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1 . Festivals in March Around the World in 2024

SXSW Festival, USA

8th-16th March, 2024

SXSW is a famous festival in Austin. This media festival features plenty of film, music, and comedy events. SXSW also hosts tech panels (讨论会). Therefore, you have an opportunity to interact with celebrities and well-known businessmen. Austin is also famous for its outstanding drink and food! Travelers of all ages and interests can find something to enjoy at SXSW.

Pasifika Festival, New Zealand

9th-10th March, 2024

The Pasifika Festival showcases Pacific Island cultures. It takes place in Auckland where you can see contemporary art, music, dance, and cuisine from various Pacific communities. You’ll be able to witness and gain a deeper understanding about cultures like Samoan, Tongan, Fijian, and Maori, among others.

St Patrick’s Day, Ireland

14th-17th March, 2024

St Patrick’s Day celebrates Irish culture, music, food, and entertainment. Wrap up the party on St Patrick’s Day with a massive street carnival on 17th March. You’ll find parades, vendors (商贩), live music stages and fun across the centre of Dublin. You will find festivities all over Ireland, not just in the capital city.

Cape Town Jazz Festival, South Africa

22nd-31st March, 2024

For over twenty years, the Festival has attracted nearly 40, 000 people annually to its five major venues. It features music by dozens of musicians worldwide. Performers play Jazz, R&B, rap and so on. Enjoy the area before and after the Festival. Cape Town has extremely beautiful art and culture, restaurants, bars and outdoor activities.

1. Where can people attend a street carnival according to the text?
A.In Ireland.B.In South Africa.C.In the USA.D.In New Zealand.
2. Which festival lasts the longest?
A.Pasifika Festival.B.SXSW Festival.
C.St Patrick’s Day.D.Cape Town Jazz Festival.
3. What can people do during the four festivals?
A.Attend technical panels.B.Enjoy beautiful music.
C.Meet well-known people.D.Appreciate contemporary art.
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省上饶市高三下学期第二次高考模拟考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了Aum Gandhi在开始跑步后,他的生活发生了显著的转变。

2 . Aum Gandhi, a runner from California, experienced weight changes and mental health issues due to the high stress of his job. But five years ago, once he picked up running by accident, he immediately developed a t hirst for taking on greater challenges. A 5-kilometer run led to a half marathon, which led to a full marathon, and after discovering trail running (山径越野跑), he completed his first 100-mile race in April 2021.

Along the way, Gandhi discovered that his running could be more meaningful when it became a vehicle for change. When in college at California State University, Gandhi began volunteering at the Richstone Family Center—a nonprofit devoted to treating and preventing child abuse and family violence. Gandhi soon grew passionate about the cause and began fundraising for the organization in combination with his races.

“I grew up in a similar environment in the Los Angeles area and experienced things such as abuse, being around domestic violence, and seeing the damage of generational pain,” he says, “I saw how passionate their volunteers are and I just see myself in those kids.”

The athlete uses his social media platform to ask for donations, and at each race, he attaches the Richstone logo to the back of his shirt to spread people’s awareness on the trails. “To me, as long as that money and that awareness is going toward goodwill, good stuff is going to happen in the world,” he says.

For the next year, Gandhi has his eyes set on the Triple Crown of 200 Miles. He’ll have to complete all 654 miles of the series in a calendar year, and he plans to continue upping his fundraising goals—even if that means being overly ambitious. “I’ve always had the mindset of failing big instead of winning small,” he says.

1. What do we know about Aum Gandhi in paragraph 1?
A.He is a popular runner.B.He is under great stress.
C.He has a passion for running.D.He has gained fame from running.
2. How does Gandhi help with fundraising?
A.By stop ping violence.B.By spreading goodwill.
C.By winning running races.D.By setting bigger running goals.
3. Which of the following best describes Aum Gandhi as a volunteer?
4. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.Fundraising: A Key to Success.B.Failing Big: To Run happily.
C.Volunteering: To Prevent Child Abuse.D.Trail Running: A Path to Transformation.
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省上饶市高三下学期第二次高考模拟考试英语试卷
完形填空(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Around 2000 years ago, ancient Chinese divided the sun’s annual circular motion into 24 equal segments, each segment was called a ‘Solar Term’. Each solar term ______ a unique period of a year. But have you ever heard the term—“Hui Nantian”, a unique meteorological (气象) ______ that occurs ______ in southern China? This term, which translates to “the return of the south wind,” encapsulates(概括)a seasonal shift that not only ______ the weather patterns, but also deeply affects the way of life and cultural practices in this region.

“Hui Nantian” occurs during the ______ from winter to spring, when the cold, dry air of winter ______ the warm, damp air of the south. This change is not merely a meteorological shift; it’s a cultural event. People in the southern China anticipate “Hui Nantian” with a ______ of excitement and caution.

On the one hand, it signals the end of winter and the ______ of spring, a time of renewal and rebirth. On the other hand, the ______ humidity and dampness can present challenges, especially in terms of maintaining the integrity of buildings and ______ personal items. In Chinese culture, “Hui Nantian” is often associated with traditional practices and beliefs. It also reflects the importance of respect for ______ and traditional values in Chinese culture. In addition, it is also connected with the concept of “harmony with nature.” This belief encourages people to live in harmony with the natural world and respect the ______ of nature, such as the changing of the seasons and the flow of energy.

By ______ these natural rhythms, it is believed that people can achieve a state of inner peace and harmony, which is essential for leading a healthy and ______ life. Overall, Hui Nantian shows a blend of traditional practices, beliefs, and values that are unique to Chinese culture. These practices not only serve to preserve the cultural heritage of China but also ______ harmony and balance in people’s lives.

A.gives outB.gives upC.gives offD.gives way to
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省上饶市高三下学期第二次高考模拟考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Digital reading appears to be destroying habits of “deep reading”. Amazing numbers of people with year of schooling are in effect illiterate (不识字的). Admittedly, some people have been complaining about new media since 1492, but today’s complaints have an evidential basis, Ljubljana Reading Manifesto says, “The digital area may lead to more reading than ever in history, but it also offers many attractions to read in a shallow and scattered (碎片化的) manner— or even not to read at all. This increasingly endangers higher-level reading.”

Digital literacy has changed reading. When you read a book on paper, you can be entirely inside the experience, absorbing hundreds of pages to capture the world’s complexity. Online, says Maryanne Wolf of UCLA, we are “skimming, scanning, scrolling”. The medium is the message: doing deep reading on your phone is as hard as playing tennis with your phone. Recently, a bright 11-year-old told me I was wasting time on books: he absorbed more information faster from Wikipedia. He had a point. But digital readers also absorb more misinformation. And they seldom, absorb nuanced (微妙的) ideas.

In the white paper that underlies the Ljubljana Reading Manifesto, experts catalogue the passive parts of digital reading: “Recent studies of various kinds indicate a decline of... critical and conscious reading, slow reading, non-strategic reading and long-form reading.” In the 2021 international PISA survey, 49 percent of students agreed that “I read only if I have to”, 13 percentage points higher than in 2000.

As professors from Northwestern University foresaw in 2005, we are returning to the days when only an elite (精英的) “reading class” consumes long texts —despite more people spending longer in education and book sales remaining robust.

People who lose higher-level reading skills also lose thinking skills. That’s horrible, because “higher-level reading” has been essential to civilization. It enabled the Enlightenment, and an international rise in sympathy for people who aren’t like us.

1. What is the advantage of the digital reading?
A.It makes more people start to read widely.
B.It makes more people begin to think deeper.
C.It helps the young to make use of the Internet.
D.It helps people take advantage of their spare time.
2. What is Maryanne Wolf’s attitude towards digital reading?
3. What can be inferred about the teens now according to paragraph 3?
A.Teens should change the critical and conscious reading.
B.Nearly half of the teens never read at all.
C.They don’t believe what the experts indicate.
D.The trend of reading books is increasingly declining.
4. Which statement is fit for the underlined word in paragraph 4?
A.More and more books are purchased.
B.It’s unnecessary for people to buy books.
C.More and more people like to visit the bookstores.
D.The sales of books keep still for a really long time.
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省上饶市高三下学期第二次高考模拟考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Birds do it. Bees do it. People do it, though often less than they would like to. Owls do it in the daytime. Sleep is an ancient, universal experience.

But partly because it is the order of the day, for a long time sleep was a subject that scientists had not woken up to. It is only in the past half-century or so that it has attracted the attention of dedicated researchers. A new book from Kenneth Miller, a science journalist, sets out to record the field’s short but fascinating history.

Its contents range from the discovery of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep and circadian rhythms (昼夜节律) —the biological clocks that govern humanity’s days—to the effects of sleep deprivation(which can be deadly, at least in lab animals). It also explores the purpose, if any, of dreams.

Sleep is a state of lowered consciousness and reduced metabolism (新陈代谢) which takes up about one third of a person’s life. Two distinct types of sleep have been recognized: REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM(non-rapid eye movement). The latter, which accounts for the major part of sleep, starts with drowsiness (困倦); brain waves become increasingly deeper and slower until brain activity and metabolism fall to their lowest level. In REM sleep, the brain suddenly becomes more electrically active, its blood flow increases, the eyes move rapidly and dreaming occurs.

Discoveries often lead to new questions in turn. That is why neat, tidy endings are hard to achieve in most science books; this one is no different. Despite all the progress of the past 50 years, scientists are still unsure what sleep is for. The fact that it is so widespread suggests it is vital.

But why evolution would see fit to produce animals that must spend large amounts of their time unconscious and unable to respond to threats is still a mystery researchers are trying to solve. For anyone curious about asking the right questions, however, Mr Miller’s book is a good place to start.

1. Part of why scientists failed to explore sleep was because ______.
A.it was so commonplace as to be taken for granted.
B.ancient people had done thorough research into it.
C.there was no high-tech research facility.
D.they regarded sleep as too complicated a phenomenon to explain.
2. How long does the text show a person should sleep every day?
A.About 12 hours.B.About 10 hours.C.About 8 hours.D.About 6 hours.
3. What does the author think of Miller’s book?
A.It is well received by readers.B.It presents a better ending than most science books.
C.It has little to recommend it.D.It is instructive despite its limitation.
4. In which section of a magazine may this text appear?
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省上饶市高三下学期第二次高考模拟考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . We’ve all heard the age-old advice to drink eight cups of water a day. But if you fall short, don’t worry: That advice is probably wrong anyway. That’s according to new research. which found that for most healthy adults, there is no real benefit to drinking eight cups of water a day.

The advice to drink eight cups of water a day comes from a 1945 recommendation from the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council, which encouraged adults to consume about 64 ounces of water daily. The recommendation referred to a person’s total daily intake of water, including from all their foods and drinks, but it was widely misinterpreted to mean that people should drink 8-ounce glasses of water every day.

To see how much water people really need, Herman Pontzer, a professor at Duke University and his co-authors analyzed data on 5,600 people. The participants were tracked with a gold-standard technique called “doubly labeled water”, which uses water laced with tracers that can be used to track the body’s production of carbon dioxide, allowing the researchers to get precise measurements of the participants’ daily energy consumption.

The researchers determined how much water the participants lost and replaced each day. a measurement known as water turnover (水周转率). They found that a person’s daily water turnover was largely determined by their size and their level of body fat, which contains less water than muscle and other organs. The more “fat-free” mass a person has, the more water they need.

The research showed that how much water you need changes over your lifetime. In general, our water needs peak between the ages of 20 and 50 and then decline in parallel with the slowing down of our metabolisms (新陈代谢).

So how much water should you drink? The answer is simple: Drink when you’re thirsty. Prioritize water, and try to avoid sugary drinks, which can cause metabolic problems. “If you’re paying attention to your body and drinking when you feel like you need to, then you should be fine,” Pontzer said.

1. What is the author’s attitude toward the advice to drink eight cups of water a day?
2. What can be known about the research conducted by Pontzer?
A.It was conducted in 1945.
B.It tracked participants’ daily water turnover.
C.It studied participants’ feelings about drinking water.
D.It found that body fat contains less water than muscle and other organs.
3. Which of the following is correct according to the passage?
A.When people get older, they should drink more water.
B.Drinking 64 ounces of water per day is beneficial to people.
C.When people have more muscles, they need relatively more water.
D.Drinking water with sugar can help improve metabolism.
4. Which is the best way to determine how much water to drink?
A.By following the advice of experts.
B.By drinking as much water as possible.
C.By paying attention to one’s body and drinking when thirsty.
D.By measuring one’s water turnover.
昨日更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省景德镇市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Art galleries you can visit for free with your Paris Pass

Centre Pompidou

Normally €7.00       Wednesday-Monday: 11 AM-10 PM

Centre Pompidou is a must-see attraction when you’re visiting Paris. Featuring late 19th-20th century art, the museum has collection of over 50,000 works, including movements from Fauvism, Cubism, Surrealism and Abstract Expressionism.

Musée Gustave Moreau

Normally €13.00       Wednesday- Monday: 10 AM-6 PM

Musée Gustave Moreau was designed by the painter himself and includes his private apartment and the large gallery he built to display his work. The apartment is preserved exactly as it was 100 years ago.

Musée de l’Orangerie

Normally €9.00       Wednesday-Monday: 9 AM-6 PM

The museum is best known for its association with the famous Impressionist painter Claude Monet and his Water Lilies series of paintings. Before it was an art gallery housing some of the most famous pieces in history, Musée de l’Orangerie was used as a storehouse and a home for mobilized soldiers.

Musée d’Orsay

Normally €14.00       Tuesday-Sunday: 9:30 AM-6 PM

Musée d’Orsay was an old turn-of-the-century railway station that was built on the site of the Palais d’Orsay. Exemplifying the architecture of the Beaux-Arts movement, Musée d’Orsay is one of Paris’ most popular art galleries and houses art and sculpture from 1848 to 1915.

1. How much is the admission to Centre Pompidou without a Paris Pass?
2. Where can visitors enjoy a series of Monet’s Water Lilies?
A.Centre Pompidou.B.Musée Gustave Moreau.
C.Musée de l’Orangerie.D.Musée d’Orsay.
3. What was the original use of Musé e d’Orsay?
A.An art gallery.B.A storehouse.
C.A railway station.D.A personal apartment.
昨日更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省景德镇市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Bauer救了一名女孩,他的女儿Ava Bauer受到鼓舞成为一名消防员的故事。

8 . It was a bright May afternoon. Jonathan Bauer, and his 13-year-old daughter, Ava, were driving home on a bridge, which crosses a deep river. ___________, the peace was broken by the scream of tires.

Not far away, a truck was sliding from one driveway to the other. Then, it ___________ a barrier, and came to rest hanging over the railing (栏杆) of the bridge. The driver’s door opened and a man climbed out. He ___________ to his feet, then staggered (蹒跚) to the railing anxiously. Stopping the car, Bauer ran to him. The man pointed down, saying something in Spanish. In the water was a girl, about two years old, floating on her back, screaming ___________.

Situation quickly went from bad to ___________, when she rolled over onto her stomach. Her father was frozen with shock as if rooted to the ground. Without hesitation, Bauer ___________ his shoes, climbed to the railing and dived into the ___________ water. Bauer ___________ to the little girl and with everyone’s assistance lifted her out of the water: eyes nearly closed, not breathing. He laid her ___________ his shoulder and slapped her back. Soon water came ____________ from her mouth. The girl’s ____________ opened then, focused on Bauer. He pulled her ____________, hugging her to protect her from cold. Everyone present were enveloped in ____________.

Ava Bauer was greatly ____________ by her father’s brave deed and determined to pay it forward. “That girl is going to live a whole life because of him,” she says. “It’s ____________.”

A.At lastB.As usualC.At a timeD.All of a sudden
A.got intoB.broke intoC.pulled intoD.crashed into
A.took offB.took upC.took awayD.took on
昨日更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省萍乡市2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . When it comes to popular symbols of marriage, one can not look past the wedding ring. The wedding ring serves as a perfect symbol of everlasting love — a ring is a circle and thus has no beginning or end, representing the never-ending union of marriage. Wedding rings have long and rich histories.

Evidence suggests that wedding rings were used in ancient Egypt around 6,000 years ago. However, unlike the metals and gemstones used today, they were crafted from materials such as reeds, leather or bone. In the centuries that followed, the wedding ring tradition was picked up in the West, where it spread first in ancient Rome and Greece, subsequently throughout Europe during the Middle Ages and eventually to Eastern culture. Throughout history, the circular shape of the ring has endured, and so has the tradition of wearing it on the fourth finger of the left hand. The latter practice stemmed from an ancient belief that a vein ran directly from this finger to the heart. Although this belief has since been proved false, the custom has persisted.

Regarding customs surrounding wedding rings, there was a time when only the bride wore a wedding ring. It wasn’t until the early 20th century that the practice of grooms wearing rings gained popularity. This change was influenced by soldiers going off to war, who wore rings as reminders of their loved ones waiting for them at home. Today, the exchange of wedding rings remains an integral part of the wedding ceremony, symbolizing the commitment and love shared between two individuals embarking on a life together.

Wedding rings hold a symbolic significance that binds the two members of a married couple. In an ever-changing world, the wedding ring stands as an ancient tradition that is likely to continue for generations to come, reflecting the timeless and eternal love celebrated through marriage.

1. What is the main reason wedding rings are considered symbols of marriage?
A.They are made of precious materials.B.They have profound histories.
C.They are worn on left hands.D.They have circular shapes.
2. According to the passage, what is an example of a common myth instead of a fact?
A.Women were wearing wedding rings long before men were.
B.One finger on the left hand contains a vein leading to the heart.
C.Both ancient Romans and Egyptians wore the ring on the same finger.
D.The wedding ring tradition began in Egypt thousands of years ago.
3. Which of the following aspects of a wedding ring is NOT discussed in the passage?
A.How the tradition of it spread around the world.
B.What couples do with their wedding rings.
C.How to choose suitable wedding rings.
D.Materials used to make early rings.
4. How does the author feel about the tradition of wedding rings?
A.It will most likely last forever.B.It has already fallen out of date.
C.It should be taken more seriously.D.It holds no significance in modern society.
昨日更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省新余市高三下学期二模考试英语试题
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . By the age of 27, Vincent had made the most important decision of his life, to become an artist. He spent the years between 1880 and 1885 developing his _______. He had little money and lived in _______ rooms all over the Netherlands, including the flat agricultural landscape of the Drenthe. There he _______ country people. He was often ill and miserable, but determined to _______ this new career.

After the failure of his studies for the priesthood, Vincent didn’t want to _______ art formally at an academy. But he knew nothing of anatomy (解剖学), the study of the human figure, or of perspective, by which artists show a sense of _______ in work done on flat paper or canvas. Theo, his brother, knew a rich young _______, Anthon van Rappard, who taught Vincent perspective, and _______ him prints to copy. Vincent made hundreds of drawings of people, _______ charcoal, crayon, ink, and watercolor. Theo provided ________ for oil paint, and he began to paint in oils. Vincent often traveled to the ________ or the coast to draw working people. He was beginning to believe in himself as an ________.“Diggers, sowers, planters, male and female, they are what I draw ________. I have to ________ and draw everything that belongs to country life.” The compassion that Vincent ________ for poor people as a preacher was now channeled into his art.

A.give upB.compromise onC.turn downD.succeed in
昨日更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省景德镇市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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