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| 共计 107 道试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

It’s extremely important to be     1     (care) of your carbon (碳) footprint so you don’t contribute to greenhouse gas emissions (排放) and climate change. And there are tons of ways you can reduce your impact     2     the environment. You can start by lessening plastic waste.

Plastic packaging     3     (end) up in the landfill and harms the environment. When you’re out buying new things, avoid single-use products or containers     4     create a lot more waste in the environment. Instead, choose     5     (option) that have the least plastic packaging or are reusable, such as glass bottles or tupprware containers. You should also start packing food and drinks in reusable containers     6     (reduce) the waste of plastic bags or water bottles.

If you do have to get single-use products, check if they’re recyclable so they get repurposed rather than     7     (go) to a landfill. For example, take reusable bags with you to the store so you don’t have to get plastic bags at     8     cash desk.     9     (similar), avoid prepackaged fruits and vegetables if you can buy them individually.

If items like plastic     10     (throw) with your regular garbage, they will go directly to landfills. So before throwing your waste, sort out the paper, batteries, plastic containers, and glass.

2021-07-15更新 | 157次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省肇庆市2020-2021学年高一下学期期末教学质量检测英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 假设你是李华,你校英文校报计划举行“妥善处理口罩,共创卫生校园”的活动,正在针对该活动征集倡议信。请你写一封倡议信投稿。内容包括:
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

I’m writing to invite you to the community lecture     1     (concern) garbage classification. Given that most neighbors fail to classify garbage properly     2     they really try to, our community     3     (organize) this lecture in an attempt to guide this deed. Garbage classification is     4     great significance. First, not only can it cope with pollution issue     5     (effective) but more space originally     6     (occupy) by wasteland will be spared. Second, we can undeniably make     7     difference by taking advantage of recyclable garbage. To fulfill your     8     (responsible) to live an eco-life, come and join in the lecture that is expected     9     (give) at 3 p.m. next Sunday on the playground. Only with combined efforts can we make     10     (we) neighborhood better.

2021-06-19更新 | 273次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市章丘区2021届高三4月模拟考试英语试题
书信写作-介绍信 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 今年,你所在的城市开展垃圾分类活动,学校广泛宣传,你和同学都积极参与到此项活动中。请你为班级英语角写一篇短文,介绍此项活动,内容包括:
题目:Waste Classification
2021-06-15更新 | 181次组卷 | 4卷引用:陕西省宝鸡市陈仓区2021届高三下学期第一次质量检测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下列材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

If the three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) is a guideline to save the planet, garbage—sorting is     1     the efforts start. Since May 1,Beijing     2     (start) to carry out mandatory (强制性的) garbage—sorting in new efforts to better protect the environment. Under the new regulation, residents are required to classify household waste into four     3       (category): kitchen, recyclable, hazardous and other waste. People who fail to sort their garbage properly can     4     (fine) from 50 to 200 yuan, reported Xinhua.

According to CGTN, online guidelines have been launched     5     (instruct) resident show to practice better waste management. If people don't know how to sort the garbage, they can search     6     it on the WeChat account Guanchenglishi.

According to a report by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, over 90 percent of     7     public believe that garbage—sorting is important for the protection of the environment. However, garbage—sorting is still     8     big problem in China. Only 30 percent of participants think they are     9     (adequate) sorting their garbage.     10    , there is still along way to go.

2021-06-12更新 | 255次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省2021届高三临门一卷(二)英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 假设你是红星中学高二学生李华,你的英国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他对北京正在实行的垃圾分类 (garbage classification) 很感兴趣。他向你咨询相关信息,请给他回信。内容包括:
参考词:recyclable, kitchen waste, harmful waste, other waste
Dear Jim,

I’m glad to hear that you’re interested in garbage classification in Beijing



Li Hua

2021-06-10更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:北师大新教材高二下期末冲刺训练(三)-2020-2021学年高二年级英语下学期期末专项复习(北师大版2019)
书信写作-建议信 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 假定你是李华,你的澳大利亚笔友Bella发电子邮件同你间间我国城市生活垃圾分类回收的情况,请根据以下要点用英语给她回复。
参考词汇:生活垃圾 domestic garbage;垃圾分类 garbage sorting;可回收利用的recyclable
Dear Bella,


Li Hua

2021-06-09更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:期末押题预测卷01(新高考)-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(人教版2019)
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个恰当的单词或者括号内单词的正确形式。

Waste Management Booming

Several sculptures made from cans, tires and plastic bottles    1    (display) around a recyclable transfer center in Shanghai last year. The idea of making sculptures with trash is to make people aware that trash can be useful when    2    (sort) properly.

It was in 2018,    3    President Xi Jinping emphasized the importance of trash classification, that the initiative (倡议) started to get on the fast track. The question “What kind of trash are you (carrying)?” became a popular joke when Shanghai enforced a law that household waste is required to be sorted    4    four categories: recyclables, kitchen, hazardous (危险的) and residual waste.    5    many people doubted it initially, the trash sorting program has achieved great success. Moreover, in the    6    (propose) for the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025), the Central Committee said the country should accelerate the building of waste recycling systems.

Besides the efforts made by the government, many companies are entering the trash separation and recycling market. Huazhan Environment,    7    high-tech company in Jiangsu province, launched a new brand, Mr. Cat in English, selling intelligent trash stations and bins to communities.    8     (equip) with cameras, sensors and screens, the smart trash stations are    9    (interact) and help people    10    (reasonable) deal with different kinds of trash. They can also alert waste transportation companies when bins are full.

2021-06-08更新 | 215次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省淮安市2021届高三下学期5月英语试题
改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

Last weekend, fifty volunteers from our school go to help promote garbage classification in Sunshine Community. Various activities held to spread the knowledge of garbage classification. After arrive at the community, we recommended the official account we created it on WeChat to local residents. Meanwhile, some volunteers put down posters and gave out brochures. Beside, we started to sort garbage in several trash can and collected recyclable waste from door to door. After a long day of hard work, the locals had a better insight into garbage classification but raised their environmental awareness with the help of us. Back to school, the organizer shared an event online to make it wide known.

2021-06-02更新 | 228次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省临汾市2021届高三高考考前适应性训练考试(三)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . A couple of years ago, I learned this lesson. That day, I took a taxi to Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when, all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us.     1    

The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, got out of his car and started yelling bad words at us.     2     And I mean he was friendly. So, I said, “Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital! That was when my taxi driver told me what I now call: the law of the garbage truck.

    3     They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it, and if you let them, they’ll dump it on you. When someone wants to dump their problems on you, don’t take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on.     4    

I started thinking: how often do I let garbage trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people?     5    

What about you? What will happen in your life if you let more garbage trucks pass you by? Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.

A.We will surely to do that again.
B.You will be happy at what you did.
C.And it is twice as far from my home.
D.Many people are like garbage trucks.
E.The taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy.
F.That day I said, “I’m not going to do that any more.
G.The taxi driver slammed (猛踩) on his brakes and missed the other car’s back end by just inches!
2021-06-02更新 | 189次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆维吾尔自治区2021届高三第三次诊断性测试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般