to Campbell’s weight loss.
C.What made Campbell start running.
D.What Campbell did for Susan’s recovery.
2. What was the turning point for Campbell?
A.His visit to Susan’s group.B.Feeling free in nature.
C.Falling down when training.D.Susan’s starting training.
3. What did the 100 km sticker mean to Campbell?
A.A sense of achievement.B.Encouragement from his wife.
C.A sense of belonging.D.Display of his happiness.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Well begun is half done.B.Actions speak louder than words.
C.Failure is the mother of success.D.It is never too late to begin.
昨日更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省郑州市郑中国际学校2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
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8 . Azores Destination Guide


The Azores are a breathtaking region of Portugal that’s made up of nine volcanic islands in the North Atlantic Ocean. Compared to many island destinations, the Azores aren’t touristy, noisy, or polluted. Instead, travelers can expect to discover untouched nature, beautiful landscapes, and charming villages with rich cultural traditions.

Must-See Attractions

The Azores are an excellent spot for hiking, diving (潜水), fishing, and whale watching. Some of the top outdoor sights to see include the caldera (破火山口) of Lake Furnas, and Pico Island, where you can climb the tallest mountain in Portugal. São Miguel Island is the biggest and most populous island, and there are lots of historic homes, restaurants, hotels, and shops here.

If You Have Time

Although São Miguel is the most popular place to visit and stay, the other islands of the Azores are certainly worth a visit as well. The most southern island of Santa Maria has great beaches. Try to visit the port of Angra on the island of Terceira, which is a World Heritage Site. Head to the most westerly island of Flores to see the pretty coast lined with wildflowers and sheep.


Most travelers will arrive in the Azores by plane through the Ponta Delgada Airport, and although each island has its own airport, flights often take off only once daily. The best way to get around the Azores is by car, and there are some really beautiful drives to experience here. Buses operate around the islands, but service can be limited and not operational on Sundays and holidays. Cycling should only be attempted if you are in great shape because the land is rugged and steep (崎岖陡峭的). It’s especially enjoyable to take a boat to get from island to island, since most towns have ports and are along the coastline.

1. What is one of the features of the Azores?
A.The oldest homes.B.The remotest airport.
C.The untouched nature.D.The steep-sided volcanoes.
2. Which island is the furthest west?
A.Flores Island.B.Terceira Island.
C.São Miguel Island.D.Santa Maria Island.
3. What would probably be the least recommended way to tour the Azores on weekdays?
A.By car.B.By bus.C.By boat.D.By bike.
7日内更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市宛城区六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题
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9 . When I started playing soccer as a kid, I just fell in love with it. I wanted to be a soccer player when I grew up. But when I was nine, I started losing my eyesight. At first, I told myself, “If I just work harder than everyone else, I can still compete.” However, my perseverance (坚持) wasn’t going to be realistic. And because I kept pushing, my mental health started to worsen. I developed an eating disorder and depression (抑郁症).

When I hit rock bottom in high school, I started to understand that I couldn’t just keep going down that path of trying to achieve something that wasn’t possible.

My older brother got me started on the right path after I hit rock bottom. He encouraged me to try swimming. The freedom of being in the water had a calming effect on me: It gave me a place where I could feel confident again. I was able to move from the dream of playing soccer to sports that I could do, like swimming, track and field, and cross-country. Naturally, that combination led to triathlon (铁人三项运动).

In my senior year, I signed up for my first triathlon. By that point, while I still had some eyesight, I was legally blind. My parents biked and ran the course with me the night before, which helped me learn and remember key landmarks.

That first race was great. Most importantly, that race opened a new door in sports and in life for me. When I went to Michigan State for college, I started the triathlon team there. That gave me another network of support, and surrounded me with people to train with and work with.

None of that would have happened if I had continued to play soccer. Sometimes you have to change the path you thought you’d be on, but you can still persevere on that new path.

1. What brought the author’s soccer dream to an end?
A.His failing eyesight.B.His poor eating habits.
C.His insufficient training.D.His lack of competitive spirit.
2. What effect did swimming have on the author?
A.It changed his views on health.
B.It made him feel free and confident.
C.It helped him become a professional athlete.
D.It led to his dream of being a triathlon coach.
3. Why does the author stress the significance of his first triathlon?
A.It improved his memory.B.It made his family closer.
C.It broadened his path of life.D.It opened his door to college.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Perseverance leads to success.B.When one door closes, another opens.
C.Never put all your eggs in one basket.D.The only true failure is the failure to try.
7日内更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市宛城区六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题
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10 . As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states, if we are to avoid a world that is too hot to live in, we need to do everything we possibly can, right now, to cut greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. The fashion industry (时装行业) contributes up to 10% of global emissions — more than international aviation (航空) and shipping combined. It also contributes to biodiversity loss, pollution, landfill issues unsafe work practices and more.

It’s not the first time that people have adapted their clothing in response to the demands of a crisis. During the second world war, clothing styles changed in the United Kingdom and Australia. To protect precious resources, shorter skirts, minimal detailing and a focus on practicability became the norm.

In our current context, the most helpful thing we can do is to buy fewer new clothes, wear them for longer and restrain our desire.

Australians buy a lot of clothes, about 56 items per year on average. That makes Australians the second highest textiles consumers in the world after the USA. The price of clothes has dropped significantly over the past couple of decades, and the number of clothes people have in their closets has grown.

The Berlin-based Hot or Cool Institute suggests a wardrobe (衣柜) of 74 garments ( including shoes but excluding undergarments) is typically sufficient for people who live in a two-season climate (in the tropics) and 85 pieces for those who live in a four-season climate, as most Australians do. If we buy 10 to 12 new items a year, we can replace our entire wardrobe in about seven years.

If we do care about sustainable (可持续的) development, that means changing those choices that are no longer suited to the climate crisis. Clothes need to reflect a person’s situation as well as their identity to “work” well. This may mean that what we wear changes as we make different buying decisions, just as people did in the second world war. We may start to look different, but that change means our values in action.

1. What does the author stress in the first paragraph?
A.The consequences of greenhouse effect.
B.The importance of reducing carbon footprint.
C.The problems caused by the fashion industry.
D.The necessity of developing the fashion industry.
2. What does the underlined word “restrain” in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. What does the Berlin-based Hot or Cool Institute’s suggestion focus on?
A.Limiting the number of our clothes.B.Reducing the production of clothes.
C.Increasing the number of our clothes.D.Replacing our wardrobe when necessary.
4. Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the text?
A.Shop Sensibly and Dress Properly
B.Wear Wisely and Live Sustainably
C.How Many Clothes Should We Buy Every Year
D.What Should We Wear to Cut Greenhouse Gases
7日内更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市宛城区六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题
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