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1 . Daphne Soares, a biologist, makes an amazing discovery about alligators. The first time she got really close to an alligator (短吻鳄) was when she was helping to bold down an eight-foot American alligator. It was then that she noticed is face was covered with little black spots. This led to the discovery of the little black dots.

She started her study of the black dots. When she read the books and scientific journals, she learned that people had noticed the dots, but no one really knew what the dots were for.

To find out the secret she placed electrodes (电极) on nerves coming from some of the dots. When the nerves fired, they sent a message to the brain and created a tiny electric current. Just then she heard a small sound over a loudspeaker. She tired to see if the dots acted like eyes and temperature sensors, but nothing worked.

One day she was careless with dropping a tool into an alligator’s tank. When she put her hand in the tank to get the tool out, she made small waves in the water. When they reached the alligator’s face, she heard a noise over the speaker. She then realized that the dots must be sensitive to the changes in pressure when hit by waves of water.

After that, she is now studying blind cavefish. She is trying to learn whether they are blind from birth or lose their sight as they grow up. She is also doing more research on crocodilians (鳄目). She wants to find out how the genes of alligators with pressure sensors only on their faces differ from the genes of crocodilians that have pressure sensors all over their body.

1. Why did Daphne Soares first get close to the alligator?
A.To observe its black dots.B.To find the secret of its dots.
C.To help others to hold it up.D.To prevent it from moving.
2. What happened when Daphne Soares first put electrodes on the nerves of some black dots?
A.A little noise was sent out.B.An electric current created a message.
C.The nerves were on fire suddenly.D.The nerves sensed temperature changes.
3. How did Daphne Soares first find the function of allogators’ black dots?
A.By experiment.B.By reference.
C.By accident.D.By comparison.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Cavefish lose sight as they grow up.
B.Daphne Soares devotes her energy to research work.
C.Alligator’s genes are the same as crocodilian’s.
D.Daphne Soares discovered a new species of alligator.
2021-04-12更新 | 68次组卷 | 2卷引用:新疆喀什第二中学2021-2022学年高三下学期开学考试英语试题
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2 . If you were to throw, say, a banana peel out of your car while driving along the motorway, that would be a completely harmless action, due to the fact that it’s part of a fruit — right? Actually, no. A banana peel can take up to two years to be naturally processed, and with a third of motorists admitting to littering while driving, that’s a whole lot of discarded banana peels. An orange peel and a cigarette butt has a similar biodegrading (生物降解) term to that of a banana peel, but tin cans last up to 100 years; and plastic bottles last forever, as do glass bottles.

Despite the fact that longer-lasting materials will serve to damage the environment and its animals for longer, we can’t merely measure the severity of a certain type of rubbish by its lifetime. For example, despite having a fairly short length of biodegrading time, more than 120 tons of cigarette-related litter is discarded in the UK every day.

It’s not a cheap habit either: to keep our streets clean annually costs UK taxpayers £500 million, and when you include our green spaces, that goes up to £1 billion. So, it’s not surprising that if caught fly-tipping you could face a £20,000 fine or even jail time and, if you disposed of something dangerous, the court could give you five years to serve. Regardless of how severe these punishments might seem, however, among the reported cases only 2,000 were found guilty out of 825,000, so we still have some way to go in making sure people obey the rules.

1. What does the underlined word “discarded” in para1 mean?
2. Which of the following has the longest biodegrading term?
A.Glass bottles.B.Tin cans.C.Cigarette butts.D.Banana peels.
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The severity of rubbish can be measured by its lifetime.
B.Quite a few people were found guilty of illegally littering.
C.Every year UK taxpayers spend £500 million keeping streets free of dirt.
D.Cigarette-related litter and peels can be ignored for their fairly short lifetime.
4. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To inform readers of different biodegrading terms.
B.To call for people not to litter illegally.
C.To encourage people to use fewer plastic bags.
D.To stress the importance of good behavior.
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3 . Our school owned a boat named Jolie Brise. It was one of the most famous tall ships in the world and three times winner of the Fastnet Race. The boat was unusual: especially for a remote grammar school in Wiltshire, about as far away from the sea as it can get in England. Obviously, such a site didn't match its fame.

Mr Parish had originally intended to join the Royal Navy but ended up as a teacher at our school. Some pupils guessed that he still felt the call of the ocean-perhaps because his lessons were almost entirely devoted to navigation(航海). They argued that it was deeply unfair to learn about navigation but never actually go to sea. Then Mr. Parish, seeing a bunch of young people prepared to crew the boat, allowed them to sail her in return for working on the boat. And that was the beginning of the school sailing club.

By the time I arrived, the sailing club had grown. At weekends, we would work on her all day, cleaning and painting her, and collapse into sleeping bags on the floor at night. Then came the big day when a school sailing trip was announced. Its destination was Saint-Malo. But it also meant that we had to refit the ship by removing every piece of ballast(压舱物)and replacing the bilge water(底舱污水)before we were allowed to sail.

And I did learn the ropes on that school trip. I learned how to operate a ship in the high waves. I learned the meaning of teamwork and became a better team player. I also learned that the best fish is the one that you have caught and cooked yourself from a boat that you have rebuilt and sailed yourself.

1. What was unusual about the boat Jolie Brise?
A.It was in a perfect condition.
B.Its lawful owner was Mr. Parish.
C.It won glory for the Royal Navy.
D.Its location wasn't as famous as it was.
2. Why was the sailing club set up?
A.The crew were selected.
B.The boat needed workers.
C.Mr. Parish tried to explore the sea.
D.Students asked to practice navigation.
3. What finally made the school sailing trip possible?
A.The club’s permission.
B.Mr. Parish’s sailing experience.
C.The students’ preparing the ship for it.
D.The school’s offering financial support.
4. What does the underlined phrase “learn the ropes” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Learn to cook.
B.Master useful skills.
C.Ensure sailing safety.
D.Use ropes properly.
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4 . Research is done all the time and most of it goes straight by us, but sometimes we come across some results that are too interesting not to share. It can be fun to find out about new facts, but sometimes you come across things you’d rather not have known. Luckily, we’ve got some fun facts for you today! It turns out that your hand can tell you a lot about your personality. It’s really quite strange. This research mostly focuses on your fingers.

The secret lies in your ring finger and index finger(食指). It can say a lot about what kind of man you are. Yes, this test only applies to men because the length of these fingers indicates the level of testosterone(睾酮)in men. There are three types: A, B and C.

A. The ring finger is longer than the index finger

We’re talking about handsome men here. They’re charming and can get along with everyone. Yet they are a little more aggressive and are quick to take risks. This also means that these people often make more money than their colleagues with a shorter ring finger.

B. The ring finger is shorter than the index finger

Men with these hands are very confident and can even be a little self-loving. These people have no trouble being alone often and don’t like being disturbed. When it comes to love, they do not take a risk out there a lot. They’re not the ones to make the first move.

C. The ring finger and index finger are the same lengths

Maybe this says enough already. Men with these hands are good mediators(调停者), devoted and loving. Everything is balanced with these people. They’re calm and everything seems to run smoothly, as if it’s all organised.

1. Why does the author think the hands are strange?
A.We know nothing about them.B.Both the hands are different.
C.They can let out the personality.D.Some facts about them are fun.
2. What makes the research just apply to men?
A.The length of the fingers.B.The existence of testosterone.
C.The ability to handle things.D.The requirement of patience.
3. What is special about the men belonging to Type B?
A.They are attractive.B.They are confident.
C.They are devoted.D.They are aggressive.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.The new use of the fingersB.The latest research into the hands
C.The three categories of the fingersD.The secret of ring and index fingers

5 . In New York City public schools, 176 different languages are spoken among the more than 1 million students. For 160,000 children, English is not their first language. New York's Department of Education makes learning better for these students by providing dual-language(双语) programmes.

Students are taught in two languages, English and another one, like Russian or Chinese. Maths, social studies, science and all other regular courses are taught in both languages so that they could learn about the culture of the other countries.

Milady Baez is Deputy Chancellor of English Language Learners and Student Support. She says, "The jobs of the future require that our students know more than one language. They are going to be travelling abroad; they are going to be communicating with people from all over the world. This will open doors for them."

Middle-schoolers might not have jobs on their minds yet. For Kequing Jaing, she likes keeping up her first language, Mandarin. "It makes me feel that I am home because I can speak in Chinese and learn in Chinese, while learning in English. So it makes me feel better and makes me understand more about the task I'm learning."

Anastasia Hudikova came to the United States when she was two years old. She says the Russian-English programme keeps her connected to her heritage(文化遗产) and her parents.

The New York schools also offer dual-language programmes in seven other languages: Arabi, French, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Korean, Polish and Spanish. There are plans to add even more languages in the future. While these dual-language programmes are popular, educators in the US say that teaching English comes first. Anyway English is the official language of the United States. Studies show that children who learn English early will be more successful later.

1. Why are many courses of public schools in New York City taught in both languages?
A.To get the students to know about the cultures of other countries.
B.To encourage more students to go abroad to study further.
C.To attract more students to study in the public schools.
D.To show the advantages of studying in the public schools.
2. How does the text introduce the fact that it's important to learn different languages?
A.By making comparisons
B.By listing people's attitudes.
C.By making the situation clear.
D.By giving some numbers.
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.More languages have been added to the New York City schools.
B.It's unnecessary to learn more languages in New York City.
C.English should be a must though different languages are taught.
D.English is spoken by the largest number of people in the world.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.English, Out of Date?
B.The Newest Fashion in New York City
C.The Education in New York City
D.Dual-language, to Be or Not?
2020-12-25更新 | 61次组卷 | 2卷引用:新疆维吾尔自治区喀什第六中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期中模拟英语试题(A卷)

6 . Small talk has a reputation for being uninteresting, and for good reason. Pointing out the fact that it’s raining seems as ridiculous as pointing out the fact that you have a head—you’re fully aware of both things, and don’t require an outsider to confirm them. But despite being evident and often painfully dull, small talk has an important role to fulfil, enabling us to leap over a number of social obstacles towards improved, meaningful interaction.

Humans can be sensitive souls. We each have our boundaries and lists of potential upsets, which when broken, cause us to either gently back away to an alternative position in the room, or become cross at the person. Small talk is first a way to test the waters with an unfamiliar person, so that you may better understand their personality. When finding yourself positioned closely to a person who you know little about, it’s much safer to point out the rainy sky than to share your political views on a sensitive topic. Until you know the person better, heavier topics should probably be kept under wraps, so you won’t find yourself on the receiving end of a cold stare.

Though insignificant, small talk still has great power. When talking with fellow humans, much of our soul is exposed through non-verbal communication. A response to “how was your weekend” can unveil much about the person’s character. The length of their response might indicate their level of self-confidence; the tone of speaking might show how agreeable a person is; their slightly lowered head, as if protecting themselves from attack, a possible sign of a regrettable history of bullying.

As more of a person’s character is revealed, we have the insight needed to determine whether to broach more significant topics—the things that we actually want to talk about. Conversation is a great educator, and deep conversation establish lasting bonds with our fellow humans, forming precious friendships that paint our lives with vibrant colors. Such friendships begin with small talk.

1. What is described in the first paragraph?
A.The first stage of human interaction.
B.Ridiculous human behavior in communication.
C.Absence of communication between strangers.
D.The difficulty of having deep conversations.
2. Why do people find themselves “on the receiving end of a cold stare”?
A.Because they are fond of heavy subjects.
B.Because they are enthusiastic about politics.
C.Because they are too sensitive about topics.
D.Because they fail to manage interpersonal distance.
3. What might be a sign of friendliness according to paragraph 3?
A.The length of the answer.B.The quality of the voice.
C.The position of the head.D.The distance between speakers.
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.Reputation of Small TalkB.Ways of Understanding Personality
C.Significance of Small TalkD.Challenges of Deep Conversation
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 容易(0.94) |

7 . Since the beginning of history, people have played games. Children in one country may play games that are quite different from those played anywhere else in the world. Here are some interesting games that you and your friends can try.

The Mouse Game (The Philippines)

In this game, a piece of string is attached to the player's hand. One part of the string represents the "cat" while the other part is the "mouse". The objective of the game is for the cat to catch the mouse and for the mouse to escape just in time. It teaches you to focus and move your fingers fast.

Piñata (Mexico)

A piñata is a colorful container made from papers and filled with sweets and toys. Children are blindfolded and take turns at trying to hit the piñata, which is usually suspended(悬挂)on a tree or pole. When someone breaks open the piñata, the children run to get the treats. This game improves your sense of direction.

Help (China)

Chasing games are popular all around the world. In China, one player is chosen to be the chaser and runs after the other players until someone is caught. No equipment is required to play this game, but it helps to run fast and have a loud voice for shouting.

Doorkeeper (Afghanistan)

In the villages of Afghanistan, there is no limit to the number of players who can take part in the game. A small rubber ball is all you need to play the game. It helps to have quick reactions and focus your eyes on the ball because you need to prevent the ball getting into the net.

1. Which game offers players material rewards in the end?
A.The Mouse Game.B.Piñata.
2. What is special about the game Help?
A.It needs no equipment.B.It limits player numbers.
C.It trains quick reaction.D.It requires close attention.
3. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To explain the game rules.B.To recommend fun games.
C.To tell the origin of games.D.To show the benefits of games.

8 . Throwing away unwanted food has become a big issue in the world. While some of us throw away unwanted items, people in other parts of the world face food shortages and are starving. It’s a shocking fact that a third of the world’s food is wasted each year, which is enough to feed a billion hungry people.

You may think supermarkets are the main contributors to this mountain of food. After all, they do desert stuff that is past its sell-by-date and they often refuse to sell fruits or vegetables that are in the wrong shape or look damaged. They’ve also been criticized for encouraging customers to buy more than they need through promotions such as “buy one and get one free”.

But the biggest culprit for creating food waste is us human beings. In Europe, an incredible 53% of food waste comes from households, which results in 88 million tons of food waste a year. So instead of filling our bellies, our food is filling up landfill sites.

In Denmark, a woman called Selina Juul has been working hard to solve this problem. She moved from Russia many years ago and was amazed to see the abundance of food available in the supermarkets. But despite so much availability, she found that people were buying more than they needed and throwing too much away.

She convinced some supermarkets to stop selling their items in bulk (大量) so that people bought only what they needed. She produced a leftover cookbook and set up an education program in schools, which has helped create a significant 25% reduction in food waste.

Clearly, we need to think twice when we buy something in supermarkets or online, and when we’re at home we should make the most of the food we have — using recipes that use up our leftovers or even sharing our remaining food with our friends and neighbors.

1. Why are supermarkets to blame for food waste?
A.They store spare items.B.They damage bad stuff.
C.They display new arrivals.D.They hold sales promotion.
2. What does the underlined word “culprit” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What do we know about Selina Juul?
A.She contributed to reducing food waste.B.She made an extraordinary discovery.
C.She was a pioneer in cooking leftovers.D.She focused on the availability of food.
4. What does the author advise us to do in the last paragraph?
A.Start sharing extra food.B.Switch to online shopping.
C.Increase the varieties of food.D.Improve our cooking methods.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Essay Competition

The aim of this contest is to encourage great student writers and to give them a leg-up in their studies.


One Grand Prize winner will receive: $1,000 in cash; the essay published in our magazine’s May 2021 issue; an interview with our magazine’s author.

Ten First Place winners will receive: $500 in cash; their names and essay titles listed in our magazine’s May 2021 issue.

Fifty Honorable Mention Winners will receive:a$50 gift card to our online shop.


*The length of the essay should be between 500-700 words.

*Write an essay on the topic of: How Food Affects Our Mood.

*Please write about three reasons for believing in your thesis (论点) statement in the form of body paragraphs and back up your reasons with practical evidence from respected sources.

*Do not write about yourself and don’t explain why you deserve to win the prizes.


Early-Bird Deadline: May 4,2020-Free for the entry.

Deadline: June 5,2020-$5 for the entry.

Extended Deadline: July 22,2020-$10 for the entry.

1. What will the First Place winners be rewarded with?
A.Getting their essays published in the magazine.
B.Having their essay titles listed in the magazine.
C.Receiving a gift card to the particular online shop.
D.Gaining an opportunity to meet the magazine’s author.
2. Which of the following meets the requirements?
A.Writing an essay of more than 800 words.
B.Submitting an essay about food nutrition.
C.Expressing your strong desire to get the award.
D.Supporting your reasons with credible evidence.
3. When can you submit your essay for free?
A.April 30,2020.B.May 20. 2020.C.June 10. 2020.D.July 25,2020.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Artemis is NASA’s new lunar exploration program. Through the Artemis program, NASA will use new technology to study the Moon in new and better ways, and prepare for human missions to Mars.

NASA’s new rocket will carry the Orion spacecraft to lunar orbit. Then, astronauts will dock (对接) Orion at a small spaceship called the Gateway, from which the crew will take trips to the lunar surface in a new human landing system, and then return to the Gateway. The crew will return to the Earth aboard Orion.

NASA will test the rocket and spacecraft in flight, then send a crew for a test flight:

Artemis 1 will be a test flight of the SLS rocket with the Orion spacecraft with no crew.

Artemis 2 will fly SLS and Orion with a crew past the Moon, then circle it and return to the Earth. This trip will be the farthest any human has gone into space.

Artemis 3 will send a crew with the first woman and the next man to land on the Moon by 2024. The Artemis 3 crew will visit the Moon’s South Pole. No one has ever been there.

At the Moon, astronauts will:

Search for the Moon’s water and use it.

Learn how to live and work on the surface of another celestial body (天体) where astronauts are just three days from home.

Test the technologies we need before sending astronauts on missions to Mars, which can take up-to three years round trip.

The Moon is a good place to learn new science. NASA will learn more about the Moon, the Earth and even the Sun. The Moon is a “test bed” for Mars. The Moon is a place to show that astronauts will one day be able to work away from the Earth on Mars for long periods of time.

1. What is the aim of the Artemis program?
A.To help astronauts return to the Earth.B.To be ready for the landing on Mars.
C.To study the Mars using new science.D.To test the Moon landing spacecraft, Orion.
2. Which will be the achievement of the Artemis series?
A.Going to the Moon’s South Pole.B.Making the farthest trip into space.
C.Sending the first man to the Moon.D.Flying to the Moon with three persons.
3. What will Artemis astronauts do on the Moon?
A.Send astronauts to Mars.B.Run a three-year-long test.
C.Find and make use of water.D.Learn to live not far from home.
4. What can we conclude from the text?
A.It is possible to live on another planet now.
B.The crew will reach the lunar surface from the Orion.
C.NASA has sent the first woman astronaut to the Moon.
D.The Artemis program is of great help to Mars exploring.
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