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1 . Imagine having a magic purple crayon that can bring your imagination to life. That’s exactly what happens in the movie Harold and the Purple Crayon, originally a children’s book by Crockett Johnson.

In the book, Harold is a kid who uses his crayon to draw a fantasy world. If he draws the moon, it shines just like the real thing. If he draws a hot- air balloon, he can float away. In the movie, Harold is a grown-up character in a book who uses the crayon to enter the real world.

Joined by his friends Moose and Porcupine, Harold gets help from a kind family. He returns their kindness by drawing things that make them happy. Of course, the crayon eventually falls into the wrong hands. Harold worries about its being used for bad purposes. He loses faith in his ability to make people happy with his drawings. Luckily, friendship and imagination show him and his friends that anything is possible.

Harold and the Purple Crayon is funny and exciting. Readers of the book will really enjoy seeing the characters come to life on the big screen. It’s perfect for a family movie night and for anyone who enjoys fantasy. It might inspire you to, as Harold says, “Make your life what you want it to be. Use your imagination.”

1. What is the function of Harold’s purple crayon in the story?
A.To write fantasy stories.B.To draw vivid pictures.
C.To turn drawings to realityD.To create moon and hot-air balloon.
2. What does Harold do to thank the kind family?
A.He gives them his crayon.
B.He draws things that make them happy.
C.He tells them funny stories.
D.He helps them with their work.
3. How does the story encourage the audience?
A.To be willing to help others.
B.To always have imagination.
C.To use their imagination to shape their lives.
D.To avoid making mistakes.
昨日更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州第二中学富春学校2024-2025学年高一上学期开学摸底考试英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。介绍了建筑师Lord Norman Foster和他设计的卡塔尔Lusail Towers的背景和特点。

2 . Lord Norman Foster, renowned as one of the world’s foremost architects, has devoted decades to redefining the concept of tall buildings. “What we’ve done is create a sense of identify draw n from real needs,” Foster said. “It’s not a fashionable idea, but generated from the realities we were in.” His masterpiece includes iconic structures such as the HSBC building in Hong Kong. Now, he’s set his sights on Qatar.

Currently nearing completion and set to reach a height of 301 meters, Foster’s Lusail Towers are ready to claim the title of Oatar’s tallest buildings. Lusail Towers are intended to serve as a center for Oatar’s financial institutions, with four distinctive blocks, two standing at 70 stories and two at 50 stories.

But the construction itself wasn’t all plain sailing. To address the unique challenges presented by Oatar’s hot climate, Foster’s team had to depart from the materials commonly used in skyscrapers in cooler countries—— part of what Foster called a decades- long quest to “reinvent the tall building.” The design combines advanced shading with ventilation (通风), while the towers’ surfaces are coated with “marine- grade” aluminum (铝) that wraps around the buildings, protecting the glass from strong sunlight while maintaining the views and still letting in natural light. Central to the project are special shading fins (鳍), which not only optimize views and natural lighting for occupants but reduce solar radiation by 70% compared to traditional all- glass towers.

While the towers are ready to become a recognizable landmark for Lusail, Foster believes that a city’s skyline reflects what lies beneath the surface. It was crucial to integrate the towers into a “low- scale master plan.” They are strategically positioned on top of a subway line and at the end of a commercial avenue linking the waterfront to the nearby football stadium. According to Foster, the ground features of the plaza will play a significant role in the objective of transforming the area into a lively public space for the future.

1. According to Foster’s concept, what should tall buildings be like?
2. What can we learn about the Lusail Towers?
A.They will function as a global financial center.
B.They are expected to be Qartar’s tallest building.
C.They are Foster’s most renowned iconic masterpiece.
D.They have four blocks with the same style and height.
3. What was the solution to the challenges caused by Qatar’s hot climate?
A.Replacing the glass with “marine-grade” aluminum.
B.Coating the tower with an unconventional material.
C.Reducing the views and natural lighting with shading fins.
D.Protecting the glass from natural light and solar radiation.
4. What’s the goal of “low- scale master plan”?
A.To link the waterfront to the football stadium.
B.To create a remarkable plaza for the citizens.
C.To offer a dynamic public space for the future.
D.To connect a subway and a commercial avenue.
昨日更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州第二中学2024-2025学年高三8月适应性考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。作者回忆了自己20年前在新泽西州的Kingda Ka过山车上的惊险体验。尽管在过山车启动时感到害怕,但随着过山车的行进,作者逐渐克服了恐惧并享受了整个过程。最终,这次过山车之旅成为了作者难忘的记忆,并激发了他对更多冒险和刺激活动的渴望。

3 . Here I was, sitting in the roller coaster (过山车) cart of Kingda Ka in New Jersey, the tallest and second fastest roller coaster on Earth. My friends shouted in excitement, while I shakily _______ my hands on my shorts. “How can you be so excited when...”

My words caught in my throat and melted into screams as the roller coaster suddenly _______ forward. It was the fastest _______ I had ever experienced in my life: 128 miles per hour. I screamed at the top of my _______ as fear froze me up from inside. We rapidly moved up the skinny hump (驼峰) rising into the clouds at a ninety degree angle, having crossed the track bringing us forward in mere _______.

_______, close to the highest part of the hump, I _______ a little. My screams became less terrified and more energetic. Once we reached the _______ of the hump, I could almost touch the sky.

And then we were spiraling (盘旋) downwards, curving and twisting and _______ towards Earth at the same speed. ________ I realized it, we had already met the ground. It was a thirty - second - long ride. I managed to ________ the entire ride without a breakdown.

I gasped in surprise. It was over. I had not only survived the ride—I had ________ it. My friend turned to me, her eyes ________. “Are you ready for the next roller coaster?”

My head felt light as we walked away from the ride spinning with something I didn’t ________ recognize. It took me a few minutes to put a name to it — thrill. “I’m ready for anything.”

Until today, that ________ ride that I went on 20 years ago is still kept alive in my memory.

A.broke downB.calmed downC.made upD.dressed up
A.take offB.carry onC.go throughD.get through
昨日更新 | 71次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省名校协作体2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题(含听力)
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4 . At one time, our growing population was seen as central to wildlife extinction, resource exhaustion, pollution and environmental destruction. But today, our concerns shift to declining birth rates due to increased reproductive choice for women.

This is a positive development, but is often described as a “crisis” in the media, highlighting economic and senior care challenges. Lost in the conversation are the many positive aspects of an aging society, which is the result of people living healthier and longer lives, and common-sense realities like reduced needs for infrastructure (基础设施) and lower ecological impacts. Also lost is the fact that our population still grows by 80 million people every year.

And the consequences of high birth rates are severe. Among them is global warming. In fact, increased emissions (排放) from population growth have canceled more than three quarters of the emissions saved through energy efficiency and renewables over the past three decades.

Yet, no matter how well documented the link between population and climate, lowering our population is notably absent from the conversation on solutions. Instead, the focus is on technology that will supposedly allow our entire growing population to enjoy the energy-intensive lifestyles now enjoyed by the rich, and with no climate impacts.

But “green” technology is not the solution it is advertised to be. Its expansion to the degree needed to power a growing population at a decent standard of living would itself require a shocking investment in fossil (化石) fuels. It also requires massive mining operations, many of which take place on the backs of low-wage workers in Africa where it is driving destruction of rainforests critical to the survival of great apes. Besides, it requires 10 times the land area as fossil fuel plants for the same amount of energy generated.

When global warming threatens to push billions into unsafe temperatures, it is no time to panic that we are adding fewer to those billions. In fact, declining birth rates should be cause for celebration as they signify advances in gender equality and a reduced burden on Earth.

1. What can we learn from paragraph 2?
A.The global population is decreasing every year.
B.The benefits of an aging society are overlooked.
C.The ecological environment is turning for the better.
D.The media make up misleading news about the population.
2. What is highlighted as a disadvantage of high birth rates?
A.Reduced infrastructure needs.B.Challenges in senior care services.
C.A slowdown in economic growth.D.Increased greenhouse gas emissions.
3. Why is “green” technology questioned in the text?
A.It does damage to the ecosystem.B.It is not popular around the world.
C.It is unaffordable for poor regions.D.It has little effect on reducing pollution.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Aging Societies: A Global CrisisB.The Mystery of “Green” Technology
C.The Trend of Population GrowthD.Declining Birth Rates: A Hopeful Sign
昨日更新 | 163次组卷 | 2卷引用:2025届浙江Z20名校联盟高三第一次联考英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了15岁的多伦多青少年纳林·卡马特因为无法参加评审展览而受挫,但这激发了他为更多年轻艺术家提供展示机会的决心。在父母的支持下,他创办了Little EGG Gallery的故事。

5 . By the time Nalin Kamat was 13, the Toronto teen was well on his way to becoming a working artist. He had already had his first show at a local art center, showcasing his series titled “Dispositions”, which illustrated his own growth during adolescence (青少年).

Yet he wanted more — specifically to start showing his work in a juried exhibition, where a group of art experts would evaluate and select pieces in a competitive review process. That’s when he hit an obstacle, discovering in the very last line of a multi- page application that the minimum age for submission was 18.

That rejection became a motivation for creation. “I thought it’d be really cool if I could provide the opportunity to more young artists,” says Nalin, now 15. With the support of his parents, in January 2023, Nalin rented a storefront and founded Little EGG Gallery, which is now profitable enough to make ends meet by charging a small hanging fee for any displayed work. In turn, Little EGG helps promote young talent by showcasing their work.

Not long after opening, David Griffin, a professor and artist of Ontario College of Art and Design University stepped into the gallery and met Nalin. Griffin regards him as someone special: “a strong young artist with a really excellent idea — creating a space for showing the natural genius of young people. It was a void (空白) in the art world.” There Nalin asked Griffin to help judge an upcoming competition. The first juried show was last spring, and five- year - old Jack Gamble won for his abstract painting titled Pokemon.

As Nalin was busy with school, life and his own art, Little EGG is mostly open by appointment only, but he’s still committed to growing it with seasonal and themed shows scheduled a few times a year.

1. What do we know about Nalin Kamat from the first two paragraphs?
A.He drew teenagers’ growth in his work.B.He became a working artist when aged 13.
C.He was disqualified for a juried exhibition.D.He showed his series at the capital art center.
2. Why did Nalin decide to set up Little EGG Gallery?
A.To promote artists by showcasing their work.
B.To form the connection between different galleries.
C.To expand his own business through themed shows.
D.To show young artists’ talent by offering them a stage.
3. Which of the following can best describe Nalin’s idea of opening the gallery?
A.Pioneering.B.Short- lived.C.Popular.D.Unpromising.
4. What kind of person is Nalin Kamat according to the text?
A.Helpful and cautious.B.Devoted and creative.
C.Humorous and intelligent.D.Knowledgeable and ambitious.
7日内更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省名校协作体2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题(含听力)

6 . I was a little nervous when I was walking into my first school in America. I had travelled a long way from India to America in order to ________ my mother who had been here for three years. She thought American education would help my ________.

I was afraid about ________ I would manage. I didn’t know anybody in my class. On the first day, I went to my second class because I had ________ my first. I knocked on the door and opened it ________. Everyone’s eyes were ________ me as I entered the room. Without paying attention to them, I went ________ to the teacher and asked if this was the right class. And he answered, “Yes.” He gave me a piece of paper called Course Introduction. Then he asked me to choose ________ I wanted to sit. I chose the seat closest to the door. ________ I didn’t want to pick a seat. In India we had assigned (指定的) seats, so I never needed to ________ about that.

I spent the rest of the class taking ________ from the screen at the front of the classroom. In Indian schools teachers didn’t use ________. We had to take notes as the teacher spoke.

School ended at 2:30 p.m. It was much ________ than in India.

After a day of school life I found the teachers in America had a fun way of ________ difficult things much easier. The teachers in India were ________ in the way they said things. I was thinking that my first day wasn’t so bad.

7日内更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州市闻涛中学2023-2024学年初升高暑假英语学情调研测试
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7 . Why you may wonder, should spiders be our friends? Because they destroy so many insects, including some of the greatest enemies of the human race. Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour (吞食) all our crops and kill our cattle, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. We owe a lot to the birds and beast who eat insects, but all of them put together kill only a very small amount of the number destroyed by spiders. Moreover, unlike some of the insect eaters, spiders never do the least harm to us or our belongings.

Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them. One can tell the difference almost at a glance, for a spider always has eight legs and an insect never more than six.

How many spiders are engaged in the work on our behalf? One authority on spiders made a research on spiders and found that there were more than 2,250,000 in one acre; that is something like 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds on a football field. Spiders are busy for at least half the year in killing insects. It is impossible to make more than the wildest guess at how many they kill, but they are hungry creatures, not content with only three meals a day. It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by the spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all human beings in the country.

1. Spiders should be our friends, because ________.
A.they only eat harmful insects
B.they are great insect-eating animals
C.they destroy insects without hurting us in any way
D.they include some of the greatest enemies of the human race
2. One authority on spiders estimated ________.
A.that there were more than 2,250,000 insects in a grass field in the south of England
B.that every football field in England had 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds
C.the number of different spiders in England was very big
D.that the weight of all the insects destroyed by the spiders is more than the weight of human.
3. What does the underlined word “content” mean in the article? It means ________.
4. Spiders are active in killing insects ________.
A.all the yearB.for most of the year.
C.in the summer month.D.for more than six months of each year.
5. Which one of the following statements is the main idea?
A.Spiders, the greatest insects-eating animals, protect us from being destroyed by harmful insects and they should be our friends.
B.Spiders are not insects but in fact animals.
C.There are great numbers of spiders engaged in destroying harmful insects on behalf of the human race.
D.Birds and beasts can’t compare with spiders as destroyers of insects.
7日内更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州市闻涛中学2023-2024学年初升高暑假英语学情调研测试
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8 . Children running to school are now more likely to get a table device (平板设备) than a pencil case, according to a study.

Researchers found that 55 percent of children are given a new iPad as they head back to school, compared to only 45 percent who get a new pencil case.

It also showed fewer kids walk to school now, dropping from 81 percent in their parents’ schooldays to just 63 percent now, with a third of kids preferring to use a scooter (滑板车) to make it to the school gates.

And most children now listen to music on the way to school instead of chatting with friends as their parents used to. However, one thing that hasn’t changed about going to school is the excitement.

68 percent of parents said they rushed back to school to be friends they hadn’t seen for the six-week break. Only 23 percent of children rush back to school to chat with friends now.

This is because modern kids chat with friends during the holiday on WeChat or QQ, so they already know what their schoolmates have been up to.

Clothes are another big area for change. Children like to choose clothes on their own now. What’s more, their clothes are always in style.

The after-school life has also changed. More than half of parents had a daily bedtime story in their childhood, while a third of modern children watch daily cartoons on the Internet instead now.

1. How do students feel about returning to school now?
2. Why don’t students rush back to school to chat with their friends now?
A.They don’t miss their friends.
B.They have seen their friends during the holiday.
C.It is not the right time for them to chat with each other.
D.Children get in touch with their friends during the holiday.
3. Which of the following is true?
A.More children walk to school now.
B.Children’s clothes are always in style now.
C.Most children now chat with their friends on the way to school.
D.Children don’t know about their friends’ life during the holiday.
4. What do many children do after school according to the passage?
A.Talk with their parents.B.Watch cartoons.
C.Listen to bedtime stories.D.Do their homework.
7日内更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州市闻涛中学2023-2024学年初升高暑假英语学情调研测试
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文章大意:这是一篇应用文。文章是Alice Miller的个人简历,提到了一些个人信息和工作经历。
9 . Job Application Form
NameAlice Millerphone(826) 732-7869
address22 oak Street, Arizona 793E7
EmailAlicemiller @ gmail.com
EducationRampoo College, Arlington, Virginia
Computer skillsGood at office software, such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint.
ManagerCharles WorthJuly 2015-Present
Assistant managerMontblancApril 2013-June 2015
Sales associateNordstormApril 2010-April 2013
1. We can’t find Alice Miller’s________in the form.
2. Which of the following is NOT Alice Miller’s strong point?
3. Alice Miller is working at ________.
A.Nordstorm.B.Montblanc.C.Rampoo.D.Charles Worth.
7日内更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州市闻涛中学2023-2024学年初升高暑假英语学情调研测试
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10 . I moved to London instead of Wellington by accident, or rather, because of an accident.

One evening in 2008, a group of joyriders stole our van (面包车), named The Colombian, from a street outside Wellington, New Zealand. When my brother Ant _________ the van parked on the beach, he called the police, who then gave _________ as it drove off. After running a few red _________, the joyriders lost _________ and smashed into a building, _________ the van.

One morning, after the accident, we woke to an email from Ant titled “RIP The Colombian”, _________ what he’d been through the night before while my husband, Dave, and I slept _________ in our flat in Bogotá, Colombia. The police caught the six joyriders. “No _________ were hurt in the making of this drama” were, _________, the last words of the email.

Two years earlier, Dave, __________ my boyfriend, had bought the van before I went to visit him in New Zealand and transformed the back into a mini __________. We spent the summers of 2006 and 2007 on a road trip around the South and North islands.

The Colombian was at the __________ of everything. It had such significance to us that we decided to __________ it—after all, we would be back in New Zealand in a couple of years.

The theft of the van __________ changing the course of my life. It’s hard to imagine what my life would have been like in New Zealand had the van not been __________.

A.turned downB.put offC.set aboutD.ended up
7日内更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州市七彩阳光新高考研究联盟2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
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