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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Umar Fox寻找1978年火灾中救他的消防员,并最终与救命恩人重逢的感人故事。

1 . Umar Fox searched his whole life to look for the firefighter who saved him and his sister from a house fire in 1978. The search _________ came to an end with a heartfelt reunion.

Umar was 3 when the _________ happened in their house. He and his sister were home for Christmas break. Joseph Gilmore was one of the first people on the _________. He rushed into the fire, risking his own _________, and took the children out. Photojournalist George Rizer happened to photograph the _________.

Umar had always hoped to _________ the man. But the picture taken by Rizer was all he had, which _________ his wish not being realized. Forty-five years later, that picture ended up being _________ thanks to social media. Once Umar _________ Joseph, he and the firefighter had an emotional reunion. Umar’s sister had planned to __________, but she canceled due to illness. Joseph __________ when strong-built Umar walked in, “Oh, man! I wouldn’t want to pick you up now.”

Umar said that he and his sister “wouldn’t be __________” if it weren’t for Joseph. He went on to __________ that his act “brought more into the world”. Umar is __________ to be a father of five. His sister also “has great kids” who are “all grown up and doing big things”.

As for Joseph, he considered he was __________ doing something he did every day for 38 years.

A.related toB.dealt withC.resulted inD.applied for
昨日更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省高三大数据应用调研联合测评 (六)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Given that cancer is one of the deadliest diseases out there, any new development in our fight against it is highly praiseworthy. The latest breakthrough was made by Heman Bekele in 2023, a 14-year-old student from Virginia. The student has created a bar soap to treat skin cancer. Now, his findings have earned him the title of America’s Top Young Scientist.

Bekele remembers he always saw people who were constantly hit by the glaring sun as a child. As he grew up and began to realize the risks like skin cancer were associated with sun exposure, the boy decided to come up with solutions.

While similar treatments are available, Bekele hoped to work on a more affordable alternative, especially for those in developing countries. “I wanted to make my idea something that not only was great in terms of science but also could benefit as many people as possible,” Bekele says. It is often the simple solutions that are the most effective because soap is a daily routine for most people.

With the guidance of Deborah Isabelle, a product engineering specialist, Bekele made his soap by mixing regular soap with compounds (化合物) that slowly reactivate dendritic (枝状的) cells. When the soap is applied, it releases toll-like receptors into our skin. These receptors attach onto dendritic cells which reactivate them. The reactivated dendritic cells then join with TN io12 cells to fight cancer cells. Rather than a cure, Bekele’s soap aims to help people’s immune cells stay active while fighting skin cancer.

For now, the young scientist hopes to improve his invention and create a non-profit to distribute the soap among those who need it most. “I believe that young minds can make a positive impact on the world,” Bekele said. “I have a strong desire to know how the physical world works and how to improve the lives of its inhabitants, and this challenge gives me the perfect platform to showcase my ideas.”

1. Why is Bekele’s childhood experience mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To show his genius for scientific creation.
B.To express people’s eagerness for his soap.
C.To explain his motivation to create the soap.
D.To remind people of their similar memories.
2. What does Bekele expect about his soap?
A.It can be admirable for the design.
B.It can be available to more people.
C.It will be effective in curing any cancer.
D.It will be pioneering in terms of science.
3. What is paragraph 4 centered on?
A.The treatment principle of the soap.
B.The damage caused by skin cancer.
C.The prevention measures of skin cancer.
D.The professional evaluation of the soap.
4. Which of the following can best describe Bekele?
A.Creative and loyal.B.Ambitious and plain.
C.Curious and adaptable.D.Sympathetic and curious.
7日内更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省雄安新区部分高中高三下学期一模英语试题
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Last year, my younger brother Darrin tore the old engine out of his Dodge Challenger. Then he ________ it piece by piece, and put it back together again all by himself. He was 16. All he ________ was a Chilton’s shop manual (使用手册) for the car, his own curiosity, and a strong desire to ________ how things worked.

Later, I asked him about this ________ and how he made it. His answer was ________ — he just did it. He wanted a new car and couldn’t afford to buy another one, so this was really his only ________. He had nothing to lose and was highly ________ to make the engine work. He ________ with it, paid close attention to how he took it apart, made a lot of mistakes, and reached points where he wasn’t ________ what to do next. When that happened, he asked a friend or a friend’s dad for ________, tried this and tried that, until he finished the work. To me it was a (n) ________ achievement.

Our ________ to do hard things increases when we try doing those hard things. It is ________ limited by our own will and imagination. We learn by trying, by making mistakes, and by ________ help from those who know more sometimes just a little more-than we do.

Never ________ trying new things. The more one does, the more one can do.

A.figure outB.give awayC.bring upD.rule out
2024-04-21更新 | 106次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省沧州市部分学校高三下学期一模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The days of just teaching kids their ABCs are long gone. Modern educators are tasked with the seemingly impossible responsibility of ensuring that today’s youth are academically prepared for life outside the classroom: being self-aware, self-managing, socially aware, relationship-building and responsible decision-makers who positively contribute to society. That is quite an ask!

Social-emotional learning (SEL) answers this call and delivers upon this tall order. It is a method to improve students’ intrapersonal (内心的), interpersonal, and cognitive competence. This process improves individual students’ skills and makes for a community of successful learners willing and able to positively contribute to society. This theory truly allows individuals to develop well.

SEL has effectively predicted positive school adjustment in the school setting, promoted learning engagement, minimized discipline problems, increased high school graduation rates, and promoted future employment and adult health. A core component of SEL is helping children understand their emotions. Further, not only is it vital that youngsters can identify various emotions, but they must also be able to manage the emotions they experience.

Developing an identity is necessary for maturing adults, and SEL satisfies this requirement, In assisting students in developing their identity, SEL helps to increase self-confidence, self-compassion, identification of strengths and needs, and recognition of needs, values, and judgments.

In the classroom. SEL has been shown to positively impact students’ attitudes, behaviors, and academic performance. Further, it decreases negative behaviors, such as being off-task or aggressive, and substance abuse. SEL enhances the learning environment and makes it a safe place for learning.

Not only is SEL critical for students’ mental health, but it is also important for teachers’ mental health. SEL increases teacher-reported effectiveness for behavior management and decreases reports of teacher burnout. Ultimately, SEL creates a calmer classroom environment, which makes educating students much easier.

1. What does the underlined word “That” in Paragraph 1 stand for?
A.Teaching kids their ABCs.B.Preparing students for life beyond class.
C.All the hopes placed on students.D.Teaching students self-management.
2. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 2?
A.How to be a successful learner.B.How to meet the students’ needs.
C.What is needed for a community.D.What is social-emotional learning.
3. What is the most important part of SEL?
A.Giving students a definite identity.B.Allowing students to predict their future.
C.Guaranteeing students’ future employment.D.Helping students understand and manage emotions.
4. What can we infer about SEL from the last paragraph?
A.It is a win-win method.B.It is criticized by students.
C.It may make teachers tired.D.It is a magical tool for teachers.
2024-04-21更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省沧州市部分学校高三下学期一模英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I woke up, I felt pains all over. A pool of sticky blood surrounded my head. I lay trapped in the bottom of n smooth-walled pit (坑) with an empty water bottle.

I thought of what had happened. I was climbing down the mountain as I was admiring the beautiful scenery. Accidentally. I stepped on a loose rock. Then I slipped, fell with the rock and got stuck somewhere below the top. It was getting dark in the pit. Only my mother knew where I’d gone. I promised to have lunch with her. Thinking of this. I took my phone out and dialed her number with shaking fingers. No service. The silence, which earlier I’d valued, was now horrible.

With a sharp pain in my head, I was terrified. I knew I’d fallen far, but I wasn’t sure where I was. I called 911 because I knew by the pain that my back was severely injured, if not broken. My ear was torn badly. There was still no service. I dug through my bag to assess my supplies and found a whistle and some wipes.

I put the whistle around my neck and blew, though I knew no one would hear me. It was 1:15 pm and I was miles from the town where I lived. I used the wipes to clean off as much blood as I could. I rested. Then I screamed, blew my whistle, and let myself think the unthinkable. What if they can’t find me? What if this is it?

I decided to get moving. I climbed through a small opening, but when I peered over the next edge, my heart sank: there was a 30-foot drop. There was no way down. I was trapped.

I knew with that extreme Arizona heat in the day and bitter desert cold at night, I wouldn’t last long. But I thought my mother was sure to call the police for help if she couldn’t get in touch with me. With a little hope, I prayed the police would send a helicopter (直升机) to my resecu.

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Around five hours later, a growing buzz (嗡嗡声) in the air broke the silence.


Though the pilot saw me, it was difficult for the team to get to me.

2024-04-19更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省沧州市部分学校高三下学期一模英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。这篇文章主要介绍了中国私营航天公司蓝箭航天研发的ZQ-2 Y3火箭,它于2023年9月9日从酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射升空,将三颗卫星送入轨道。
6 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The ZQ-2 Y3 rocket, developed by Chinese privately-owned aerospace company LandSpace,     1     (launch) into space on September 9th, 2023 from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, taking three satellites into orbit.

It is the second successful flight for the company with the ZQ-2 series rocket, the     2     (late) example of Chinese privately-owned aerospace companies sending satellites into orbit. The launch successfully delivered three commercial satellites into the     3     (plan) orbit about 460 kilometers above the Earth, further highlighting the     4     (mature) and stability of the ZQ-2 carrier rocket, and also     5     (mark) a step forward for the company and China’s commercial aerospace industry.

The ZQ-2 Y3 has     6     total length of 49.5 meters, which is capable of placing a 1.5-ton payload into a typical sun-synchronous orbit at about 500 kilometers above the Earth. Future models could ultimately increase the payload to four tons,     7     can facilitate the deployment (部署) of low earth orbit satellites and cargo spacecraft.

Now China is home     8     world-class enterprises in the fields of raw materials, electronic information, and equipment required for rocket manufacturing (制造).     9     (obvious), the rapid development of China’s commercial aerospace companies and the domestically developed rockets with cost advantages     10     (benefit) China’s Internet constellation (互联网星座) construction plan greatly in the future.

2024-04-19更新 | 150次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省沧州市部分学校高三下学期一模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

7 . NIH Summer Internship (实习生) Program in Biomedical Research (SIP)

This program is to provide a developmental training experience for promising high school students who have expressed a strong interest in or are studying disciplines related to biomedical sciences.

Applicants must be:

* 17 years of age or older

* high school seniors at the time of application

* able to pass the Federal background check

* within 40 miles of the NIH campus on which they will intern if they are 17 years of age (this requirement does not apply to applicants who are 18 and older)

* having American citizenship or permanent residency

For minors under 18 years of age, if required by state or local government law, work permits must be obtained. A written agreement of a parent or guardian is also required.

Complete your application

You must use the NIH Application Center to apply for this program:

1. After you complete the required sections of your profile, you will be asked to select a preferred program. Choose “Summer internships for high school students”.

2. You must select “Apply” next to “High School Summer Internship Program” for your application to be considered for this program.

3. To complete your application, import any relevant information from your profile.

You must also submit:

* Coursework & Exams—a list of coursework and grades

* CV/Resume (简历)—a list of your education, experience, and other relevant history

* Letter/Statement—a cover letter broadly describing your prior research experience, your current interests and career goals

* References—letters containing the names and contact information of two referees

1. What is the purpose of the program?
A.To provide training chances.B.To offer teenagers job positions.
C.To inspire students’ interest in science.D.To select promising high school students.
2. What is a requirement to participates in the program?
A.Having intern experience.B.Majoring in biomedical science.
C.Living on or near the NIH campus.D.Being U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
3. What must be included in the submission?
A.Application fee.B.Reference books.
C.Personal photos.D.Recommendation letters.
2024-04-19更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省沧州市部分学校高三下学期一模英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What do we learn from the conversation about Miss Rowling’s first book?
A.It was about a little animal.
B.It took her six years to write.
C.It was about a little girl and her pet.
2. Why does Miss Rowling consider her very lucky?
A.She knows how to write best-selling novels.
B.She started writing when she was very young.
C.She can make a living by doing what she likes.
2024-04-17更新 | 18次组卷 | 4卷引用:河北省秦皇岛市青龙满族自治县青龙部分学校联考2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Recent experiments exposed four common disease-causing bacteria to a Mars-like environment with its lack of water, insufficient atmospheric pressure, deadly radiation and poisonous salts. The bacteria remained alive for various periods of time, researchers report in the January Astrobiology.

In 2020, a team of scientists found that several bacterial species that live on or inside the human body were able to grow in a medium like the nutrient-poor conditions. That made some of the researchers wonder how such bugs would hold up under the unforgiving environment of Mass. So several members of that team, along with microbiologist Tommaso Zaccaria, did the experiment about four microbes (微生物), which usually live harmlessly on or in us but can lend to diseases when stressed.

“At the beginning, we thought that the environment on Mars would have a harmful effect on the cells so it would limit their growth.” says Zaccaria, a microbiologist in Cologne. “But instead, we saw that it was the opposite.”

He and his colleagues are now trying to figure out just how the microbes held on. Perhaps on Mars, the bacteria managed to find small areas with enough water, nutrients and protection from the deadly UV radiation. Zeccaria says. The researchers are also interested in determining how the human body will respond to bugs that have gone through such hard conditions.

The results suggest that human missions to Mars should bring plenty of different antibiotics (抗生素) to deal with disease-causing bacteria surviving on the Martian surface. And since we don’t want to accidentally mistake a terrestrial (地球上的) bug for a native Martian one while searching for life on Mars, Zaccaria also recommends that areas of the Red Planet be set aside like national parks, where humans would send only robotic vehicles and not our bacteria-carrying bodies.

Waters, a scientist who was not involved in the experiments, points out that human intelligence will hopefully find ways to solve such problems, which shouldn’t scare us away from sending people beyond our planet.

1. What is the purpose of the experiment?
A.To show the similarity between the earth and Mars.
B.To prove that some microbes have strong ability to live.
C.To find out how some bacteria survive tough environment.
D.To explain how harmless microbes lead to diseases under stress.
2. What might be Zaccaria’s reaction to the findings?
3. What might kill bacteria on Mars?
A.High stress.B.Certain radiation.C.Salty water.D.Much heat.
4. Which of the following does Zaccaria agree with?
A.Setting up more national parks on the earth.
B.Continuing to search the whole Mars for life.
C.Bringing more microbes to Mars for further research.
D.Leaving special areas for robotic vehicles on Mars.
2024-04-17更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省部分学校高三下学期语数英第一次模拟联合检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Super communicators are people who are consistently able to create real connections with others just by listening and talking. The following are four habits of super communicators.

They know what kind of conversation they’re having. Super communicators are usually able to respond accordingly. If you’re having a practical conversation, your friend might ask you to help make hard decisions.     1     If your friend is just expressing his feelings, you just need to be a good listener.

They prove they’re listening. There are plenty of ways to appear like you’re listening, like making eye contact or nodding. To do that, experts suggest a technique called “cycle for understanding”. Ask a question and listen to the response. Repeat what they just told you. Ask your conversation partner if you got what they said correct.     2    

They ask a lot of the right questions. Research shows that highly effective communicators tend to ask 10 to 20 times as many questions as everyone else. They may simply be follow-up questions like “What happened next?”. Super communicators also ask questions that get people to open up.     3     They ask about people’s values or experiences and create an opportunity for emotional connection.

    4     The goal of a discussion isn’t to impress someone, convince someone or wait for their turn to speak. It’s to genuinely comprehend someone else’s point of view and share their own views accordingly. The right response creates an atmosphere of trust and openness that both parties can benefit from.     5    

A.They aim to understand.
B.Experts call them “deep questions”.
C.They are persuasive communicators.
D.The decisions should be easy to carry out.
E.This practice sounds simple but is powerful.
F.Then you should be ready to give good advice.
G.And that is actually the most magical thing that can happen.
共计 平均难度:一般