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1 . Researchers in Australia, who studied 1,500 people and their lifestyles, have found that having good friends can help you live longer. An American study of 10,000 students, over a period of 35 years, also found that if you make more friends than the average (普通的) person at school, you’ll receive a higher salary (工资) in later life. People need good social skills at work to manage people and work in a team successfully. These are the same skills we use to make friends at school.

On average, teenagers aged between 15 and 17 have 500 “friends” on their favourite social networking site. Adults (成年人) have 130. So if you believe this research, you might live for a long time and be very rich.

However, according to Professor Robin Dunbar from the University of Oxford, it probably won’t make any difference. Dunbar studied the number of messages between users of a popular social networking website, each of whom had between 200 and 2,000 friends. He found that they always communicate with a maximum (最大量) of 150 people.

Among these 150, Dunbar believes that around five people are close friends. You’ve most likely known them for a long time; they are probably old friends and you share all your good and bad experiences with them. Then there are ten more friends. Although they’re close to you, you may not keep in touch with them every week. Next there are 35 people who you might spend time with because of a shared interest. You aren’t close. And finally, there’s a large group of 100. You see or speak to these people at least once a year, but you don’t know them well. Beyond (超过) this number, Dunbar says, it’s impossible to make any relationship meaningful.

If you have a lot of online “friends”, try this experiment: First take away anyone you haven’t been in touch with for a year. Then remove people you can’t remember and, finally, take away friends who you wouldn’t mind losing touch with. How many do you have left? How many of these people are actually good friends? According to the research, these are the only people that really matter.

1. What are the studies mentioned in the first paragraph mainly about?
A.The number of friends you should have.
B.The advantages of having a lot of friends.
C.Some social skills you may need at work.
D.Some useful advice on how to make friends.
2. According to the American study, the most popular students at school ________.
A.are likely to spend more money
B.may not be as popular at work
C.seem to get better­paid jobs
D.will work harder in later years
3. What does the underlined part “this number” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
4. What does the text mainly want to show?
A.You need to spend more time with your friends.
B.There is a lot of research on the influence of friends.
C.Friends are sometimes more important than family.
D.It’s more important to have good friends than lots of friends.
2023-03-25更新 | 439次组卷 | 16卷引用:河北省正定实验中学2023-2024学年第一学期高一年级10月份月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . The Seychelles — that remote island chain off the coast of northern Africa is heaven for scuba divers (水肺潜水). With more than 100 islands, most of which are uninhabited, and a relatively small amount of tourists impacting the oceans and beaches, the Seychelles has some truly best scuba diving.

Fisherman’s Cove Reef

If you’re a beginner diver who loves gentle drop-offs and sea turtles, make sure Fisherman’s Cove Reef is on your scuba diving radar. The site is very popular as there’s rarely a current, it’s very shallow, and has a colorful reef with everything from eagle rays to small leaf fish, which can be very difficult to find against the seagrass and coral.

Ennerdale Wreck

If you love wreck diving, head right for the Ennerdale, a British oil tanker that accidentally sunk in 1970. Because of the medium-to-strong current and depth, it’s for divers with advanced open water cert. They’ll be able to swim around the wreck’s propellers, penetrate the frame, and likely see reef sharks and the occasional bull shark.

Baie Ternay Marine Park

The shallow, protected area of ocean has healthy and varied coral, and a lively reef. Both snorkelers and beginner divers are likely to see sea turtles grazing on the seagrass, coaching reef fish, and small eels poking out of the sandy ocean floor.   

Aldabra Atoll

It doesn’t get much more remote than the Aldabra Atoll, a UNESCO site. The coral reef continues underwater, which makes all the island’s dive sites stunning. Advanced divers can do drift dives in a channel with a chance of seeing sharks, while beginners can stay closer to the reefs, checking the various species of marine life in the Indian Ocean off their must-see list. The island is home to nearly 100,000 giant tortoises, as well as several other rare species

1. Why is the Seychelles known as heaven for scuba divers?
A.Its close distance to northern Africa.B.The high chance to spot the fish in the region.
C.Its relatively small number of inhabited islands.D.The effect of the oceans and beaches on tourism.
2. What makes Ennerdale Wreck appealing to divers?
A.The chance to see a sunken ship under the ocean.B.The numerous sharks and large marine creatures.
C.Its remote location away from the main islands.D.Its attraction to both snorkelers and divers.
3. Which place is suitable for both beginners and advanced divers?
A.Aldabra Atoll.B.Ennerdale Wreck.
C.Fisherman’s Cove Reef.D.Baie Ternay Marine Park.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 困难(0.15) |

3 . The history of microbiology begins with Dutch cloth maker named Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, a man of no formal scientific education. In the late 1600s. Leeuwenhoek, inspired by the magnifying lenses(放大镜)he used to examine cloth, built some of the first-microscopes. He developed technique to improve the quality of tiny, rounded lenses, some of which could magnify an object up to 270 times. After removing some plaque from between his teeth and examining it under a lens, Leeuwenhoek found tiny twisting creatures, which he called “animalcules”.

His observations, which he reported to the Royal Society of London, are among the first descriptions of microbes(微生物). Leeuwenhoek discovered an entire universe invisible to the human eye. He found different microbes in samples of pond water, rain water, and human blood. He gave the first description of red blood cells, observed plant tissue, examined muscle, and investigated the life cycle of insects.

Nearly two hundred years later, Leeuwenhock’s discovery of microbes helped French chemist and biologist Louis Pasteur to develop his “theory of disease”. This concept suggested that disease originates from tiny organisms attacking and weakening the body. Pasteur’s theory later helped doctors to fight infectious diseases including anthrax, diphtheria, polio, smallpox, tetanus, and typhoid. All these breakthroughs were the result of Leeuwenhoek’s original work. Leeuwenhoek did not foresee this legacy.

In a 1716 letter, he described his contribution to science this way: “My work, which I’ve done for a long time, was not pursued in order to gain the praise I now enjoy, but chiefly from a strong desire for knowledge, which I notice resides in me more than in most other men. And therefore; whenever I found out anything remarkable, I have thought it my duty to put down my discovery on paper, so that the scientific community might be informed thereof.”

1. Which of the following best describes Leeuwenhoek?
A.trained researcher with an interest in microbiology
B.A curious amateur who made pioneer studies of microbes
C.A talented scientist interested in finding a cure for disease
D.A bored cloth maker who accidentally made a major discovery
2. The underlined phrase “this legacy” in paragraph 3 refers to ________.
A.the discovery of microbes
B.Pasteur’s theory of disease
C.Leeuwenhoek’s contribution
D.the origin of the tiny organism
3. What does the quote from Leeuwenhock’s letter suggest?
A.He admitted that many of his discoveries happened by chance.
B.He considered his work to be central to later medical breakthroughs.
C.He was greatly concerned with improving people’s living conditions.
D.He believed the sharing of knowledge was a key to scientific progress
4. What is the correct order for the following events?
a. Magnifying lenses were built.
b. The “theory of disease” was put forward
c. Microbes were discovered in samples of waters.
d. Leeuwenhoek’s first microscopes were successfully developed.
e. Leeuwenhoek explained his thoughts upon his own contribution.
2021-05-09更新 | 1164次组卷 | 8卷引用:河北省石家庄市第二中学2020-2021学年高二4月月考英语试题
完形填空(约240词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . My mom loved to pass her wisdom to me: ”Nothing beats a good bite that bites back.” She was referring to her bitter-taste foods like dill pickles and rhubarb (大黄叶). But I was not a big fan.

Three years ago, I finally decided to ask if I could ________ out her rhubarb while weeding the garden. “________ not!” Mom gasped, throwing me a(n) ________ look. Clearly, I had underestimated her________ for it. However, as I continued ________, I thought about how rhubarb is one of the first to appear in spring. It ________ the snowy ground before the arrival of other plants. How can anyone fail to ________ it? When those first sprouts (嫩芽) appeared, Mom would count them like a ________ counting a newborn’s fingers and toes.

When I was a kid and my mom gave me that pie, it made me ________ to try. In my teens, it made me complain about the bitterness. Even ice cream or candies did not ________ the deal for my young taste buds (味蕾). Rhubarb was something to be ________ at all costs.

Then, last summer, I came across the ________ for her rhubarb pie in an old drawer. So I decided to give it a ________. A few attempts later, I served rhubarb pie to family and guests. All agreed, including me, that it tasted incredible.

Since then I’ve come to a ________ about rhubarb. Rhubarb’s taste may be lost on children, but adults can________ it. Like my wise mother, I now understand that “Nothing beats a good bite that bites back.”

A.makes forB.takes inC.breaks throughD.puts down
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5 . Some high school students think it useless to receive higher education. Therefore, they choose not to go to college. If you're one of them, think again. Here are some reasons why you should go to college and receive a good education there.

Schools and universities are the first places to get knowledge. We take that knowledge later on to build our careers after graduation. More knowledge will be gained after you start working, but without education, that job will not be within easy reach. Knowledge leads to knowledge.

While limited within the walls of the educational places, we openly explore other cultures of the world! We come to know that ours is not the only culture. Other cultures have valuable things to share, enriching our own. Education also makes us want to travel and exchange with various cultures, getting more experience.

When there's a recession in the economy(经济), those who attended college will be more likely to find a new job than those who only finished high school and have a limited skills set. The more education you have, the more chances you will get to improve the quality of your life as you have a better job and earn a higher salary.

When you're skillful and knowledgeable, you gain access to people of similar backgrounds and tastes. It means a good education leads to excellent networking. Good networking can benefit you a lot in your later life.

A good education makes you a more interesting person. You can talk about ideas and events instead of just other people and what's on sale in stores. An educated person doesn't gossip(说闲话), having a preference to discuss ideas and listen to what other people have to say.

1. What can we learn about college education from Paragraph 2?
A.It offers you a chance to study abroad.B.It can allow you to gain more knowledge.
C.It can improve the quality of your daily life.D.It encourages you to travel around the world.
2. What does the underlined word "recession" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
3. How can one benefit from a good education ?
A.You can gossip about others’ affairs.B.You are likely to study well at school.
C.You can work well with your coworkers.D.You get to know excellent people with similar interests.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The benefits of attending college.B.The exchange with other cultures.
C.The access to good networking.D.The ways of college education.
2021-10-12更新 | 1245次组卷 | 29卷引用:河北省石家庄市石家庄市二中2022-2023学年高二年级(上)12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . On a sunny day last August,Daniel Malechuk opened the door to a 77,000-square-foot warehouse just outside Atlanta. Inside, under the soft glow of LED lights, grew five varieties of hydroponic (水培的) lettuce with nine levels high. A handful of employees were busy harvesting the greens. Their pace matched Malechuk’s ambition: to grow 10 million heads of lettuce by next spring.

If they succeed, Kalera, the vertical farming company that began operations here in April 2021, will not only have the largest-yield vertical (垂直的) farm in the Southeast, but will also be Georgia’s largest lettuce producer.

“This facility will produce 12 times as much lettuce in one year as the entire state can produce in the same amount of time,”Malechuk said. These farms, not dependent on specific weather patterns, can grow almost anywhere, cutting down transportation costs and associated emissions. And importantly, they operate more cleanly, without producing runoff from fertilizers or pesticides.

Malechuk, of Kalera farms, has said making his greens affordable is a top priority and that a head of Kalera lettuce sells for less than $3 in most stores. But there’s a catch: indoor farms rely on the artificial light of tens of thousands of LED lights. Add to that the energy needed for climate control, water circulation and other operations, and a farm like Malechuk’s can consume massive amounts of energy.

“The single largest challenge facing the industry is that it uses a huge amount of electricity,” said Julia Kurnik, director of innovation startups at the World Wildlife Fund. She said vertical farming involves a series of economic and environmental trade-offs (权衡). “It may not make sense everywhere, but if you’re in, say, the Middle East and you don’t have much land, but you can use renewable energy to power your farm, this may be a huge boon (益处).” She said the source of the energy is crucial to determining the net environmental impact.

Lowering vertical farms’ energy costs is one of the main goals at Signify, a Dutch LED lighting company, said Udo van Slooten, CEO of the Signify.

1. What may be a key factor for indoor farming?
2. What is an important goal of Malechuk?
A.To lower the electricity costs.
B.To make his greens cheaper.
C.To become the largest lettuce producer.
D.To protect the environment of the country.
3. What is Julia Kurnik’s attitude to the vertical farming?
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Vertical Farms Are Finally Branching Out
B.Kalera Succeeded in Growing Lettuce Indoors
C.New Technologies Are Being Applied in Agriculture
D.The Largest Challenge Facing Vertical Farming
2023-03-26更新 | 404次组卷 | 3卷引用:河北省石家庄部分重点高中2022-2023学年高三下学期3月月考英语试题
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7 .

Official Ticketing Service

Welcome to the official Louvre online sales site

The Musée du Louvre is reopening and we are glad to be able to welcome you back again. In line with the measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19, visitors will be required to wear a mask. According to government recommendations, all visitors to the Louvre aged 12 years and two months or older must show a Health Pass. All visitors, including those entitled to free admission, must book a time period. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

Individual tickets for the Museum

Admission and reservation of a time period to access the permanent collections.

Tickets valid for the selected date only. Full list of visitors entitled to free admission at Louvre.fr.

General admission: €18

The Musée du Louvre is open every day — except Tuesdays, January 1, May 1 and December 25— from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Visitors will be asked to leave the exhibition rooms 30 minutes before closure.

All tickets purchased online are time-stamped and nominative (记名的); you may therefore be asked to provide proof of identity.

They are only valid for the service, date and time selected. They cannot be used to skip the queue but do guarantee access to the museum within half an hour of the time shown on the ticket. Any holder of an online ticket who does not arrive within the assigned time period for admission to the museum shall be subject to the same admission and waiting conditions as visitors without tickets.

Visitors entitled to free admission (other than Louvre members)
—Under 18s, proof of ID required
—16-25 year-old residents of the European Economic Area (European Union, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein), proof of ID and residency required
—Teachers working in France, valid “Pass Education” required
—Teachers of art, art history or the applied arts, valid proof of employment stating subject taught required
—Artists with the Maison des Artistes or International Association of Art, valid proof required
—Jobseekers, valid proof and ID required (dated within the last year or indicating a period of validity)
—Disabled visitors and the person accompanying them
1. This passage mainly aims at ________ .
A.introducing the exhibits at the Louvre
B.providing ticketing information of the Louvre
C.listing restrictions on admission to the Louvre
D.clarifying the history of the Louvre
2. If a family in Norway, including the wife, an art teacher, the husband, an IT engineer, and a 10-year-old son, want to visit the Louvre this weekend, they should pay at least ________ in all.
3. What can be learned about the Louvre from the passage?
A.It is open every day except on Tuesdays.
B.Its online tickets guarantee access to it at any time.
C.Proof of ID is required for anyone buying its tickets online.
D.Ticket holders may be refused to enter it if arriving an hour late.
完形填空(约260词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . At 28 years old, I lost my job as a full-time magazine editor. I’d always dreamed of becoming a self-employed writer, but I _______ doing it at 35 or even 40 years old, _______   I had a more solid(坚实的) financial footing.

Despite the fear I felt at _______ this dream before I was ready, it was my best, most practical _______ at the time. With my husband’s encouragement, I took a leap of faith, _______ my fear and jumped.

I’ve been working for myself full-time for two years. Not only am I happier thanks to a(n) _______ schedule and the freedom to take on the projects I want, but I’m earning much more than I did as a _______ editor.

When it comes to big dreams, many of us plan out every last detail so that we feel     _______for success. But often, this over-planning prevents us from ever taking action. No matter how much planning we do, we’ll never feel 100% ready.

When Jennifer Qiao got _______ , she struggled to find a modern version of a cheongsam, a traditional Chinese wedding dress, and an idea was________. Neither she nor Vivian Chan, her co-founder, had experience in entrepreneurship(创业). They didn’t even know if there was a ________ for their products in the U.S. But they decided to just start small and test out their idea ________. They never truly felt ready to start a(n) ________ , let alone make custom wedding dresses. However, through hard work, trial and error, they’ve   ________their team to a successful company.

Never let over-planning get in the________ of you taking action.

A.diving intoB.carrying onC.breaking upD.letting out
2023-01-18更新 | 412次组卷 | 4卷引用:河北省部分学校2023-2024学年高三上学期六调考试英语试题
完形填空(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Although Cuban built a tech company that would finally make him extremely rich, he never showed off that. “I never, ever thought about _________,” he said. Instead, Cuban said his drive was something else _________. He said, “I always think about time. That’s always been my driving force. How can I control my own _________?”

At the beginning, when Cuban sold his first company for 6 million dollars, he never thought he’d have to _________ again. It made him so _________. He saved most of his _________ so he could live freely without worrying about future job. When he did _________, he spent on traveling with friends and family.

Five years later, the stock (股票) he had was highly _________ at the time. However, he hadn’t _________ most of his stock just months before the bubble (泡沫) ________________, and then the share (股份) price dropped quickly. “It taught me a ________________: When you just go after money, it never ________________ well,” Cuban said. “However, if you value time, it can work out quite well. The most valuable fortune we can ________________ is our time. The only thing we can do is ________________ time and make full use of it. In that case, we can get amazing results.”

I couldn’t agree more with Cuban’s views. A person’s life is short. We should make the best use of time to do meaningful things, so that we won’t ________________ a thing before death.

A.puts awayB.takes downC.works outD.gets over
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文章大意:这是一则新闻报道。这篇文章主要讲了Keith McDermott急切地想帮助96岁的母亲再次说母语,于是他在社交媒体上发出了呼吁,并得到了大量善意的回应。

10 . Desperate to help his 96-year-old mother to speak her mother tongue again, Keith McDermott made an appeal on social media and was met with a flood of kind responses. The old lady, Ray, was moved to tears after talking on the phone with one of the enthusiastic respondents in Welsh.

Ray moved to America after meeting her husband when she was only 18, hence waving goodbye to her life in Wales. She continued to speak Welsh with her mum-keeping a little bit of home. But she lost her beloved mum four decades ago and hadn't spoken Welsh ever since.

Despite suffering from short-term memory loss and sometimes not remembering what she has done recently, Ray's childhood memories in Wales remain clear. “She wants to return but I know, given her age, such long-distance travel is out of the question.” said Keith, “Once she mentioned ‘I wish I could speak Welsh again but I suppose I never will.’ It was then that I thought I should make her wish happen.”

So Keith, 70, posted on social media in the New York Welsh area asking for any Welsh speakers that could speak Welsh with his mum. And he was touched, as well as a little shocked, to receive over 30 responses within half an hour. Keith thanked everyone and eventually asked Melisa to give his mum a phone call. “Speaking with Melisa, her (Ray's) Welsh was a little rusty. A few more Welsh conversations and I think she'd be fluent again,” added Keith.

“When you have a parent in their nineties, you will find you two have something in common: you're both old, so I am very sympathetic to my mother's feelings of loneliness and isolation (孤立). I'm feeling it myself.” Keith hopes to set up more Welsh phone conversations for his mum and Melisa has promised to send Ray some short stories in Welsh to remind her of her life in Wales.

1. Why did Keith post a message on social media?
A.To gather American Welsh speakers.
B.To help his mum speak Welsh again.
C.To slow down his mum's memory loss.
D.To track down his family's Welsh origin.
2. How did Keith feel after seeing the responses?
A.Surprised and moved.B.Concerned and thankful.
C.Sympathetic and excited.D.Astonished and isolated.
3. What is conveyed in the story?
A.Social media contribute to closer family ties.
B.Mother tongue means more than a language.
C.Childhood experiences shape one's later life.
D.One will be more sensitive when getting older.
4. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A community noticeboard.
B.A health magazine.
C.A language-learning website.
D.A local newspaper.
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