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1 . Advance Africa Volunteers in Kenya offers opportunities to international volunteers in schools, hospitals and community medical clinics.

Kenya Volunteer Program Schedule

You can volunteer for any duration and stay as long as you wish. You can arrive at any time during the month and the volunteer work starts the following day. You will typically work between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. You will spend your spare time shopping, eating out, seeing movies, chatting with other volunteers or swimming.

Kenya Volunteer Program is open to:

We invite individuals, couples, families, students, researchers, and groups (churches, colleges, and student associations).

Volunteering in Kenya Costs

Cost for 2 weeks or less $500.00

Cost for 1 month $700.00

Cost for 6 weeks $900.00

Cost for 2 months $1,100.00

$200 more for every extra two weeks.

No refunds (退款) will be paid to any volunteer who has arrived in the country and started on their program due to program change, early departures etc.

Our Volunteer in Kenya Program Offers

We have volunteers all year round. This gives you plenty of company to enjoy exciting travel adventures. Some of our volunteer travel projects do not require specific skills. Everyone can participate regardless of age or gender. Other projects require particular skills, education or interest.

The volunteer in Kenya program fee covers communication, airport pick-up, local support, in-country orientation, training, accommodation and two meals per day (three meals over the weekends if you are at the provided accommodation).

The volunteer in Kenya costs you need to meet are: your flight to and from the country, visa fees, work permits, travel insurance, in-country transport and return trip to the airport.

Typical Living Arrangements: Advance Africa Volunteers’ house and home-stays.

1. What can we know about Kenya Volunteer Program?
A.It has flexible schedule.B.It is targeted at the youth.
C.It offers hotel accommodation.D.It needs previous experience.
2. What are the fees for 10-week volunteering?
3. What does Kenya Volunteer Program offer?
A.Travel insurance.B.Free transport.
C.Airport pick-up service.D.Financial support.
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2 . Have you ever been in mid-conversation with someone, when you look over and find them standing in the same position as you or holding the same facial expression? It may seem like they have consciously copied you, but it is much more likely that it is the chameleon (变色龙) effect at play.

The chameleon effect is the unconscious imitation of another person’s gestures or behavior. Just as a chameleon attempts to match any environment’s colors, people acquire the behavior of others to bring them closer together and help make their interactions smooth.

The chameleon effect was confirmed in an experiment by psychologists John Bargh and Tanya Chartrand in 1999. The part of their experiment included 78 people, who each spoke with an experimenter. During the test, Bargh and Chartrand studied whether participants would copy the actions of someone they hadn’t met before, like moving the foot and touching the face. The second part measured the impact that copying someone has on the person being imitated.

In the first stage, participants increased their face touching by 20% and their foot movement by 50% while in conversation about a photograph with the experimenter. The individuals weren’t aware of what they were being studied for, and the photograph was used to catch their attention to insure unconscious acts. The second stage involved half of the participants being copied, and then rating the likability of the experimenter. The results, showed that those who were imitated scored the experimenter higher. It has shown that when someone copies our behavior, we develop more positive feelings about them. These interactions could be a person unconsciously willing to be liked, and forming a moment of connection.

The main reasons behind humans’ imitation are positive. However, when people carry this chameleon effect to the extreme, they can lose their sense of self. Those who change their entire personalities in different groups often go undetected. But more common signs of the chameleon effect are easier to notice. Next time you are in a social gathering, take a look around and you might just see some chameleons for yourself.

1. Why do people imitate others’ behavior?
A.To show admiration for others.B.To adapt to the surroundings.
C.To establish a connection with others.D.To attract others’ attention.
2. How did the experimenter guarantee participants’ unconscious behaviors?
A.By directing their attention to a photo.B.By keeping an eye on their actions.
C.By telling them the purpose of the study.D.By evaluating the impacts of imitation.
3. What conclusion can be drawn from the experiment?
A.People tend to like those who imitate their behavior.
B.Too much of the chameleon effect can be beneficial.
C.People imitating others are not easy to be detected.
D.The copied movements help people to feel relaxed.
4. Which of the following shows the chameleon effect according to the passage?
A.Students adopt teachers’ accents for fun after class.
B.People change their habits to please others on purpose.
C.A comedian copies a celebrity vividly on stage.
D.A husband and his wife share similar behaviors over time.
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3 . Where to eat in Malaysia

Malaysia offers a wide range of food choices, ranging from fine dining to street food. Elsewhere, restaurants and food stalls are readily available.

Old China Cafe

Eating here is a little like dining in a museum as the walls are lined with photos and memorabilia of the local Chinese laundryman’s association. Chinese and Asian dishes keep regulars and travellers coming back for more. The menu changes monthly.

San Pedro

This restaurant serves Portuguese cuisine. Try the baked fish (seabass or red snapper), curry debal chicken (can be quite spicy), fried brinjals and the black pepper crabs, Call ahead to reserve a table (and your fish), because once their fish runs out, they will close for the day.

The Bungalow

Facing the hotel pool and the beach, this restaurant has indoor and outdoor seating. At night, the atmosphere is very romantic. The Chinese menu concentrates on traditional Hainanese dishes, but includes dishes such as fish curry, chicken rice and filet mignon.

No. 7 Sup Corner

Even if you miss this buffet-style restaurant at the road bend, you will not miss the number of cars parked at the road shoulder or the locals heading to it during lunchtime. It serves Malay dishes. First get your plate of rice, and then take whatever you would like to eat. Present your food plate to the lady at the counter and pay for it. Closed on Fridays and during Ramadan. Come early as there’s always a crowd outside.

1. What do Old China Cafe and the Bungalow have in common?
A.They are based in hotels.B.They have seasonal set menus.
C.They have atmospheric settings.D.They adopt modern cooking methods.
2. Which restaurant serves western cuisine?
A.Old China Cafe.B.No.7 Sup Corner.
C.The Bungalow.D.San Pedro.
3. What do we know about No. 7 Sup Corner?
A.It is inconveniently located.B.It is a self-service restaurant.
C.It requires a restaurant booking.D.It opens every day except the weekends.
2023-12-25更新 | 440次组卷 | 7卷引用:湖南省长沙市麓山国际实验学校2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次学情检测英语试卷
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4 . A team of Dutch researchers has discovered that magpies (喜鹊) are using metal spikes (things with sharp points) designed to keep them away from certain urban areas to make their own nests stronger and keep invaders at bay.

Scientists have known for a while that magpies are some of the most intelligent birds in the world, but even they were puzzled by their amazing ability to adapt to hostile urban environments. It’s not unusual for birds to use human trash as tools and building materials for their nests, but seeing them use the very things we humans use against them was nothing short of puzzling for researchers at the Natural History Museum in Rotterdam and the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, in the Netherlands.

“I didn’t expect this. These anti bird spikes are meant to deter birds, they are supposed to scare them off, but on the contrary, the birds just use them.” Kees Moeliker, the director of the Natural History Museum Rotterdam, told The Guardian.

One particularly impressive magpie nest was discovered in the courtyard of a hospital in Antwerp, Belgium. It was made up of around 1,500 anti-bird spikes, most of which seemed to be positioned with the sharp point outwards, as protection against invaders. After discovering it, researchers checked the roof and confirmed that around 50 meters of anti-bird spike strips had been ripped off the building, leaving only the glue used to fix them in place.

Birds have been known to take sharp objects, from point y branches to nails, screws, into their nests as protection, but the use of anti-bird spikes is kind of ironic, as they are the very things used to keep them away. To scientists like Hiemstra, this is a sort of “beautiful revenge”.

A few years back, we wrote about rich people in the UK installing anti-bird spikes on trees to stop birds from pooping on their luxury cars, but I guess the birds had the last laugh.

1. How did the researchers feel when they found magpies made use of metal spikes?
2. What does the underlined word “deter” mean in paragraph 3?
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Supporting evidence for the research result.
B.Deeper explanation of the research finding.
C.Practical application of the research discovery.
D.Further exploration of the cause of the discovery.
4. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Birds are the masters of architecture.
B.Birds respond wisely in face of anti-bird spikes.
C.Birds use human trash to make for better adaptation.
D.Birds turn out the most intelligent species in the world.
2023-12-24更新 | 229次组卷 | 5卷引用:考题猜想02 阅读理解常考易错20篇 - 2023-2024学年高二英语下学期期末考点大串讲(译林版2020)
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5 . Dogs can’t speak, but their brains respond to spoken words. Every dog owner knows that saying “Good dog!” in a happy, high voice will make their pet joyfully wag its tail. That made scientists curious: What exactly happens in your dog’s brain when it hears praise, and is it similar to the way our own brain processes such information?

When a person gets others’ compliments, the more primitive, subcortical auditory regions (皮层下听觉区) first react to the intonation — the emotional force of spoken words. Next, the brain taps the more recently evolved auditory cortex (听觉皮层) to figure out the meaning of the words, which is learned.

In 2016, a team of scientists discovered that dogs’ brains, like those of humans, compute the intonation and meaning of a word separately — although dogs use their right brain to do so, whereas we use our left one. Still, a puzzle remained: Do their brains go through the same steps to process approval?

It’s an important question, because dogs are a speechless species, yet they respond correctly to our words. For instance, some dogs are capable of recognizing thousands of names of individual objects, and can link each name to a specific object.

When the scientists studied scans of the brains of pet dogs, they found that theirs, like ours, process the sounds of spoken words in this manner — analyzing first the emotional component with the older region of the brain, the subcortical regions, and then the words’ meaning with the newer part, the cortex.

See why dogs are so successful in partnering us? Dogs and humans last shared a common ancestor some 100 million years ago, so it’s likely that our brains respond to sounds in a similar way. As domesticated animals that have evolved alongside humans in our homes for the past 10,000 years, dogs make special use of it to process human emotions. You know, what we say really matters to dogs!

1. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “domesticated”?
2. What is the first step when a dog’s brain goes through to process approval?
A.Linking it to an object.B.Analyzing the emotion.
C.Working out its meaning.D.Tapping the auditory cortex.
3. How does the writer develop the text?
A.By comparing opinions.B.By raising examples.
C.By providing answers to questions.D.By analyzing causes and effects.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Dogs — Good Listeners
B.Dogs — Perfect Partners
C.Dogs and Humans Share a Common Ancestor Actually
D.Dogs Understand Spoken Words the Same Way We Do
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了在西藏纳木错海拔3650米的高中校园里,来自牧民家庭的两名女生Cigla和Dawa Droma通过打篮球实现了自身的成长与梦想,并缓解了当地教育发展不平衡的状况。同时,文章也阐述了高海拔等恶劣环境对当地居民的健康和教育发展带来的影响。

6 . 17-year-old Tibetan girl Cigla is a freshman at Nagqu No. 2 Senior High School in Lhasa, which sit 3,650 meters above sea level. She now plays point guard for the school’s 12-member female basketball team.

“Practice makes perfect. You get used to the altitude when you love the sport and train hard enough,” said the potential basketball star, who has been crazy about the sport since taking it up three years ago.

With outstanding speed and accurate passes, she never fails to shine on the basketball court, even when she competes against the boys. Though she is a freshman in high school, Cigla already has a clear picture of her future--entering a sports college to study basketball. In the eyes of Cila, who comes from a poor herder’s (牧民的) family in northern Tibet, studying in Lhasa, the most developed city in this area, has made it much easier for her to realize her basketball dream.

With an average altitude of over 4,500 meters. Nagqu is among the most uninhabitable places in Tibet. Low-oxygen environments and extreme weather have long influenced the health of Nagqu students, hampering the development of primary education in the area.

Like Cigla, many students at the school are from poor farmers’ and herders’ families. Dawa Droma, a senior student also on the school’s female basketball team, recalled, “I had never touched a basketball before that game but joined the class team anyway. When I scored and heard my classmates cheer for me, I couldn’t feel more proud. That’s how I fell in love with basketball and why I never looked back.” Reflecting on the influence of basketball on her life, Dawa Droma said the sport had helped her get fit and build up confidence over the years. “Meeting players from different schools has certainly made me a more outgoing person,” she said.

1. What do we know about Cigla from the text?
A.She loves playing basketball but dislikes training hard.
B.She is in Grade One at a senior high school at a high altitude.
C.She’s been crazy about playing basketball since she was 12 years old.
D.She’s got used to the altitude because she has lived there for years.
2. In Cigla’s opinion, what can help her realize her basketball dream?
A.Her school’s location.B.Her clear plans.
C.Her family background.D.Her entering a sports college.
3. What does the underlined word “hampering” in Paragraph 4 mean?
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Dawa Droma barely feels proud when scoring.
B.Dawa Droma has been affected by basketball greatly.
C.Playing basketball improves Dawa Droma’s sense of touch.
D.Players from different schools have become Dawa Droma’s friends
完形填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . In the second year of my high school, I went abroad to continue my education. Shortly after I settled down with my host family, an Italian girl _________ too. Since the house had limited space, we _________ together. My negative view on roommates started from that moment. My roommate liked to invite friends over and hold parties, but I preferred _________ home by myself. Then _________ started to appear, and I told myself that I never wanted a roommate again.

Unfortunately, life quickly _________ me when I went to college. It required all first-year students to live on _________, which meant I had to live with someone I didn’t know. From that point on, I began to _________. When I talked to my future roommate Lily for the very first time, I tried my best to smile and nod to hide my nervousness. When she invited me to have lunch, I was completely _________. I told myself that I should step out of my comfort _________, even though I could clearly hear my heart beating through my chest. I considered it for a long time, and finally, I accepted her __________.

After we __________ together for a few weeks, I got to know Lily already owned a small business selling snacks, while I kept __________ to set goals. One night, she asked me what I wanted to do for my career. I looked into her eyes for a long time, and then said, “I don’t know.” “Don’t worry! We will work together, and I’ll help you __________ what you are passionate about,” she said in a gentle voice. Under her __________, I found my interest and knew what I wanted to be after graduation. Thanks to her, I felt having a roommate could be so __________.

A.ran awayB.sped upC.set offD.moved in
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8 . Yellowstone Tour

On March 1, 1872, Yellowstone became the first national park for all to enjoy the unique geologic features. Within Yellowstone’s 2.2 million acres, visitors have wonderful opportunities to observe wildlife in a well-preserved ecosystem and view geologic wonders like the Grand Canyon (峡谷) of the Yellowstone River.

Tour Features

●Budget tour (低预算旅行)

This budget tour uses tented camps.

●Private tour

This tour will be organized specially for you and won’t be shared with others.

●Can start any day

If availability permits, this tour can start on any day.

This tour accepts children of all ages. Children under 3 are free.

Rates Per Person

Start datesSolo 1 room2+ people Sharing rooms
Jan 1, 2023 -Dec 31, 2023$ 1,260$ 860
Jan 1, 2024-Dec 31, 2024$ 1,160$ 760

●Rates are per person and exclude (排除) the international flight from/to your home country.

1. How much will a couple pay at least in September 2024?
A.$ 860.B.$ 1160.C.$ 1520.D.$ 1720.
2. What can we learn about the tour from the text?
A.starts on specific and fixed days.
B.It only accepts tourists above 3 years old.
C.It is a luxury tour with fancy accommodation.
D.It is suitable for viewing wildlife and eco-system.
3. Where might the text be taken from?
A.A travel brochure.B.A dairy entry.
C.A geography textbook.D.A research paper.
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9 . From ordering food to buying a new book to making a charitable donation, more and more decisions that used to be made on paper are now being made on digital devices like tablets, phones, and computers. And this trend towards digitalization has many advantages, in particular when it comes to efficiency and sustainability — but could it also be negatively influencing how we make decisions?

We conducted a series of studies with more than 2, 500 participants across the U. S. and China to explore the impact of the medium you use to make a decision, with a particular focus on decisions with some sort of moral component, such as whether or not to make a donation to a charity, or whether to choose a healthy or unhealthy entrée (主菜) at a restaurant. We asked the participants to make a variety of these sorts of choices using either a paper form or a digital tablet, and despite controlling for all other variables (变量) , we consistently found that people who used paper made more moral decisions than those who used a digital device: For example, participants who read their choices and made a selection on paper were significantly more likely to give money to charity, choose a healthy entree, and opt for an educational book rather than something more entertaining.

Why might this be? Our research suggests that the key mechanism driving this effect is how “real” the decision feels. We asked participants in two of our studies to describe how real a decision felt, as well as the extent to which they believed the decision as representing who they were as people, and they consistently indicated that making a choice on paper felt more real and representative than making the same decision on a digital device.

It may seem like a minor detail, but our research shows that the medium with which your customers, employees, or community members make a decision can have a major impact on the choices they make. This has implications (暗示) for marketers, policymakers, and anyone seeking to encourage any sort of virtuous behaviour. For example, to encourage customers to choose healthier options, restaurants might consider opting for paper rather than digital menus. Similarly, parents and educators might opt to provide students with paper rather than online book order forms, to increase the chances that they’ll choose educational reading materials.

1. What do we know about the studies?
A.The participants are all from America.
B.The participants are divided into three groups.
C.The studies pay special attention to decisions with moral component.
D.The studies prove the efficiency and availability of the digital device.
2. What main mechanism is responsible for this effect mentioned in the text?
A.The awareness of environmental protection.
B.People’s objection to trend towards digitalization.
C.The real feeling caused by making decisions on paper.
D.People’s care about their identity when making decisions on paper.
3. What can we infer about the research finding from the last paragraph?
A.It has practical value.B.It needs improvement.
C.It can stand the test of time.D.It makes sense in every situation.
4. What’s the main idea of the text?
A.Pen and paper will never be replaced.
B.We encourage everyone to make a responsible choice.
C.We make more moral choices when using pen and paper.
D.Educational reading materials should be provided in the form of paper.
2023-11-16更新 | 146次组卷 | 3卷引用:考题猜想02 阅读理解常考易错20篇 - 2023-2024学年高二英语下学期期末考点大串讲(译林版2020)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Someday, you may no longer need to brush your teeth by hand. Instead, a group of billions of nanoparticles (纳米粒子) could automatically do all that work for you. It would be especially life-changing for people who find it difficult or impossible to hold and move a toothbrush.

Steager, an engineer at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) in Philadelphia and Hyun Koo, an inventor and dental researcher there, found a way to form the nanoparticles into long, skinny bristles (刷毛), a lot like the ones on a toothbrush. But these bristles shape-shift to fit whatever surface they encounter.

The tooth-cleaning robot works thanks to two magnets (磁铁). One goes each side of the teeth. The nanoparticles sit in a liquid between the magnets. When the magnets are turned off, the nanoparticles move randomly in the liquid. As soon as one magnet gets turned on, the nanoparticles gather together near its center. When the researchers turn on the other magnet and turn off the first one, the nanoparticles extend outward in long, skinny bristles When there’s a tooth in the way, these bristles can’t stretch out as far as they want. So they push against the tooth’s surface. If there’s a gap between teeth, they push into the gap. Moving the magnets makes the bristles move against and between teeth. All that motion cleans the teeth. As a bonus, the nanoparticles also have strong power to kill viruses.

The new device is just a proof of concept The researchers still need to turn it into a product that people will want to use. “There’s a lot of engineering to get from here to there, but every good idea needs to have a start.” says Steager.

1. What is special about the tooth cleaner?
A.It’s water-proof.B.It’s transformable.
C.It looks like a toothbrush.D.It contains skinny bristles.
2. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The working principle.B.The magnets motion.
C.The virus-killing process.D.The bristles formation.
3. How does Steager feel about the future of the device?
4. Which of the following would be the best title?
A.A Tooth-Cleaner Fighting BacteriaB.A Breakthrough in Medicine
C.A Shape-Shifting Robotic Tooth-CleanerD.A New Concept for a New Start
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