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1 . A woman whose sports car was stolen with her dog in it put up notices all over the area that made it clear getting back her pet was more important than her car.

“Whoever did this can keep my car. Please let Benjerman come home,” the notice said.

It is not known whether the thief showed any pity, but almost 30 hours after the 1 pm theft Friday, Kimberly Atkins of Dover and Benjerman, a 12-year-old black retriever(猎犬), were reunited after police located them in Barrington.

“He’s hungry, he’s dirty, but he’s very happy to be home,” Atkins said.

The car was found at about 5 pm Saturday off Route 125 in a swampy area frequented by off-the-road cars and dirt bikes. However, the police couldn’t control Benjerman, and they had to call Atkins to come and get him.

Atkins said the thief cared for Benjerman a little by providing him with some dry cat food. She believed Benjerman ended up drinking some muddy water in the area.

She said they have been together for nearly 11 years after she took him back from a society shelter in Dallas, Texas.

Before Benjerman was found, Atkins and several friends put up notices all over the city and in Somersworth. They also contacted animal shelters throughout southern New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

The notice stated there was a reward, and also that the dog needed medication(药物治疗). Any caller could remain anonymous(匿名的).

Atkins had parked the car outside a hardware store with the keys inside and gone in to rent a carpet cleaner.

“It was 10 minutes and I came out and my car was gone along with Benjerman in broad daylight,” Atkins said. The car thief threw Atkins’ wallet and other personal items out of the car before escaping from the scene.

1. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.A car with a dog was stolen
B.Lucky dog was returned to his owner
C.Stealing cars: a most important social problem
D.Woman wants dog back more than stolen car
2. Which of the following shows the correct order of what happened?
a. Notices were put up saying there was a reward.
b. Atkins saw Benjerman again.
c. Police found Atkins’ car.
d. Atkins took Benjerman back from a society shelter.
e. Atkins hired a carpet cleaner in a hardware store.
A.d, e, a, b, cB.d, e, a, c, b
C.e, a, d, b, cD.e, a, c, d, b
3. We can infer from the passage            .
A.the dog was treated extremely badly by the thief
B.car stolen accidents happen frequently nowadays
C.the dog was found because of the reward
D.the thief stole the car easily
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Benjerman was sent back immediately after Atkins put up the notices.
B.Atkins and her friends made a great effort to look for Benjerman.
C.The thief gave the dog back but kept the sports car.
D.The dog was back at 1 pm on a Friday.
5. The police couldn’t control the dog and call ______to help and get him.
C.AtkinsD.Atkins’ friends
2021-01-21更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市滨海新区汉沽第六中学2021届高三上学期第一次月考英语试题

2 . Brownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs who met every day to play together. Like pairs of dogs you can find in most any neighborhood, these two loved each other and played together so often that they had worn a path through the grass of the field between their respective houses.

One evening, Brownie's family noticed that Brownie hadn't returned home. They went looking for him with no success. Brownie didn't show up the next day, and despite their efforts to find him, by the next week he was still missing. Curiously, Spotty showed up at Brownie's house alone. Barking, whining and generally pestering Brownie's human family. Busy with their own lives, they just ignored the nervous neighbor dog.

Finally, one morning Spotty refused to take "no" for an answer. Ted, Brownie's owner, was steadily harassed by the furious, adamant little dog. Spotty followed Ted about; barking insistently, then darting toward nearby empty lot and back, as if to say, "Follow me! It's urgent!"

Finally, Ted followed the frantic Spotty across the empty lot as Spotty paused to race back and bark encouragingly. The little dog led the man under a tree, past clumps of trees, to a desolate spot a half mile from the house. There Ted found his beloved Brownie alive, one of his hind legs crushed in a steel leg hold trap. Horrified, Ted now wished he'd taken Spotty's earlier appeals seriously. Then Ted noticed something quite remarkable.

Spotty had done more than simply led Brownie's human owner to his trapped friend. In a circle around the injured dog, Ted found an array of dog food and table scraps which were later identified as the remains of every meal Spotty had been fed that week!

Spotty had been visiting Brownie regularly, in a single minded quest to keep his friend alive by sacrificing his own comfort. Spotty had evidently stayed with Brownie to protect him from predators, snuggling with him at night to keep him warm and nuzzling him to keep his spirits up.

Browni’s leg was treated by a veterinarian and he recovered. For many years thereafter, the two families watched the faithful friends playing and chasing each other down that well-worn path between their houses.

1. What's the correct order of the following?
① They couldn’t find him everywhere.
② Spotty went to Brownie’s master's house to ask for help.
③ One evening, Brownie was missing.
④ Spotty found Brownie and helped him by giving him food.
⑤ They play together happily again.
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Spotty took Brownie's food to him every day.B.There was a natural path between the two houses.
C.The legs of Brownie were hurt by the steel trap.D.Brownie disappeared for more than a week.
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Ted noticed Spotty’s earlier actions.B.Brownie’s family were thankful to Spotty.
C.They asked the police to find Brownie for them.D.Spotty led Brownie’s owner to feed him.
2020-11-12更新 | 358次组卷 | 4卷引用:天津市第一中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期中英语试题

3 . One day in March,seven years ago,during happy hour at a bar in my hometown of Fayetteville,Arkansas,made a surprise announcement to my friends:I was going to shut down my law practice and attempt to travel around the globe in a year.What’s more,I would do it without taking any flights or making a single advance reservation of any kind.My announcement drew mixed reactions from my friends.Some offered support and encouragement,while others were more doubtful.

Once I had said the words,there was no turning back.It took months to shut down my practice and get things in order.Once I set off on my adventure in December 2008,found travelling without using planes was not easy.Trying to circle the globe in 16 months(it took me a bit longer than the initial 12 months planned)made it even harder.Even so,travelling overland was the most amazing way to truly understand the immensity(浩瀚无际)of our wonderful planet.

I took three consecutive(连续)overnight buses to travel 3,000 km through Argentina,from Ushuaia to the capital Buenos Aires.I would look out the windows for hours on end of the completely unspoiled plains,as if humans had never touched it.

It took seven consecutive days and nights on trains to get from Moscow to Beijing,each day spent staring out the windows for hours as the Siberian plains swept by.Sometimes,I wouldn’t see a village or a human being for 10 hours.Later in my journey,it took 22 days on a cargo freighter(货船)to get from New Zealand through the Panama Canal and back to Philadelphia,to finish my round-the-world adventure.

It turned out that travelling with no reservations was far less difficult than had imagined.Pulling into a city on a bus with a backpack,looking in a guidebook for a few suggestions of accommodations(住宿),and then finding an empty room was never much of a problem anywhere.It also kept me flexible and open about all my travel plans,which is advice I give everyone who asks—plan far less than you think you should.

1. The author's trip was special in that         .
A.he made it at the expense of giving up his job
B.it hardly cost him anything
C.he did not make advance booking or travel by air
D.it was a global trip
2. The author most probably returned to the United States in          .
A.June 2009B.December 2009C.February 2010D.April 2010
3. What does the underlined word“unspoiled”mean in Paragraph 3?
4. The author's travelling route was         .
(1)Moscow       (2)Philadelphia       (3)New Zealand
(4)Ushuaia       (5)Beijing       (6)Buenos Aires
5. What does the author think of his around-the-world tour?
A.Challenging but pleasant.B.Dangerous but wonderful.
C.Boring and disappointing.D.Costly and painful.
2020-09-27更新 | 241次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市第一中学2019-2020学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
4 . I was reading these interesting stories behind a group of great logos in the world. Personally Nike is my favorite one — it’s so simple. And I liked the stories behind them, which made me forget all other things. McDonald’s, Apple, Mercedes Benz and Adidas own great logos as well, and they are among my favorites.
In the Greek myth, Nike is the goddess of victory and the source of inspiration for soldiers. This logo represents the wing in the famous statue of the Greek goddess. Nike’s logo was designed by Carolyn Davidson in 1971 for $35, and was registered as a trademark in 1995.
The logo was designed in 1962 by Jim Schindler to resemble the archshaped(拱形的) signs on the side of the company’s then walk-up hamburger stand. Later on, the two golden arches were combined together to form the M. The McDonald’s name was added to the logo in 1968.
There are different stories behind Apple’s logo. The first logo was a reference to the religious story of Adam and Eve, in which the apple represented the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. One year later, the second logo was designed in 1977 by Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne, and it described Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree. This logo didn’t stay long. One year later it was replaced almost immediately by graphic designer Rob Janoff’s “rainbow apple”, a rainbow-colored silhouette(轮廓) of an apple with a bite taken out of it. And then the rainbow-colored apple was replaced by the one-colored logo in 1998. It has not been changed so far.
Mercedes Benz
The Mercedes Benz logo, which was originally created by Gottlieb Daimler in 1909, consists of a simple description of a three-pointed star that represents its rule of the land, the sea and the air. The company was founded by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach. Mercedes is the name of Maybach’s elder daughter, while Benz came as a result of a combination with Benz, Cie and DMG in 1926.
The Adidas logo, which was created by the founder of the company Adi Dassler, represents mountains, pointing towards the challenges that are seen ahead and goals that can be achieved. The logo was used for the first time in 1967.
1. What does the author think of the stories of the great logos?
A.They are boring.B.They are out of date.
C.They are attractive.D.They are practical.
2. What does Nike’s logo stand for?
A.The goddess of victory.
B.The source of inspiration for soldiers.
C.The statue of the Greek goddess.
D.The wing of the Greek goddess.
3. We can learn that Apple’s present logo is ________.
A.the religious story of Adam and Eve
B.a bitten apple with only one color
C.Newton’s sitting under an apple tree
D.the rainbow-colored bitten apple
4. ________ stands for the rule of the land, the sea and the air.
A.Nike’s logoB.Apple’s logo
C.The Mercedes logoD.The Adidas logo
5. Which of the following time orders describes the births of the great logos?
A.Mercedes Benz –McDonald’s – Nike – Apple.
B.Nike – McDonald’s – Apple – Mercedes Benz.
C.McDonald’s – Apple – Nike – Mercedes Benz.
D.Nike – Mercedes Benz – McDonald’s – Apple.

5 . Scientists say they have developed a system that uses machine learning to predict when and where lightning will strike. The research was led by engineers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Lightning is a strong burst of electricity in the atmosphere. It can strike between clouds or between a cloud and the ground. Since lightning carries an extremely powerful electrical charge, it can be destructive and deadly. It is difficult to know exactly how many people die of lightning-related causes. European researchers have estimated that between 6,000 and 24,000 people are killed by lightning worldwide each year. The strikes can also cause power failure, destroy property, damage electrical equipment and start forest fires.

For this reason, climate scientists have long sought to develop methods to predict and control lightning. The system tested in the experiments uses a combination of data from weather stations and machine learning methods. The researchers developed a prediction model that was trained to recognize weather conditions that were likely to cause lightning. The model was created with data collected over a 12-year period from 12 Swiss weather stations in cities and mountain areas. The data related to four main surface conditions: air pressure, air temperature, relative humidity (湿度) and wind speed. The atmospheric data was placed into a machine learning algorithm (计算程序), which compared it to records of lightning strikes. Researchers say the algorithm was then able to learn the conditions under which lightning happens.

“Once trained, the system made predictions that proved correct almost 80 percent of the time,” the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology said in a statement. “It can now be used anywhere.”

Amirhossein Mostajabi, a PhD student at the institute, said current systems for gathering such data are slow and complex and require costly collection equipment like radar or satellites. “Our method uses data that can be obtained from any weather station,” he said. “This will improve data collection in very remote areas not covered by radar and satellite or in places where communication systems have been cut,” he added.

The researchers plan to keep developing the technology in partnership with a European effort that aims to create a lightning protection system. Scientists working on the Paris-based project are experimenting with a laser technology that could someday control lightning activity. The idea is that powerful, ground-based lasers can be positioned in the sky to direct energy from lightning.

1. What does Paragraph 2 mainly focus on?
A.The cause of lightning.B.The forming process of lighnting.
C.The destruction of lightning.D.The difficulty to count the deaths.
2. Which is the correct order of how the system works?
① develop a prediction model.
② learn to recognize weather conditions.
③ collect related data.
④ input the data onto the computer.
⑤ make predictions.
3. What’s the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology’s attitude toward the system?
4. The advantage of the new system for collecting data lies in its      .
C.wide coverageD.reliability
5. What does the Paris-based project aim to do?
A.Identify lighting.B.Predict lighting.
C.Stop lighting.D.Control lighting.
2020-06-10更新 | 118次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届天津市部分区高三质量调查试卷(二)英语试题

6 . Silvano Lattanzi, the master of made — in — Italy shoemaking, was totally conquered by a painting hung in the entrance hall of the very modem Rich Gate, the luxury district in Shanghai.

The painting, before which he knelt down to show his admiration, is the Rich Gale Rose painted by Liu Linghua. who's known as the “Chinese Van Gogh".

It was in May 2016 that Lattanzi first met Liu Linghua who was working on his 15-square-meter great piece. Lattanzi, from the country where Renaissance began, saw the painting accidentally and was immediately impressed by its beauty. He told others that he never imagined that western oil-painting techniques could be developed so well by a Chinese and that this was the best painting he had ever seen.

In the eyes of westerners, Lattanzi is a great master of shoemaking, fashion and arts. His admiration for the Rich Gate Rose well shows the high level of   Lius painting. Ever since this, the two art masters of different nationalities, different ages and different cultural backgrounds have forged a profound friendship.

When Lattanzi came back to China six months later with the pair of shoes he made for Liu, he insisted on delivering the shoes to Liu himself. The two friends met again al the Rich Gale and Liu Linghua presented an embroidery (刺绣)of his master work The Drunken Beauty in return.

Liu expressed repeatedly that his works should be explained by painting and not the words of compliments. He does not care about the titles, though he is on par with the greatest painters. A leading light or a grand master of art, Liu pays little attention to it. Liu thinks actions are more important than words.

1. We can know from the passage that ______.
A.Lattanzi specially came to see the painting
B.Lattanzi is best at oil painting in Europe
C.Liu presented an oil painting to Lattanzi in return
D.the Rich Gate Rose is an excellent oil painting
2. What does Liu think of the compliments on his paintings?
A.He thinks his works are worthy of the compliments.
B.He cares much about the compliments.
C.He thinks the words can encourage him all the time.
D.He thinks the words can't well explain his works.
3. The underlined phrase on par within the last paragraph roughly means      .
A.no better thanB.different from
C.as good/important asD.ahead of
4. What's the right order of the following things according to the passage?
a. Silvano Lattanzi and Liu Linghua became true friends.
b. Silvano Lattanzi knelt down in front of the Rich Gate Rose.
c. Liu Linghua presented Silvano Lattanzi an embroidery.
d. Liu Linghua met Silvano Lattanzi for the first time.
e. Silvano Lattanzi came back to China and met Liu Linghua again at the Rich Gate with the shoes he made for Liu.
5. What's the best title for this passage?
A.Chinese Van Gogh.B.Friendship between Masters.
C.Western Oil Painting.D.A Shoemaking Master.
2020-01-09更新 | 163次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市滨海新区2019-2020学年高二上学期期末英语试题

7 . Kincaid looked at his watch: eight-seventeen. The truck started on the second try, and he backed out, shifted gears, and moved slowly down the alley under hazy sun. Through the streets of Bellingham he went, heading south on Washington 11, running along the coast of Puget Sound for a few miles, then following the highway as it swung east a little before meeting U.S Route 20.

Turning into the sun, he began the long, winding drive through the Cascades. He liked this country and felt unpressed stopping now and then to make notes about interesting possibilities for future expeditions or to shoot what he called “memory snapshots.” The purpose of these causal photographs was to remind him of places he might want to visit again and approach more seriously. In later afternoon he turned north at Spokane, picking up U.S. Route 2, which would take him halfway across the northern United States to Duluth, Minnesota.

He wished for the thousandth time in his life that he had a dog, a golden retriever, maybe ,for travels like this and to keep him company at home. But he was frequently away; overseas much of the time and it would not be fair to the animal. Still, he thought about it anyway. In a few years he would be getting too old for the hard fieldwork. “I must get a dog then.” He said to himself.

Drives like this always put him into a sentimental mood. The dog was part of it. Robert Kincaid was alone as it’s possible to be—an only child, parents both dead, distant relatives who had lost track of him and he of them, no close friends.

He thought about Marian. She had left him nine years ago after five years of marriage. He was fifty-two now, that would make her just under forty. Marian had dreams of becoming a musician, a folksinger. She knew all of the Weavers’ songs and sang them pretty well in the coffeehouse of Seattle. When he was home in the old days, he drove her to the shows and sat in the audience while she sang.

His long absences—two or three months sometimes—were hard on the marriage. He knew that. She was aware of what he did when they decided to get married, and both of them had a vague sense that it could all be handled somehow. It couldn’t when he came from photographing a story in Iceland and she was gone. The note read, “Robert, it didn’t work out. I left you the Harmony guitar. Stay in touch.”

He didn’t stay in touch. Neither did she. He signed the divorce papers when they arrived a year later and caught a plane for Australia the next day. She had asked for nothing except her freedom.

1. Which route is the right one taken by Kincaid?
A.Bellingham—Washington 11—Puget Sound—U.S Route 20—U.S Route 2—Duluth
B.U.S. Route 2—Bellingham—Washington 11—Puget Sound—U.S Route 20—Duluth
C.U.S. Route 2—U.S Route 20—Duluth –Bellingham—Washington 11
D.Bellingham—Washington 11—U.S. Route 2—U.S Route 20—Duluth
2. Which statement is true according to the passage?
A.Kincaid’s parents were dead and he only kept in touch with some distant relatives.
B.Kincaid would have had a dog if he hadn’t been away from home too much.
C.Kincaid used to have a golden retriever.
D.Kincaid needed a dog in doing his hard fieldwork.
3. Why did Kincaid stop to take photos while driving?
A.To write “memory snapshots”
B.To remind himself of places he might want to visit again.
C.To avoid forgetting the way back.
D.To shoot beautiful scenery along the road.
4. What can you know about Marian?
A.She died after five years of marriage.
B.She was older than Kincaid.
C.She could sing very well and earned big money.
D.She was not a professional pop singer.
5. We can draw a conclusion from the passage that ________.
A.Marian knew what would happen before she married Kincaid.
B.Kincaid thought his absence would be a problem when he married Marian.
C.It turned out that Marian could not stand Kincaid’s absence and left him.
D.After Marian left him, they still kept in touch with each other.
2010-03-03更新 | 340次组卷 | 6卷引用:【全国百强校】天津市南开中学2019届高三年级校模拟检测英语试题
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