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1 . What are you going to do if you are in a burning house? How will you escape? Do you know how to save yourself? Please read the following passage.
Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can save you life. It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family, such as stairways and fire escapes, but not lifts.
From the lower floors of the buildings, escaping through windows is possible, learn the best way of leaving by windows with the least chance of serious injury.
The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. An average person, hanging by the finger-tips will have a drop of about six feet to the ground. It is about the height of an average man. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.
Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed. Or smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may leaked(渗) into the room.
On a second or third floor, the best windows for escape are those that open onto a roof. From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely. Dropping onto cement(水泥) might end in injury. Bushes(灌木丛) and grass can help to break a fall.
1. It is important to _______.
A.put out the fire in the burning house
B.know the ways to escape the fire
C.jump off a burning house
D.keep the door closed
2. It is possible to escape through the windows _______.
A.if there are some bushes on the ground
B.if you are strong enough
C.if you live on a lower floor
D.If you have a long rope
3. Which of the following escaping way is NOT right? _______.
A.You can escape though stairways.
B.You can choose fire escapes.
C.Escape from the windows that open onto a roof.
D.Use a lift to come down at once.
4. Open the window so that _______ if the building is on fire.
A.you can get fresh airB.you can call for help
C.you can easily jump offD.you can be seen first
5. The best title of the passage is _______.
A.Escaping from the Windows
B.Save Yourself in the Burning House
C.Knowledge on Fire
D.Waiting for Help
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . I fell in love with Yosemite National Park the first time I saw it, when I was 13. My parents took us there for camping. On the way out, I asked them to wait while I ran up to E1 Capitan, a _______ rock of 3,300 feet straight up. I touched that giant rock and knew _______ I wanted to climb it. That has been my life’s passion (钟爱) ever since — _______ the rocks and mountains of Yosemite. I’ve long made Yosemite my _______.

About 15 years ago I started seeing a lot of _______, like toilet paper, beer cans, and empty boxes, around the area. It’s _______ me why visitors started respecting the place _______ and treated such a beautiful home-like place this way.

I tried _______ trash (垃圾) myself, but the job was too big. I would _______ an hour or two on the job, only to find the area trashed all over again weeks later. Finally, I got so ________ it that I decided something had to change.

As a rock-climbing guide, I knew ________ about organizing any big event. But in 2014, together with some climbers, I set a date for a ________. On that day, more than 300 people ________. Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash. It was amazing how much we were able to ________. I couldn’t believe the ________ we made — the park looked clean!

Each year volunteers come for the cleanup from everywhere. In 2016 alone, 2,945 people picked up 42,330 pounds of trash and ________ 132 miles of roadway.

I often hear people ________ about their surroundings. If you are one of them, I would say the only way to change things is by ________ rather than complaining. We need to teach by ________. You can’t blame others ________ you start with yourself.

A.throwing awayB.picking upC.breaking downD.digging out
A.satisfied withB.delighted inC.tired ofD.used to
A.dropped outB.showed upC.looked aroundD.called back
2016-11-26更新 | 203次组卷 | 3卷引用:2012-2013学年青海省西宁五中片区高一上学期期中联考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校
3 . People aren’t walking any more — if they can figure out a way to avoid it.
I felt superior about this matter until the other day I took my car to mail a small parcel. The journey is a matter of 281 steps. But I used the car. And I wasn’t in ay hurry, either, I had merely become one more victim of a national sickness: motorosis.
It is an illness to which I had thought myself immune(), for I was bred in the tradition of going to places on my own two legs. At that time, we regarded 25 miles as good day’s walk and the ability to cover such a distance in ten hours as sign of strength and skill. It did not occur to us that walking was a hardship. And the effect was lasting. When I was 45 years old I raced — and beat — a teenage football player the 168 steps up the Stature of Liberty.
Such enterprises today are regarded by many middle-aged persons as bad for the heart. But a well-known British physician, Sir Adolphe Abrhams, pointed out recently that hearts and bodies need proper...is more likely to have illnesses than one who exercises regularly. And wlaking is an ideal form of exercise — the most familiar and natural of all.
It was Henry Thoreau who showed mankind the richness of going on foot. The man walking can learn the trees, flower, insects, birds and animals, the significance of seasons, the very feel of himself as a living creature in a living world, He cannot learn in a car.
The car is a convenient means of transport, but we have made it our way of life. Many people don’t dare to approach Nature any more; to them the world they were born to enjoy is all threat. To them security is a steel river thundering on a concrete road. And much of their thinking takes place while waiting for the traffic light to turn green.
I say that the green of forests is the mind’s best light. And none but the man on foot can evaluate what is basic and everlasting.
1. What is the national sickness?
A.Walking too much
B.Traveling too much
C.Driving cars too much
D.Climbing stairs too much.
2. What was life like when the author was young?
A.People usually went around on foot.
B.people often walked 25 miles a day
C.People used to climb the Statue of Liberty.
D.people considered a ten-hour walk as a hardship.
3. The author mentions Henry Thoreau to prove that__________.
A.middle-aged people like getting back to nature
B.walking in nature helps enrich one’s mind
C.people need regular exercise to keep fit
D.going on foot prevents heart disease
4. What is compared to “a steel river” in Paragraph 6?
A.A queue of cars.
B.A ray of traffic light.
C.A flash of lightning.
D.A stream of people.
5. What is the author’s intention of writing this passage?
A.To tell people to reflect more non life.
B.To recommend people to give up driving.
C.To advise people to do outdoor activities.
D.To encourage people to return to walking.
2016-11-26更新 | 691次组卷 | 9卷引用:2014年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(天津卷)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约520词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校
4 .         Poet William Stafford once said that we are defined more by the detours (绕行路) in life than by the narrow road toward goals. I like this image. But it was quite by accident that I discovered the deep meaning of his words.
        For years we made the long drive from our home in Seattle to my parents’ home in Boise in nine hours. We traveled the way most people do: the fastest, shortest, easiest road, especially when I was alone with four noisy, restless kids who hate confinement (限制) and have strong opinions about everything.
        Road trips felt risky, so I would drive fast, stopping only when I had to. We would stick to the freeways and arrive tired.
        But then Banner, our lamb was born. He was rejected by his mama days before our planned trip to Boise. I had two choices: leave Banner with my husband, or take him with me. My husband made the decision for me.
        That is how I found myself on the road with four kids, a baby lamb and nothing but my everlasting optimism to see me through. We took the country roads out of necessity. We had to stop every hour, let Banner shake out his legs and feed him. The kids chased him and one another. They’d get back in the car breathless and energized, smelling fresh from the cold air.
        We explored side roads, catching grasshoppers in waist-high grass. Even if we simply looked out of the car windows at baby pigs following their mother, or fish leaping out of the water, it was better than the best ride down the freeway. Here was life. And new horizons (见识).
        We eventually arrived at my parents’ doorstep astonishingly fresh and full of stories.
        I grew brave with the trip back home and creative with my disciplining technique. On an empty section of road, everyone started quarreling. I stopped the car, ordered all kids out and told them to meet me up ahead. I parked my car half a mile away and read my book in sweet silence.
          Some road trips are by necessity fast and straight. But that trip with Banner opened our eyes to a world available to anyone adventurous enough to wander around and made me realize that a detour may uncover the best part of a journey—and the best part of yourself.
1. Why did the author use to take freeways to her parents’ home?
A.It was less tiring.
B.It would be faster and safer.
C.Her kids would feel less confined.
D.She felt better with other drivers nearby.
2. The author stopped regularly on the country roads to _____.
A.relax in the fresh air
B.take a deep breath
C.take care of the lamb
D.let the kids play with Banner.
3. What does the author discover from the trip according to Paragraph 6?
A.Freeways are where beauty hides.
B.Getting close to nature adds to the joy of life.
C.Enjoying the beauty of nature benefits one’s health.
D.One should follow side roads to watch wild animals.
4. Why did the author ask the kids to get out of the car on their way back home?
A.To give herself some time to read.
B.To order some food for them.
C.To play a game with them.
D.To let them cool down.
5. What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Charm of the Detour
B.The Road to Bravery
C.Creativity out of Necessity
D.Road Trip and Country Life
2016-11-26更新 | 1510次组卷 | 3卷引用:2013年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(天津卷)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较难(0.4) |
真题 名校
5 .         Barditch High School decided to an All-School Reunion. Over 450 people came to the event. There were tours of the old school building and a picnic at Confederate Park. Several former teachers were on hand to tell stories about the old days. Ms. Mabel Yates, the English teacher for fifty years, was wheeled to the Park.

Some eyes rolled and there were a few low groans (嘟囔声) when Ms.Yates was about to speak. Many started looking at their watches and coming up with excuses to be anywhere instead of preparing to listen to a lecture from an old woman who had few kind words for her students and made them work harder than all the other teachers combined.

Then Ms. Yates started to speak:

“I can’t tell you how pleased I am to be here. I haven’t seen many of you since your graduation, but I have followed your careers and enjoyed your victories as well as crying for your tragedies. I have a large collection of newspaper photographs of my students. Although I haven’t appeared in person, I have attended your college graduations, weddings and even the birth your children, in my imagination.”

Ms. Yates paused and started crying a bit. Then she continued:

“It was my belief that if I pushed you as hard as I could, some of you would succeed to please me and others would succeed to annoy me. Regardless of our motives, I can see that you have all been successful in you chosen path.”

“There is no greater comfort for an educator than to see the end result of his or her years of work. You have all been a great source of pleasure and pride for me and I want you to know I love you all from the bottom of my heart.”

There was a silence over the crowd for a few seconds and then someone started clapping. The clapping turned into cheering, then into a deafening roar (呼喊). Lawyers, truck drivers, bankers and models were rubbing their eyes or crying openly with no shame all because of the words from a long forgotten English teacher from their hometown.

1. What activity was organized for the school reunion?
A.Sightseeing in the park.
B.A picnic on the school playground.
C.Telling stories about past events.
D.Graduates’ reports in the old building.
2. What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?
A.Some graduates were too busy to listen to Ms. Yates’ speech.
B.Many graduates disliked Ms. Yates’ ways of teaching.
C.Some people got tired from the reunion activities.
D.Most people had little interest in the reunion.
3. We can learn from Ms. Yates’ speech that she _____________.
A.kept track of her students’ progress
B.gave her students advice on their careers
C.attended her students’ college graduations
D.went to her students’ wedding ceremonies
4. What was Ms.Yates’ belief in teaching teenagers?
A.Teachers’ knowledge is the key to students’ achievements.
B.Pressure on students from teachers should be reduced.
C.Hard-pushed students are more likely to succeed.
D.Students’ respect is the best reward for teachers.
5. Which of the following can best describe Ms. Yates?
A.Reliable and devoted.B.Tough and generous.
C.Proud but patient.D.Strict but caring.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . We live in a digital world now, and a student's technology needs have changed. For the early years, say when you are in primary school, you can get by with no technology at all. Even if you have a computer, it's a good idea to get children familiar with libraries. At this age, trips to the library are like family outings.
As you get closer to middle school, a computer with Internet access becomes more of a necessity. Teachers will often give assignments that require a student to use the Internet for research. After a computer, technology choices for students become more difficult to make – especially when it comes to cell-phones. Kids will beg their parents for a cell-phone, especially in middle school. For many parents, it's a safety issue: They want to know that their kids can reach them quickly if necessary. For teachers, cell phones can be used to record lessons when students are absent. But many teachers dislike cell-phones. Some kids send messages or have talks in the class. Sending messages also raises the problem of cheating on exams. More and more schools are now forbidding the use of cell-phones.
Many kids see iPods as necessary things to have. iPods are great for music, but do they do anything good for your children’s education? Maybe they do. That’s the opinion of Doug Johnson, an educator for 30 years. Johnson says that educators should accept all new forms of technology in the classroom, including iPods. “Some do more with their cell- phones than we can do with our laptops,” he jokes. “I don’t think we should be afraid. The truth is that it’s easier to change the way we teach than to change the technology habits of an entire generation.”
1. According to author, primary school children should___.
A.use the computer and the Internet regularlyB.ask their parents to buy them cell-phones
C.buy iPods to listen to musicD.go to libraries to read more books
2. Why do parents agree to buy their children cell-phones?
A.They want their children to be cool.
B.They think cell-phones be helpful to their study.
C.They want to keep in touch with their children.
D.They want their children to keep up to date.
3. The following are all reasons why many teachers dislike cell-phones EXCEPT ____.
A.cell-phones can be used to cheat on exams
B.schoolchildren will send messages during class
C.cell-phones can be used to record lessons
D.schoolchildren might talk on them during class
4. What does the underlined word “that” refers to?
A.iPods can be used to listen to music.
B.iPods can be helpful for children’s education.
C.iPods can be used to play games.
D.iPods are necessary for children’s lives.
5. We can infer from what Doug Johnson said that _____.
A.cell-phones are not useful to students
B.teachers should let students use cell-phones
C.it’s better for teachers to change their teaching methods
D.schoolchildren should follow the trends(潮流) of fashion
2016-11-26更新 | 573次组卷 | 7卷引用:山东省济南一中2009-2010学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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