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1 . Happiness is not a warm phone, according to a new study exploring the link between young life satisfaction and screen time. The study was led by professor of psychology Jean M. Twenge at San Diego State University (SDSU).

To research this link, Twenge, along with colleagues Gabrielle Martin at SDSU and W. Keith Campbell at the University of Georgia, dealt with data from the Monitoring the Future (MtF) study, a nationally representative survey of more than a million U. S. 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-graders. The survey asked students questions about how often they spent time on their Phones, tablets and computers, as well as questions about their face-to-face social interactions and their overall happiness.

On average found that teens who spent more time in front of screen devices — playing computer games, using social media, texting and video chatting — were less happy than those who invested more time in non-screen activities like sports, reading newspapers and magazines, and face-to-face social interactions.

"The key to digital media use and happiness is limited use," Twenge said. "Aim to spend no more than two hours a day on digital media, and try to increase the amount of time you spend seeing friends face-to-face and exercising — two activities reliably linked to greater happiness."

Looking at historical trends from the same age groups since the 1990s, it's easy to find that the increase of screen devices over time happened at the same time as a general drop-off in reported happiness in U. S. teens. Specifically, young peopled life satisfaction and happiness declined sharply after 2012. That's the year when the percentage of Americans who owned a smartphone rose above 50 percent. By far the largest change in teens' lives between 2012 and 2016 was the increase in the amount of time they spent on digital media, and the following decline in in-person social activities and sleep.

1. Which method did Twenge's team use for the study?
A.Calculating students' happiness.
B.Asking students certain questions.
C.Analyzing data from a survey.
D.Doing experiments on screen time.
2. How does the author develop the finding of the study in paragraph 3?
A.By making a comparison.
B.By giving an example.
C.By making an argument.
D.By introducing a concept.
3. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To draw a conclusion from the study.
B.To offer some advice to the readers.
C.To prove social activities' importance.
D.To support the researchers' finding.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Quitting Phones Equals Happiness
B.Screen Time Should Be Banned
C.Teens' Lives Have Changed Sharply
D.Screen-addicted Teens Are Unhappier

2 . TikTok has pushed a new safety update in November to its app that allows parents to take more control of their teenager's accounts, as social media companies come under increasing pressure to make their platforms safer for children.

The company said Tuesday that its “Family Pairing” feature now enables parents to turn off comments on their children's videos entirely or to limit them to friends only. Parents whose accounts are linked to their kids will also be able to set their accounts to private, turn off the search function for content, users or sounds, and limit who can see which videos their children have liked.

Launched (发布) in March, the Family Pairing tool lets parents see how long their children are spending on TikTok each day and limit the content they can see.

TikTok allows children to register and create an account if they're over the age of 13. All they need to do is provide their date of birth. However, because TikTok doesn't require registers to prove their identities, some children under 13 have registered by lying about their age,according to U. K. regulator Ofcom (英国通讯管理局).

Alexandra Evans, head of child safety public policy for TikTok in Europe, told CNBC that Family Pairing has “put itself in parents’ shoes” since it was launched.

“If we're thinking about it as a toolbox, we wanted to offer more tools,” she said on a video call ahead of the announcement.

1. What pushed TikTok to launch the new update?
A.The pressure from social media.B.The concern about kids' online safety.
C.The force from government.D.The increasing need of users.
2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The safety tips from TikTok.B.New apps explored by TikTok.
C.New functions of Family Pairing.D.The limits on Family Pairing.
3. What is Ofcom mainly concerned about?
A.The difficulty in opening an account.B.The low age limit for users.
C.TikTok's failure to check identities.D.The demand for users' birth dates.
4. What's Evans attitude toward the new Family Pairing?
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3 . Here's a simple question—answer it honestly, because your response could promote the level of pleasure in your daily life, put off dementia (痴呆), and even help you live longer. How many hours did you spend reading last week?

Recently, when researcher Mathew P. White and his workmates at the Yale School of Public Health dug into 12 years of information about the reading habits and health of more than 3,600 men and women, a hopeful pattern became known. Book readers who report more than three hours of weekly reading are 23 percent less likely to die than those who read only newspapers or magazines.

To understand why and what each of us can do to get the most out of our words, start by asking the same question the Yale team did. What is it about reading books that increases our brain power while reading newspapers doesn't?

For one,the researchers suggest that chapter books encourage “deep reading”. Unlike,say, going through a page of headlines, reading a book forces your brain to think creatively and make connections from one chapter to another, and to the outside world. When you make connections, so does your brain. Over time, these neural (神经的) networks can promote quicker thinking, which provides greater protection against dementia.

Secondly,reading books, especially novels,has been confirmed to increase empathy (共鸣) and emotional intelligence. Developing social tools such as empathy and emotional intelligence can lead to more and more positive human interaction, which in turn can lower stress levels—both of which are proven to help you live longer and healthier.

That’s not to say that magazines, newspapers, and online articles are of no benefit. Reading anything that fills your mind seems to bring about mental benefits. When it comes to words, addiction is encouraged. Because it pays to increase your word power—today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life.

1. How did White carry out the research?
A.By doing experiments.
B.By direct observation.
C.By interviewing in person.
D.By referring to former facts.
2. In which way does reading books increase our brain power?
A.Promoting brain growth.
B.Preventing us from ageing.
C.Keeping us free from stress.
D.Strengthening neural networks.
3. What’s the author’s attitude to reading online articles?
2021-04-01更新 | 131次组卷 | 6卷引用:吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州延边二中北校区2020-2021学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题

4 . People have many different ways to relax during break time at work or school. Smartphones are probably the number one choice for a quick mental vacation. Although it might seem like a good time, the result is opposite, according to a recent psychological study from Rutgers University.

For the study, more than 400 students were asked to finish a set of 20 words puzzles. Halfway through the task, the students were divided into three groups. One group was allowed to take a break and use cellphones to buy things online. The second group was asked to have a rest and buy things using a computer. The last group didn’t take any break at all.

Surprisingly, the group that used their cellphones during the break went back to work feeling the most tired and least motivated to continue. They also had the hardest time solving the remaining word puzzles.

Terri Kurtzberg, co-author of the study, explained that they assumed looking at cellphones during a break would be no different from any other break — but instead, the phone may cause increasing levels of distraction that make it difficult to return focused attention to work tasks.

“Cellphones may have this effect because even just seeing your phone activates thoughts of checking messages, connecting with people, and more, in ways that are different from how we use other screens like computers, and laptops,” Kurtzberg said.

This is echoed by a recent study from the US University of Chicago. It found that even if cellphones are turned off or turned face down their mere presence has a bad effect on a person’s cognitive (认知的) function.

1. What can we learn from the study?
A.The students were divided into groups at the beginning.
B.The last group had the hardest time solving the word puzzles.
C.Computers and laptops cause more distraction.
D.Cellphones may make people less focused on work.
2. What does the underlined word “echoed” in the last paragraph mean?
3. What suggestion will the author give in the following paragraph?
A.Try putting your smartphone away during your next break.
B.Using computers to shop online rather than cellphones.
C.Stop checking messages and connecting with people by cellphone.
D.Turning off your cellphone during work time.
4. What’s the text mainly about?
A.Ways to relax for students.
B.The result from a word-puzzle game.
C.A study on using smart-phones to relax.
D.Effects brought by the smart-phone.
2021-04-01更新 | 179次组卷 | 4卷引用:吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州延边二中北校区2020-2021学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题
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5 . In an effort to fight the “throw-away culture” and promote reuse and repair, the city of Berlin has taken the unique step of opening its own secondhand department store.

This isn’t your grandma’s thrift shop (旧货商店). It resells perfectly good items that would otherwise be thrown away. A pun on the German words for “department store” and “conserving house”, B-Wa(h)renhaus sells a wide variety of products. Far from simply selling old items, the electronic goods have been fixed by expert technicians and come with a year’s guarantee. And, to reach more secondhand shoppers, the store was set up right in the middle of the famous Karstadt department store.

With the success of its initial six-month trial run, the city plans to open four more similar operations in other parts of Berlin. By 2030, it hopes to have at least one location in each of Berlin’s 12 districts. Since 2008, city policies and educational campaigns have reduced average annual household waste by about 25 pounds per resident. It also recycles about 49% of its mineral construction waste. Currently, the city estimates that 8% of abandoned electronic goods and 6% of huge items thrown away can actually be reused. The goal is to expand the market for these items beyond the usual bargain hunters and eco-conscious consumers.

“Three years ago, we started collecting all kinds of used goods,” city spokesperson Dorothee Winden said. “There are lots of things that are well-preserved and functioning but aren’t being used anymore. The goal is to give these things a new life with somebody who can use them.” The store also includes an education center to encourage more sustainable lifestyles — and also gave an award to a project that recycles school uniforms, so that parents don’t have to buy new ones every year.

1. Why has Berlin opened its own secondhand department store?
A.To attract more shoppers.B.To promote recycling.
C.To foster traditional culture.D.To expand secondhand market.
2. In which aspect is B-Wa(h)renhaus different from the traditional thrift store?
A.The variety of the goods. B.The location of the store.
C.The quality of the products.D.The operation of the store.
3. What can we infer from Paragraph 3?
A.Berlin currently has 4 second-hand stores in construction.
B.Berlin has been successful in cutting its waste since 2008.
C.It is not easy to make the goal to expand the market a reality.
D.It is estimated that Berlin will be a zero-waste city by 2030.
4. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the text?
A.To introduce Berlin’s new reuse shop operation.
B.To raise people’s awareness of reasonable shopping.
C.To persuade people to become eco-friendly shoppers.
D.To encourage more people to donate to secondhand shops.
2021-03-29更新 | 382次组卷 | 7卷引用:吉林省吉林市2021届高三下学期第三次调研测试(3月)英语试题(含听力)

6 . When leaving school, I was pleased that my exam results meant that I could study engineering at university. But I also wanted to travel before starting my course. A friend of mine told me about the Schools Exploring Society, an organization which helps students take a gap year (a year between leaving school and going to college). It has three foreign journeys a year, taking 16-20-year-olds on science and nature trips. I love being outdoors, and a mountaineering trip to Alaska was on offer. So I signed up immediately.

There was one problem, though. I had to raise a large amount of money for the trip. It was a big task, but I managed to make it. I washed cars, worked in a cafe and also sold off some of my old books, clothes and CDs. Then, just before starting out, I started worrying. Can I do this? Am I fit enough? What if I see a bear?

Seventy of us traveled to Alaska. The first two days after arrival were spent in a school hall preparing our equipment and five tons of food. Then we left for the beautiful Talkeetna Mountain. On the trip we dug paths and recognized plant species. Then we climbed a mountain that was over 6,000 feet high. It was tiring but exciting.

Looking back, a gap year was so right for me. I learned a lot about accepting other people for what they are. We had to help each other and it made me less selfish. My gap year has also made me more able to concentrate. Now, whenever Tm worried about anything, I think I did Alaska-I can do this!

1. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that the author      .
A.hadn’t taken foreign trips before
B.made the trip together with his friends
C.was not satisfied with his exam results
D.was going to study engineering at a college
2. What was the problem for the author?
A.His body was not strong.
B.He couldn’t afford the trip.
C.He had no outdoor experience.
D.He had little time to prepare for the trip.
3. The author may agree that his gap year      .
A.was well worth it
B.got him interested in plants
C.made him fall behind others in study
D.helped him know more about himself
4. What might be the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To explain how to prepare for trips.
B.To advise on how to spend a gap year.
C.To describe his experience in his gap year.
D.To encourage students to do part-time work.
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7 . I'd gone snowboarding with my brother,and what we lacked in skill.we made up for in enthusiasm(热情).That day,fresh snow falling, we were in high·spirits. I let my brother disappear into the trees ahead, figuring I would soon catch up.

I began to pick up speed when suddenly thrown off balance and then ran into a large tree.

It was like hitting a wall. I knew immediately that.my back was broken and quickly realized the situation was serious.Nobody would be coming past. There was no phone signal. It was snowing and cold. If I waited, I would probably be saved in the end. But the chance of freezing(冻)to death before that happened was too high for me to risk staying put.

I tried to stand but fell down with great pain. I managed to get the board off from my.feet and moved it under my stomach so İ was lying on it. I faced down the mountain and used the board to slowly slide my body down the tree-lined slope·(斜坡).

It took about two hours before a skier found me. The rescue team came,with my brother arriving shortly afterwards.

A helicopter (直升机)took me to hospital. I had broken one of my backbones,so I had an operation.The lasting pain was unbearable, but it wasn’t as bad as seeing the pain and worry I put my family through.

The recovering road was tough , but I was lucky . Gradually, I was able to walk, then swim, then then cycle and run.   I haven't been back to the slopes yet, but it might happen someday. Anyway,enthusiasm remains for ever.

1. What led to the accident that happened to the writer?
A.Losing balance when speeding up.
B.Suffering from the cold weather.
C.Losing sight of his brother.
D.Seeing nobody coming past.
2. What does the underlined sentence mean in paragraph 3?
A.I was unable to move with coldness.
B.I couldn't stand the great pain in my back.
C.Staying there waiting,I would die of coldness.
D.If I stayed there waiting, I would probably be saved.
3. How did the writer feel about his parents' worry over him?
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.He will recover fully without any difficulty.
B.He will develop interest in other sports.
C.He will avoid going snowboarding again.
D.He will stay enthusiastic about snowboarding.
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8 . Whether it is for a special festival, to express thanks or to just let someone know that you care about them, giving gifts is a common custom. The purpose of giving gifts may be similar, but the tradition varies from country to country. A gift of respect in one place may be considered rude in another. Take a look at three unique gift-giving traditions.


If you’re invited to someone’s home in India, you should bring a small gift, whether it’s a box of chocolates or some flowers. Gifts shouldn’t be wrapped (包裹) in black or white colors. because they are considered unlucky. Instead, use bright colors such as green, red or yellow. When giving money for any occasion, it should have an odd number (奇数) value. That’s believed to bring good luck. Instead of receiving a gift with both hands, Indians generally only use their right hand because left hands are considered unclean.


For most Japanese, the ritual (礼节) of giving presents is more important than the gifts themselves. The correct way is to present or receive gifts with both hands. Every gift should be wrapped. That’s because uncovered gifts are considered disrespectful. To show politeness and thanks, those who are receiving the gift may turn it down once or twice before finally accepting it. Gifts should be given in pairs, but four should be avoided just like in China. Lucky numbers also include eight. Eight is said to bring prosperity.

Native America

While it may be common for guests to prepare gifts for hosts, this is different in Native American communities. From weddings to birthday celebrations, guests are the ones who receive gifts. Gifts are usually homemade arts and crafts that are made by hand to show love, respect and appreciation.

1. What kind of gift would you bring to an Indian home?
A.Some chocolates in a green box.B.Flowers wrapped in black paper.
C.Sixty dollars in a yellow envelope.D.Seventy-five rupees wrapped in white paper.
2. Why don’t Japanese accept a gift at once?
A.To get another better gift.B.To be more polite and thankful.
C.To refuse one’s kindness.D.To be more outgoing and active.
3. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To list some attractive festivals.B.To compare some countries.
C.To recommend some formal gifts.D.To introduce some gift-giving traditions.

9 . After an earthquake most survivors can be expected to recover over time, particularly with the support of family and friends. Some families will be able to return to their normal life quickly, while others will have to contend with the destruction of their homes, medical problems, and injury to family members. Children especially will need time to recover from the loss of a loved one or a pet or from the closing down of their school.

Children often turn to adults for information, comfort and help. Parents should try to remain calm, answer children’s questions honestly and remain understanding when they see changes in their children’s behavior.

Children react differently to an earthquake depending on their ages, developmental levels and former experiences. Some will respond by withdrawing (不与人交往), while others will have angry outbursts (爆发). Parents should remain sensitive to each child’s reactions. Parents should spend time talking to their children,letting them know that it’s OK to ask questions and to share their worries. Although it may be hard to find time to have these talks, parents can use regular family mealtimes or bedtimes for them. They should answer questions briefly and honestly and be sure to ask their children for their opinions and ideas. Issues may come up more than once and parents should remain patient when you answer the questions again. For young children, parents, after talking about the earthquake, might read a favorite story or have a relaxing family activity to help them calm down. Parents should also tell children they are safe and spend extra time with them. They could play games outside or read together indoors. Most importantly, be sure to tell them you love them.

1. The underlined phrase “contend with” in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by “________”.
A.deal withB.make upC.put offD.turn back
2. When children ask the same question again, parents should ________.
A.read a favorite story to comfort them
B.ask them to help do some housework
C.be patient and answer the question again
D.take them out to play games
3. Which of the following pieces of advice is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Keep a close watch on children’s behavior.
B.Tell the children they are safe.
C.Tell the children you love them.
D.Ask educational experts for help.
4. What can we know from the passage?
A.All people will recover from an earthquake quickly.
B.Children may need a longer time to recover after an earthquake.
C.Children should turn to their classmates for help after an earthquake.
D.Children react in the same way as adults do to an earthquake.

10 . Hard work really does pay off. Scientists find that perseverance (毅力) leads to better grades and higher achievements in school.

“Being passionate (热诚的) is not enough to ensure academic success,” said researchers, who thought of “courage” as a key to success. This is also regarded as effort in reaching long-term goals, and determination to continue one’s efforts in spite of hardships.

Researchers thought that the finding could help create new training to help children develop the skill and help ensure their future success.

Researchers from the Academy of Finland studied more than 2,000 students from Helsinki. They were followed through their academic career from 12 to 16, from the sixth grade until the ninth grade in local school years. Researchers found that the factor that best predicted courage was related to goals, with previous academic achievements playing no role in developing the skill.

Professor Katariina Salmela-Aro, who led the study, said, “Courage means a young person is really interested in his or her studies and does not give up easily. A key element of courage is high perseverance when facing difficulties and hardships. The important finding is that these factors are the key to success and well-being. Our study shows the power of courage.”

Professor Salmela-Aro also thought it was important to develop new practices and qualities to improve courage in teenagers. She added, “Young people should see everyday school work as part of their life in a broader context and establish achievable goals for themselves. Schools must also serve as a place where it is safe to fail and learn to deal with setbacks. One must not be discouraged by setbacks, but gain(得到) strength and new energy from them!”

1. What can we learn about the research?
A.It takes at least three years.
B.It helps students make progress.
C.It makes many discoveries.
D.It follows 2,000 students abroad.
2. What should students do according to the researchers?
A.Focus on former grades.
B.Achieve their goals.
C.Try all their best.
D.Forget sadness.
3. What does the underlined word “setbacks” in Paragraph 6 mean?
4. Which is the best title of text?
A.Hard work will lead to success
B.Failure is the mother of success
C.Schools should train students’ courage
D.Perseverance is the key to success
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