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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

"Pick up the pace!" said Amy's husband. "But I can't!" Amy said, her heart beating quickly inside. "I can't go any faster! Her husband encouraged her. "Yes, you can! You're making progress every day.”

To help Amy stay healthy, her husband had been running with her for over two years. Several years ago, Amy could barely walk down the stairs of her apartment building due to fatness caused by eating disorders. She realized the problem after a failed job interview and began walking to improve her ability to move. At first, she could walk for only 15 minutes at a time. But she pushed herself every day, walking 5 minutes longer than she did the day before until she walked for an hour and eventually two. For three years, Amy kept her walking habit, slowly and painstakingly building her body shape. Then she changed her walking shoes to running shoes about two years ago and became an excellent runner.

In March 2001, an advertisement invited people to nominate(提名)an ordinary person who inspired them to bring the Olympic flame to Salt Lake City as torch bearers(火炬手)or support runners.(Support runners serve as “guardians of the flame" and run with torch bearers along the journey.)Amy's experiences touched her husband, so he nominated her to be a torch bearer. The possibility to be selected was low, but Amy wanted to try.

Running taught Amy the importance of training for a race. She pictured herself running a race and crossing the finish line. For months, she ran through her neighborhood carrying a broken-off broom handle, feeling the weight of the torch. She waved at her neighbors, pretending they were cheering crowds. She also printed a picture of a torch bearer wearing the white uniform, replaced the face with a picture of hers, and put it onto her refrigerator door.

Every day, Amy imagined herself as a torch bearer. She was training for a historic running event. On September 26th, while on her daily run through her neighborhood, an express package arrived.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
       Amy opened it and found a letter and a book on the Olympics.
Paragraph 2:

       "One of today's torch bearers can't run her part, " announced the relay organizer.


2 . For many Americans, regular exercise is a complicated commitment—one made at the beginning of January that fades out within weeks or months. Busy work schedules, a lack of motivation and unease towards exercising in public all contribute to the discouraging statistics that only around a quarter of adults exercise enough per week.

This month, enterptiser Trent Ward and designer Yves Behar are uncovering their design for a mirror fitness system, Forme. Forme is reflective like a mirror, uses machine learning to heighten workouts, and offers attachments including ankle belts, rope handles and a heart rate monitor. When not in use, the two arms that form the resistance pulley (滑轮) system fold behind it and the display screen disappears, turning Forme into a simple full—length mirror.

Interest in home exercise has particularly increased recently around the world. Home workout apps have seen a significant uptick in downloads, and trendy brands like Peloton have rolled out free virtual workouts for everyone stuck indoors. One French athlete who was kept away from others chose to run an entire marathon on his 23-foot balcony.

But beyond the new restrictions affecting daily workout routines, Ward and Behar are tapping into the same concerns that have made every home workout appealing:the ability to save time and sweat in the privacy of one’s home. In an age of personal metrics (衡量标准)--where one can measure their heart rate and sleep cycles with smart watches and train for marathons with AI smart sneakers----Ward and Behar want to improve exercise through machine learning. Forme evaluates performance and adjusts weights accordingly. Easy access to one’s own performance data also makes it easier to track that progress and stay motivated.

Though it’s too soon to tell if mirror gyms will be the trend of the late 2010s to 2020s, Behar explained that having a screen in the home can become the basis for more than just fitness, such as shopping or telemedicine.

1. What does paragraph 2 mainly focus on?.
A.The ways to operate Forme.B.The features of Forme.
C.The reasons to develop Forme.D.The theory behind Forme.
2. How can Peloton benefit its users?
A.By offering them online workouts for free.
B.By raising their interest in marathon.
C.By keeping them far away from others.
D.By entertaining them with all kinds of downloads.
3. What makes home workout appealing according to paragraph 4?
A.The better results than outdoor activities.
B.The fresher air at home.
C.The privacy of home.
D.The convenient access to mass data.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Can Forme Have More Powerful Functions?
B.Does Regular Exercise Keep up with New Technology?
C.Is the New Trend of Smart Machines at Home available?
D.Is this AI—Powered "Mirror Gym" the Future of Home Exercise?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . FIFA, soccer's governing body, will seek to expand the Women's World Cup from 24 to 32 teams and double the prize money.

FIFA President Gianni Infantino wants more teams for 2023, but knows FIFA must work quickly "We will discuss it as a matter of urgency and se if we can already decide to increase for 2023, in which case we should reopen the bidding process and allow everyone to have a chance to organize or maybe co-host for some of those who have been bidding already for a 24-team World Cup, ""Nothing is impossible and based on the success of the 2019 World Cup, of course we have to believe bigger and to do what we should have done already probably some time ago, "Gianni said before the July 7 final between the United States and the Netherlands. The U, S. women's team won 2:0, which helped the growth of women's soccer.

Gianni earlier prioritized(优先考虑)enlarging the Men's World Cup. He pushed for a jump from 32 to 48 teams for the 2026 World Cup that the United States co-hosts with Canada and Mexico. A bid to speed up the process of expansion for the 2022 tournament in Qatar failed in May. That event will see teams dividing a $440 million prize. In addition, club teams, meaning professional teams, that let their players participate in the Cup will receive a total of $S209 million.

However, women's teams earn much less for competing at the women's event. FIFA plans to double the prize money and will spend more to prepare players and pay clubs releasing players. Gianni said that share would total $100 million. Gianni said FIFA would double its spending on women's soccer to $1 billion. Later, he said that most of it will not be going directly to players. Most of the money would be reserved for soccer federations(联合会)to request for specific projects that would require approval from FIFA.

1. What's urgent for 2023 according to FIFA's president?
A.Deciding on who to bid for it.B.Choosing a country to host it.
C.Reforming the bidding process.D.Discussing whether more teams to attend.
2. What can we learn about the 2019 World Cup?
A.It's a men's event.
B.It allows 32 teams to participate.
C.It contributes to the expansion of women's teams.
D.It doubles the prize for women players.
3. Why does the author mention the Men's World Cup?
A.To encourage people to engage in soccer.
B.To arouse public concern for the Men's World Cup.
C.To show the importance of the Men's World Cup.
D.To stress the need to increase funds in women's teams.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.It's compulsory for clubs to release players.
B.Women players will earn more than men.
C.FIFA attracts more attention to women's events.
D.FIFA will not reject soccer federations' proposal?
2022-01-03更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省龙岩市2020届高三上学期期末教学质量检查英语试题
书面表达-图表作文 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 假定你是李华,你的加拿大笔友 Peter来信询问你每周参加体育锻炼的情况,请你根据下列表格内容,用英语给他写封回信。




锻炼的时间after school on weekdayson Saturday/Sunday mornings
锻炼的项目Run 1.5 km or play basketballgo cycling or climb the hill
锻炼的地点In the playgroundin the countryside
锻炼的益处relax myself, be good for our health
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 开头语已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Peter,

How glad I’m to hear from you!



Li Hua

2020-08-01更新 | 135次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省2020年6月普通高中学业水平合格性考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Being part of the team can be one of the most rewarding things a person can do.    1     There's no single person who can carry the rest of the team themselves. And there's   nothing like watching a team come together for a big victory.

A team sport includes any sport where individuals are organized into opposing teams which compete to win. Team members act together towards a shared objective.    2    One of them is to set goals and solve problems in a supportive atmosphere in order to accomplish their objectives.

    3    Some types of sports have different objectives or rules than “traditional” team sports. These types of team sports do not involve teammates facilitating(促使) the movement of a ball or a similar object according to a set of rules, in order to score points. For example, swimming, rolling, sailing, dragon boat racing, and track and field among others can also be considered team sports. In other types of team sports, there may not be an opposing team or points to score, for example, in mountaineering (登山运动).    4    

Through the years, the popularity of team sports has continued to grow.     5    All over the world, the influence of team sports can be seen as professional athletes live out their dreams while serving as role models, youth athletes develop life skills and follow in the steps of their role models, and fans bond over the love of their teams while supporting their economies with their support.

A.Some sports can be hard on the body.
B.This can be done in a number of ways.
C.In team sports, team members have to work together to win the game.
D.One of the benefits of team sports is to help build many useful life skills.
E.The meaning of a “team sport” has been questioned in recent years.
F.The relative difficulty of the climb is the measure of the achievement.
G.It is positively influencing not just athletes, but also fans and local economies.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

It was a cold winter. After work, I returned home. I started to take my coat off, when my son Justin ran through the door of his room. He shouted, “Dad! Dad! I’m going to play baseball tonight.”

“Where at?”

“I don’t know! It’s downtown somewhere. Dad, it’s just downtown. We’ll find it.” I pulled my jacket back on. He took the baseball glove. It fit his left hand; he was left handed—not a good match. “So where are we going?” I asked.

“ I don’t know, Dad.”He ran to the door. “It’s downtown.” Saint John was not a big city. There were only a few blocks in either direction. “ I think it’s in the south end, Dad.” My son stared at me and held his glove. “ We’ll find it.”

We crossed the city center and entered the south end. We saw a few kids with gloves on their hands. “ I guess we’re heading in the right direction, son. Those kids look like they are ready for a baseball game.”

Justin’s eyes were sparkled with excitement, “ See? I told you, Dad.”“ I always believe in you, Justin.” I replied with a big smile. We found the field. The wind froze the parents through to the bone, but the kids failed to notice it. Their minds were on baseball.

It was a rag-tag group of boys and girls, just enough to form three teams. It was a poor league and there were no uniforms. They were lucky to have shirts that matched. They played in T-shirts and jeans. The young kids had no idea where the ball was to be thrown. I would have laughed, but my son was one of the ones throwing the ball to the wrong base. The three teams battled with each other, won and lost. The coaches, who were actually just elder kids, were patient. It was a game and they treated it that way. At the same time, they taught and encouraged the younger players.

Paragraph 1:

I heard that they would take part in the city baseball competition the next summer.

Paragraph 2:

Nine months later, in winter, they attended the second city baseball competition.

2021-11-09更新 | 62次组卷 | 3卷引用:福建省龙岩第一中学2020-2021学年高三上学期第三次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . The Dezeen x Samsung Out of the Box Competition is a global contest that challenges contestants to design innovative objects for the home that can be made by repurposing cardboard packaging. It's inspired by Samsung's Eco-Packaging, in which some of its televisions are shipped to customers.

Judging criteria

Entries will be judged on how original the idea is, how visually appealing the object is and how useful it would be in the home.

Who can enter

The competition is free to enter for anyone over 18 around the world. Entries from individuals and teams will both be accepted.

How to enter

Contestants will need to submit their entry via the form down-loadable here: http://www. dezeen.com/samsung-out-of-the-box-competition-entry-form/. The following information should be included in the form: the name of the design, a description of its concept (maximum 300 words), one to ten images showing the object in use in the home. A video or animation (动画) displaying the design and its assembly (组装) is optional.

Closing date

All entries must be received by 23:59 BST on October 29, 2020.

Shortlist (入围名单)and finalists

In November 2020, Dezeen and Samsung will select a shortlist of the best designs, which will be published on the Dezeen website. In December 2020, five finalists will then be exhibited at IFA Berlin, one of the world's largest trade fairs for consumer electronics. Entrants behind the top five designs will be invited to attend the IFA to present their designs to an English-speaking jury.

Winners and prizes

The competition is awarding $20,000 in total prize money, which will be divided among the top five finalists. The overall winner will receive a top prize of $10,000.

1. Which of the following is NOT a criterion for deciding who takes first place in the Samsung Out of the Box Competition?
2. Lily, who decides to enter the Competition, will have to submit all the following information EXCEPT FOR __________.
Is this a team entry?
(If so, please list the names of all teammates.)
Name of design
(This will appear on all communication and media coverage.)
Entry description
(Please explain the concept behind your design, what lifestyle it has been designed for and how it is assembled.)
Upload images (at most 10)
(All images must be JPGs and no more than 1MB in size each)
Video or animation
(Please include a URL here)

3. Which of the following statements is true?
A.Each of the finalists will receive a prize of $4,000.
B.The overall winner will have a chance to visit Samsung.
C.The best designs will be published on the Dezeen website.
D.The finalists will represent their designs at IFA in their native languages.

8 . Do big sporting events make us do more sport?

I recently spent half a weekend sitting on the sofa watching the Davis Cup. I thought about going for a run, but I did not want to miss the rest of the match. Soon it was starting to get dark, so I did not bother. Whenever I watch tennis, I think how nice it would be to play it regularly. But I have been thinking that for almost 20 years without actually setting foot on a court. The evidence would suggest that I’m not the only one.

When a country or city bids to host an international sporting event, it often promises that more people will take up sports as a result. London was no exception. Tessa Jowell, who helped to secure the 2012 Olympics for London, said they would be the first to set challenging but achievable targets as a measure of their ambition: By 2012 two million more people would be physically active. And 60 percent of young people would be doing at least five hours of sports per week.

In the end it did not turn out quite like that. Just over one-third of people in Britain take part in sports once a week. A report on Olympic and Paralympic legacy has said that a big change in participation levels simply has not happened.

Why isn’t there a big increase in people taking part in sports after most sporting events? Perhaps it is a mistake to assume an automatic link between watching sports and playing it. While the games are on, they actually encourage people to do just the opposite — to spend whole sunny days not out playing sports, but inside sitting on the sofa with the curtains shut to stop the sun shining on the TV screen and spoiling the view. We don’t expect half the audience of a hit musical to apply to drama school the next day, yet we seem to expect it of sporting events.

We might have sat on the sofa doing an impression of Usain Bolt’s bow-and-arrow signature pose. But how many of us have been inspired by watching him sprint (短跑) 100 meters? The high-level performances on show only remind people that they could never match the elite athletes in their sporting achievements even if they trained full time.

Maybe participation in sports is not the right legacy to expect after a major sporting event. It’s not so much that the Olympics failed to get people to participate but rather that this was never going to be the result. The Olympics can do many things, but maybe this cannot necessarily be one of them.

1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.The author prefers playing tennis to running.
B.The author watches tennis matches very rarely.
C.The author hasn’t played tennis in nearly two decades.
D.The author didn’t go for a run because the match lasted longer than expected.
2. The underlined word “secure” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_________”.
A.to fastenB.to protectC.to obtainD.to promise
3. According to the article, there is no noticeable rise in sport participation after most events because      .
①it takes people a longer time to play sports than watch it
②watching sports actually discourages people from going out
③sporting events make people aware that they could never be as good as elite athletes
④people are too busy to get into the habit of taking part in sports
4. According to the author, to expect more citizens to play sports after a country hosts the Olympics is      .
听力选择题-长对话 | 较难(0.4) |
9 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A.Their separate hobbies.
B.A new activity of cave exploring.
C.Similarities in climbing and cave exploring.
2. What else do the Society’s members do besides exploring caves?
A.Clean up caves.B.Teach people about rocks.C.Rescue people trapped in caves.
3. Why doesn’t the woman like cave-exploring?
A.She thinks it too dangerous.
B.She has no climbing technique.
C.She doesn’t like the environment in caves.
4. What does the man invite the woman to do?
A.Attend a meeting.B.Research rocks.C.Explore a cave.
2021-03-19更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省师范大学附属中学2021届高三上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . After the Gold

Congratulations! You’ve won the gold medal! Stand still while the photo flashes (闪光灯) pop and TV journalists ask how it feels. Thousands of new followers on social media, meanwhile, are waiting for what you have to say.

Then, prepare for a different kind of downhill.

Diann Roffe knows the experience well. The American Alpine ski racer (高山滑雪运动员) won a gold medal at the 1994 Lillehammer Winter Olympics after winning a silver at the 1992 Albertville Games. She immediately announced her retirement. She was 26, an age when most people have just begun a career.

Joining society at 26 can be tough. A professional athlete’s life is remarkably self-centered. You wake up taking your heart rate. You think of your own workout goals. You write down what you eat. After years of self-focus, if everything works out just right, you win. Most people will never experience a high that high. But there’s a downside.

“It was like being taken up to the highest mountain peak to see the view, and then being brought down, never to be there again,” said Roffe. In the first years after her win, Roffe thought, “Here I am struggling with the masses to make ends meet and get school done, seeking that extraordinary feeling again.”

Roffe’s friend, speed skater Cathy Turner, was the darling after she won a gold at the 1992 Albertville Games. “I woke up every day with a long to-do list,” she recalled her early days after retirement. “It was like, ‘What speech am I giving? What company am I going to address?’ I was Cathy the skater, the Olympian. Then I was Cathy the motivational speaker.”

Turner found it difficult to make a transition out of the sport. She returned to compete at the 1994 Lillehammer Winter Olympics, where she won another gold. She retired again, turned her attention to computers, but soon found herself with marital (婚姻的) troubles. Turner escaped her troubles the only way she knew — she trained for the 1998 Games, where she didn’t win a medal.

If their stories illustrate how difficult post-gold years can be, Roffe and Turner also show why winning athletes often eventually succeed.

“Think of what these people develop!” said California sports psychologist Doug Gardner. “Perseverance. Tenacity in dealing with failure. These skills are very useful in other aspects of life.”

Turner combined her perseverance with her love of computer technology. She finally became a valued database (数据库) manager at a company in New York state. Roffe, 23 years after her retirement, runs a successful business which makes locker (储物柜) systems for team locker rooms, resorts and gyms.

1. Which of the following statements about Diann Roffe is true?
A.She won her first Olympic gold medal in 1992.
B.She was invited to address many big companies after her retirement.
C.She has taken part in the Olympic Games three times in all.
D.She has become a successful businesswoman.
2. According to the article, what is the “downside” of winning Olympic gold medals?
A.Athletes will have many sleepless nights as TV journalists pour in.
B.Athletes will have a hard time deciding what to say to new followers on social media.
C.Athletes will find it challenging to relive such great feelings in daily life.
D.Athletes earn small salaries and most of them will find it hard to make ends meet after retirement.
3. Doug Gardner thinks winning athletes can achieve success in life as well because ______.
A.they focus remarkably well on themselves
B.most of them are very strong and healthy
C.they tend to keep trying despite difficulties
D.they know how to motivate others
4. We can tell from the article that Roffe felt happy after returning from the 2014 Sochi Winter Games because ____.
A.American Alpine ski racers won many gold medals
B.she felt she had finally made a transition out of her sport
C.the U.S.A. team used the products of her company
D.her husband and kids accompanied her to the races
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