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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了校车司机Larry Farrish在校园“睡衣日”这天早上注意到他的一位乘客Levi看起来很沮丧,因为Levi没有适合这一天穿的衣服。Larry决定帮助Levi,他去商店买了几件睡衣,并带回学校给Levi。他的善举在网上引起了关注,Larry很高兴自己的行为对一个孩子的生活产生了积极的影响。

1 . Going to school on a special day like “Pajama (睡衣) Day” is usually a happy event. But on that morning, the bus driver Larry Farrish noticed that something was very _______ about one of his _______. Levi who always flashes a big smile in the morning seemed very _______.

Actually, he was crying. When Farrish asked Levi what was wrong, Levi told him that he didn’t have the _______ for the special day.

“ It _______ me so bad,” Farrish said. “That just wasn’t my Levi, and I wanted him to have a good day.” Farrish decided that he had to _______ this. He went to Family Dollar, _______ a few pairs of pajamas and _______ to the elementary school.

Farrish began driving a school bus seven years ago. He _______ the position to be able to have weekends and summers off. But it ________ turned into a passion.

Farrish loves ________ to the kids on his route. “They become my kids after they ________ their parents,” Farrish said. “I make sure they get to and from school safe and sound, but I also try to bring some ________ to them.”

Since his kind act was posted online, the response has been ________. People went out of their way to contact him. “It feels good knowing the ________ I have had on a child’s life,” Farrish said.

A.looked upB.got closeC.headed backD.gave in
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章说明了短视频平台的市场竞争激烈,越来越多的用户选择短视频。尽管如今 Tiktok在短视频领域占据着领先地位,但是You Tube和Facebook 将会研发更多类似于Reels和 Shorts 的短视频平台以获取更多的用户。

2 . If you’ve scrolled through your Facebook feed recently, you may have noticed something surprising: lots and lots of short videos.

What makes this “Reels” feature strange is that it is hugely addictive, which I know quite well from my own personal experience. Last Friday, I took a break and hit on one short clip of someone making dinner and, well, the next time I looked up it was 20 minutes later and the blank document on my computer monitor was confirming to me that my work was still not done.

However, as silly as it seems, Reels — is actually super important, and is at the centre of a major battle between the world’s largest tech firms. The format was first pioneered by TikTok—the Chinese-owned video app that has taken the world by storm since it was launched in 2016. Today, TikTok has around 23 million UK users every month — including basically every person you know under the age of 25. And that fact has made Facebook and its parent company, Meta, very nervous indeed. As TikTok has continued to boom, Facebook has actually fallen in popularity among “Gen Z”. The reason Tik Tok has proven such a powerful challenger to Facebook’s social media dominance is almost entirely down to these sorts of short-form videos.

The format is almost perfectly optimized to be as addictive as possible: Tik Tok’s app shows you a short-form video, and if you don’t like it, you can simply swipe it away and another one will start playing instantly. And because it is portrait, not landscape, videos look “right” when viewed on your phone. What’s also smart is that TikTok’s algorithm (算法) picks videos for you based on what you actually watch, and not what you say you want.

Facebook isn’t the only app trying to do what TikTok does so well. Instagram, which is owned by Facebook’s parent company Meta, has integrated Reels even more aggressively into its app. And even Google is nervous, launching its own TikTok-style video section of YouTube (which it owns) a couple of years ago. As things stand, though TikTok currently maintains a healthy lead in the category, both YouTube and Facebook have deep pockets-so expect to see even more Reels and Shorts popping up in your feed as this intense battle continues to rage. You won’t be able to take your eyes off them.

1. What does the author intend to express by referring to his own experience?
A.Short videos play a significant role in his life.
B.People often lose themselves in short videos unconsciously.
C.Short videos have multiple functions that attract potential users.
D.The author prefers short clips of people making dinner to others
2. Why are short videos on Tiktok gaining much popularity among users?
A.Because they present breathtaking visual effects.
B.Because they include high-quality content.
C.Because users can change from one video to the next effortlessly.
D.Because users can use an algorithm to choose videos they really want.
3. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Tiktok is regarded as a competitive opponent to Facebook.
B.Tiktok has attracted 23 million UK users since it was launched in 2016.
C.Tiktok has lost its attraction among “Gen Z”.
D.Tiktok’s market share has been falling due to fierce competition.
4. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Many western companies have integrated Tiktok into their own apps.
B.Tiktok’s leading position in short videos is unchangeable
C.Big tech companies are competing for more short video users
D.Highly addictive short video apps should be removed.
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3 . Willful ignorance exists in large amount in daily life. People regularly look the other way rather than examining the consequences of their actions. Despite plenty of scientific evidence for climate change, for instance, many people still avoid engaging with facts about global warming.

We wanted to understand how common willful ignorance is and why people engage in it. After collecting data from multiple research projects that involved more than 6, 000 individuals, we discovered that willful ignorance is common and harmful, with 40 percent of people choosing “not to know” the consequences of their actions to free themselves of guilt while maximizing their own gains. But we also found that about 40 percent of people are unselfish: rather than avoiding information about the consequences of their actions, they seek it out to increase the benefits to others.

In the experiments, the decisions were made in one of two settings. In the transparent (透明的) setting, decision-makers had information about how their choice would affect themselves and their partners. In an ambiguous setting, decision-makers knew how their choice would matter for themselves but not for their teammates — although they could request that insight.

The overall balance tipped toward selfishness when participants had the option to avoid information. Only 39 percent of people in the ambiguous setting made the choice that ultimately benefited their partners — a significant drop from 55 percent in the transparent condition.

If we can avoid putting a strong moral emphasis on decisions, it may make people feel less threatened and, as a result, be less willfully ignorant. Other research groups have found promising ways to do this. For instance, we could encourage people to think more positively about good deeds rather than guilt-trip them for what they have failed to do. Highlighting recent global achievements, such as healing the ozone (臭氧) layer, can inspire people to keep up the good work rather than feeling like the battle is lost and that the situation is hopeless.

In short, we can encourage one another and ourselves toward more selfless and generous actions.

1. What causes people to ignore the effect of their behaviors deliberately?
A.They want the biggest personal benefits without feeling ashamed.
B.They hold the belief that willful ignorance is socially acceptable.
C.They are unsure about the results of their actions.
D.They always take others’ benefits into consideration.
2. What can be concluded from experiments mentioned in the passage?
A.People in the ambiguous setting were more aware of the impact of their decisions
B.More than half of the participants are selfish in the transparent condition.
C.All people in both settings chose to put their partners’ interests in the first place
D.Some people still increased the benefits of others although they could avoid information
3. Which of the following is the author likely to agree with?
A.Highlighting the difficulties of ozone layer healing inspires people to keep up the good work.
B.Paying less attention to the morality of decisions is helpful to decrease willful ignorance
C.Having a sense of guilt enables people to take global issues seriously
D.Stressing the threats of willful ignorance contributes to more selfless and generous actions
4. In which column of a newspaper can we read the passage?
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了Howe Zhu和他的同事们制造一种智能眼镜,来帮助人们识别附近的物品。介绍了研发的过程以及眼镜的功效。

4 . Smart glasses that send out a sound when an object comes into their field of view could help people who are blind to locate certain items. Blind people can be trained to move via echolocation (回声定位). This involves them sending out a noise that bounces off objects around them, with the returning echoes giving information about their surrounding area.

Inspired by this ability, Howe Zhu at the University of Technology Sydney in Australia and his colleagues wanted to create glasses that similarly give people information about what objects are close to them.

The researchers first took a pair of AR glasses with two front-facing cameras and built-in speakers. They then designed a smartphone app that used deep learning to process the visual information captured by the glasses to identify four objects: a bowl, cup, book and bottle. The team programmed a sound to play from the speakers when one of the objects came into the glasses’ field of view as a wearer scanned their head around a room. Each of the objects was assigned a connected sound. For example, when a book came into view, the wearer heard a page turning.

To test the glasses, the team enlisted seven people with varying degrees of light sense and seven people with no sight issues who were blindfolded. They sat at a table with the four objects arranged on top. When asked to pick up one of the objects, the participants who were either blind or had low vision were able to do so correctly 81%of the time, compared with a 73% success rate for the blindfolded participants.

The researchers now hope to develop this technology to recognize more objects and to allow people to use it while they are walking around.

1. Why does Howe Zhu develop smart glasses?
A.To identify the nearby items.B.To confirm the returning echoes.
C.To enhance the traffic safety level.D.To test the function of ordinary glasses.
2. What does paragraph 3 focus on?
A.The outcome of the experiment.B.The process of the experiment.
C.The importance of the experiment.D.The purpose of the experiment.
3. What can be learned about Howe Zhu’s smart glasses?
A.Participants prefer wearing them.B.Researchers doubt their functions.
C.They benefit those with low vision.D.They catalogue different information.
4. What column of a website is the text taken?
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5 . Finns love to read: It’s their favorite thing to do in their time off. The country is a little smaller than Montana, but its library network is larger, with hundreds of central libraries, branch libraries and mobile libraries.

I was two years old when my family set foot in Finland. We settled in Porvoo, a small city of around 50,000 people about an hour away from the capital, Helsinki. One thing it didn’t have were books in my family’s language — my first language, Albanian. I can’t say that I was ever encouraged to pick up a book. But once I learned how to read Finnish, I never stopped, becoming a frequent sight at the small school library.

I was 10 years old when the new building of the main library of Porvoo opened its doors to the public. When I visited for the first time, I was so in awe that I cried.

I rarely, however, borrowed a book. Perhaps I was just scared that something would happen to the books if they were somewhere they didn’t seem to belong. But unlike the real world, books never distressed me — even crime, horror and thriller titles — and I read everything.

I spent as much time as I could in the new library — falling in love with books and stories and the Finnish language; gaining confidence as a speaker; and dreaming of writing a book of my own one day, slowly growing from a reader to a writer.

1. What problem did the author meet with arriving in Finland?
A.He had few friends to make with.B.He felt discouraged to read a book.
C.He couldn’t read books in Finnish.D.He couldn’t find available libraries.
2. What can be inferred about the newly-built library of Porvoo?
A.It took a decade to build.B.It never failed to impress
C.It received the most readers.D.It aroused readers’ creativity.
3. Which is closest in meaning to “distressed” in paragraph 4?
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Experience Cultures of FinlandB.Recall Old Days in Albania
C.Pursue My Dreams in HelsinkiD.Read My Way Through Porvoo
2024-09-11更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市五华区云南师范大学附属中学2024-2025学年高三上学期8月月考英语试题
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6 . Tiny city gardens can protect wildlife such as insects, a study of small city gardens in the Netherlands has found. The two factors that offer the biggest boost are having lots of plants and having lots of different types, but it makes no difference whether the plants are native or not.

“Even with these really small gardens, just planting a few plants can make a substantial difference,” says Joeri Morpurgo at Leiden University in the Netherlands.

While there have been some studies of biodiversity in large gardens, there are virtually none on small gardens, says Morpurgo. So in 2019, his team surveyed 65 urban front gardens in Amsterdam and the Hague that were less than 10 square metres in area.

The researchers measured factors such as the overall number of insects, the number of different species, whether plants were native or not, and the area covered by plants. They found insect numbers and species richness connected strongly with plant coverage and plant richness. But neither the size of the garden nor, to their surprise, the proportion (比例) of native plant coverage made any difference.

There are several possible explanations for why the proportion of native plants made no difference, says Morpurgo. It could be that the insects that thrive in cities are generalists, for instance, or that many of the insects are foreign, too. The study didn’t classify insects as native or not.

Morpurgo says he would still encourage people to grow native species. “There are more benefits to native plants than just helping insects,” he says, such as their cultural value.

His main advice is to do nothing, and just let plants — including those some call weeds — grow and attract wildlife. “Just leave everything as is, and nature will come around to your garden,” says Morpurgo.

1. What is a decisive factor to boost wildlife?
A.The diversity of urban plants.
B.The preference for city gardens.
C.The increase of native plants.
D.The urgency for protecting plants.
2. Why were insects not influenced by the proportion of native plants?
A.They connected with foreign plants.B.They nurtured their natural habitats.
C.They adapted to the surroundings.D.They lived a life in great numbers.
3. What’s Morpurgo’s attitude towards native plants?
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Plants reflect on cultural value.B.City gardens are under control.
C.Small city gardens increase wildlife.D.City plants improve insect species.
2024-09-11更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市五华区云南师范大学附属中学2024-2025学年高三上学期8月月考英语试题
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7 . For the past 8 years, K-9 partner Roni has been by the side of Officer Joel Nitchman of the Deer Park, Texas police department. They’ve been through a lot together and the police thinks of the dog as a member of his own family. Recently, the team had just returned to the station when a tornado suddenly formed nearby.

The wind picked up fast. Remembering Roni was still inside his cage in the patrol car (巡逻车), Joel didn’t think twice about rushing outside into the storm to get his partner. “The thought of ruins, or the car turning over...I couldn’t do that to him,” said Joel. “I couldn’t have him out there during that.” He felt debris (碎片) hitting his face as he headed into the wind and he knew the situation was worsening with every passing second.

Conditions worsened even further when Joel made it around to the other side of the car. The wind and rain were so strong that he couldn’t get the door open. When he finally opened it, Roni refused to move. “I could barely open his door,” Joel said. “When I did, he’s a smart dog, he saw what was going on outside and he refused to come out at first.” With a lot of efforts, Roni finally followed his partner out of the car, and Joel was able to lead him into the station.

“Never have I been through anything like this before,” Joel said of the frightening event. Now that the danger has passed, he feels even closer to his K-9 partner and he’d do it all over again, if he had. “I love that dog,” he explained. “He’s a part of our family. We can’t leave a loved one like that. There’s no way I was going to leave him like that.”

1. Which of the following can be used to describe Roni?
A.Strong and brave.B.Funny and kind.
C.Tall and lovable.D.Loyal and clever.
2. Why did Joel rush out despite the coming disaster?
A.Roni was still on duty outside.
B.He attempted to get the car inside.
C.He went to rescue Roni in the car.
D.Roni had escaped from the patrol car.
3. What difficulty did Joel meet during the event?
A.Lack of official help.
B.Roni’s fear of the danger.
C.The poor quality of the door.
D.The unsafe situation of the station.
4. How does the experience influence Roni and Joel?
A.They are more connected to each other.
B.They are now living closer to each other.
C.They have more loved ones in their lives.
D.They are more independent of each other.
2024-09-10更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市寻甸回族彝族自治县民族中学2024-2025学年高一上学期开学检测英语试卷
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8 . After noticing that her students had problems focusing during the math class, a North Carolina teacher decided to channel (引导) their energy in a different way-cycling.

It doesn’t sound like a common thing to do during the math class, but Bethany Lambeth, a teacher from Wake County, said that ever since she installed (安装) cycling machines under her students’ desks, the quality of their work had improved greatly. Students are more focused and more importantly, they are no longer restless all the time.

“In the past, they were drumming on their desks or they were touching other people, but they don’t do that anymore. Their feet are getting out of the movement,” she said.

“The kids are not making fun of each other and they are able to get their activities through and get their work done,” the young educator added. “I think the world is changing a lot and the kids need to be able to do something different.”

Lambeth installed the cycling machines at the end of last year, paying around $150 for each.

Judging by the results observed by the Wake County teacher, this might be a way the educational officials are particularly excited about the role that cycling machines have played and think these can play in special education classes.

The kids obviously love the new “toys”. Sofia Fedele, one of Lambeth’s students, said cycling helps her focus on her work during the class “Pedaling (踩踏板) is much better and it keeps me exercising and focused,” she said. Quinn Spear, another student in Lambeth’s class, also acknowledged the health benefits of cycling during the class. He said that he had pedaled 5.5 miles and burned 133calories,all before 10 am.

1. Why did the teacher Bethany Lambeth install the cycling machines?
A.To make an experiment.B.To attract more students to her class.
C.To introduce a new toy to her students.D.To make her students more focused in class.
2. What do we know about school officials?
A.They plan to install more cycling machines in classes.
B.They think the cycling machines can be used in special education classes.
C.They regard cycling machines as new toys for students.
D.They need to look into the results of using cycling machines.
3. What is Wake Country teacher’s attitude towards Lambeth’s project?
4. What’s the main purpose of the author in writing the text?
A.To call on schools to install more cycling machines.
B.To introduce a new way to make students focus on the class.
C.To tell teachers how to help students improve their studies.
D.To show the advantages of cycling in class.
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9 . Here are four favorite books for young readers.

Miss Rumphius

Miss Rumphius dreams of living by the sea, traveling the world and making it a more beautiful place — and she does it in her own ways, living alone with her cat and sowing lupine (羽扇豆) seeds along the coast of Maine despite the local kids who call her “That Crazy Old Lady”. Barbara Cooney based Miss Rumphius on a real person-Maine resident Hilda Hamlin, who was known as the “Lupine Lady” for her habit of sowing seeds. (For ages 5 to 8)

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf. Then it became a hungry caterpillar who went into the hearts of kids everywhere. Eric Carle’s charming story and beautiful pictures make The Very Hungry Caterpillar a classic for kids. (For ages 2 to 5)

The Napping House

It’s a soft gray rainy day and everyone is asleep in the Napping House-but unfortunately, they are all trying to pile into the same bed, with unfortunate but funny results. This book by Audrey Wood (author) and Don Wood (illustrator) will put any kid to sleep-in the best possible way. (For ages 4 to 7)

Good Dog, Carl

Little Madeleine has a pretty great babysitter: a big friendly dog named Carl. Together, they go to the store and to the zoo, to parties and daycare classes. In this book, Alexandra Day lets readers form their own ideas about what’s happening on each page. (For ages 1 to 4)

1. What might Miss Rumphius like?
A.Going to big parties.
B.Sowing lupine seeds.
C.Gray and rainy days.
D.The light of the moon.
2. Who wrote the best book for putting kids to bed?
A.Eric Carle.
B.Alexandra Day.
C.Barbara Cooney.
D.Audrey Wood.
3. Which book is best for 1-year-old kids?
A.Miss Rumphius.
B.The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
C.The Napping House.
D.Good Dog, Carl.
2024-09-10更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市寻甸回族彝族自治县民族中学2024-2025学年高一上学期开学检测英语试卷
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个名为Brittany Loubier-Vervisch的老师在寻找自己的行李的过程中,也帮助那些和自己行李分开的人们,发短信通知他们行李所在。

10 . The day after Christmas, there was a teacher named Brittany Loubier-Vervisch from Tampa, Florida. She was _______ her lost luggage when she had an idea. Why not do more than simply search for her _______ luggage? “I got there. I’ve never_______anything like this,” Brittany said. “There are _______ mountains of luggage between the carousels (行李传送带).”

While her husband was at the Southwest Airlines’ customer service counter, Brittany continued her _______. However, it was she that also _______ to help others who had been separated from their luggage, too.

“I was circling through the baggage claim (行李领取处) as things were coming off the line and being _______ up.If there was a tag (标签) on it with a number, I sent a _______, ” Brittany said.

In fact, Brittany was so _______ that people thought she worked at the airport!” I walked through the bags, and I sent messages like ‘Oh, here’s your bags. Is this your name?’” Brittany ________. “And they said ‘Yes’ and asked ‘Do you ________ here?’”

As she made her ________ through what she would describe as an “Armageddon of luggage”, she said she had sent between 70 and 80 texts to people letting them know where to ________ their bags. Taira Meadow, one traveler who received a text from Brittany, really appreciated Brittany’s ________. “I sent a big ‘thank you’ to you ________, texting me that my suitcase was in fact in Tampa,” Taira wrote on a social media platform.

A.hunting forB.wondering aboutC.dreaming ofD.giving up
2024-09-09更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市寻甸回族彝族自治县民族中学2024-2025学年高一上学期开学检测英语试卷
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