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1 . Anyone wanting to help the poor may like this idea—recycling aluminum cans in a different way, which is apparently also good for the environment. So you're actually killing two birds with one stone. It goes without saying that recycling aluminum cans can save resources, energy, time and money. People usually save and place aluminum cans in the dustbins, which are then collected and taken away by cleaners, who will finally recycle them in the recycling center. But if you save the aluminum cans, and skip the cleaners, you can save these same cans for something more important—helping the poor. In other words, by doing less, you are giving the environmental cause some new significance.

Here is how to put this idea into action. Take your aluminum cans and place them in a plastic bag. For the dirty ones, rinse them out first. Store the bag of clean aluminum cans. Once you collect about one hundred cans or more, take the cans to the recycle center yourself. There are about eighteen aluminum cans in a pound. And you can receive three to four dollars for one hundred cans. Donate your three to four dollars to the poor or any charity organization of your choice.

By now, you may wonder if your few dollars have really made a difference to the poor. Consider this: Is there any individual or any specific event that is great enough to change the world or decide the direction that history takes? The answer is probably no. What if there were a lot of people who would do the same thing? History shows nothing but the collective will of the whole community. And that will surely be powerful enough to make a bigger difference.

Go to your community or your school and spread your idea. Share your idea and save your aluminum cans with other people. One hundred people can speak louder than one. And the money you make by saving cans can be multiplied by one hundred times. And if more people join in the cause around the world, an even larger difference can be made , and more people in need will enjoy the benefits.

1. What's special about the new idea?
A.It makes profits.B.It saves resources.
C.It benefits the poor.D.It involves cleaners.
2. What can we infer from paragraph 2?
A.Dirty cans do not sell well.B.You decide who receives the money.
C.A hundred cans weigh about 3 pounds.D.The recycle center is conveniently located.
3. What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 3 probably refer to?
A.A great individual or event.B.The direction history takes.
C.The collective will of people.D.The neighbourhood you live in.
4. Which of the following does the writer want to tell us?
A.Many hands make light work.B.Kill two birds with one stone.
C.Don't put the cart before the horse.D.No man can do two things at once.

2 . The language Centers first Trivia Night tested students' knowledge on different languages and their histories last Friday at Douglass commons.

"We have decided to conduct this event when the weather is bad so that students who have nowhere to go and stay on campus can come and find a comfortable shelter during a cold winter day," Language Center Director, Teresa Valdez said. According to Valdez, the idea for Trivia night came a year ago from a junior and team-member called Elizabeth de Los Reyes. The event engaged students' interest in languages and showed the high-quality services that the Language Center provides.

Participants competed in small groups that each represented a different language and country. There were five teams in total: Russia, China, Japan, Spain and France. The competition consisted of four rounds with each round consisting of three questions relating to the following topics literature, language, geography, culture and history.

After a few warm-up questions about how people greet each other in different languages, what continent Turkey is found in, and who is the first man to fly to the moon, the questions became increasingly difficult. Each round offered an increasing amount of points a team could receive. The final question was worth 20 points. If a team did not answer it correctly, the points were taken from the total.

In the meantime, students enjoyed pizza, snacks, and drinks while sharing their linguistic (语言的) interest. Most of the participants knew two or three languages. Others knew more, such as first-year Bartek Jezierski from Poland, who can speak English, Polish, German, Spanish, and Russian.

The winners from first to third place were France, Japan and Russia respectively. All five teams were given some prizes—a blue shopping bag, a cup and stuffed toys. However, students believed the most important prize of the evening was the process of the competition—how students from diverse backgrounds and cultures were able to participate in a friendly competition, and shared their mutual (相互的) love of languages.

1. What is one of the purposes of Trivia Night?
A.To attract students to learn languages.
B.To help the students suffering from coldness.
C.To collect opinions from the students on its services.
D.To select the best students for the Language center.
2. How many questions were there in the competition in total?
3. Which of the following can best describe the atmosphere of the competition?
4. What did students value most in the competition?
A.Some snacks and drinks.
B.Various prizes for winners.
C.The course of the competition.
D.The services provided by the language center.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |


Amazon Rainforest Tour

A short flight takes you from the Andes into the Amazon rainforest. From there, you’ll spend one day travelling by boat to your accommodation in the middle of the forest. You can then spend three days exploring the rainforest with a local guide and enjoying the plants and animals unique to the rainforest.

Machu Picchu Tour

This four-day walking tour will take you on amazing paths through the Andes Mountains on the way to the city of Machu Picchu. Then, you will have a day to explore and be amazed by this ancient city. Especially amazing is the Incas’ dry stone method of building. Inca builders cut stones to exact sizes so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the prefect fit of the stones.

Cusco Tour

Spend four days enjoying the unique Spanish and local Indian culture high in the Andes at Cusco, the capital of the Inca Empire from the 13th until the 16th century. Stay in a local hotel, visit the museums, admire the architecture, enjoy the excellent local food, and go shopping at the local markets.

Lake Titicaca Tour

Enjoy the beautiful scenery as you spend a day driving to Lake Titicaca. There, a boat will take you to stay with a local Uros family on an island for three days. Both the island and the Uros homes are made of water plants from the lake.

So come and experience what Peru has to offer. For more brochures about Peru, contact us at tourinfo@travelperu.org.

1. If Jack is a lover of Inca culture, which tours would you like to recommend?
A.Amazon Rainforest and Machu PicchuB.Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca
C.Cusco and Lake TiticacaD.Machu Picchu and Cusco
2. What do the four tours have in common?
A.All the four tours last for four days.
B.All the places can be reached by boat.
C.All the destinations are remote and poor places.
D.Visitors have to stay with the locals all the way.
3. What might be the purpose of the passage?
A.To sell more brochures to visitors.
B.To try to attract more visitors to Peru.
C.To invite more people to visit a website.
D.To introduce readers the tourism of Peru.

4 . I don’t post recognizable pictures of my children on social media. I don’t use their names. I don’t put anything out there that will be really embarrassing for them in later life.

The reason for not posting pictures is that I feel a person’s pictures should be his or her own. It’s not good for me to push my kids out into the wilds of the Web before they’re ready, and understand what it all means.

When the time comes, they’re more than welcome to use social media. But for now, I’m happy to give them a degree of separation until they can make a choice for themselves.

This has meant extra efforts on our part when it comes to making sure that kids don’t get accidentally caught up in the Internet, because the schools where they learn, like so many others up and down the country, post their pictures to social media.

However, my husband thought I was overanxious and asked me a question about its advantages. And having thought about it for while, I’m not 100 percent sure if there are any.

But I could list the disadvantages: the time it takes to manage an account, often by a teacher, meaning extra work; the unavoidable difficulties in safeguarding.

It’s great to see the kids doing their things in schools but my worry is about the use of social media that doesn’t give anything back to the kids, and in many ways, just turns them into another way to gain clicks. I want more than that for them.

1. Why is the author unwilling to post her kids’ picture online?
A.To push her kids into the wilds of the Web.B.To avoid being recognized
C.To make herself embarrassed.D.To protect her kids’ privacy.
2. What’s most schools’ attitude towards social media?
3. Why did the author’s husband ask her a question?
A.To prove the author is knowledgeable.B.To show social media has disadvantages.
C.To advise the author to list what she thinks.D.To help the author solve her problem.
4. What will happen if schools post kids’ pictures online according to the author?
A.Teachers will take on extra work.B.Parents will have lots of things to do
C.Kids’ safety will be protected effectively.D.Kids will become famous due to clicks.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Join us for an exciting day of music at the UNI Dome with the Panther Marching Band!

Band Day is perfect for high school band students in grades 9—12. Come and join us for an outstanding, positive and friendly musical and social experience for high school band students! We hope you'll enjoy the fellowship with other band students throughout the state and the fantastic performances of bands!

Directors who wish to bring their full bands or a smaller group of band students should find this to be an easy and fun event to organize and attend! Individual(个体的)students who wish to participate as single performers are strongly encouraged to attend! You'll have a chance to meet our fantastic students and perform in a friendly, welcoming environment!

Date: November 9

Music: A link to download music will be included in your confirmation email after you register. Music will be available at that link no later than September 1.


●Band directors registering full bands or groups of students from the same band should register here: https: //bands, uni. edu/band-day-group-registration

●Individual students registering independently may register here: https://bands. uni. edu/panther-band- day-individual-registration

Cost: $ 10. 00 per student includes: admission to the game, pizza dinner, music and a Band Day T-Shirt.


●We've changed our payment method to improve the registration process. Individual students must pay using a credit card at the time of registration. Band directors may either pay with credit card or mail a check made out to Panther Marching Band.

●Final deadline for registration submissions is Monday, October 14.

●Due to space limitations, band/individual students may be limited to a first-reply basis.

1. How can a participant benefit from the event?
A.Listen to their favorite popular music.
B.Get a chance to join a band they love.
C.Chat with famous musicians face to face.
D.Know new people and enjoy performances.
2. When can a participant use the link in the confirmation email to download music?
A.On August 30.B.On September 2.
C.On October 14.D.On November 9.
3. What are you expected to do to participate as an individual student?
A.Ask for a band director's company.B.Send a 10-dollar check to the Band.
C.Pay 10 dollars with your credit card.D.Email the Band just on November 9.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . First Aid Level 1

The course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn CPR, short for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (心肺复苏法). It also covers management of bleeding and shock. This course includes assessment and leads to a New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) unit standard. The most attractive point is that a well-known doctor will teach this course.

Price: $ 100

Duration: 1 day

First Aid Level 2

It includes all of the course content from First Aid Level 1, plus an additional half day. Suitable for first aiders, health and safety staff and anyone who needs first-aid knowledge for their professional qualification. A very experienced doctor will teach this course.

Price: $ 150

Duration: 1.5 days

Resuscitation Level 3

This training course is for those who require Level 3 resuscitation skills, especially people who have a duty to respond and are probably concerned with the start of resusciation.

Price: $ 160

Duration: 4 hours

Resuscitation Level 4

This is an important health professional resuscitation training course. It can be used as a Level 4 refresher course. This course is the most suitable for nurses, nurse managers, District Health Board (DHB) resuscitation officers.

Price: $ 200

Duration: 4 hours

Take a look at the series of first aid courses, so that you can choose the medical learning experience that best matches your needs.

1. How is First Aid Level 1 different from the other courses?
A.It’s the most expensive.
B.It’ll last the longest time.
C.It’ll be taught by a famous doctor.
D.It’s meant for health and safety officers.
2. How much should an applicant pay per hour for Resuscitation Level 3?
A.$ 40.B.$ 50.
C.$ 100.D.$ 160.
3. What is the main purpose of the text?
A.To show doctors’ responsibilities.
B.To advertise the first aid courses.
C.To advise medical professionals to assess their living standards.
D.To inform medical staff of the medical levels of the four hospitals.

7 . Body Language in the United States

Most people shake hands and make eye contact when they meet people for the first time. Among very good friends, a woman may give another woman a little hug, and a man may kiss a woman quickly on the cheek. Males don’t hug one another, which, however, is changing. Men usually shake hands with the right hand. Sometimes they use the left hand to either cover the handshake or lightly hold the other persons arm. This shows greater warmth and friendship. What’s more, most people wave hello or good-bye. This is important to know because in many other countries, the same movements mean “no”.

When people are waiting in a public place, such as the post office, they usually form lines. Some people get angry and complain if someone jumps ahead of other people. Moreover, many women like men to open doors for them. They also like men to give up their seats on public transportation. However, some women do not like this type of behavior. They feel that men and women should be treated in the same way.

In the United States, it’s important to make direct eye contact in business and social situations. If you don’t make eye contact, people will probably think that you are bored or not interested. If there is silence in these situations, people usually try to make conversation. People in the United States usually stand about one arm’s length away from each other while talking or standing together. This space is called “the comfort zone”.

In the United States, mothers sometimes show that they are angry with children by shaking an index finger (食指) at them. People may show that they like children by patting them on the head.

1. It can be inferred from Paragraph I that in the United State ________.
A.males begin to hug each other nowB.a man usually kisses a woman for greeting
C.people only use right hands to shake handsD.people wave good-bye as people in many other countries do
2. Some women don’t like to be offered a seat by men because ________.
A.they think sitting is harmful for healthB.they prefer to stand rather than sit
C.they like to be treated equallyD.they don’t need men’s favor
3. The third paragraph is mainly about ________.
A.the comfort zoneB.impolite body language
C.body language in public placesD.body language in business and social life
4. A mother sometimes shakes an index finger at her kids to show ________.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

8 . Passenger pigeons (旅鸽) once flew over much of the United States in unbelievable numbers. Written accounts from the 18th and 19th centuries described flocks() so large that they darkened the sky for hours.

It was calculated that when its population reached its highest point, there were more than 3 billion passenger pigeons—a number equal to 24 to 40 percent of the total bird population in the United States, making it perhaps the most abundant bird in the world. Even as late as 1870 when their numbers had already become smaller, a flock believed to be 1 mile wide and 320 miles (about 515 kilometers) long was seen near Cincinnati.

Sadly the abundance of passenger pigeons may have been their undoing. Where the birds were most abundant, people believed there was an ever-lasting supply and killed them by the thousands. Commercial hunters attracted them to small clearings with grain, waited until pigeons had settled to feed, then threw large nets over them, taking hundreds at a time. The birds were shipped to large cities and sold in restaurants.

By the closing decades of the 19th century, the hardwood forests where passenger pigeons nested had been damaged by Americans need for wood, which scattered (驱散) the flocks and forced the birds to go farther north, where cold temperatures and storms contributed to their decline. Soon the great flocks were gone, never to be seen again.

In 1897, the state of Michigan passed a law prohibiting the killing of passenger pigeons but by then, no sizable flocks had been seen in the state for 10 years. The last confirmed wild pigeon in the United States was shot by a boy in Pike County, Ohio, in 1900. For a time, a few birds survived under human care. The last of them, known affectionately as Martha, died at the Cincinnati Zoological Garden on September 1, 1914.

1. In the 18th and early 19th centuries, passenger pigeons ________.
A.were the biggest bird in the world
B.lived mainly in the south of America
C.did great harm to the natural environment
D.were the largest bird population in the US
2. The underlined word “undoing” probably refers to the pigeons’ ____.
3. What was the main reason for people to kill passenger pigeons?
A.To seek pleasure.B.To save other birds.
C.To make money.D.To protect crops.
4. What can we infer about the law passed in Michigan?
A.It was ignored by the public.B.It was declared too late.
C.It was unfair.D.It was strict.
共计 平均难度:一般