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1 . As more and more people speak the global language of English, Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic, other languages are rapidly disappearing. In fact, half of the 6,000-7,000 languages spoken around the world today will be likely to die out by the next century, according the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

In an effort to prevent language loss, scholars from a number of organizations — UNESCO and National Geographic among them — have for many years been documenting dying languages and the cultures they reflect.

Mark Turin, a scientist at the Macmillan Center, Yale University, who specializes in the languages and oral traditions of the Himalayas, is following in that tradition. His recently published book, A Grammar of Thangmi and Their Culture, grows out of his experience living, working, and raising a family in a village in Nepal.

Documenting the Thangmi language and culture is just a starting point for Turin, who seeks to include other languages and oral traditions across the Himalayan reaches of India, Nepal, Bhutan, and China. But he is not content to simply record these voices before they disappear without record.

At the University of Cambridge Turin discovered a wealth of important materials —including photographs, films, tape recordings, and field notes — which had remained unstudied and were badly in need of care and protection. Now, through the two organizations that he has founded — the Digital Himalaya Project and the World Oral Literature Project — Turin has started a campaign to make such documents, found in libraries and stores around the world, available not just to schools but to the younger generations of communities from whom the materials were originally collected. Thanks to digital technology and the widely available Internet, Turin notes, the endangered languages can be saved and reconnected with speech communities.

1. Many scholars are making efforts to ________.
A.promote global languagesB.rescue disappearing languages
C.search for languages communitiesD.set up language research organizations
2. What does “that tradition” in Paragraph 3 refer to ________.
A.having detailed records of the languagesB.writing books on language users
C.telling stories about language speakersD.living with the native speakers
3. What is Turin’s book based on?
A.The cultural studies in India.B.The documents available at Yale.
C.His language research in Bhutan.D.His personal experience in Nepal.
4. Which of the following best describes Turin’s work?
A.Write, sell and donate.B.Record, repair and reward.
C.Collect, protect and reconnect.D.Design, experiment and report.
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2 . An advance in electronic publishing could make the e-book you are reading seem as dated as a silent film. Publishers hope to explore the growing success of e-books by releasing versions with added soundtracks(电影配音)and musical accompaniments.

The noises in the first multimedia books — released in Britain on Friday - include rain hitting a window in a Sherlock Holmes tale. When the plot of a book reaches the most exciting part, background scores will create tension.

Supporters argue that sound effects are the next logical development for e-books and will add excitement for younger readers. Critics, however, will argue that the noise will ruin the simple pleasure of having the imagination stimulated by reading.

Caroline Michel, chief executive of the literary agency, said the new generation of computer- literate readers was used to multiple sensory input. She said, “Young people have split computer screens where they may be watching television and replying to an email at the same time. If that's what the market wants then we should respond to the market.”

Book track's sound effects work by estimating the user's reading speed. Each lime you turn a page, the software reassesses where you have reached in the text and times the sounds to switch on accordingly. If the soundtrack becomes out of synch (同步),a click on any word will reset it.

Some authors fear that a soundtrack could destroy the peace and quiet of libraries and ruin the pleasure, of reading. David Nicholls, author of Our Day, the bestseller now released as a film, said, “This sounds like the opposite of reading. I have enough trouble reading an e-book because I'm constantly distracted by emails.

Stuart MacBride, the crime writer whose novel Shatter the Bones was an e-book bestseller, sells 18% of his books as electronic downloads. He said, “If I'm reading, I will do the noise in my head. I don’t need someone to tell me what lea cups clinking sounds like. That would irritate (激怒)me.”

1. What do publishers expect an e-book soundtrack to do?
A.Help to release an e-book as a film.B.Help readers improve reading speed.
C.Add tension at a book's exciting point.D.Get readers familiar with       the background.
2. Who is in favour of added soundtracks for e-books?
A.Mr. Darcy.B.Caroline Michel.
C.David Nicholls.D.Stuart MacBride.
3. What do we know about Stuart MacBride?
A.He was a person who was easy to get angry.
B.He knew a great deal about tea and tea culture.
C.Eighty-two percent of his books described crime.
D.He imagined sounds related to the story when reading.
4. What's the main idea of the passage?
A.Opinions about e-books with soundtracks.
B.Response to the need of the book market.
C.Reasons for traditional e-books becoming outdated.
D.Suggestions on encouraging readers’ imagination.
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3 . Having worked for more than a decade in finance in the oil industry in Canada, Tori Fahey found herself wanting more from life. But it wasn't through desperation that her circumstances changed: “I didn't get fed up and storm off, nothing like that; it was curiosity about other interests and wanting to experience something new.”

Fahey left her job and completed an MBA before setting up a move to New York to begin a degree. However, the opportunity of an open year between the MBA and the degree came up, and as a keen touring cyclist, Fahey realised that a much dreamed-about adventure was now becoming a possibility: "The ride in Africa had been on my fantasy list. It was a moment when I realised that I could do anything, so I should."

Fahey rode across Africa, a 7,500-mile trip that took four months. The whole experience had a life-changing impact. Fahey said: “Bicycles provide a literal freedom. You don't allow yourself to feel like that in everyday life because there are so many distractions. But when you' re out on the bike and there's nothing else, you' re really free to experience what life is.”

Post-degree, Fahey worked on projects with the UNDP(United Nations Development Project) in Montenegro with the aim of bringing investment to rural communities.

It was while working on these projects that the seeds were sown for the next new investment. “It was through my trip across Africa that I discovered pannier and rack systems inconvenient and I was never going to use them again.” Little did she know this would lead her to start up her own company.

In 2013, Apidura was born, producing storage solutions for people looking to travel the world by bike, race across continents and carry all they need to do so. It's now a successful global brand, but Fahey remains reflective about what else the company can do for people.

1. Why did Fahey leave her job in Canada?
A.She was bored with the job.B.She was disappointed with life.
C.She wanted to add new dimensions to her life.D.She found it hard to adjust to the circumstances.
2. Which can best describe Fahey's ride experience in Africa?
3. Why did Fahey launch Apidura?
A.To encourage bicycle traveling.B.To make her investment profitable.
C.To help cyclists carry traveling stuff.D.To increase the pleasure of riding bikes.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.A tough path to fame.B.An adventure across Africa.
C.The benefits of green travelling.D.The story behind the birth of Apidura.
2021-03-26更新 | 656次组卷 | 17卷引用:2022届宁夏石嘴山市平罗中学高三第四次模拟考试英语试题

4 . How many phone numbers can you remember by heart? It’s probably fewer than you would like. Actually, you are not alone. Out of more than 1,000 Americans who were surveyed, more than half said that they couldn’t recall the phone numbers of their friends and neighbors. In their eyes, there is no point in filling their heads with phone numbers if they are all stored in smart phones that are with them almost all the time.

In fact, most people are suffering from a sort of digital amnesia(健忘). more than 90% of those surveyed agreed that they used the Internet as an online of their brains. Rote memorization(死记硬背) was once an important part of modern education, but we just need a click or slide now. That’s making us worse at remembering things.

Researchers found that when people expected to use the information online, they were less likely to remember actual facts, but more likely to remember how to find them. As a result, we are already becoming ones with our computer tools, growing into interconnected systems that remember less by knowing information than by knowing where the information can be found.

However, some believe it isn’t necessarily a bad thing--maybe it gives them more chances to think through things. We certainly acquire more knowledge now than ever, even if it isn’t all stored in our brains.

Even so, I still believe that there are more risks to this new world of memory beyond losing our ability to recall some information such as who the 15th President was. That kind of information may always be a click away, but the important things are personal ones, like the way your parents smiled at your wedding. It’s harder to recall or find online. If you’re relying on yourself to keep track of those memories, they will be much more meaningful.

1. Paragraph 1 is mainly used to _______.
A.serve as the backgroundB.introduce the topic
C.explain new researchD.show some data to readers
2. What’s the main cause of people’s suffering from digital amnesia?
A.Dealing with too many thingsB.Seldom thinking about questions
C.Relying on the internet too muchD.The changes of their memories.
3. It can be learned from the passage that _______.
A.over 90% people are suffering from digital amnesia
B.people can gain knowledge more easily than before
C.rote memorization no longer exists in modern life
D.People find it hard to remember how to find information
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards people’s memories now?
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真题 名校

5 . Rainforests are home to a rich variety of medicinal plants, food, birds and animals. Can you believe that a single bush(灌木丛)in the Amazon may have more species of ants than the whole of Britain! About 480 varieties of trees may be found in just one hectare of rainforest.

Rainforests are the lungs of the planet-storing vast quantities of carbon dioxide and producing a significant amount of the world's oxygen. Rainforests have their own perfect system for ensuring their own survival; the tall trees make a canopy(树冠层)of branches and leaves which protect themselves, smaller plants, and the forest animals from heavy rain, intense dry heat from the sun and strong winds.

Amazingly, the trees grow in such a way that their leaves and branches, although close together, never actually touch those of another tree. Scientists think this is the plants' way to prevent the spread of any tree diseases and make life more difficult for leaf-eating insects like caterpillars. To survive in the forest, animals must climb, jump or fly across the gaps. The ground floor of the forest is not all tangled leaves and bushes, like in films, but is actually fairly clear. It is where dead leaves turn into food for the trees and other forest life.

They are not called rainforests for nothing! Rainforests can generate 75%of their own rain. At least 80 inches of rain a year is normal-and in some areas there may be as much as 430 inches of rain annually. This is real rain-your umbrella may protect you in a shower, but it won't keep you dry if there is a full rainstorm. In just two hours, streams can rise ten to twenty feet. The humidity(湿气)of large rainforests contributes to the formation of rainclouds that may travel to other countries in need of rain.

1. What can we learn about rainforests from the first paragraph?
A.They produce oxygen.B.They cover a vast area.
C.They are well managed.D.They are rich in wildlife.
2. Which of the following contributes most to the survival of rainforests?
A.Heavy rainsB.Big trees.
C.Small plants.D.Forest animals.
3. Why do the leaves and branches of different trees avoid touching each other?
A.For more sunlight.B.For more growing space.
C.For self-protection.D.For the detection of insects.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Life-Giving RainforestsB.The Law of the Jungle
C.Animals in the AmazonD.Weather in Rainforests
2020-10-15更新 | 3501次组卷 | 16卷引用:宁夏银川市第二中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题

6 . More than 100 scientists from 25 countries have traveled to faraway places to collect wild crop seeds(种子) in an effort to help battle climate change.

The scientists, who have been compared to the heroes of the “Indiana Jones” movies, traveled on foot, four-wheeled vehicles(交通工具), boats, horses and even elephants to reach faraway areas. They faced extreme heat,dust, and danger from wild animals. At last, they collected 4, 644 seeds of 371 wild relatives of 28 world crops, many of which are said to be endangered.

The Crop Trust, an organization that works to save different kinds of crops, is directing the project. The group is working in partnership with Britain's Royal Botanic Gardens and Millennium Seed Bank. Additional financial support comes from Norway. The project is believed to be the largest organized international effort yet to collect and protect crops' wild relatives.Hannes Dempewolf is a scientist and the head at the Crop Trust. He said“What these seed collectors went through in the field resembles scenes from an Indiana Jones movie.”

Some crops are threatened because of destruction of forests, climate change and expanded cities. The newly-found wild seeds have developed so plants can grow in extreme temperatures, poor soils, and even in low rainfall areas.

A United Nations report says that food production is at risk because of a shortage of rain and other weather extremes connected to climate change. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization says that the number of plant species is quickly decreasing and people are depending on fewer species for food. Those wild seeds could be important in feeding a growing human population in some areas and offer a largely unused source of diversity(多样性) to crops.

1. What does the second paragraph show?
A.Collecting seeds is not an easy job.
B.The scientists’ story is made into a movie.
C.The wild seeds are in danger of extinction.
D.The scientists can choose from many vehicles.
2. What does the underlined word “resembles”in the third paragraph mean?
A.Depends on.B.Looks like.
C.Turns out.D.Refers to.
3. What is the advantage of the newly-found wild seeds?
A.They can increase green areas.B.They can provide more nutrients
C.They can survive bad conditions.D.They can improve existent crop seeds.
4. What is the meaning of the scientists collecting wild seeds?
A.Bringing more plant species to the world.
B.Helping farmers improve their farming skills.
C.Knowing about the worlds farming practices.
D.Helping battle climate change.
2020-08-05更新 | 94次组卷 | 3卷引用:宁夏回族自治区石嘴山市平罗中学2022-2023学年高三上学期11月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |
真题 名校

7 . I am an active playgoer and play-reader, and perhaps my best reason for editing this book is a hope of sharing my enthusiasm for the theater with others. To do this I have searched through dozens of plays to find the ones that I think best show the power and purpose of the short play.

Each play has a theme or central idea which the playwright(剧作家) hopes to get across through dialogue and action. A few characters are used to create a single impression growing out of the theme. It is not my intention to point out the central theme of each of the plays in this collection, for that would, indeed, ruin the pleasure of reading, discussing, and thinking about the plays and the effectiveness of the playwright. However, a variety of types is represented here. These include comedy, satire, poignant drama, historical and regional drama. To show the versatility(多面性) of the short play, I have included a guidance play, a radio play and a television play.

Among the writers of the plays in this collection, Paul Green, Susan Glaspell, Maxwell Anderson, Thornton Wilder, William Saroyan, and Tennessee Williams have all received Pulitzer Prizes for their contributions to the theater. More information about the playwrights will be found at the end of this book.

To get the most out of reading these plays, try to picture the play on stage, with you, the reader, in the audience. The houselights dim(变暗). The curtains are about to open, and in a few minutes the action and dialogue will tell you the story.

1. What do we know about the author from the first paragraph?
A.He has written dozens of plays.B.He has a deep love for the theater.
C.He is a professional stage actor.D.He likes reading short plays to others.
2. What does the author avoid doing in his work?
A.Stating the plays’ central ideas.B.Selecting works by famous playwrights.
C.Including various types of plays.D.Offering information on the playwrights.
3. What does the author suggest readers do while reading the plays?
A.Control their feelings.B.Apply their acting skills.
C.Use their imagination.D.Keep their audience in mind.
4. What is this text?
A.A short story.B.An introduction to a book.
C.A play review.D.An advertisement for a theater.
2020-07-11更新 | 3791次组卷 | 29卷引用:2022届宁夏银川一中高三下学期第四次模拟英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . 3rd Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge 2020


World Health Organization(WHO)is taking the 3rd Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge virtually this year. In the context of COVID-19, WHO, through several online platforms, will host exercise moments, information sessions, and live chats with experts on topics from physical and mental health to nutrition and healthy ageing.

While the first two editions attracted thousands of participants in Geneva, we hope to reach more people during the virtual edition. We look forward to working with the many partners who have supported the first two editions, including governments, civil society organizations, and scientific and academic bodies.

The event will also celebrate health and be a platform to promote the need for all people to have access to health services and for health champions to demonstrate how they are striving to promote and protect the health of people in their own way.

What is on offer?

The Virtual Walk the Talk will be held over 16-17 May 2020, people invited to join in from their homes wherever they are globally.

It will offer opportunities for people to participate in a variety of virtual, timed events yoga, exercise classes for all ages and abilities, meditation, walking in place(or in locations within the guidelines of your national authorities). The aim is to get people moving for their own health and that of others.

Purposes of the event

●To encourage healthy lifestyles, not only in the context of COVID-19, but as a long-term strategy for good health.

●To recognize the sacrifice of health workers caring for us in our whole life. 2020 has been designated as the Year of the Nurse and Midwife, and we are seeing the global importance of health workers in the current response to COVID-19.

1. What is special about the 3rd Walk the Talk compared to the first two editions?
A.It appeals to many participants.B.It offers various events.
C.It is an online virtual event.D.It promotes health services.
2. Who is the 3rd Walk the Talk intended for?
A.Health experts from WHO.B.Governments fighting COVID-19.
C.Scientific medical organizations.D.Ordinary people around the world.
3. What does the event aim to do apart from advocating a healthy lifestyle?
A.To collect more financial supports.
B.To give special recognition to health workers.
C.To set up an organization for the COVID-19 issue.
D.To encourage the sacrifice of health workers.
2020-06-22更新 | 128次组卷 | 3卷引用:宁夏回族自治区银川一中2022-2023学年高三上学期第四次月考英语试题

9 . Along with silk and paper,gunpowder is another invention by Chinese and the Silk Road helped it spread to the West. The dating of gunpowder is as early as 850 AD. The Chinese used gunpowder to make fireworks and for signal flares. Gunpowder was also thought to have been used in medicine and in alchemy(炼金术). This invention seems to have been discovered in China by accident —by alchemists when doing experiments.

The gunpowder used for military purpose was first recorded in 919 AD. By the 11th century,explosive bombs filled with gunpowder were introduced and used in China. The words “fire cannon” “rocket” and “fireball” appeared time and again in the official Song history as well as two other books written during the same period.

The first detailed description of using the “fire cannon” in warfare was in connection with a battle fought in 1126 when the Song army used it against the invading enemy. The so-called “ fire cannon” was a tube made of bamboo filled with gunpowder which, when fired, threw a flaming missile towards the enemy. According to a description of a battle scene in 1132, it took two persons to carry a “fire cannon”, and the cannons were fired from a moving platform. And this platform had to be moved close to the wall of the besieged(被围攻的) city.

Gunpowder reached Japan, the Islamic countries and then Europe in the 13th century, and the Arabs improved gunpowder for military use. The early account of gunpowder in Europe was recorded by English philosopher Roger Bacon in the 13th century. One century later the Arabs used it to attack the Spanish town Baza and the next year in 1326 Florence ordered the manufacturing of cannon and cannon balls. From Italy the making of gunpowder soon spread to other European countries, and by the 1350s it had become an effective weapon on the battlefield.

1. Gunpowder was discovered _________.
A.by alchemists when they had an accident
B.by alchemists after studying it for a long time
C.accidentally by alchemists
D.experimentally by alchemists
2. Which of the following words can best describe a “fire cannon”?
3. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.
A.“fire cannons” at early times would be less helpful if they were far away from the object
B.alchemists devoted themselves to the study of gunpowder
C.the Silk Road spread to the West because of the invention of gunpowder
D.the first detailed description of using “fire cannons” in warfare was in 1132
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Powerful Fire CannonsB.Four Inventions of Ancient China
C.The Discovery of the AlchemyD.Gunpowder

10 . The Internet has become part of modern life, bringing convenient services to everyone who can connect. While it seems hard to live without the Internet, it also brings new problems. For example, individuals, organizations and even governments can become targets of cyber attacks.

The past week marked China's sixth annual Cybersecurity Week, held from Sept 16 to 22 nationwide. The opening ceremony and major activities were held in Tianjin. First launched in 2014, the event was designed to raise public awareness of the importance of fighting online threats and cyber attacks. The theme of this year's event is "cybersecurity for the people and by the people".

The leaking (泄露)of personal information now stands out. " Efforts should be made to raise people's sense of fulfillment, happiness and security in cyberspace," said President Xi Jinping in an instruction for the event. "The country will safeguard the security of personal information and citizens' legal rights and interests in cyberspace. According to a report from the 2017 China Internet Security Conference, more than 90 percent of Android smartphones for sale in China contained serious safety bugs. Such flaws (缺陷)allow hackers to control entire phones and obtain the users' passwords, bank information and more.

To protect personal information, China issued its first cybersecurity law in June 2017. One key part of this law is meant to protect personal information. It rules that network operators are not allowed to leak, change or damage the personal information they gather. They are also not allowed to give personal information to others freely.

Apart from China, issuing laws to protect personal information and prevent junk electronic information is a common practice in other countries.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To introduce the new Internet-based problems.
B.To show readers a new Internet-based trend.
C.To make a list of new cybercrimes online.
D.To call for protection of personal security.
2. What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?
A.Android smartphones sales are on the decrease.
B.Personal data protection comes into focus.
C.Netizens are sensitive to online information.
D.Nearly all smartphones contain security flaws.
3. Who does China's first cybersecurity law mainly intend to regulate?
A.Website designers.B.Illegal hackers.
C.Network operators.D.Internet-based companies.
4. What will be probably mentioned after the last paragraph?
A.Foreign practices to safeguard cybersecurity.
B.Countries producing laws of national security.
C.Effective ways to deal with personal security.
D.Advice on how to avoid leaking personal data.
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