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1 . Cyber-attacks may sound like something that happens only in Hollywood movies. You picture a team of talented hackers gathered around computer monitors trying to break into a secure bank or some important severs. In reality, cyber-attacks are much less exciting but no less dangerous.

Cyber-attacks can happen to anybody. It doesn’t matter who you are; cyber criminals can target you. While many often think hacking victims were clueless abut digital security best practices, this isn’t always the case. True, there are plenty of apparent scams (骗局) that can be easily identified, but there are many attacks that can fool even the skillful computer-users.

Criminals create fake websites and email addresses. You may think you are clicking a link to Dropbox, only to download malware (恶意软件) onto your computer, and may never know when you have visited the wrong site and downloaded an infected file. So, it’s up to you to be vigilant and protect yourself.

So you need to learn to recognize the signs of cyber-attacks. First, recognize suspicious activity on your accounts or devices. While some things may be obvious, such as account password changes, others aren’t so easy to spot. And then, you might receive a file from a trusted sender whose mail has been leaked. Sometimes, the data are even real, but the hacker may have inserted a few lines of code that can also infect your computer. You should take the time to check your “Task Manager” to get a sense of what programs are running. Check anything suspicious that’s running in the background. That’s often the sign of malware. Other things to watch out for include: random device or internet slowdown; the software you don’t recognize; inability to access your account or unscheduled shutdowns and restarts.

As with everything, prevention is the best medicine. So, instead of waiting for cyber-attacks to hit you, recognize the signs to protect yourself.

1. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.Cyber-attacks are not really dangerous.
B.Anyone can be subject to cyber-attacks.
C.People don’t realize the risk of cyber-attacks.
D.Cyber-attacks in Hollywood movies are exciting.
2. What does the underlined word “vigilant” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. How do you find you might be attacked by cyber criminals?
A.A trusted friend sent you a file.
B.Your internet slows down strangely.
C.You can access your account with ease.
D.Your account password functions normally.
4. What’s the author’s main purpose in writing the text?
A.To clarify the definition of cyber-attacks.
B.To analyze different types of cyber-attacks.
C.To introduce how to identify cyber-attacks.
D.To entertain readers with cyber-attacks in movies.
2024-07-25更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省大连市2023~2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语英语试卷
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2 . After reflecting on the past few years of my transition to the triathlon (铁人三项), I am most proud of the gains I have made in swimming. Actually, this is my weakest one of the three, but I have worked at it, stuck with it and am motivated by small successes.

My heart still jumps when I remember that night six months ago when I swam 2,100m for the first time. I was planning to swim 1, 800m and could not believe my eyes when I saw 2,100m on my watch. At that point, I realized that I had the endurance, and speed needed to become my focus.

Last year, after participating in my first triathlon, I increased my time in the pool to 4 or 5 times a week. I swam once a week in a master swim club. Impressed by the power and speed of other swimmers around me, I found my spot in Lane l, the slow lane, to work on different strokes (游泳姿势) and speed. This was great because I became more comfortable with pool toys, worked different muscle groups other than those used in freestyle, and I realized that I was not always slow.

There is nothing better than a bit of individual attention to help improve. During the summer, I had 4 classes with a swim coach to work on my technique as we both knew that I had to improve that before I could get faster in the water. We changed my catch, corrected my pull and strengthened my kick.

The combination of these has made a huge difference in how I swim. There is still quite a bit of work ahead of me. I have no doubt that I will continue to grow as a swimmer. With goals being set and new dreams to chase (追逐), pool time is about to get a lot more interesting.

1. Why did the author still remember the feeling after finishing 2,100m six months ago?
A.She made a breakthrough in swimming.
B.Her watch was out of order in the water.
C.She was satisfied with her swimming speed.
D.She was frightened to swim such a long distance.
2. Which of the following best describes the author?
A.Strong-minded and humorous.B.Determined and motivated.
C.Diligent and easygoing.D.Aggressive and stubborn.
3. Where does the pleasure of pool time lie according to the author?
A.Filling the schedule with enough training.B.Setting a goal and working towards it.
C.Sharpening skills to beat others in matches.D.Competing with others and getting achievements.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.It’s never too late to learn.B.All that ends well is well.
C.Where there’s a will, there’s a way.D.Action speaks louder than words.
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3 . OpenAI, a leading artificial intelligence company, introduced a groundbreaking tool named Sora, which stands for “sky” in Japanese, that creates videos from text descriptions. Sora can craft clips (电影片段) up to 60 seconds long, matching a user’s detailed instructions about the content and visual style. This tool can also animate still photos (静态图像) or extend existing videos with additional scenes.

Their recent blog post explains that they aim to equip AI with the ability to copy the physical world in action, assisting in tasks requiring interaction with reality. One example video displayed a 30-year-old astronaut with a red knitted helmet in a desert, showcasing the software’s ability to produce movie-like quality and stick closely to creative prompts (提示) .

OpenAI has granted a select group of researchers and content creators early access to Sora to perform in-depth testing and ensure it meets ethical (道德的) standards. CEO Sam Altman even shared AI-created video samples in response to users’ requests after the announcement.

Until now, OpenAI has released an image generator, Dall-E, in 2021, and a conversational AI, ChatGPT, in November 2022, the latter attracting over 100 million users in record time. While other AI companies have also invested in video generation, their results are short and less precise compared to user inputs.

Industry giants like Google and Meta are developing similar technologies but have yet to make them available publicly. OpenAI also recently enhanced ChatGPT with improved memory functions for more coherent conversations.

While OpenAI hasn’t revealed the extent of the data used to improve Sora or the sources of the videos, they mentioned using a mix of publicly accessible content and copyrighted material for training their AI. This approach raises excitement for Sora’s potential to change video production and the role of AI in creative industries. OpenAI emphasizes the importance of ethical use and responsible testing as they explore this cutting-edge technology’s capabilities.

1. Besides creating videos from the text, what other functions does Sora have?
A.Translating videos into different languages.B.Capturing still pictures from the video clip.
C.Adding extra scenes to the existing video.D.Editing a clip to a maximum length of 60s.
2. What does the example given in paragraph 2 try to illustrate?
A.It highlights the ethical standards used to train Sora.
B.It shows Sora’s improved memory for conversations.
C.It emphasizes the popularity of Sora among similar tools.
D.It stresses Sora’s ability to produce high-quality videos
3. How do the products of OpenAI differ from those of other companies?
A.They set a good example for other products.
B.They attract the largest number of users online.
C.They offer more precise results according to prompts.
D.They use diverse content sources for Al training purposes
4. Which of the following is most likely to be mentioned in the next paragraph?
A.What specific changes will AI bring to the creative industries?
B.What issues will arise if ethics are neglected in the training of AI?
C.How will industry giants upgrade their technologies facing competition?
D.When might Google and Meta release video technologies before OpenAI?
2024-07-24更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市郊联体2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
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4 . When it comes to the capital city of Japan, people often picture a crowded modern city of concrete jungle (水泥丛林). Tokyo has little space for parks covered with trees and grass. However, the condition is taking a turn for the better. In an attempt to add a little greenery to the concrete, Tokyo has a rooftop project started, in which man y city roofs are being turned into gardens.

Rooftop planting has been on the rise since the city government made it mandatory (强制的) for new buildings to cover at least 20 percent of available space with greenery. “You see buildings and buildings all around Tokyo. Tokyo obviously notes more greenery as a city, and rooftop greening may be one way to do it.” said Atsuro Tarutoko, manager of the Hearton Hotel, which was built with a $100,000 rooftop garden.

Green roofs house a wide range of pleats, which include flowers and grasses. They are appealing to the eyes. Apart from that, green roofs are environmentally friendly. Experts say the green rolls also provide environmental benefits as the gardens cut is door temperatures , reducing air-conditioning costs.

“I believe part of our jobs is to try to add some quality space into the city’s surroundings and allow local people to feel that quality,” said Aya Mugita, a construction project developer at a recent green technology display in Tokyo.

Some information technology companies are already cashing in on the rooftop greenery business. “We provide software that figures out the amount of carbon dioxide (CO₂) that can be absorbed by a garden based on the types and numbers of trees to be planted there,” said Yutaka Tanaka of Tokyo-based software designer Ecol System. But experts say changing the city jungle into a green garden will take tens of years.

1. What is the purpose of the rooftop project in Tokyo?
A.To increase living space.B.To make the city greener.
C.To improve construction quality.D.To save concrete used in building.
2. What can be known about the roof plants?
A.They are easy to plant.B.They have limited variety.
C.They take up too much space.D.They beautify the surroundings.
3. What do the experts mean in the last paragraph?
A.The project is not well received by the citizens.
B.Long-term efforts are needed to achieve the change.
C.The IT companies will help build all the green roofs.
D.Tokyo citizens are expected to live in green houses soon.
4. What is the suitable title for the text?
A.Enlarged City Size in JapanB.Benefits of Rooftop Greenery
C.Rooftop Garden Out of Concrete JungleD.Environmentally Friendly Building Materials
2024-07-24更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省本溪市县级重点高中协作体2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了Stephanie Walsh(沃尔什)这位70岁的嘻哈舞奶奶如何通过她对舞蹈的热爱和坚持,成为了一位受到全球关注的舞蹈家。文章通过沃尔什的故事,展示了舞蹈如何成为她表达内心情感、克服生活困难并激励他人的方式。

5 . When Stephanie Walsh began her dancing journey in her twenties, viral videos didn't exist. Now in her seventies, the hip-hop grandma has gained worldwide attention with her dynamic dance moves and incredible energy.

Walsh, better known as “Ms. Stephanie” online, has been featured on social media accounts with some videos drawing millions of people to watch. Her profile claims she is “inspiring the world to dance like no one is watching.” But they are watching, with a fanbase that is rapidly expanding everyday.“Dance isn’t just your body, it’s what you’re feeling inside about the dance and it’s what comes out here in your face,” Walsh said. “That’s what I want to put through my movement, is how much fun it is, how much joy it gives you.”

From a young age, Walsh loved to dance but her family didn’t have the money for classes. So she waited until she was nearly 30 to return to her childhood love. Walsh believes her lifelong passion for dance makes what she is today. “Everybody has to have a passion in their life,” she said.   “It’s like that saying, ‘A life without passion is a life half lived.’   I believe that.”

She went through countless hardships in life, and she has more than enough reasons to keep her down. But they don’t. Whenever she needs a lift, she turns to dance, shining as an inspiration to those around her.

At 40 years her junior, Gilbert, one of her followers, said Walsh inspires him every day. “I love that Ms. Stephanie is so humble. She’s thankful that her videos are getting millions of views, but she still shows up and puts on a show because that’s what she wants to do. She’s a beautiful soul who taught me that it doesn’t matter about your age or your size. As long as you feel good, that’s all that matters.”

1. What does Walsh emphasize about dance in her remark?
A.It’s a means of keeping fit.B.It’s a way to gain popularity.
C.It’s an expression of inner feelings.D.It’s a chance to get financial support.
2. What motivates Walsh to make the current achievement?
A.Her consistent enthusiasm for dance.
B.Her improved economical conditions.
C.Her determination to become superior.
D.Her eagerness for reputation and recognition.
3. Which of the following words can best describe Walsh?
A.Ambitious and creative.B.Positive and committed.
C.Fearless and enterprising.D.Warmhearted and generous.
4. Which is a suitable title for the text?
A.The History of Hip-Hop Dance
B.How to Become a Viral Dance Figure
C.Overcoming Hardships Through Dance
D.The Inspirational Journey of a Hip-Hop Grandma
2024-07-24更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省本溪市县级重点高中协作体2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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6 . Three years ago, the idea of baby workers emerged when a nursing home resident witnessed how her newborn granddaughter brought joy to the elderly. “When I saw their smiles, I realized the profound impact babies have,” she shared in an interview, amid the sounds of babies crying.

Today, the nursing home has approximately 70 baby workers, whose presence can even lighten the mood of the most reserved residents. “Just the sight of a baby walking around causes smiles and conversations,” Gondo explained.

These tiny workers operate on flexible schedules, wandering the facility with their parents, mainly mothers. “It’s amusing. I’m not working, but Rena has a job,” joked Kanae Shinohara, Rena’s mother.

Rena and her peers are compensated with diapers and ice cream. However, the rewards extend beyond these tangible items. Shinohara, who introduced Rena to the nursing home at five months old as a way to socialize after moving to Kitakyushu, emphasized, “Here, she interacts with both children her age and grandparents, who are not easily encountered in daily life. The residents are truly wonderful teachers.”

Gondo’s benchmarks for new members are straightforward: children under three, and the quieter, the better. This is because older individuals may struggle with communication, especially those with cognitive difficulties. “To communicate equally, words aren’t necessary,” she added.

For the nursing home’s residents, Gondo believes that the toddlers’ visits evoke the traditional Japanese experience of multi-general living. “Even in such a facility, they should have daily interactions with people of various ages. I believe that’s entirely natural,” she concluded.

1. What was the initial inspiration for introducing baby workers to the nursing home?
A.The care babies were provided there.
B.The joy babies brought to the elderly.
C.The desire to socialize with other parents.
D.The requirement to increase the staff numbers.
2. Why does Shinohara introduce Rena to the nursing home?
A.To teach Rena to care for the elderly.
B.To let Rena get more diapers and ice cream.
C.To give Rena a chance to learn medical skills.
D.To provide Rena with a unique social experience.
3. What does the underlined word “benchmarks” in Paragraph 5 mean?
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Baby workers’ positive influence.B.Baby workers’ major strengths.
C.Baby workers’ working standards.D.Baby workers’ daily schedule.
2024-07-23更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省部分高中2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末联合考试英语试题
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7 . Space engineers from the University of Glasgow have published new research showing how reflectors (反射器) placed in orbit around Earth could increase the output of future large-scale solar farms by reflecting additional sunlight toward them even after the sun has set.

In their paper, the researchers described how they used advanced computer models to help determine the most effective method of using orbiting solar reflectors to produce additional power. Their models showed that putting 20 thin reflectors into orbit 1,000 kilometers from Earth could reflect sunlight to solar farms for an extra two hours each day on average. The additional sunlight could increase the output of the world’s future solar farms, particularly after sunset when electricity demand is high. The output could be scaled up further by adding more reflectors or increasing their size.

The team developed an algorithm (算法) to determine how the reflectors could be arranged to catch the sun’s rays most effectively, maximizing the additional sunlight reflected to solar farms around Earth in the early morning and late evening. The researchers suggested that 20 reflectors could produce an extra 728 MWh of electricity per day — equal to adding an additional large solar power farm to Earth without the cost of construction.

Dr. Onur Çelik, one author of the paper, said, “Solar power has the potential to speed our race to reach net-zero, helping us to relieve the global impacts of climate change by reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.”Moreover, the price of solar panels (太阳能电池板) has dropped quickly in recent years, increasing the pace of their adoption and paving the way for the creation of large solar farms around the world.

One of the major limitations of solar power, of course, is that it can only be generated during daylight hours. Putting orbiting solar reflectors in space would help to maximize the effectiveness of solar farms in the years to come. Strategically placing new solar farms in locations which receive the most additional sunlight from the reflectors could make them even more effective.

1. What is the purpose of placing reflectors in space?
A.To improve communication between Earth and space.
B.To bring the effects of climate change under control.
C.To produce electricity for agricultural use.
D.To increase the production of solar power.
2. What may contribute to the application of large-scale solar farms?
A.The increased demand for electricity.B.The decrease in the cost of solar panels.
C.The development of space technology.D.The requirement to preserve the environment.
3. What can be inferred about the future of solar farms?
A.They’ll replace fossil fuels completely.
B.They’ll become the main source of energy.
C.They’ll be more cost-effective and efficient.
D.They’ll rely mainly on orbiting reflectors for sunlight.
4. Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.A news report.B.A maths website.
C.A marketing brochure.D.A policy brief.
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8 . When you hear the word “uncertainty”, how do you feel? Scared, anxious, excited or challenged? With many global challenges still ongoing, we are likely to face even more of the unknown, so we had better get accustomed to managing it.

So how do we detect uncertainty and which part of the brain is responsible for it? Researchers have found that noradrenaline (去甲肾上腺素) is the key chemical involved in our response to uncertainty.

To investigate the role noradrenaline plays when we are faced with uncertain events, scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology conducted an experiment with mice. The animals were trained to push a lever (杠杆) down when they heard a high frequency noise. If they did this, they were rewarded with a drink of water. They were also trained to learn that they’d receive an unpleasant puff of air if the lever was activated when a low frequency noise was played. But the researchers added in an element of uncertainty by including a sound where the frequency was unclear.

From this experiment, the researchers discovered that a small part in the brain called the locus coeruleus — an area that modulates noradrenaline — was essential in detecting uncertainty. When the high frequency was clear and the reward was expected for the mice, their noradrenaline release was small. But when the outcome wasn’t clear, and the reward was a surprise, the release was much larger. This was how the mice’s brains learned to deal with uncertainty.

A study with humans was also carried out. They discovered that the subjects’ neurons (神经元) in the prefrontal cortex (前额叶皮质) respond much more to loss than to gain. Namely, this area rules our avoidance behaviour when we are under stress. This helps us understand our unwillingness to expose ourselves to uncertainty.

Once we understand that our cognitive and emotional responses to uncertainty are a necessary part of the human experience. Acknowledge instead of fear them, perhaps making big decisions can seem less stressful.

1. What is the uncertainty in the experiment with mice?
A.The high frequency noise.B.A drink of water as a reward.
C.The action to push a lever down.D.The noise with unclear frequency.
2. What does the underlined word “modulates” in paragraph 4 mean?
3. How does the prefrontal cortex influence our choices when we’re stressed?
A.By seeking rewarding outcome.B.By maintaining balance.
C.By avoiding negative outcome.D.By reducing uncertainty.
4. What does the author want to tell us in the text?
A.Responses to uncertainty come naturally.
B.Uncertainty gives birth to potential risks.
C.Experiments can predict expected outcomes.
D.Noradrenaline tends to result from uncertainty.
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9 . In present-day Romania, a decreasing number of craftsmen practice what’s thought to be a centuries-old craft. They search the forest for a fungus (真菌), which grows within trees and sends out shelf-like mushrooms a few inches wide. The fungus is shaved lengthwise into thin strips. Those strips are then stretched to form broad sheets, which can be crafted into hats, bags, jewelry, and ornaments. As far back as 1903, Tlingit craftsmen in what is now the state of Alaska were recorded crafting purses out of a material from agarikon fungus.

However, the craftsmen’s process in the early times was about searching for materials, not cultivating them for mass production. Today, the biotechnology company MycoWorks in the US is pioneering in cultivating mycelium (菌丝). Mycelium is a structural wonder — soft, dense, and strong, making it a great potential replacement for leather.

       The operation starts with agricultural waste, like sawdust (锯末), which is heated to remove existing microbial life. Once done, it goes into deep plates of varying sizes. Then fungus joins the party, digesting and growing. In some cases, fabric can be added for the mycelium to weave around. The sheet of mycelium is eventually peeled off the wood blocks, and growth comes to an end. It can be easily mistaken for traditional leather.

MycoWorks is one of a wave of innovators, all of whom assume that a better understanding of mycelium can redefine the limits of fashion and design. In recent years, MycoWorks’ products have been used in designer bags and pillows. CEO Matt Scullin praises mycelium as a material in fashion, “It has a bit of a soft touch, and it has a bounce. It can absorb the oil s and heat from your fingers when you touch it.” “The early efforts appear to be more moral, and improve eco-footprint. Products made from such material are fully biodegradable — allowing for a future in which dealing with an old pair of shoes might mean simply composting (堆肥) them,” he added.

1. What is the author’s purpose in writing the first paragraph?
A.To stress the history of growing mushrooms.
B.To introduce a fashion inspired by mushrooms.
C.To show ancient mushroom growing techniques.
D.To present the novel use of mushrooms in fashion.
2. What does paragraph 3 focus on about mycelium?
A.Its growing process.B.Its high quality.
C.Its shortcomings.D.Its working life.
3. What does Matt Scullin think of mycelium as a material in the field?
A.It is straightforward to grow.B.It offers a rough feel.
C.It promotes sustainability.D.It is oil-and-heat resistant.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Fungus Crafts: An Endangered Heritage
B.Mycelium: The Green Leather Alternative
C.Crafting with Nature: Romania’s Fungal Tradition
D.Mycelium’s Role: From Ancient Craft to Modern Innovation
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是Andre Simmons在他女儿Jazlyn和她的高中啦啦队表演时,与她们一起跳舞以此支持女儿并弥补因工作繁忙而错过的陪伴时光,创造了难忘的记忆。

10 . A dad from Texas didn’t miss a beat when it came to supporting his daughter recently. Cecelia Simmons shared a video of her husband, Andre Simmons, dancing in the stands while their daughter Jazlyn and her Temple High School cheer team performed. In the video, as the cheer team members raise the small balls and go through their routine, Andre Simmons follows right along, nailing the moves right alongside them.

The post shared on social media has obtained over 312,000 views. With tens of thousands of overwhelmingly positive comments on his post, people online quickly shared their reactions. They recommended Andre Simmons as “Cheer Dad of the Year” or applauded his energy and spot-on moves. Simmons himself was quick to say he’s not the best dancer and it took him a few days to learn the routine. “Once I got it down pat, I just jumped up there when I heard the band finally bring the song up and I got up there and did it with her,” he said.

But the father of five said he persisted because he wanted to create a lifelong memory with his girl Jazlyn, mostly because he was constantly away for work, thereby affording limited opportunities to be in the company of her. “Since she made the cheer team, that was my way of supporting her and kind of relieving the guilt of the lost time. She thought I was doing things that she loved and surprising her with joining her in the cheer during the football game,” Simmons said.

Simmons said Jazlyn and her cheer team friends were surprised and “absolutely loved” that he could join in on the fun. The proud dad said it meant “the world” to him to be able to be there for his daughter too. “I love to try to be a super dad when I’m here and create those lifelong memories and it’s something for us to look back on and enjoy together,” he said and planned on cheering some more and making more memories with Jazlyn.

1. What did Andre Simmons do at his daughter’s cheer performance?
A.He danced with the team.B.He filmed the performance.
C.He coached the cheer team.D.He cheered from the stands.
2. How did people find Andre Simmons’ behavior?
3. Why did Andre Simmons make such a decision?
A.To win the title of “Cheer Dad of the Year”.
B.To show off his newly learned dancing skills.
C.To be the focus of attention on the Internet.
D.To make up for being absent from Jazlyn’s life.
4. Which words can best describe Andre Simmons?
A.Bearable and cautious.B.Selfless and cooperative.
C.Supportive and caring.D.Ambitious and sensitive.
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