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1 . I was surprised to find the congestion (拥塞) outside Layla’s primary school was unusually absent—I’d driven right into a parking space, and I was on time, for once. The school bell rang, and in a moment a stream of children made their way through the gate. But something was different—the kids were piling into vehicles in threes and fours.

Before I could enquire my daughter Layla, Mr Trent, the deputy head, approached. “Mrs Pavis, did you not read our letter?” Letter? What letter? I had a history of not looking out for them, and not reading them in most cases. “The letter? Of course. It must have just slipped my mind—I’ve been away with work.”

Now I was digging around in Layla’s messy schoolbag at home. Eventually, I found several letters, all addressing the same topic—parking outside the school gates. Apparently with some parents parking illegally, the police were about to get involved. “Why didn’t you give me these letters?” I demanded. Layla shrugged. “I forgot.” I was about to launch into a severe lecture when it occurred to me that I had always forgotten—I had forgotten to give Layla her money for cookery that morning and forgotten to hang out the kids’ washed clothes.

I contained myself and figured out that they wanted the parents to car-pool (拼车). I spent the next half hour ringing round Layla’s friends’ parents, enquiring if they would like to car-pool with us. Unfortunately, they were all sorted. It was my own fault—I should have read those letters ages ago. “Er... I overheard others talking about it,” Layla said, “They said they didn’t know who would car-pool with us, because we’re always late.” I flushed instantly. We were a disorganised family, and I was the one to blame.

I resolved to change. With responsibility for my kids, I find I am never, ever late. It’s good for Layla and for her older brothers, and it’s good for me, because now I never leave the house unprepared. I’ve even started checking the kids’ schoolbags for notes from school.

1. What did the author notice when the school was over?
A.It was hard to find a parking space.B.Children were picked up in groups.
C.Her daughter was absent from class.D.She arrived much earlier than others.
2. What stopped the author criticizing her daughter?
A.The reflection of her daily routine.B.The realization of her carelessness.
C.The knowledge of her kid’s character.D.The awareness of her kid’s depression.
3. Why did others refuse to car-pool with them according to Layla?
A.Because they contacted them late.B.Because they failed to keep the house tidy.
C.Because they couldn’t be on time.D.Because they ignored the school’s request.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Action creates motivation.B.Mother’s love never changes.
C.It’s never too late to mend.D.Patience is the key to success.

2 . I’m May. high school seniors all around the U. S. scramble (争抢) to get ready for prom. Prom. short for promenade, is a formal dance held by a high school before graduation. It's an important aspect of American school culture because it's the last high-school dance seniors will ever attend.

Prom entails (牵涉) countless traditions. First a guy must ask a girl to go to prom with him. Most guys choose to do special prom proposals in hopes of winning the girl's heart with their creativity. Then he will rent a tuxedo (燕尾服), and the girl will often get their hair, nails and makeup done professionally. That night couples will take pictures, and then they will often take a limousine (豪华轿车) to dinner and to the dance. Several reports state that parents can spend upward of $ 2,000 to give their kids the perfect prom experience.

The history of prom can be traced back to the last half of the 1800s. At that time, American universities and colleges organized dances each year for their graduating students. The purpose was not only to entertain the students but also to prepare them for the wider world by teaching them proper manners for men and women.

Later, high schools took over the prom tradition. In the 1950s, high schools began moving the dance from their gyms to beautiful hotels or country clubs to make the event even more special. Perhaps the most amazing prom took place in 1975, when Susan Ford, the daughter of the country's president, received permission to hold her high school's prom at the White House. So far, no other prom has managed to top that.

1. What does this article mainly explain about prom?
A.Its unusual atmosphere.
B.Its present and future.
C.Its educational benefits.
D.Its customs and roots.
2. According to this article, what do the participants in prom mainly pay attention to?
A.Their appearance.
B.Their possessions.
C.Their transportation.
D.Their supervisors.
3. What were people supposed to learn from prom at one time?
A.What marketing plan to use.
B.How to behave around others.
C.Which food was best to eat.
D.When to earn a great degree.
4. According to this article ,where was a special event held more than four decades ago?
A.In an official residence.
B.In an international court.
C.In a motion picture studio.
D.In a modern gallery.
2021-05-28更新 | 323次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省苏州市吴中区2020-2021学年联考高一下期中英语试题

3 . Independent living at home is the ideal for every aging person. But a fall or other health-threatening incidents can change everything rapidly.

The wearable “panic buttons” introduced in the late 1980s were a great advance. But they only work if people actually wear them and can reach the button in an emergency. Today there are passive wearables that automatically detect falls, and camera-based systems to monitor elder safety.

Coming from a 40-year career in the semiconductor and wireless communication field, Rafi Zack decided to find a better alternative. “People aren’t devoted to wearing small devices 24/7, and camera-based systems are an invasion(侵犯)of privacy,” he points out, “The most challenging aspect is a fall. How fast we can detect a fall matters because the medical situation worsens quickly. Sometimes people stay on the floor for a long time. We have to find out how to solve that problem.”

Zack is a co-founder, CEO and vice president of R&D at EchoCare Technologies which has developed ECHO (Elderly Care Home Observer), a cloud-connected monitor based on radar technology and machine learning.

Because radar sees through walls, one ECHO unit fixed on the ceiling or wall can monitor one person (or two persons, in a future version) in a standard-sized apartment in a senior living facility. The device detects falls, breathing difficulties, drowning in a bathtub and other dangerous events. It gives out warnings to potential health worsening conditions by continuously monitoring and analyzing the person’s location, posture(姿势), motion and breath. EchoCare tested the device in the United States, Japan, Australia and Israel. ECHO was certified(认证)in 2019 in Japan with the most aging population in the world.

“Bathrooms were the main testing area where about 17,000 deadly accidents happen annually.” said SMK Director and Executive Vice President Tetsuo Hara. “Bathroom makers, home security service providers and nursing homes are highly interested in EchoCare’s solution.” Zack noted, “As more and more elder people live alone as a result of social distancing, there is an increased need to monitor them without the burden of wearables or privacy-invading cameras.”

1. What’s the advantage of ECHO over “panic buttons”?
A.It has camera-based systems.B.It has been widely accepted.
C.It can function without cameras.D.Its buttons can be easily reached.
2. What can we know about ECHO from paragraph 5?
A.It is designed to send out warnings regularly.
B.It monitors dangerous health-related events.
C.It was certified in many developed countries.
D.It detects more than one person at the same time.
3. What can we infer about the future of ECHO?
A.It’ll become more popular with the elderly.
B.It’ll stop 17,000 deaths happening annually.
C.It’ll be used in nursing homes and hospitals.
D.It’ll help elderly people to live an active life.
4. What can be the best title for the passage?
A.An Advanced Medical Instrument
B.A High-tech Monitor for the Elderly
C.The Invention of a Healthcare Device
D.The Improvement of a Medical Facility
2021-05-28更新 | 682次组卷 | 7卷引用:江苏省南京市金陵中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期中检测英语试题

4 . What is talent? Are you born with it? Or does it seem to develop over time? Before I start, I’d like to say that one thing everyone agrees on is that the most skilled musicians have worked hard to get there.

While it’s true that a few of us had enough “talent” to avoid extra practice to do just as well as those who did, those who worked hard easily beat us. It is, in fact, very likely that if some of us “talented ones” had actually been practicing and improving our skill, we would have achieved a whole different level.

Another aspect of talent seems to be heart and passion (酷爱). The people I see who are the most talented musicians are crazy about music. They eat, breathe, and live music and they make an extraordinary effort to make it part of their lives. As Remus Badea said, desire for the musician-to-be is significant for them to be successful. This desire is easily found in those considered to be talented. When you want and love something so bad, it drives you and your entire character can be shaped around it. Such determined passion seems to produce incredible skill and talent.

The third aspect (方面) of talent is having talent around you. When surrounded by talented musicians, it only seems natural that you start to catch up to their level Take a look at almost any group of musicians in history. The more talented people in the group the more talented the group is as a whole. A great example of this is the relationship between audio producer and artist. The artist turns up to the studio with their song, and as they work through recording it, the audio producer will often suggest various changes to the song to make it better.

1. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
A.Pride goes before a fall.
B.It’s never too old to learn.
C.Practice contributes to talent.
D.Talent determines achievements.
2. What is the key to success according to Remus Badea?
A.Passion.B.Character .C.Skill.D.Talent.
3. Why is the example mentioned in the last paragraph?
A.To introduce what real talents are.
B.To explain how a song is composed.
C.To prove talents need team spirit.
D.To show the benefits of being with talents.
4. What might the author probably agree with?
A.Music has no limits.
B.Musicians are born with talent.
C.Music favors the talented.
D.Musicians are created, not born.

5 . During the COVID-19 pandemic, Julia began her second year as a first grade teacher in an online classroom. One September afternoon, she received a call from and Cynthia, who was having technical difficulties with her granddaughter's tools for online learning.

Julia immediately knew something was wrong with Cynthia. The two women had spoken many times before, but Julia had never heard she sounded like this. Her words were so jumbled that Julia could barely understand her. Julia called her headmaster, Charlie, who convinced her that he would call and check on Cynthia himself.

Just like Julia, Charlie could barely understand Cynthia. He suspected she might be having a stroke (中风) — he recognized the signs from when his own father had suffered one. Charlie immediately became concerned that Cynthia's two grandchildren, ages six and eight, were probably home alone with her and scared. Charlie asked his office manager to send an ambulance to the grandmother's home.

The quick response from Julia and Charlie saved Cynthia's life. She arrived at the hospital in time to get treatment before long-term damage occurred. Thanks to an extended stay in the hospital, she has regained most of the movement throughout her body except for one hand and a region of her mouth.

“I'm proud of the people I work with, that they responded so quickly and that it did make a difference to Cynthia,” says Julia. “I am so pleased to be part of such a caring community.” But the school's crisis response is only one piece of the community's extraordinary efforts to help Cynthia and her granddaughters. Another family with young children took in the two girls.

Virtual learning has been a challenge across the country, but it's fair to say that it has helped the community grow closer. Many teachers there gave their personal phone numbers to students and families in case they needed extra help. In this case, the exchange was literally life-altering.

1. Cynthia called Julia in order to .
A.complain about the poor contents of online learning
B.consult about her granddaughter's academic performance
C.seek some help for lack of certain technical knowledge
D.volunteer her services as a teacher in an online classroom
2. The underlined word “jumbled” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to .
3. How did Charlie decide that Cynthia might have suffered a stroke?
A.By recalling his own previous sufferings from the disease.
B.By using his professional knowledge to form the judgment.
C.By combining Julia's call with the granddaughters' description.
D.By identifying the symptoms that a stroke patient may have.
4. What does the author think of virtual leaning?
A.It has caused much inconvenience to parents.
B.It will bring about unavoidable leak of privacy.
C.It has provided more benefits than challenges.
D.It needs technical guidance to be highly effective.
2021-05-28更新 | 353次组卷 | 3卷引用:江苏省盐城市2021届高三下学期第三次模拟英语试题

6 . At 88, I remain a competitive runner. The finish line of my life is drawing close, and I hope to reach it having given the best of myself along the way. I’ve been training my body to meet the demands of this final stretch. But, I wonder, should I have asked more of my mind?

If I didn’t exercise, I would release the hungry beasts that seek their elderly prey on couches, but not in the gym. The more I sweated, the more likely it was my doctor would continue to say, “Keep doing what you’re doing, and I’ll see you next year.” My mind, on the other hand, seems less willing to give in to discipline. I have tried Internet “brain games”, solving algebraic problems flashing past and changing the route of virtual trains to avoid crashes. But these never approach my determination to remain physically fit as I move deeper into old age.

Though I have many friends in their 70s, 80s and 90s, I’ve been far too slow to realize that how we respond to aging is a choice made in the mind, not in the gym. Some of my healthiest friends carry themselves as victims abused by time. Other friends, many, whose aching knees and hips are the least of their physical problems, find comfort in their ability to accept old age as just another stage of life to deal with. I would use the world “heroic” to describe the way they cope with aging.

One such friend recently called from a hospital to tell me a sudden brain disease had made him legally blind. He interrupted me as I began telling him how terribly sorry I was: “Bob, it could have been worse. I could have become dead instead of blind.”

In spite of all the time I spend lifting weights and exercising, I realized I lack the strength to have said those words. It suddenly struck me that I’ve paid a price for being a “gym rat”. If there is one characteristic common to friends who are aging with a graceful acceptance of life’s attacks, it is contentment. Aging had to be more than what I saw in a mirror.

But rather than undertaking a fundamental change in the way I face aging. I felt the place to begin would be to start small. A recent lunch provided a perfect example.

I’ve always found it extremely difficult to concentrate when I’m in a noisy setting. At this lunch with a friend in an outdoor restaurant, a landscaper began blowing leaves from underneath the bushes surrounding our table. Typically, after such a noisy interruption, I would have snapped, “let’s wait until he’s finished!. ”, then fallen silent. When the roar(吼叫)eventually faded, my roar would have drained(消耗)the conversation of any warmth. It troubled me that even a passing distraction(分心)could so easily take me from enjoying lunch with a good friend to a place that gave me no pleasure at all. I wanted this meal to be different.

My years in gyms had taught me to shake off pains and other distractions, never permitting them to stop my workout or run. I decided to treat the noise this way. I continued talking with my friend, challenging myself to hear the noise, but to hold it at a distance. The discipline was so familiar to me in the gym—this time applied to my mind— proved equally effective in the restaurant. It was as though I had taken my brain to a mental fitness center.

Learning to ignore a leaf blower’s roar hardly equips me to find contentment during my passage into ever-deeper old age. But I left the lunch feeling I had at least taken a small first step in changing behavior that stood in the way of that contentment.

Could I employ that same discipline to accept with dignity the unavoidable decline awaiting me like the finish line? Hoping that contentment will guide me as I make my way along the path yet to be travelled.

1. The author’s question in Paragraph 1 implies that ________.
A.he feels unsatisfied with the result of the brain games.
B.he has never believed the necessity of mind training.
C.He has realized he should mentally prepare for aging.
D.he feels regret for not sharpening his thinking skills
2. What can we learn from the author’s friend mentioned in Paragrph 4?
A.He takes physical illnesses as they come.
B.He fears that his illness will become worse.
C.He needs to find a way through those hardships.
D.He sees life as a series of disappointments.
3. After that recent lunch, the author realized that ________.
A.he had made small changes to adapt to aging.
B.the restaurant was not an ideal place for eating
C.distractions were not uncommon in everything life.
D.his roar had spoiled the friendly conversation.
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
A.Benefits of Regular Exercise
B.Old Age Hate and Blessing
C.Never Too Old to Learn
D.The Secret to Aging Well

7 . Nothing succeeds like success, as every parent of a straight-A student knows, but trying to stress academic excellence by telling your child, “You’re so smart!” may be counterproductive. Why? According to a 2017 study, children who think their intelligence is fixed are less likely to pay attention to and bounce back(重新振作)from mistakes than children who think intelligence can grow and change.

In the study, researchers looked at 123 children. The team assessed the children to determine whether they had a “growth mindset”(believing that you can work harder to get smarter), or a “fixed mindset” (believing that your intelligence is unable to change). They then asked the children to complete a fast-paced computer accuracy task while their brain activity was recorded. During the recording, researchers noted that brain activity stopped within a half-second after making a mistake, as children became aware of their mistake and paid closer attention to what went wrong. The larger the brain response was, the more the child focused on the mistake. Based on the data, they concluded that children with a “growth mindset” were much more likely to have a larger brain response after making a mistake. While children with a “fixed mindset” were able to “bounce back”, only if they gave their full attention to the mistake.

For parents, the lessons are clear. Don’t pay your children compliments that suggest that intelligence is fixed. If your child hands you an A+ score, don’t say, “You’re so smart!” Instead, say, “Wow, that studying really paid off!” or “You clearly mastered this material-way to go!” Note the effort, not the intelligence.

Besides, many parent shy away from addressing a child’s mistakes, telling them “It’s OK. ”You’ll get it next time. ” without offering them the chances to figure out what goes wrong. Instead, it’s better to reassure your children that mistakes happen, and work to figure out where and how they make the mistake.

1. Which of the following best explains “counterproductive” underlined in paragraph 1?
2. How did the children with a “growth mindset” react in the study?
A.They made fewer mistakes.B.They tried to avoid mistakes
C.They had smaller brain responseD.They focused more on the mistake.
3. What should parents say when children make a mistake according to the text?
A.You are so careless
B.Paying compliments to children
C.You’ll get it the next time
D.Let’s find out how you made it.
4. What should be avoided according to the study?
A.Overstressing the intelligence.
B.Pay compliment to children.
C.Addressing children’s mistakes.
D.Offering chances to find mistakes.
2021-05-28更新 | 262次组卷 | 4卷引用:江苏省安丰中学、三仓中学、龙岗中学、南师大盐城实验学校四校2020-2021学年高一下学期期中联考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Smartphones, tablets and other digital devices can be addictive. They affect sleep. They draw kids into an alternate universe, often distracting(使分心)them from more productive-and healthier-real-world activities. And they are often linked to anxiety and depression, learning disabilities and obesity(肥胖). Yet for many teenagers, cellphones and social media are also absolutely necessary tools for planning their social lives, keeping up with schoolwork and staying in touch with out-of-town friends and relatives.

How can parents make the most of the constructive uses of screen-based technology while minimizing its harmful effects?

The key is helping kids use technology as a tool, not a toy, “where there’s some purpose other than the medication of boredom,” says Jim Taylor, a psychologist and author of the book Raising Generation Tech:Preparing Your Children for a Media-fueled World. Taylor, like many other medical and mental health professionals, advises parents to set limits and stick to them. They should restrict the amount of time their kids spend on devices, create tech-free zones-no cellphones in their bedrooms, for example-and tech-free times, such as at the dinner table, in restaurants and on family outings.

Perhaps the best thing you can do is serve as a good role model by exhibiting the same online behavior you expect of your children, says Dr. Elias Aboujaoude, a Stanford University psychiatrist. “If parents are breaking their own rules,” Aboujaoude says, “kids cannot be expected to behave differently.”

Chad Landgraf, 44, of Oklahoma, told me he was worried about how addicted his 12-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter became when they were on their devices. So, hoping to set an example, he switched from e-books to old-fashioned print. “When I had my Kindle or ipad open, they. didn’t know if I was reading or surfing the net,” Landgraf says. “But at least if I have a paper copy of a book, they know I am reading. Modeling seems like the easiest way.”

1. What may be the result of children’s using digital devices?
A.Health improvement.B.Free creation.
C.Sleep disorder.D.Good conduct
2. What does Jim Taylor suggest parents doing?
A.Killing time by using screen-based technology.
B.Forbidding kids using smartphones.
C.Setting clear boundaries for kids.
D.Restricting tech-free family time.
3. Why did Chad pick up old-fashioned print?
A.He was afraid of becoming addicted.B.He expected to be a role model.
C.He was tired of surfing the net.D.He preferred paper copies of books.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Parenting in a digital worldB.Learning to be intelligent parents
C.Using smart devices wiselyD.Helping children behave themselves
2021-05-28更新 | 183次组卷 | 3卷引用:江苏省盐城市伍佑中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期初调研考试英语试题

9 . Digital technology(数字技术)has made life easier for most people. With a smartphone in hand, people can shop online, watch TV shows and arrange a taxi.

Zhu Yiwei, 17, from Anhui province, wanted his grandfather to have access to this convenience, so he bought him a new phone as a gift. But his grandfather still uses the phone just for calling and messaging. “He said other functions make him confused, ”said Zhu.

This is a common problem faced by the elderly in the digital age.

Although China already has more than 900 million internet users, among them, those aged 60 and above make up just 6.7 percent, according to the Statistical Report on Internet Development.

Even though the elderly have access to the internet, they mainly do it for communication and information acquisition(获取),according to a survey by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Other services are still strange to them. That’s why elderly people are sometimes called “digital refugees(难民)”.

For example, since the COVID-19 pandemic, people are often asked to show a green health code on their phone to get into public places. But most elderly people don't use smartphones. Even if they have one, many don't know how to operate it, People's Daily noted.

“We have made a lifelong contribution to society, but now we feel abandoned by it,”a 75-year-old Beijing resident surnamed Bai told the Global Times.

For the elderly, one way of mastering digital technology is to learn from younger family members. However, not all of these younger people have the patience or time to teach the elderly. In addition, aging results in many physical problems, such as weak eyesight and bad memory. This makes it harder to use smartphones.

The government and other organizations in China are trying to help. See Young, a Beijing-based NGO, aims to help China's elderly use mobile services. Student volunteers have been providing free computer and smartphone training for elderly people in over 200 communities across the country.

Zhao Jingchuan, 17, from Xi'an Gaoxin No 1 High School, and his team members also tried to help. This year, their draft proposal(草拟提案)was brought to the two sessions. They suggested more ways to help introduce the technology to the older generation, including sending manuals(手册),offering technical support, and cybersecurity(网络安全)education.

1. Why is Zhu Yiwei's example mentioned in the second paragraph?
A.To praise him for caring for the elderly.
B.To show how the elderly use phones.
C.To tell about how the young and the elderly get along.
D.To present the topic of the difficulties elderly people face in the digital age.
2. Elderly people are sometimes called“digital refugees” because ________.
A.they hardly have opportunities to use the internet
B.they have trouble using digital technology
C.they are unwilling to use new technology
D.they don't have suitable digital products
3. What does the underlined word “abandoned” probably mean?
C.Left behind.
D.Held back.
4. What do the last two paragraphs mainly talk about?
A.The expectations of the elderly in the digital age.
B.The advantages of digital technology for the elderly.
C.The efforts made to help the elderly use technology.
D.The help young people provided for the elderly.
2021-05-20更新 | 210次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南通市第一中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中质量调研英语试题

10 . A recent study suggests there's nothing soft about pink, as it is revealed that the pinkest flamingos are the toughest. Published in the Journal Ethology, a recent study found that a pink color of feathers was a good indicator of how aggressive a bird was when feeding, as well as a sign of good health or a signal that the bird was ready to breed(繁育).

For the study, researchers observed the behavior of flamingos in different feeding situations, ranging from small indoor spaces to large outdoor spaces, with or without a pool.

They found that compared to indoor birds competing for food from a bowl, the outdoor-raised flamingos spent twice as much as time searching for food, so they had less time to show aggressive behaviors. Interestingly, their findings also revealed that when the race for food turned hot, the birds most likely to appeal to arms were the pinkest, whether they were male or female.

“The color of flamingos comes from their food, more specifically, from the algae(藻类)that they absorb from water. So the more food they have, the pinker the birds are,” said Dr. Paul Rose, from the University of Exeter, in a statement. “Flamingos live in large groups with complex structures, in which color plays an important role.”

Flamingos don't have a breeding season. Instead, they breed when they are healthy enough to do so. Their health is indicated by the color of the feathers, which is pinker in their prime and paler when they weak. So, the signal that a bird is ready to breed is described as a pink flush in its feathers, which goes away when the bird parents a chick or already passes its best reproductive time.

A healthy pink flamingo will have more time and energy to be aggressive and dominant when feeding. When birds have to crowd together to get their food, they fight more and therefore spend less time feeding, leading to the fading color of flamingos that are already weak. “And this definitely is unfavorable for their reproduction,” Rose said.

The research provides a direction for zoos to feed their flamingos and keep them content and colorful. That is, ensure captive birds are fed in a wide space, as crowded conditions are more likely to result in fights. “Based on my observations, I suggested some changes. And the keepers were willing to try them out. As a result, we've got pinker, more relaxed flamingos," said Dr. Rose.

1. What's the purpose of the author by writing Paragraph 1?
A.To propose an example.
B.To make an argument.
C.To make a comparison.
D.To introduce the topic.
2. Which aspect of flamingos did the researchers focus on?
A.Health condition.
B.Social structures.
C.Feeding activities.
D.Breeding activities.
3. What can we infer about the flamingos' group?
A.Body size determines status.
B.Family is taken as a basic unit.
C.Healthy flamingos control the whole group.
D.Pinker flamingos enjoy a breeding advantage.
4. Which measure of raising flamingos will Dr. Rose support?
A.Enlarging the raising space.
B.Raising all flamingos indoors.
C.Limiting the population of a group.
D.Increasing the frequency of providing food.
2021-05-20更新 | 120次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南通市第一中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中质量调研英语试题
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