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1 . Club sports provide both a competitive and social sporting experience to any Purdue student. Whether you are looking to continue to be part of a sport you love or looking for new experiences, there is a club for you at every skill level.

The Purdue University Baseball Club

The Purdue University Baseball Club is a student-run organization that participates in intercollegiate(大学间的)athletic competition. We provide students an opportunity to continue their baseball career at a collegiate level.

President: Jack Fitzhugh

Email: jfitzhu@purdue.edu

The Purdue Gymnastics Club

The Purdue Gymnastics Club is a group of normal everyday students who, like yourself, want to stay active while at school. We practice during evening hours four times a week during the fall and spring semesters. We own and operate equipment for four women’s and six men’s events.

President: Maya MeDonald

Email: medon127@purdue.edu

The Purdue Triathlon Club

The Purdue Triathlon Club’s mission is to get together multi—sport athletes who want to train in a social environment and promote interest and participation in triathlons(铁人三项), duathlons(铁人两项), running, swimming and cycling events on the Purdue University campus. We encourage and support members while training together. We travel to races in the spring and summer together and host two races during the school year. We end our year at the Collegiate Nationals in April.

President: Katalin Kovach

Email: kovach 10@ purdue.edu

The Purdue Men’s Club

The Purdue Men’s Club Volleyball allows Purdue undergraduate and graduate students to play volleyball at a competitive, intercollegiate level. Tryouts are held at the beginning of each semester and teams are divided based on skill level. Players come from all over the country, not just the Midwest. The first and second teams travel to tournaments across the Midwest and to the NCVF National tournament each spring. The club is an NCVF and MIVA recognized program and consistently finishes in the top competitive divisions of the region and nation.

President: Ben Bednarczyk

Email: bbednarc@ purdue.edu

1. Who can you contact if you want to participate in a baseball game?
A.Maya MeDonald.B.Katalin Kovach.C.Jack Fitzhugh.D.Ben Bednarczyk.
2. What makes the Purdue Gymnastics Club special?
A.It operates equipment for 10 events.
B.It is open every day throughout the semester.
C.It includes both students and professional athletes.
D.It is a student-run organization.
3. What do we know about the Purdue Triathlon Club?
A.It aims to popularize three sports.B.It hosts races annually in April.
C.It divides members based on skill level.D.It allows athletes to train in multiple sports.
4. Which club is highly competitive on a national level?
A.The Purdue Triathlon Club.B.The Purdue Gymnastics Club.
C.The Purdue Men’s Club Volleyball.D.The Purdue University Baseball Club.
5. Where can you see these information?
A.Students’ Textbooks.B.School Magazines.
C.Travel Agencies.D.Campus Network.
2022-07-06更新 | 258次组卷 | 3卷引用:2019年天津卷高考真题变式题(阅读理解A)
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2 . In the 1950s, Japan began to focus on developing is economy. Every day, many people traveled by train between Tokyo and Osaka. Many industrial materials were also transported on those railway lines. But the Japanese railway system was so outdated that the 320-mile trip could take 20 hours. So in 1955 the Japanese railway chief asked the nation’s engineers to create a faster train.

Months later, a team managed to create a train going at a speed of 65mph — a speed that made it one of the fastest passenger trains worldwide at the time. But the railway chief wasn’t satisfied. He wanted 120mph. The engineers immediately explained that at those speeds, if a train turned too sharply, the speed would force the cars off the track.

But the railway chief didn’t change his mind. After making many attempts, the engineers eventually created a train running up to 120mph and had a big influence on the industrial design worldwide. This is an example of what a “stretch goal” (延展性目标) can achieve. When exploring psychology, I was frequently told by researchers that the most successful people tend to set goals differently from everyone else. In particular they tend to identify big, seemingly unrealistic objectives.

“Stretch goals break complacency (自满),” some scientists wrote. “By forcing a big rise in collective hopes, stretch goals can shift attention to possible new futures and perhaps lead to increased energy in the organizations. They thus can achieve more.”

This lesson can be used in the most ordinary aspects of life. Take to-do lists for instance. When making to-do lists, some people often write down tasks they can cross off right away. That’s wrong. Before writing easy tasks, you should first put down at the top of your list a big stretch goal that will constantly remind you of the main objective you’re trying to get done.

1. What does the description of Japan’s problem in the 1950s show?
A.The public’s discontent at its train service.
B.The unfavorable economic situation of Japan.
C.The practical need to improve its railway system.
D.The unbalanced development of its transportation.
2. How did Japanese engineers react to the railway chief’s idea at first?
A.They found it tough but worthwhile.
B.They considered it totally unrealistic.
C.They put forward their own research plan.
D.They believed it would gradually come true.
3. What did the author often hear about when he was studying psychology?
A.How to break down big goals into smaller ones.
B.How to understand “stretch goals” matters.
C.How to create success step by step.
D.How to set goals sets people apart.
4. The author takes the to-do lists for example to ______.
A.encourage people to keep making to-do lists daily
B.indicate we’d better first achieve easy goals
C.prove to-do lists are crucial to organizations
D.show stretch goals can apply to our daily life
5. Which of the following does the author probably agree with?
A.A stretch goal can be a double-edged sword.
B.Ambition pushes personal and social progress.
C.Readers need to listen to members’ opinions.
D.Goals should fit in with the reality.
2022-05-20更新 | 194次组卷 | 3卷引用:2019年天津卷高考真题变式题(阅读理解B)
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3 . How do you learn English? Are you trying to improve your speaking? Then aim for fluency and “standard” pronunciation. Do you want to get better at writing? You should practice vocabulary and grammar.

But this way of learning, though necessary, misses one big thing: people from different places may speak English differently. For example, people from the US and the UK speak very differently. If a British friend invited me to eat lunch at his apartment, he might say: “Come over to mine round 1 p.m.” But if I invited him over, I might say: “Be at my place a little after 1 p.m.” “My place” is more commonly used in the US; “mine” is more frequently used in the UK—both are informal ways of saying “my house” or “my apartment”.

Even people in different parts of the US speak very differently. For example, imagine that you are talking to a group of people and want to address them all at once. What pronoun do you use? “You”, you should reply—that’s the correct pronoun whether you’re addressing one person or a group. But using “you” to address many people feels strange in a conversation. The most common choice around the US is to say “you guys”. But working class natives of my hometown, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, say “yinz”. In eastern Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey, some people say “youse”. In the southern US, people say “y’all”.

The point is that there’s a lot more to languages than what’s standard and proper. So take a tour around the US, y’all. Yinz will be glad that youse do it.

1. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The reason why we need to practice pronunciation.
B.How to understand the native English speakers.
C.How to practice vocabulary and grammar effectively.
D.The different ways native speakers use the language.
2. What is the informal way of saying “my house” in the UK?
A.My place.B.Mine.
C.My apartment.D.My flat.
3. The underlined word “address” in Paragraph 3 probably means ______.
A.write toB.come to
C.speak toD.turn to
4. How many examples does the author use?
5. If someone says, “It’s good seein’y’all.”, he is likely from ______.
A.the southern USB.Pennsylvania
C.New YorkD.New Jersey
2022-04-29更新 | 97次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市红桥区2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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4 . Audio digital (有声数字化) books are becoming more and more popular these years. One of the reasons for this is that audio digital books can be “read” in many places comfortably.

The first favourite place for many people is in bed, before going to sleep. There are nights when a person would want to do nothing but lie in bed going over what has happened in the day. Many people like to just lie in bed in the dark before they fall asleep at night. This would be the perfect time to listen to an audio digital book. If you read an ordinary book, the lights have to be turned on and you have to turn the pages with your hand. An audio book can just be listened to while a person stays comfortably in bed.

The next favourite place to listen to audio digital books would be in the kitchen. For some people kitchen work is boring. Audio digital books provide good entertainment, and people don’t need to turn pages.

An audio digital book is a favourite while a person is gardening. They can help take a person’s mind off job at hand. It can be fun and exciting to do gardening with the help of these books.

Another great place would be while exercising. It allows the mind to be free while the legs, body and arms are kept busy. This would be a great place to listen to these books.

The next favourite place would be while we are on the road to and from work on buses, trains or even on long flights. Audio digital books have become good companions and help us relaxed.

1. The second paragraph mainly tells us ______.
A.you can listen to an audio digital book comfortably at home
B.a favourite place to listen to audio digital books is in bed
C.it’s perfect time to listen to an audio digital book at noon
D.you have to keep the lights on while reading ordinary books
2. Some people like listening to audio digital books in the kitchen because ______.
A.they can sing to the music
B.it can save power
C.it can help them avoid boredom
D.the kitchen is the best place to do this
3. While exercising, a person “reads” an audio digital book so as to ______.
A.relax his mind
B.keep his body busy
C.lose weight easily
D.reduce pain quickly
4. What is the main topic of this passage?
A.What is an audio digital book?
B.How many kinds of audio digital books are there?
C.When were audio digital books invented?
D.Where do people like to “read” audio digital books?
5. Where does the passage probably come from?
A.An announcement.
B.A book review.
C.A science magazine.
D.A guidebook.
2022-04-29更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市红桥区2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . I lost my sight when I was four years old in an illness. Now I am thirty, and I can still ________ the brightness of sunshine.

Life, I believe, needs a lot of adjustments (调整) to reality. The more ready a person is to________ these adjustments, the ________ meaningful his own world will be. But the ________ is very difficult.

The hardest ________ I had to learn was to believe in myself. If I hadn’t been able to do it, I would have given up. And it ________ me years to discover and strengthen this confidence.

Up to now I still remember ________ happened when I was at school. A man gave me an indoor baseball. ________ I thought he was kidding me and I was ________. “I can’t use this,” I said angrily. “Take it with you,” he said politely, “and ________ it around.” The words echoed (萦绕) in my head—“Roll it around!” ________ rolling the ball I could hear where it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought ________: playing baseball. Finally, I invented a different kind of baseball at Philadelphia’s Overbrook School for the Blind. We ________ it ground ball.

All my life I have set many goals and ________ tried to reach them. It was hard for me to try for something new, which was wildly out of ________ at the beginning. Although I would fail sometimes, I made progress continuously.

A.At leastB.At lastC.At firstD.At most
2022-04-29更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市红桥区2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Do you remember the name of your kindergarten teacher? I do. Her name was Mrs. White.

I don’t remember much about what we learned in her ________, but my mother once told me we used to ________ a lot. And I would ________ what I wrote and my mother would look at it and see there were so many ________. But no red corrections. And always a star. Sometimes even a “Good”! That made my heart filled with ________, but worried my mother. So one day when she met Mrs. White, she asked her why she never ________ my mistakes; why she never red-penciled in the wrong ________ of words or pointed out grammatical errors.

My mother said Mrs. White said “The children are just ________ to get excited about using words, about ________ sentences. I don’t want to dampen (减弱) that ________ with red ink. Spelling and grammar can ________. The wonder of words won’t…” And maybe she didn’t ________ it exactly like that because it was a long time ago and ________ my mother told me was just what she could remember.

Thanks to Mrs. White, I ________ up learning to use words with loving ________. I had no qualms (顾虑) about writing what I meant ________ I couldn’t quite spell it out. A thought comes into my mind that if Mrs. White had used her red pen precisely, I ________ wouldn’t be telling you about this now. I look ________ now and think she must have been a rather ________ teacher — to exercise such red-pen-restraint (不纠错) — to ________ the joy, wonder and excitement of expression.

A.bring backB.hand outC.hand inD.make up
A.as ifB.now thatC.if onlyD.even if
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7 . Fire ants are famous for their construction projects (as well as their burning bites). When they need to, colonies of these insects turn themselves into ladders, chains and walls. And when flood water rises, a colony can float to safety by making an unusual boat. The ants hold tightly to each other, forming a floating disk atop the water. The antraft may float for months seeking safe harbor. The ants on the bottom don’t drown, and the ants on the top stay dry. Working together, the ants float to safety — even though a single ant alone in the water will struggle to survive.

“They have to stay together as a colony to survive.” Nathan Mlot said.

Fire ants and water don’t mix. The ant’s hard outer shell, naturally repels water. A drop of water can sit on top of the ant like a backpack. When an ant does end up underwater, tiny hairs on its body can trap bubbles of air that give the bug a boost up.

To investigate the science behind the antraft, the scientists placed hundreds or thousands of ants at a time in the water. A group of ants took about 100 seconds, on average, to build a raft. The researchers repeated the experiment multiple times. Each time, the ants organized themselves the same way, creating a raft about the size and the thickness of a thin pancake. The rafts were flexible and strong, staying together even when the researchers pushed the rafts underwater.

The scientists then froze the rafts in liquid nitrogen and studied them under powerful microscopes to figure out how the ants kept everyone safe and the water out.

The team found that some ants used their jaws to bite other ants’ legs. Other ants joined their legs together. Thanks to these tight bonds, say the scientists, the ants did a better job at keeping the water away than any one ant could do on its own. By working together, thousands of ants can stay alive in the face of a crisis like a flood by using their own bodies to build a boat.

1. When flood comes, fire ants ________.
A.will run away separatelyB.find a hole to hide themselves
C.combine themselves into a raftD.climb onto boats on the water
2. What makes fire ants stay afloat?
A.Tiny hairs on their body.B.Their hard outer shell.
C.Their slippery skin.D.Their backpack on its body top.
3. After scientists put fire ants into the water, they ________.
A.built a raft in 100 minutesB.organized themselves into a flexible raft
C.organized themselves in different waysD.liked to look for the food of pancakes
4. The story of fire ants proves the importance of ________.
5. The purpose of writing this text is to introduce ________.
A.how fire ants react in face of dangerB.fire ants’ differences from common ants
C.fire ants’ ability to live underwaterD.the building ability of fire ants
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8 . One day, Jack threw some papers on my desk. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Next time you want to change anything, ask me first.” he said, and left. I had made just one small change. But it was not that I hadn’t been warned. My colleagues had said he was responsible for the resignations (辞职) of the two previous secretaries. As the weeks went by, I came to look down on Jack.

After that another of his episodes (片段) had left me in tears. I stormed into his office. “What?” he said suddenly. “Jack, the way you’ve been treating me is wrong. I’ve never had anyone speak to me that way. As a professional, it’s wrong for me to allow it to continue,” I said. Jack smiled nervously, “Susan, I make you a promise that I will be a friend. I will treat you as you deserve to be treated, with respect and kindness.”

Jack avoided me the rest of the week, and never questioned my work again. I brought cookies to the office one day and left some on his desk. Another day I left a note, “Hope your day is going great.” Over the next few weeks, there were no more Jack episodes. One year later, I discovered I had breast cancer, and was scared. The statistics were not great for my long-term survival.

One day, however, Jack visited me in the hospital and silently handed me a bundle with several bulbs inside. “Tulips (郁金香),” he said. I smiled, not understanding. “If you plant them when you get home, they’ll come up next spring. I think you will be there to see them when they come up. Next spring you will see the colours I picked out for you.” Tears clouded my eyes and he left. I have seen those red and white striped (有条纹的) tulips push through the soil every spring for over ten years now. This past September the doctor declared me cured. At a moment when I was praying for just the right words, a man with very few words said all the right things. After all, that’s what friends do.

1. Jack became angry that day because ________.
A.he was feeling unwell
B.Susan had failed to keep his office clean
C.he felt Susan changed too much about the papers
D.Susan had changed something without his permission
2. Susan stormed into Jack’s office to tell Jack that ________.
A.he wasn’t worthy of respect
B.he should apologize to her right away
C.she would treat him the way he treated her
D.one should show others respect and kindness
3. Which of the following best describes Susan?
A.Moody but friendly.B.Shy and demanding.
C.Confident and friendly.D.Tough and troublesome.
4. From the passage, we can conclude that ________.
A.Jack cares about his employees
B.Jack gets along well with his employees
C.Jack is always particular about his work
D.Jack doesn’t care about the feelings of others
5. We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.a friend in need is a friend indeed
B.a few words can be as meaningful as many
C.a friend who says little must be a good friend
D.we must treat disrespectful people with disrespect
2022-04-28更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:2017届天津市红桥区高考第一次模拟英语试题
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9 . Family get-together are a great way for family members to understand the lives each other and strengthen family bonds. For younger family members, get-togethers can reinforce (加强) family traditions and can be learning experiences that help them to grow and mature. Traditional Family get-togethers can include a meal and an activity such as going to see a movie. However, there are other ideas that can help make get-togethers memorable and provide moments that enrich the lives of family members.


One way to make a family get-together memorable is to give it an environmentally friendly theme. A garden can be planted, for example. Include vegetables that can be eaten and future get-togethers. A tree could be planted and called the family tree. The family get-together could also be planned for a specific place such as a community nature center. The family could participate in an environmental project such as a neighborhood clean-up, or cleaning streams or roadsides.

Be active

Family get-togethers can have physical activity as a main focus of the fun. Families can gather at a beach and go swimming. Building sand castles also requires exertion. Other beach activities can include kite flying and searching for shells. A family get-together can also be planned for a park that has a nature trail. A picnic meal can provide food, and everyone can take a hike for exercise. A family get-together can also have a sports theme when planned for a location that has a basketball court, tennis court or some other sporting venue. For places with snow, families can go sledding or skiing together.

Museum or Historic Site

A family get-together can also be an educational gathering. For example, a get-together planned at a museum can provide entertainment as well as educational value. Family members can talk and catch up with one another while touring the museum. Contact the local chamber of commerce (商会) to find historical sites, which can provide memorable scenery to a family get-together.

1. The main purpose of the passage is ________.
A.to give us some advice on how to plan a family get-together
B.to introduce some ways of making family get-togethers unusual
C.to compare traditional family get-togethers with modern ones
D.to tell us why and where we often need a family get-together
2. Which of the following is the best choice for the blank?
A.Be planned.B.Family tree.
C.Go green.D.Community nature center.
3. What does the underlined word “exertion” in Para.3 really mean?
4. If you want to have fun and learn a lot, which one is your best choice?
A.A family planting a family tree.
B.A family gathering at a beach.
C.A family gathering of sports theme.
D.A family gathering at a museum.
5. According to the passage, which of the following is a way of traditional family get-together?
A.Seeing a film.B.Planting a tree.
C.Having a picnic.D.Visiting a historic site.
2022-04-28更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:2017届天津市红桥区高考第一次模拟英语试题
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10 . In some places, people collect honey from wild bees. This is common in many parts of the world, especially South Asia. Honey hunting is a local tradition in southern India but it is not an undemanding job. The bees in southern India can grow up to the size of the smallest adult human finger. And these giant honey bees build their hives (蜂窝) on the sides of mountains!

It takes many years for a honey hunter to learn to collect honey from these hives. From a young age the honey hunter learns everything about bees. He practices climbing hundreds of meters above the ground. Before the honey season, the honey hunter prepares for many days.

When the day of the honey hunt season arrives, the honey hunter goes to the edge of the mountain early in the morning. He climbs down with a rope and lights some dry branches (树枝) on fire. The smoke makes the bees leave the hive. With the bees flying around the honey hunter, he uses a long sharp stick to gently get pieces of the wax (蜜蜡) filled with honey. He then takes them back to the village in a box made of bamboo.

Usually the hunter takes some honey and leaves some of the hive on the mountainside. He does not take the part of the hive with the baby bees in it since he does not want to destroy the home of the bees. When the honey hunter returns, the village celebrates!

“They have been hunting honey in this way for more than 2,000 years. Honey was and still is an important part of their diet, cooking and medicine,” Simone Gie from the organization Slow Food International, said.

1. The underlined word “undemanding” in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by “________”.
2. According to the passage, honey hunting ________.
A.has a short history
B.needs careful preparation
C.makes some villages rich
D.is often done by a young man
3. Which of the following is NOT needed during honey hunting?
A.Bamboo.B.Branches.C.A rope.D.A stick.
4. Paragraph 3 is mainly about ________.
A.how to protect baby bees
B.the importance of honey
C.the new use for honey
D.how honey is hunted
5. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Honey hunters
B.The honey season
C.Bees in Southern India
D.Honey hunting celebrations
2022-04-23更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市红桥区2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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