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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,介绍研究人员通过分析北极熊雪地脚印中的DNA, 创造了一种保护北极熊的开创性方法。

1 . Polar bears are icons of the Arctic. Detailed monitoring of their populations is crucial for their conservation—but because polar bears are so difficult to find, we are missing critical data about population size. Scientists have now developed a new tool to help: DNA analysis using skin cells left in the bears’ footprints in the snow.

The scientists were inspired by the techniques that can be applied to tiny, degraded DNA samples. With these techniques, it isn’t necessary to physically capture bears, which can be stressful and dangerous for both bears and humans. Instead, the researchers can turn to the snow tracks of polar bears and look at sources of DNA left in passing—environmental DNA. "The tracks usually contain fresh cells, and the DNA is intact because of the cold’ storage’ temperature, "said Dr. Melanie Lancaster of the World Wide Fund, lead author.

The scientists collected snow from individual tracks made by Alaskan polar bears in the wild. Additional materials like hair and saliva(唾液)were sampled, confirming that the tracks provided accurate genotype(基因型) 24 wild polar bear tracks were sampled. The researchers melted and filtered the snow to collect environmental DNA, then carried out micro-satellite analysis. Although the concentrations (浓度)of DNA taken from trucks sampled in the wild were very low, 13 of the wild polar bear samples could be genotype, identifying 12 different individuals.

This technique has huge potential to inform conservation of these animals, to better understand their populations and behavior. Although the sampling has a lower success rate, ease of collection means that it can significantly expand sample sizes.

"We hope this method will be taken up by the polar bear research community, with the involvement of hunters, volunteers, and local communities, as a new way to collect information on polar bears, "said Lancaster. "We also hope the method will be expanded to other animals living in snowy environments. "

1. Why do scientists develop the new method?
A.To improve the environment in the Aretic.
B.To protect humans from the polar bears attack.
C.To find solutions to global climate change.
D.To gather essential data for monitoring polar bears.
2. What does the underlined word “intact” mean in paragraph 2?
3. What did the scientists do in the study?
A.They tracked and caught polar bears in the wild.
B.They recorded the bears’ behaviors with cameras.
C.They analyzed DNA from polar bears’ snowy footprints.
D.They compared the polar bears’ genotype with other animals?
4. What is Lancaster’s attitude toward the method?
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2 . I was surprised to find the congestion (拥塞) outside Layla’s primary school was unusually absent—I’d driven right into a parking space, and I was on time, for once. The school bell rang, and in a moment a stream of children made their way through the gate. But something was different—the kids were piling into vehicles in threes and fours.

Before I could enquire my daughter Layla, Mr Trent, the deputy head, approached. “Mrs Pavis, did you not read our letter?” Letter? What letter? I had a history of not looking out for them, and not reading them in most cases. “The letter? Of course. It must have just slipped my mind—I’ve been away with work.”

Now I was digging around in Layla’s messy schoolbag at home. Eventually, I found several letters, all addressing the same topic—parking outside the school gates. Apparently with some parents parking illegally, the police were about to get involved. “Why didn’t you give me these letters?” I demanded. Layla shrugged. “I forgot.” I was about to launch into a severe lecture when it occurred to me that I had always forgotten—I had forgotten to give Layla her money for cookery that morning and forgotten to hang out the kids’ washed clothes.

I contained myself and figured out that they wanted the parents to car-pool (拼车). I spent the next half hour ringing round Layla’s friends’ parents, enquiring if they would like to car-pool with us. Unfortunately, they were all sorted. It was my own fault—I should have read those letters ages ago. “Er... I overheard others talking about it,” Layla said, “They said they didn’t know who would car-pool with us, because we’re always late.” I flushed instantly. We were a disorganised family, and I was the one to blame.

I resolved to change. With responsibility for my kids, I find I am never, ever late. It’s good for Layla and for her older brothers, and it’s good for me, because now I never leave the house unprepared. I’ve even started checking the kids’ schoolbags for notes from school.

1. What did the author notice when the school was over?
A.It was hard to find a parking space.B.Children were picked up in groups.
C.Her daughter was absent from class.D.She arrived much earlier than others.
2. What stopped the author criticizing her daughter?
A.The reflection of her daily routine.B.The realization of her carelessness.
C.The knowledge of her kid’s character.D.The awareness of her kid’s depression.
3. Why did others refuse to car-pool with them according to Layla?
A.Because they contacted them late.B.Because they failed to keep the house tidy.
C.Because they couldn’t be on time.D.Because they ignored the school’s request.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Action creates motivation.B.Mother’s love never changes.
C.It’s never too late to mend.D.Patience is the key to success.
2024-04-03更新 | 216次组卷 | 2卷引用:广东省深圳市翠园中学、龙城高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
3 . 根据以下课文内容,回答问题。

Just a few seconds later, fourth-placed Navarro caught up with him. Surely, he could simply overtake Esteban and come third. But Navarro slowed down and let Esteban run ahead of him. The two cyclists reached the finishing line with Esteban ahead on foot, Navarro just behind him. Navarro had let Esteban finish in third place, while he came fourth. The audience was amazed at his show of sportsmanship and cheered and clapped for the cyclists. After the race, Navarro said, “I didn’t want to win that way.” Later, Esteban, who won the bronze medal, tried to give his medal to Navarro. However, Navarro refused, and his response was: “Offering me the prize was worth more than what I did for him.”

Why did Navarro refuse Esteban’s medal? What did this gesture show?________________
2023-06-24更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区2020-2021学年高一上学期学业水平测试英语试题

4 . Cybercrime refers to any criminal offence related to the Internet. Internet crimes have been classified into four categories. First, they can be related to a lack of proper Internet security, such as downloading or deleting other people’s files without permission, and spreading computer viruses. The second are crimes usually committed without a computer, but can occur over the Internet. For some criminals use the Internet to cheat others of their money. Third, websites which offense information or encourage hatred and violence are named. Last, there are related to intellectual property (intellectual property is a design, patent, book, etc. law prevents other people from copying).

All Internet users are affected by cybercrime in one way or another. However, crime against a private organization in the USA, showed that 45.6 percent of the 351 biggest company government agencies had had their security systems broken into in the previous year. Security consultants tell us that cybercrime is costing firms worldwide hundreds of billions of dollars every.

Considering how bad the situation with cybercrime against companies has become, many people wonder why so little is known about this. The main reason is that most cybercrime is not reported. Until now, most companies have been unwilling to report cases of cybercrime. They fear that by doing so, they will lose customers, who may think that the company cannot protect their confidential information or their money.

All of this is made more difficult by the legal situation regarding cybercrime. Cybercrime is so new that many governments have not yet passed laws against it, and there are many holes in the legal systems. In addition, most countries do not have arrangements for dealing with suspects from other countries who may have committed cybercrime. Thus, it is difficult to catch criminals of cybercrime.

The only answer to this problem is international cooperation. Governments must join forces to keep up with the advances in technology used by the criminals. It is also important to draft new laws and negotiate international standards for fighting cybercrime.

1. Which of the following can be considered as cybercrime?
A.Copying others’ public files.B.Creating computer virus.
C.Sending hatred words to a friend.D.Stealing from online banks.
2. How does the author prove that cybercrime is worse to large companies?
A.By comparing the changing numbers.B.By listing the survey data.
C.By analyzing the heavy loss.D.By adding background information.
3. Which of the following best explains “confidential” underlined in Paragraph 3?
4. What is the author’s advice to prevent cybercrime
A.Countries work together following the same law.
B.Abroad cybercriminals should be sent back.
C.The lawyers should learn more about laws.
D.The government should flow the law.
2021-05-17更新 | 128次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省广大附中、铁一、广外三校2020-2021学年高二下学期期中联考英语试题

5 . Chimps use loud calls and gestures to make their feelings known but until now, the exact meaning for individual movements has remained a mystery. Now researchers believe they have translated the key gestures used in the chimp community and identified their intentions for the first time.

From 4,351 gestures, experts were able to identify 66 that are used for 19 specific message meanings, including showing a foot to tell a child they can climb on their back. The researchers were able to narrow down these 66 gestures to 36 that are used intentionally to achieve 15 purposes. The translations were made by Dr Catherine Hobaiter and her colleagues at St Andrews University in Scotland.

Dr Hobaiter used behavior sampling and filmed all recorded cases of gestural communication. Other gestures include stomping their feet to ask another chimp to stop what they are doing, and slapping objects together to ask another to follow them. Of the 19 meanings,17 encouraged interactions to start, or to develop, such as “move closer,” and “change play”. Some of the gestures were found to have more than one meaning. and only 10 of the 66 gestures were used for only a single meaning.

Researchers collected a total of 471 video clips from two social groups of chimps at a shelter near Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. As well as identifying what the gesture means, they also discovered the technique needed to increase the chances of success.

“Human children use gestures to communicate before they produce their first words, and their earliest gestures typically appear around 10 months of age,” explained the researchers. “In great apes, there is good evidence that language-trained individuals are capable of acquiring and understanding signals, but this is far less clear in their natural communication. ”

1. Chimps slap the objects to____________.
A.tell others to stop what they are doingB.ask others chimps to join them
C.gather other chimps to move closerD.encourage interactions to start
2. What did researchers find after studying 471 video clips?
A.Chimps trained in language are good at understanding signals.
B.Two social groups of chimps live at a shelter near Kinshasa.
C.Language-trained individuals do well in natural communication.
D.Chimps’earliest gestures appear around 10 months of age.
3. How is the last paragraph developed?
A.By analyzing causes.B.By examining differences.
C.By making comparisons.D.By following time order.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A New Research on ChimpsB.Human Children and Chimps
C.Getting the Chimps Trained for LanguageD.Translating the Sign Language of Chimps
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6 . A well-dressed man came to a famous jewelry shop. He explained that he wished to buy a pearl for his wife’s birthday. The price didn’t matter. Since business had been very good for him that year. After examining a nice black one that cost $5000, he paid for the pearl in cash, shook hands with the jeweler, and left.

A few days later the man returned and said that his wife liked the pearl so much that she wanted another one just like it. It had to be exactly the same size and quality, because she wanted a pair of earrings made, “Can you give me any advice on how to get such a pearl? ” said the man. The jeweler regretfully replied, “I would say it’s exactly impossible to find one exactly like that pearl.”

The rich man insisted that the jeweler advertise in the newspapers, offering $ 25,000 for the matching pearl. Many people answered the advertisement but nobody had a pearl that was just right.

Just when the jeweler had given up hope, a little old lady came into his store. To his great surprise, she pulled the perfect pearl from her purse. “I don’t like to part with it,” she said sadly, “I got it from my mother, and my mother from hers. But I really need the money. ”

The jeweler was quick to pay her before she changed her mind. Then he called the rich man’s hotel to tell him the good news. The man, however, was nowhere to be found.
1. He paid $ 5,000 for the black pearl without bargaining because ______.
A.he loved his wife deeply
B.his business had been successful
C.he was anxious to get it
D.he wanted to make the jeweler believe him
2. He told the jeweler to get him another pearl that must be ______.
A.exactly the same size as the black one
B.exactly as big and nice as the black one
C.exactly as expensive as the black one
D.exactly the same quality as the black one
3. Many people answered the advertisement because they wanted _______.
A.to see the perfect pearl
B.to sell their own pearl at a high price
C.to get in touch with the rich man
D.to help the rich man’s wife
4. The little old lady was probably________.
A.the man’s partner
B.short of money
C.unwilling to sell the pearl
D.the man’s wife
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Vatnajökull National Park is home to one of the largest glaciers in the world and two active volcanoes. A popular place to explore ice caves, you can experience here the breath-taking views of waterfalls, frozen rivers and herds of reindeer through cave tours, glacial hikes and jeep safaris.

Best time to visit: May to September.


Dating back to 5,300 years ago, the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City is considered as an important representation of early urban civilization based on rice plantation. The city ruins show the contributions made by the Yangtze River Basin to the origins of Chinese civilization.

Best time to visit: March to May & October to mid December.


Located on the banks of the Ayeyarwady River, Bagan is the capital of the ancient Burmese empire and features a stunning range of Buddhist art and architecture. Visitors can get the best views at sunrise by taking a hot air balloon ride and witness hundreds of architectural treasures as far as the eye can reach.

Best time to visit: November to February.


The walled city of Jaipur is one of the most colourful cities in the world and part of India's famous Golden Triangle. The city is not only famous for its pink coloured buildings, but also the houses, shops, restaurants and hotels which give you a feast for colors.   Besides, you can enjoy the city's layout, busy streets and large public squares.   

Best time to visit: November to March.

1. Which of the following is best recommended in April?
A.Bagan.B.Jaipur City.
C.Vatnajökull National Park.D.Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City.
2. What is special about Bagan?
A.It features views of volcanoes.
B.It is heavy with religious culture.
C.It has a history of over 5000 years.
D.It's known for colorful architecture.
3. In which part of a magazine can you most probably read this text?
2021-05-16更新 | 158次组卷 | 3卷引用:广东省普宁二中实验学校2022-2023学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题

8 . Counseling(咨询)Services

Counseling Services is a place on campus where you can find someone to talk when you're feeling hopeless, lonely, depressed, confused, upset over a relationship, or just anxious. If you or anyone you know has been disturbed by recent events, please come to Counseling Services, which can provide a safe and comfortable environment for all students.

Service Time

Counseling Services will be closed from Monday. December 21st 2020 through the beginning of Spring Term 2021. But we will continue to provide Tele-health services by phone and email Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. We will be fully closed on the following dates: December 24th. 25th. 30th. 31st. January 1st. 2021.


To make an appointment, call (715) S36-552I during our business hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-12:00 am, 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm. We are open 8:00 am to 6:00 pm on Wednesdays.

What You Can Get

In addition to services on phones or on line, you can now check out our Attacking. Anxiety and Depression Workshop Videos, or see what our office is up to on Instagram and Facebook. We have also been collecting COVID-19 specific online resources.

If you want to know more, please click here.

1. Who may need Counseling Services?
A.Anyone living aloneB.Pupils wanting to live comfortably
C.Students suffering from anxietyD.Students feeling hopeful
2. On which day can we make an appointment at 5 pm?
3. What do we know about the counseling services from the text?
A.Counseling Services will be closed on Monday.
B.COVID-19 specific online resources are provided.
C.Counseling Services is a place outside school.
D.Counseling services are available on December 25th.
4. Where is this text most likely from?
A.A textbook.B.A guidebook.
C.A magazine.D.A website

9 . In the world of Chinese archaeology (考古学), a sign of a dig's importance is the sight of Zhou Mingsheng at work. A field technician who has worked at archaeological sites all around China. Master Zhou is credited with the gentlest touch in his profession. Born into a farming family, he is a “national-level craftsman” with a talent for using simple tools to get relics (遗物) that would crumble in other hands, says his current boss, Wang Xu, director of an archaeological site at Shuanghuaishu, a Neolithic (新石器时代的) settlement near the Yellow River in the central province of Henan.

It is not beauty that attracts visitors to Shuanghuaishu. At 5, 300 years old, the settlement is the work of a culture too simple to have left behind many buried treasures. The single most precious find, to date, is a finger-length sculpture of a silkworm. Nor is the setting lovely: an area surrounded by deafening insects, between a highway and two power stations. Rather, the site's importance is historical. For since the birth of Chinese archaeology in the 1920s, it has been inseparable from claims that China has the oldest unbroken civilisation on Earth.

Leading archaeologists say that the site has the right combination of location, age and distinctive cultural elements to be the capital of an early Chinese kingdom. That would make it a bridge between China's written history and the era of the Yellow Emperor, who is said to rule over these central plains almost 5,000 years ago, though many foreign scholars doubt his existence. Chinese media call the site proof of China's 5,000 years of history.

Foreigners complain about a lack of written records, Mr Wang notes. Perhaps they are missing symbols that will one day be understood, for instance in patterned pottery. Outsiders "can't keep using Western standards to apply to Chinese ruins," he argues.

1. What does the underlined word “crumble” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. Why does Shuanghuaishu attract visitors?
A.It is of great historical significance.B.It has various precious treasures.
C.It has appealing scenery.D.It is easily accessible.
3. What is Mr Wang's attitude towards foreigners' view?
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.Chinese history amazes the worldB.Chinese archaeology catches on
C.China follows its traditionD.China digs its past

10 . Sophia Gholz is an award-winning children's book author, music lover. and magic seeker. Sophia enjoys writing fiction with humor and heart. When writing nonfiction, she pulls on her love of science and her family background in ecology.

Her book, The Boy Who Grew a Forest, shares the true story of Jadav Payeng, a man in India who single- bandedly planted an entire forest over the course of his lifetime. When he was younger, Jadav Payeng was shocked by the destruction of his island home. So he took matters into his own bands and began planting one seed at a time. Jadav's forest is now over 1300 acres and provides a home to many animals, some endangered. Jadav is still planting today and his hard work has now been celebrated around the world.

To write this story, Sophia got to know more about Jadav Payeng and his forest through a documentary film called Forest Man. Influenced by her father, a forest ecologist and a scientist, she grew up learning about the importance of trees and the natural world. When she heard about a man on a m1ssion to reforest an entire island on his own, she was drawn to this story.

As for research, most of her research was done online. She read every news article that she could find about Jadav and listened to every interview. Then she reached out to several people who had met or interviewed Jadav as well, including the producer of his short documentary film.

She hopes that The Boy Who Grew a Forest lights a spark in everyone who reads it to go out and care for our beautiful planet. She'd love young readers to be inspired to plant or to learn more about animal habitats, biodiversity and science in general.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.A story on how to plant trees.B.Endangered animals in the forest.
C.Destruction of Jadav's island home.D.A book introducing a tree- planting hero.
2. What do we know about Jadav Payeng ?
A.He has quit planting recently.B.He is known to many people. .
C.He was an actor of Forest Man.D.He planted trees with his family.
3. Which words can best describe Jadav Payeng?
A.Humorous and skilled.B.Creative and outgoing.
C.Determined and diligent.D.Controversia1 and helpful.
4. What's the purpose of writing The Boy Who Grew a Forest?
A.To encourage research on wildlife.B.To describe a boy's farming experience.
C.To stress the importance of planting trees.D.To advocate the action to protect the earth.
2021-05-12更新 | 259次组卷 | 4卷引用:广东省广州中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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