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1 . The sudden death of the 23-year-old female emplovee of Pinduoduo has sparked a heated debate, with many criticizing the overwork culture. Three experis share their views. Excerpis (节选) follow:

Labor laws compatible (兼容的) with digital era needed

This case should inspire society to reflect on how to better protect employees’ rights in the digital era. The relevant clauses in the Labor Law cannot be specifically applied to charge internet companies suspected of violating laborers' rights and interests.

The blurring (模糊) of the line between social and economic activities in the digital era makes it difficult to define fixed working hours.

Lawmakers should find out the new factors affecting labor relations due to the rapid development of internet and communications technology. This can pave the way for law-making on working hours in the digital era. “996” working schedule is against labor laws.

More than one year ago, it was shocking to hear e-commerce tycoons (巨头) Liu Qiangdong and Jack Ma publicly support the "996" working schedule to push their employees to work harder. A growing number of companies have been using different methods to exercise ever-increasing control over their employees.

To correct the situation, it is vital that the country bring in specific law on internet enterprises, especially in terms of labor contracts and work schedules, and make it clear that the “996” working schedule is illegal.

Death due to overwork needs legally definition

Work pressure and long working hours can seriously affect workers' physical and mental health, making. them more easily hurt by occupational and stress-related diseases.

But it is difficult to prove that a person dies of overwork. Only a person who dies at the workplace or of a sudden illness within 48 hours of getting off work is considered a victim of work.

China should issue guidelines explaining in detail what leads to death due to overwork.

1. What do the three experts agree on?
A.The Labor Law in China is non-effective.
B.It is difficult to define fixed working hours.
C.Supervision on companies should be tightened.
D.Improvement should be made to the current laws.
2. Why does the expert mention Liu Qiangdong?
A.To highlight the models of e-commerce.
B.To introduce tycoons' attitudes to overwork.
C.To confirm their efforts to protect employees.
D.To express disagreement on “996” working schedule.
3. What does the underlined exercise mean in the text?
A.To make somebody anxious.B.To do sports or other physical activities.
C.To use your power to achieve something.D.To test or make experimental use of something.
4. Who can be considered a victim of work?
A.Someone dies on his way to office.B.Someone dies of a heart attack in his office.
C.Someone dies three days after work.D.Someone dies after work without symptoms.
2021-05-11更新 | 165次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖北省华中师范大学第一附属中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末检测英语试题

2 . If you think of the jobs that robots could never do, you would probably put doctors and teachers atop of the list. It’s easy to imagine robots and factory workers. But are we underestimating what robots can do?

In some cases, they already do better than doctors at diagnosing illness. Also, some patients might feel more comfortable sharing personal information with a machine than a person. Could there be a place for robots in education after all?

British education expert Anthony Seldom thinks so. He even has a date for the robot takeover of the classroom:2027. He forecasts that robots will do the main job of disseminating knowledge and teachers will be like helpers. Intelligent robots will read students’ faces, movements and even brain signals. Then they will pass the information on to each student in the way he or she can understand.

However, it’s not a popular opinion. Most people think it’s impossible that robots will have the ability to really connect with humans like another human can.

One thing is certain, though. A robot teacher is better than no teacher at all. In some parts of the world, there aren’t enough teachers and 9%-16% of children under the age of 14 don’t go to school. That problem could be partly solved by robots because the owners can teach anywhere.

Being a teacher is a difficult job and teachers often feel overworked. Perhaps the question is not “Will robots replace teachers?” but “How can’t robots help teachers?” Teachers spend a lot of time doing non-teaching work, including more than 1 hour a week marking homework. If robots could cut the time teachers spend marking homework and writing reports, teachers would have more time and energy for the parts of the job humans do best.

1. What does the author mainly intend to show in the first paragraph?
A.Robots can do creative work.
B.Robots will replace doctors soon.
C.Robots work better than humans.
D.Robots can do more jobs than imagined.
2. What does the underlined word “disseminating” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. Which word best describes the public’s attitude to Anthony Seldom’s forecast?
4. What’s the main idea of the text?
A.What robots are never able to do.
B.What the weaknesses of robots are.
C.Whether robots will evolve by themselves.
D.Whether robots will completely replace human teachers.
2021-05-08更新 | 98次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省十堰市2020-2021学年高三下学期4月调研考试英语试题

3 . Think of Japan in the spring, and the image that comes to mind is likely the country’s famous cherry blossoms, which experience a “peak bloom (开花)” that only lasts a few days and have been honored in Japan for more than a thousand years. But this year, the cherry blossom season has come and gone in the blink of an eye, in one of the earliest blossoms on record -- and scientists warn it’s a symptom of the larger climate crisis threatening ecosystems everywhere.

Yasuyuki Aono, a researcher at Osaka Prefecture University, has gathered records from Kyoto back to 812 AD from historical documents and diaries. In the central city of Kyoto, cherry blossoms peaked on March 26, the earliest in more than 1,200 years, Aono said. And in the capital Tokyo, cherry blossoms reached full bloom on March 22, the second-earliest date on record.

The peak bloom dates shift every year, depending on numerous factors including weather and rainfall, but have shown a general trend of moving earlier and earlier. “Cherry blooms are very temperature sensitive,” said Aono. “Flowering and full bloom could be earlier or later depending on the temperature alone,” he said. This year’s seasons in particular influenced the blossom dates, he added. The winter was very cold, but the spring came fast and unusually warm, so “the buds are completely awake after enough rest.”

Their early bloom, however, is just the tip of the iceberg of a worldwide phenomenon that could make natural systems and countries’ economies unstable, said Amos Tai, assistant professor of earth science at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. There are two sources of increased heat, which is the main factor making the flowers bloom earlier: urbanization(城市化)and climate change. With increased urbanization, cities tend to get warmer than the surrounding rural area, in what is called the heat island effect. But a bigger reason is climate change, which has caused rising temperatures across the region and the world.

These earlier dates aren’t just a matter of tourists scrambling to catch peak bloom before the petals all fall-- it could have a lasting impact on entire ecosystems, and threaten the survival of many species.

1. What is the purpose of mentioning the dates and figures in paragraph 2?
A.To present “peak bloom” in Tokyo came earlier than in Kyoto.
B.To suggest when cherry blossoms will bloom next year.
C.To report the dates of “peak bloom” in different Japanese cities.
D.To show cherry blossoms came out earlier this year than in the past.
2. Why are scientists worried about the peak bloom moving earlier and earlier?
A.The blossom season this year is a sign of a larger global crisis.
B.The weather will be too cold for the blossoms to last long enough.
C.The earlier peak bloom will threaten the survival of many species.
D.The earlier bloom could affect natural systems and countries’ economy.
3. What does the underlined word in the last paragraph mean?
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Japanese Climate Crisis
B.Sooner’s Not Always Better Than Later
C.Cherry blossoms and Their Impact
D.The Early Blooming of Cherry Blossoms
2021-05-08更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省荆、荆、襄、宜四地七校考试联盟2020-2021学年高二下学期期中联考英语试题

4 . When you think of the Himalayas, you may picture tall, rocky, snow-covered peaks. But that’s not true.

The subnival (亚冰雪的) region is the zone between the treeline and the snowline. It is 5 to 5 times as large as the areas of glaciers and permanent snow, which means studying it is vital to understanding the Himalayas as a whole.

The treeline is the edge of an ecosystem where trees are able to grow, and beyond the treeline environmental conditions become too tough to allow tree growth. Meanwhile, snowlines are the boundaries on mountains that separate areas with permanent snow (where snow is present for the majority of the year) from areas with seasonal or no snow.

Researchers used satellite data from 1993 to 2018 to measure plant cover between 4,150 meters and 6,000 meters above sea level. The scientists discovered that the greatest increase in plant cover was between an altitude of 5,000 meters and 5,500 meters. Subnival plants mostly include small shrubs and grasses.

Even areas once completely occupied by glaciers now hold rocks covered with mosses, lichen, and sometimes even flowers. In addition, the snowline seems to be retreating, while the treeline is expanding. This shows that the region is becoming warmer, causing more melting of snow and allowing vegetation to move up in height.

In the past 40 years, 25% of all Himalayan ice has been lost due to global warming. Himalayan glaciers are reducing by about 0.5 meters each year. The rate of glacier melting has doubled in this decade. The melting of glaciers increases water in the region, making it wetter. Receding snow also forces the snowline to move up, providing a greater amount of area for the warm and moist conditions, which are perfect for vegetation growth.

As of now, we do not know whether vegetation will accelerate or slow down the rate of glacier melting.

1. How does the writer develop the third paragraph?
A.By explaining concepts.B.By providing some examples.
C.By analyzing causes and effects.D.By listing specific data.
2. What does the underlined word “retreating” mean in Paragraph 5?
3. What is the direct effect of global warming on the Himalayas?
A.The snowline moves up.B.Glaciers are melting faster.
C.The subnival area is wetter.D.Plants grow much better.
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The climate of the Himalayas is changing.B.Icebergs in the Himalayas have disappeared.
C.Plants are diverse in the Himalayas.D.Plant life spreads in the Himalayas.

5 . Plastic garbage is one of the world’s biggest environmental headaches. Some plastic items like water bottles and shopping bags can last for hundreds of years after being thrown away, with all this plastic rubbish disrupting ecosystems and disturbing the habitats of wildlife.

There have been several projects to help control plastic production, but researchers may have found a natural way to get rid of the products.

Waxworms, which are confusingly classed as caterpillars(毛毛虫), are the honey bee’s worst nightmares, as they lay their eggs inside their hives(蜂巢). Amateur beekeeper Federica Bertocchini decided to use plastic bags to protect the hives, however she was dumbfounded when she discover the insects were able to eat holes into the sides of the bags.

The beekeeper’s surprising findings sparked a study. Bertocchini, from the Spanish National Research Council, teamed up with scientists from Cambridge University to perform some tests.

When the team put about one hundred waxworms into a standard UK plastic shopping bag, they began feasting. After about 12 hours they’d eaten roughly 92 milligrams of the bag.

In all, this isn’t huge amount, but it’s a lot faster than other natural ways. Last year, researchers found a specific type of bacteria( 细 菌 )could eat plastic, but at a rate of 0. 13 milligrams a day, making this is a massive jump in the search for a natural way to dispose(处理) plastic.

The team is still not 100 percent sure how the worms do what they do, but they’re heralding this as an important first step to get rid of pollution.

Luckily, while that team works out the answer, plastic manufacturers have found a way to make their products much more environmentally friendly. There are three types of environmentally friendly plastics: bioplastics(which are made from corn starch), biodegradable plastics(which break down quicker) and recycled plastic.

Hopefully with these new products, we will get closer to a society that is less harmful to the environment.

1. Why is plastic garbage a huge environmental headache?
A.Because some plastic bottles can stay on the street for many years.
B.Because this kind of rubbish will do great damage to the environment for years.
C.Because more and more plastic bags will make the environment look dull and ugly.
D.Because the plastic rubbish will make the wild life get worse than before.
2. What does the underlined word “dumbfounded” mean in the third paragraph?
3. How do the waxworms deal with the plastic?
A.They make the plastic into honey.
B.They help scientist develop new plastic.
C.They eat the plastic in an environmentally friendly way.
D.They work with some plastic factories to deal with plastic faster.
4. What is the author’s feeling about the future?
A.The author is optimistic about the environment.
B.There will be more plastic products.
C.The waxworms will play a major role in the future.
D.No one is 100 percent sure what the future will be like.

6 . After two nights of staying in her apartment in Houston without power, Felicia Maten had no running water, her fingers and toes hurting from the cold. She huddled under blankets with her mother and daughter, together using their breath to warm themselves against freezing temperatures that weren't letting up.

She drove around looking for a hotel. But she couldn't find an available room, and the roads were dangerous. Finally, a neighbor suggested she go to Gallery Furniture. The owner, Jim "Mattress Mack" McIngvale, opened one of his local stores as a shelter for Texas residents displaced by the winter storms.

During the three days the makeshift shelter was open, thousands of people came in for food and warmth and hundreds slept over. "It meant so much to have somebody who doesn't even know us care that much," Maten said. "That man is full of love."

This isn't the first time McIngvale has opened his doors to people in weather emergencies. He did so during Hurricanes Katrina in 2005 and Harvey in 2017.

McIngvale began preparing for the winter storm a week in advance by buying 15,000 gallons of diesel to power the store's generator for a week or so. He took Covid---19 precautions by providing security hand sanitization(杀菌)and masks.

McIngvale got the word out about the shelter through the business' social media following and news coverage. He and his employees made specific accommodations for people, such as those with babies who need bottles warmed or senior citizens who need oxygen tanks plugged in.

"He was serving food, handing out water, going around checking on people." said Jacy Wadhams, another Texas resident living in the area for 15 years. "He really takes pride in what he does. He's an amazing person."

"We believe that we all have responsibility for the wellbeing of the community and when times get tough we try to open our doors and let people come in and regroup," said McIngvale.

1. What does the underlined word "huddled" in paragraph 1 mean?
A.Warmed up.B.Stayed hidden.
C.Kept calm.D.Crowded together.
2. Why did Maten drive to find a hotel in spite of danger?
A.She had power failure and no running water at home.
B.The extreme freezing weather would continue.
C.Gallery Furniture opened for the residents.
D.Her mother and daughter asked her to find one.
3. What can we infer from the sixth paragraph about McIngvale?
A.He is always ready to help others.
B.He has a talent for managing.
C.He is a very considerate man.
D.He is a low---key person.
4. What can we learn from McIngvale according to the text?
A.To be a businessman with conscience.
B.To be a loving and responsible person.
C.To create a well- known brand of product.
D.To fight bravely against bad weather.
2021-04-28更新 | 207次组卷 | 3卷引用:湖北省黄冈中学2021届高三下学期第三次模拟考试英语试题(含听力)

7 . People who play drums regularly for years differ from unmusical people in their brain structure and function. The results of a study by researchers from Bochum suggest that they have fewer, but thicker fibers in the main connecting tract between the brain hemispheres(半球). In addition, their motor brain areas are organized more efficiently. This is the conclusion drawn by a research team headed by Dr. Lara. It was published in the journal Brain and Behavior, online on 4 December 2019.

The researchers were interested in drummers because their movement control far surpasses that of untrained people. "Most people can only perform fine motor tasks with one hand and have problems playing different rhythms with both hands at the same time," explains Lara, "Drummers can do things that are impossible for untrained people."

The team intended to gain new insights into the organization of complex motor processes in the brain by identifying the changes in the brain caused by this training. The researchers tested 20 professional drummers who have played their instrument for an average of 17 years and currently practice for more than ten hours per week. They examined them using various MRI imaging techniques that provide insights into the structure and function of the brain. They then compared the data with measurements of 24 unmusical control subjects. Both groups had to play drums to test their abilities and were then examined in the MRI scanner.

Drummers presented clear differences in the front part of the corpus callosum(胼胝体)responsible for motor planning. The data indicated that the drummers had fewer but thicker fibers in this important connecting tract. This allows musicians to exchange information between the hemispheres more quickly than the controls.

Although drummers might be good at motor coordination, they are less active in motor tasks than that of control subjects. This phenomenon indicates that a more efficient brain organization in the areas leads to less activation in professionals.

1. Which has the closest meaning with the underlined word in Paragraph 2?
A.Correspond with.B.Go beyondC.Differ from.D.Fall behind.
2. How did the team identify the changes in drummers' brain?
A.By analyzing previous study.
B.By organizing complex motor tasks.
C.By testing their abilities and scanning the brains.
D.By comparing amateur drummers and unmusical people.
3. Which statement is true about the drummers?
A.They are more active in motor tasks.
B.They can play rhythms more quickly.
C.They have better imagination and insights.
D.They have more efficient brain organization.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Playing drums changes the brain.
B.Playing drums can be trained.
C.Playing music makes you active.
D.Playing music brings benefits.

8 . I might be letting my young son watch too much television. I am certainly watching too many of his programs. They can really be perplexing as they force you to think carefully about the mysteries of life.

For example, when Franklin (the turtle) wanted a pet, his parents didn’t want it to be a frog. They felt that frogs belong in a pond. Isn’t that where turtles belong?

And why is it that Little Bear’s animal friends can all talk and behave like people, but his friend Emily has a dog that can only bark and fetch? Tell me that isn’t a mystery!

Dog lovers can be cheered up by Kipper and his friends. These dogs are very human. However, the only time they wear clothes is when they put on bathing suits to go swimming. I’m confused!

Speaking of dogs, could Pluto ever be Goofy’s pet? I don’t get it! What did the great Mr.Disney have in mind?

And this is awful! The other day we watched a very nice little pig setting up a picnic. One of the foods was a big ham. Could it have been a soy (大豆) ham? Is there such a thing? I hope so!

Another thing that bothers me: What if Elmo isn’t real? He can’t be a mere puppet (木偶)! Hes got a better altitude than most people. I just keep wondering.

I think we’ll turn off the TV and go out for a walk. Maybe we’ll run into that mouse who dresses well but certainly doesn’t speak as clearly as the average bear.

1. What does the underlined word “perplexing” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. Why does the author think it unpleasant for a pig to eat ham?
A.Pigs don’t eat meat.B.Pigs are dirty animals.
C.Ham is too expensive.D.Ham is made from pigs.
3. How does the author feel about Elmo stories?
4. The author suggests that TV mouse_______.
A.should speak more clearlyB.should not wear good clothes
C.should not dress better than bearsD.should speak louder again next time
2021-04-24更新 | 242次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖北省黄冈市2021届高三下学期4月调研模拟考试英语试题

9 . When you hear the word "birthmark", you probably think of one of those black or brown spots that you have on your body. For me, it's different -I have them on my lips and inside my mouth. I'm used to being asked, "What are those black marks on your lips?" When I tell people they're birthmarks, they usually say, "That's strange." I used to consider them ugly. However, my mom calls them beauty marks

In pictures, I used to hide my birthmarks by pursing(噘起)my lips so I wouldn't have to deal with people's questions. As I was growing up, people wore me out with them. Some people would ask me the same questions even before knowing my name. In society I feel like we judge people by their looks before their personality.

My birthmarks are caused by a genetic condition from my mom's side of the family. My mom's mom has birthmarks on her lips, and my mom's uncle and my uncle have some on their bodies. Every year I plan to have a procedure to remove them. But when imagining the process, I always get nervous and give up.

My cousin faces a similar challenge. She has a huge birthmark that takes up her whole arm. She's never tried to hide it or change her appearance. Once, her grandmother told her that the birthmark looked extremely prominent and suggested that she should wear long sleeves more often. If my cousin had actually taken that suggestion, she wouldn't be such a person as she is.

Inspired by my cousin, I am finally accepting who I am and now I don't hesitate when someone asks me about them either. I say, "They`re beauty marks" and smile without pursing my lips.

1. How did the author feel when asked about the birthmarks?
A.She was bored to be faced with the question.
B.She felt annoyed to give others an answer.
C.She was scared to be made fun of by people.
D.She felt excited to show her difference.
2. Who has the similar birthmarks like the author?
A.Her mother.B.Her grandmother.
C.Her cousinD.Her uncle.
3. What can be inferred about the author's cousin?
A.She dislikes talking about her birthmark.
B.She is more confident than the author.
C.She never judges others by their looks.
D.She has taken her grandma's suggestion.
4. What does the underlined word "prominent" in paragraph 4 mean?

10 . Honeybees can’t swim, and when their wings are wet, they can’t fly, either. But Chris Roh and other researchers at the California Institute of Technology found that when bees drop into bodies of water, they can use their wings to produce little waves and slide toward land-like surfers who create and then ride their own waves.

As with many scientific advances-Isaac Newton’s apple or Benjamin Franklin’s lightning bolt-Dr. Roh’s experiment began with a walk. Passing Caltech’s Millikan Pond in 2016, he observed a bee on the water’s surface producing waves. He wondered how an insect known for flight could push itself through water.

Dr. Roh and his co-worker, Morteza Gharib, used butterfly nets to collect local Pasadena honeybees and observed their surf-like movements. The researchers used a wire to restrict each bee’s bodily movement, allowing close examination of their wings. They found that the bee bends its wings at a 30-degree angle, pulling up water and producing a forward force. Bees get trapped on the surface because water is roughly three times heavier than air. But that weight helps to push the bee forward when its wings move quickly up and down. It’s a tough exercise for the bees, which the researchers guess could handle about 10 minutes of the activity.

The researchers said the surf-like movement hasn’t been documented in other insects and most semiaquatic insects use their legs for propulsion, which is known as water-walking. It may have evolved in bees, they-predicted.

Dr. Roh and Dr. Gharib have imagined many practical applications for bees’ surfing. One plan is to use their observations to design robots able to travel across sky and sea. “This could be useful for search and rescues, or for getting samples of the surface of the ocean, if you can’t send a boat or helicopter,” Dr. Gharib said.

1. What does the author intend to show by mentioning Newton and Franklin?
A.Roh’s admiration for them.B.Roh’s chance discovery about bees.
C.Their outstanding talent for science.D.Their similar achievements in discovery.
2. What plays the most vital role in a bee’s moving forward on water?
A.The air weight.B.Its leg extension.
C.The water movement.D.Its continuous wingbeat.
3. What does the underlined word “propulsion” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.Fast flightB.Driving force.C.Pulling speed.D.Explosive power.
4. What does the text mainly tell us?
A.Honeybees can surf to safety.B.Bees help scientists make inventions.
C.Insects can adapt to the environment.D.Nature is a helpful guide for discovery.
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