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1 . There are three kinds of people in this world. Those who love Butter Chicken, those who think Butter Chicken is overrated and those who have never tasted Butter Chicken. Of all of these, I feel deep sorrow for the third kind. It is a loss of gigantic proportions, in my opinion.

Delhi, arguably the culinary (烹饪的) capital of India, owes a large part of its flavour heritage to the Mughals (印度贵族). Butter Chicken, however, has far more humble origins, and was born far closer to home. It only dates back a couple of decades to pre-partition India, and its story takes us to a sweet-shop, owned by an elderly gentleman called Mokha. It was here that young Gujral worked, where he helped invent the Tandoori Chicken that we all love today. Yes, you heard that right, this story also includes the invention of the famous Tandoori Chicken.

There came a time when Mokha’s health dropped and he eventually sold the shop to Gujral who renamed it as Moti Mahal. As a sharp businessman, Gujral realized that the Tandoori Chicken hanging above the tandoor (印度烤炉) all day would tend to dry out if unsold. He then came up with the genius idea of creating a basic sauces with tomatoes, butter, cream and some spices to immerse the Tandoori Chicken pieces in, helping them regain moisture and become tasty again. And thus, was born the Butter chicken.

When India was partitioned, Gujral moved to Delhi and so did Moti Mahal, with Butter Chicken and Tandoori Chicken in tow. The small outlet grew fast and now, almost 70 years later, it has a successful chain of restaurants with outlets far and wide, managed by his grandson, Monish. A few years back, when I was reviewing Masala Library in Mumbai, I was surprised to find Butter Chicken on the tasting menu. What started then, is now a full-fledged movement to take the humble dish and reinvent or present it in innovation. Today, you will find Butter Chicken tacos, pizzas, rolls, burgers, biryani and just about everything you can think of. I bet when Gujral invented Butter Chicken, little did he know that he was creating history, in a way.

1. What does the underlined word in paragraph 1 mean?
2. What do we know about Gujral according to the text?
A.He invented the Tandoori Chicken as well as Butter Chicken single-handedly.
B.His grandson, Monish, managed to move Moti Mahal and Butter Chicken to Delhi.
C.His inspiration of Butter chicken came from the unsold Tandoori Chicken.
D.He took over the shop from Mokha when India was partitioned.
3. The author’s experience in the Masala Library is mentioned to ________.
A.explain his passion for Butter Chicken
B.show the popularity of Butter Chicken
C.indicate his satisfaction with the library
D.recommend a place to eat Butter chicken
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.The history of an Indian loved cuisine — Butter Chicken
B.The legend of a history-made hero — Gujral
C.The innovation of a humble Indian dish — Butter Chicken
D.The visit to the culinary capital — Delhi
2024-05-28更新 | 92次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省沈阳市第二中学高三下学期第四次模拟考试英语试卷
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2 . Millions of people have conditions that make walking difficult. Millions more regularly perform tough movement as part of their jobs. Wearable robotic devices called exoskeletons that help the legs move could benefit both of these groups. In laboratory settings, such devices have helped people walk faster while using less energy. But various obstacles have kept these devices from being practical for everyday use.

A research team at Stanford University led by Dr. Steven Collins has developed an exoskeleton that can rapidly adapt to the user during normal walking. The team tested how well an exoskeleton based on their model could adapt to a user. They then compared it to one based on lab measurements. Both methods wound up applying similar forces at different speeds and reduced effort similarly across a range of conditions. But the model-based adaptation took only one-quarter as long as the measurement-based adaptation.

Next, the researchers created a portable, ankle-worn exoskeleton that could be used in the real world. The exoskeleton was powered by a battery pack worn at the waist.

The team conducted tests of the device outdoors on public sidewalks. Compared with walking in normal shoes, the exoskeleton increased walking speed by 9% while expending 17% less energy on average. This is equal to the energy savings of removing a 20-pound backpack. When walking on a treadmill (跑步机) at a constant speed, users expended up to 23% less energy, equal to removing a 30-pound backpack.

“This exoskeleton personalize s assistance as people walk normally through the real world,” Collins says. “This opens the door to a much broader use of exoskeletons to assist individuals with physical impairments (损伤) and people who need to carry heavy loads,” adds co-author Dr. Scott Delp.

1. Who are exoskeletons designed for?
A.Sportsmen in a race.B.Firefighters on a mission.
C.Patients with mental disabilities.D.Doctors doing an operation.
2. What do the underlined word “obstacles” in the first paragraph mean?
3. Why are the figures listed in paragraph 4?
A.To illustrate the advantage of exoskeletons.B.To compare exoskeletons with normal shoes.
C.To give examples of different kinds of shoes.D.To list the reasons for designing exoskeletons.
4. What’s Dr. Scott Delp’s attitude towards exoskeletons?
2024-05-27更新 | 146次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省协作校高三下学期三模英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Angela Alvarez年轻的时候怀揣着做一个文娱人的梦想, 因父亲的阻拦而放弃,在95岁的时候,在自己孙子的帮助下,实现了梦想的故事。

3 . We’re often told that there’s no age limit when it comes to pursuing our goals, but it’s truly inspiring to see someone achieve them later in life-especially if they are 95 years old. Angela Alvarez is a Cuban-born singer and songwriter who, after putting aside her dream of pursuing a career in entertainment for decades, finally released her first album in 2021.

Once Alvarez graduated from school, she told her father she wanted to become a professional singer. However, he prevented her from doing so. Eventually, she got married and found happiness in raising her four children, though life wasn’t easy.

With time, her grandson, Carlos Jos é Alvarez, grew up to be a music producer. When he found out his grandma had written over 50 songs throughout her life, he asked if she would like to record her songs. Her answer was “yes”. And that was the beginning.

Alvarez’s story even caught the attention of actor Andy García, who produced a documentary about this amazing woman and the recording process of her 15-song album. “She represents a generation, perhaps our greatest generation of Cubans,” said the actor.

The dream reached new heights as she became nominated for a Latin Grammy. Once she took to the stage to accept her award, she gave an inspiring speech, “I want to dedicate this award to my beloved homeland, Cuba; also to those who have not achieved their dream. Although life is difficult, there is always a way out, and with faith and love they can achieve it. I promise, it’s never too late.”

1. What do we know about Alvarez?
A.She lived a miserable life bringing up her children.
B.She has released 15 albums since she returned to music.
C.She got nominated as the best musician of her generation.
D.She gave up her dream after graduation owing to her father’s prevention.
2. What made Alvarez decide to pursue her dream again?
A.Her hard life after marriage.B.Her grandson’s support.
C.Her desire to make more money.D.Her enthusiasm for music.
3. Which word best describes Alvarez’s story?
4. What’s the author’s purpose of writing the article?
A.To introduce a woman’s life-time story.
B.To call on others to learn from Alvarez.
C.To praise what Alvarez has done in music.
D.To tell us it’s never too late to achieve one’s dream.
2024-05-27更新 | 143次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省协作校高三下学期三模英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了Global Support对在纽约以外所从事的活动进行帮助。

4 . Global Support assists you to organize and undertake activities outside of New York.

If you are a student, please contact Office of Global Services about visa-related questions, the Student Health Center about health insurance abroad, Office of Global Programs about studying away at one of our university’s global sites, and Office of General Counsel about any travel to Cuba.

When Should I Contact Global Support?

Conducting a university activity outside of New York, whether it is research, short trips, exchange programs or study-away programs, may present obstacles as a result of U.S. or local legal requirements. Countries and local districts have their own set of rules and regulations, and it can be challenging to be knowledgeable and current on the rules and regulations of the many countries and districts where the university operates.

How Can Global Support Help?

We will help you identify important issues relating to your activity, obtain information about these issues, engage the appropriate administrative departments and function al experts, and address these issues.

Our university maintains functional experts in a range of administrative areas to provide you with technical advice and guidance. Because there are often changes to local country rules and regulations, these university experts have relationships with third party local country experts, from whom they at times seek advice and guidance. Allowing the university functional experts to remain current on the best local country experts ensures you get the best advice at the best price.

1. Where should you go to ask questions about travel to Cuba?
A.Office of Global Services.B.The Student Health Center.
C.Office of Global Programs.D.Office of General Counsel.
2. Global Support mainly deals with problems concerning ______.
3. What ensures the high efficiency of the university functional experts?
A.Their constant adaptation to changes.B.Their expertise in introducing regulations.
C.Their cooperation with local country experts.D.Their diverse educational backgrounds.
2024-05-27更新 | 141次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省协作校高三下学期三模英语试题
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5 . The humble beaver could hold the key to saving our water, according to a new research that has found how their dam building skills protect the rivers threatened by climate change.

The research, done on rivers in Colorado, found the wooden barriers built by beavers raise water level upstream. As it builds up, the water flows into surrounding soils and secondary waterways. These acts separate out extra nutrients and pollutants before water reenters the main channel downstream.

Extreme weather events, such as severe storms, impact water quality in major river systems. Droughts and floods are becoming more frequent, and the scientists have also found they are contributing to an increase in the American be aver in the US, and consequently an explosion of dam building.

The team chose to monitor a 40-kilometer stretch of the East River. They reviewed data on water levels gathered hourly by sensors fixed in the river and the areas along the river.

They also collected water samples, including from below the ground’s surface to monitor nutrient and pollutant levels. The researchers compared water quality along the stretch during a historically dry year, to water quality the following year when water levels were unusually high. They also compared these year-long datasets to water quality during the nearly three- month period, starting in late July 2018, when the be aver dam blocked the river.

The study revealed the dams increased nitrate (硝酸盐) by nearly 50% by increasing the pressure of the water flow upstream 10 times over, which pushed more water out into the surrounding areas. This decrease in nitrates, which are absorbed and digested by tiny organisms in the soil, helped increase the oxygen content and quality in the rivers.

Beavers’ handiwork is responsible for the land they love.

1. What do the wooden barriers created by beavers act as?
2. What is the direct result of frequent droughts and floods?
A.More dams emerge on the river.
B.More American beavers appear in the US.
C.More pollutants are removed from the river.
D.More oxygen is created in the river.
3. Why did the researchers collect water samples from below the ground’s surface?
A.To keep an eye on the water quality.B.To compare water quality of the stretch.
C.To reveal the damage caused by floods.D.To save the river from drying up.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Organisms help decrease nitrate.
B.Beavers contribute to climate change.
C.Extreme weather catches researcher’s eyes.
D.Beavers help protect rivers against climate change.
2024-05-26更新 | 157次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省协作校高三下学期三模英语试题
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6 . It was my first day in my school’s Gifted & Talented Program. Just minutes before, I had been called upon by my teacher and told to report to the cafeteria, where classes would be held. Feelings of nervousness seized me as I walked to the cafeteria for the very first time. I knew the most distinguished students would be waiting and, secretly, I wondered if I belonged. At that time in life, I struggled with acceptance.

I quickly found a seat in the back corner. As Mr. Canereli introduced himself, his calm voice settled the butterflies in my stomach.

“Today we will begin with a deductive reasoning puzzle,” he announced, breaking the stillness in the room.

“You will be given five minutes to read the clues and solve the puzzle.”

I quickly read through the clues, failing to come to any conclusions. “Breathe… slow down… you can do this….” I whispered to myself.

At this age, I felt pressure to thrive in all academic subjects. Since my mom and my dad hadn’t completed college, and my older sister did not do her best in school, I always put extra pressure on myself to do well. I refused to accept failure of any kind.

The clues repeated themselves in my head and I picked up my pencil. Before I knew it, X’s and O’s covered my paper. The entire puzzle was completed! I raised my hand and waved in sheer excitement. The assignment, initially associated with fear and doubt, had transformed into a representation of acceptance and personal excellence.

That day, I not only learned how to think but also discovered the potential to achieve anything I set my mind to. Now, my objective is to pass on the invaluable lessons I gained from Mr. Canereli on my first day in the seventh-grade Gifted & Talented Program. As a young woman, I seek to educate, equip, and inspire those in need and, as I enter college, I will use these tools to contribute to my environment.

1. What made the author nervous on the way to the cafeteria?
A.Stress of fitting in with others.
B.Fear of giving a report in public.
C.Doubts about the fairness of the program.
D.Anxiety about being excellent academically.
2. What does the underlined word “thrive” in Paragraph 6 mean?
3. What did the assignment mean to the author?
A.It deepened her fear and doubt.
B.It served as a source of creativity.
C.It relieved her academic pressure.
D.It contributed to building her self-confidence.
4. What can be learned about the author from the last paragraph?
A.She shows her social responsibility.
B.She has managed to obtain anything she wants.
C.She will use tools to beautiful her environment.
D.She aims to be a brilliant teacher like Mr. Canereli.
2024-05-26更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省丹东市高三下学期总复习质量测试英语试卷(一)
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7 . You may have read that to stay fit and healthy, you need about 30 minutes of exercise each day, at least five days a week. New research suggests that the time we need to spend on daily workouts could be less than that.

Edvard Sagelv, a researcher at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, was part of a team that found being sedentary (久坐的) more than 12 hours a day was associated with a 38 percent higher death risk. This was only the case for individuals who managed less than 22 minutes of medium to high intensive physical activity a day, however, and it is relatively easy to achieve that minimum by taking a brisk (轻快的) walk.

“In research on physical activity, fast walking is estimated to be four kilometres an hour,” he said. Although it may not seem like a lot, it depends on a person’s fitness level. “It is interesting that 4 km/h — a pace achievable for the vast majority of the population — is what it takes to really invest in your physical health,” he added.

For a walk to positively affect your heart, which will then impact your brain and your circulation, you need to “feel it”. To feel the work your body is doing, you need to walk at 4 to 6 kilometres an hour. If you wear a fitness tracker, aim for more than 100 steps a minute.

A recent study published by researchers at the Cambridge University found that just 11 minutes a day of moderate-intensity physical activities — a brisk walk — was enough to lower the risk of diseases such as heart disease, stroke and a number of cancers.

Lead author Soren Brage was not surprised by the findings. “Doing some physical activities is better than doing none. This is also a good starting position — if you find that 75 minutes a week is manageable, then you could try stepping it up gradually to the full recommended amount,” he said. The point is that a relatively short period of high-intensity exercise isn’t just better than nothing; it has a measurable and positive impact on health.

1. What is the recommended pace for fast walking?
A.7 kilometres per hour.B.8 kilometres per hour.
C.9 kilometres per hour.D.4 kilometres per hour.
2. How can people “feel it” when working out?
A.By putting into more effort.B.By wearing less clothing
C.By walking at a quick pace.D.By joining a group.
3. What point does the last paragraph try to make?
A.People should exercise 75 minutes a week.
B.It pays to increase the intensity of workouts.
C.People should stop being sedentary immediately.
D.It's important to measure the impact of exercise.
4. What does the text intend to do?
A.Reflect the influence of a new study.B.Share the findings of a new research.
C.Assess a research process.D.Clarify a research method.
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8 . Shanghai Pudong International Airport

Shanghai Pudong International Airport is one of the major and popular airports in China. Completed in 1999 with now existing 4 take-off runways and 2 terminals (航站楼) , it serves as the key aviation hub (枢纽) for visiting Shanghai and transferring to other cities in China.


Shanghai Pudong International Airport Terminal 1 (Tl) handles both domestic and international flights. It is divided into international (left) and domestic (right) areas. Terminal 1 was opened on September 16, 1999 and it is shaped like a seagull.

Shanghai Pudong International Airport Terminal 2 (T2) was opened on March 26, 2008 and has a similar structure as Terminal 1 although it is slightly larger. It is split into international services, on the left, and domestic flights, on the right.

On September 16, 2019, Shanghai Pudong International Airport Satellite Terminal was opened, which is located south of the airport's existing Tl and T2. This H-shaped satellite hall is the world's largest single-building satellite terminal.

Facilities and services

Currency exchange; restaurants and shops; duty free; ATMs; assistance for passengers with special needs; vending machines.


Parking lot Pl and P2 (Rates) :

First 20 minutes: Free.

First 2 hours: 10 yuan per hour. If the time is more than one hour but is less than two hours, it is charged as two hours.

Over 2 hours: 5 yuan per hour. If the time is more than two hours but is less than 3 hours, it is charged as three hours.

From 1 hour to 24 hours: Maximum of 130 yuan.

Every 24 hours: Calculated of the standard price.

1. When was Shanghai Pudong International Airport Terminal I opened?
A.On March 26, 2008.B.On September 16, 1999.
C.On September 16, 2019.D.On March 16, 2008.
2. What do we know about Shanghai Pudong International Airport Terminal 1?
A.It is shaped like the letter H.B.It was completed on September 16, 2008.
C.It mainly handles domestic flights.D.It is a little bit smaller than Terminal 2.
3. How much does it cost to park for one and a half hours?
A.10 yuan.B.15 yuan.C.20 yuan.D.25 yuan.
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9 . Antarctica has not always been a land of ice and snow. Earth’s southernmost continent once was home to rivers and forests full of life.

Scientists are using satellite observations and radar imagery to look deep under the ice. The researchers report finding a large ancient landscape buried under the continent’s ice sheet. It is full of valleys and ridges (山脊) , shaped by rivers before being covered by glaciers long ago.

The landscape is located in East Antarctica’s Wilkes Land area bordering the Indian Ocean. The researchers said the landscape appears to date back to at least 14 million years ago and perhaps beyond 34 million years ago, when Antarctica entered its deep freeze.

“It is difficult to know what this lost world might have looked like before the ice came along, but it was certainly warmer back then,” said Stewart Jamieson, a professor at Durham University. “Depending how far back in time you go, you might have had climates that ranged anywhere from the climate of present-day Patagonia through to something more approaching tropical.”

“Such an environment likely would have been populated by wildlife”, Jamieson said. “But the area’s fossil record is too incomplete to know which animals may have lived there.”

The researchers said the surface of the planet Mars is better known than the earth surface below the ice in Antarctica. They said one way to learn more would be to drill through the ice and take a piece of the earth below. This could uncover evidence showing ancient life, as was done with samples taken in Greenland dating back two million years ago.

Jamieson said the researchers think that when Antarctica’s climate was warmer, rivers flowed toward a continental coastline that was created as the other land masses broke away. When the climate cooled, some small glaciers formed on hills next to the rivers. When the climate cooled even more, an ice sheet grew which covered the whole continent, the landscape got preserved, likely for 34 million years.

1. What can we learn about the ancient landscape?
A.It locates in the center of Antarctica.B.It’s discovered by drilling through the ice.
C.It’s once a warmer area than it is now.D.It has a history of no more than 14 million years.
2. In Stewart Jamieson’s opinion, why is it hard to know Antarctica’s past animals?
A.There is a lack of complete fossil record.
B.The ice sheet of Antarctica is melting quickly.
C.Scientists lack enough advanced equipment.
D.Climate conditions vary greatly from place to place.
3. Why is the planet Mars mentioned in paragraph 6?
A.To attract more scientists to study Antarctica.
B.To strengthen the importance of the Mars.
C.To indicate the complex situations of the Mars.
D.To show the difficult to know Antarctica’s earth surface.
4. What made the landscape get preserved for such a long time?
A.The colder climate.B.The protection offered by coastlines.
C.Other land masses’ reduction.D.A decrease in the number of wildlife.
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10 . Imagine Hying over the city in an electric powered aircraft that has no pilot but can take you from point A to point B in minutes. Sounds like science fiction, right? Well, not anymore. China-based Ehang has become the world’s first company to receive official approval to fly passengers in its pilotless air taxis.

Ehang’s EH216-S air taxis are electric vertical (垂直的) takeoff and landing aircraft, also called eVToL for short. The air taris can carry up to wo passengers or about 270kg of goods. They can fly at speeds of up to 130kmb and distances of up to 28km. The air taris are controlled by a central command centre that monitor the light, routes and weather conditions.

Passengers can simply select their destination on a touchscreen inside the cabin and enjoy the ride without worrying about piloting the aircraft. The taxis do not require airports or runways. They can take off and land vertically from any flat surface.

The air taxis use electric power to reduce environmental harm caused by emissions. They can be fully charged in two hours and have bow nose levels. They also have backup batteries and emergency landing systems and parachutes in case anything goes wrong.

They could transform how we travel around big cities —imagine using them to avoid traffic jams, save time on the daily commute (通勤) to work or school, or get to places that are hard to reach by car or public transport. And beyond just moving people, the aircraft can be used for delivering goods, such as packages, medical supplies or food. During natural disasters such as bushfires or foods, air taxis could transport much-needed medical staff, equipment or medicines to the scene quickly and safely.

One big challenge will be gaining the trust of the public and convincing commuters they are safe while flying. To do this, Ehang will educate passengers about the benefits and risks of using its taxis while also addressing potential issues and concerns about noise levels, privacy and the environmental impact.

1. What do we know about EH216-S air taxis?
A.They don’t make any noise.B.They are environment-friendly.
C.They are controlled by eVTOL.D.They can carry 270kg of goods and two persons.
2. Which of the following places is most suitable for air taxis to take off?
A.A swimming pool.B.An empty street.
C.A crowded car park.D.A woody valley.
3. What’s paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.Where air taxis can work.B.When air taxis function well.
C.Why air taxis are needed.D.How air taxis can be used.
4. How will Ehang gain the trust of the public?
A.By providing a free tip for brave passengers.
B.By rewarding the most reliable passengers.
C.By explaining is taxis advantages and disadvantages.
D.By stressing the importance of environmental protection.
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