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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。作者介绍了钢琴家、作曲家和技术专家Zubin Kanga如何利用先进技术改变音乐表演形式的。

1 . For over a decade, Zubin Kanga, a pianist, composer and technologist, has changed the limits of the forms of musical performances. He has both organized and performed shows that have pushed barriers, with motion sensors, artificial intelligence (AI), live-generated 3D visuals and virtual reality among the technological advancements used to unlock new possibilities of music and performances.

Kanga’s approach to employing cutting-edge technology was first informed by the relative limitations of his chosen instrument. “The piano is a very accurate technology,” he says. “From the early 20th century till now it hasn’t really changed at all. It’s an amazing instrument, but it does have certain limitations in terms of the types of sound you can create.”

One of the early works is Steel on Bone, composed by Kanga himself. He performs the piece using MiMU multi-sensor gloves. “I can put up one finger, and that’ll produce a particular sound,” Kanga explains. “And then I can control that sound just by moving my wrist through the air — I can do that with lots of different gestures.”

“For Steel on Bone, I’m actually playing inside the piano with these steel knitting (编织) needles, and getting all these interesting effects on the strings. Then I’m using samples of them. Sometimes I’m using live delays and operating them. The sound can change depending on how my hands are moving. It allows me to make a very theatrical piece, and people can see this immediate connection between how I’m moving — these very big, almost conductor-like gestures through the air — and the way the sound is changing,” said Kanga.

This is just the start, and Kanga goes on to be enthused with the use of motion sensors to make music, the possibilities that AI offers composers as a tool, and how virtual reality could transform performances and more.

1. What do technological advancements do for music and performances?
A.Remove music barriers.
B.Bring new performance forms.
C.Popularize musical performances.
D.Make performances professional.
2. Why does Kanga talk about the piano in paragraph 2?
A.To indicate its stability.
B.To prove its rare accuracy.
C.To show it has a long history.
D.To clarify why he uses technology.
3. How does Kanga perform Steel on Bone?
A.By moving his hands in the air.B.By pressing the piano keys.
C.By beating the steel knitting needles.D.By making very small gestures.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Technology: When It Replaces Music
B.Virtual Reality: Future of Performances
C.Zubin Kanga: When Music Meets Technology
D.AI Music: From Composing to Performing
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2 . “Mayday! We got Mayday!” Frank Pisano screamed over the micro-phone to the air control tower at John Wayne Airport last June. One of the two engines on his 1975 Cessna had failed, and he was now on a collision course with one of the busiest highways in America—Interstate 405, just south of Los Angeles—and there was no stopping it.

Driving south on the 405, near the airport’s runway, was John Meffert. A fire department captain, Meffert, 47, was heading home from his shift. Then a low-flying plane caught his eye. After he took a second glance, a thought crossed his mind: “This plane’s going to hit me,” Meffert told Fox 8.

He was right. The plane knocked into the center highway, popped up a few feet, and then hit the front of Meffert’s SUV. It finally stopped after hitting the divider on the southbound side. Meffert pulled over. He was unhurt, so he turned his attention to the plane. He ran toward the smoke billowing from it—and then he saw Frank’s wife, Janan Pisano, pop her head up on the passenger side.

By the time Meffert reached the aircraft, part of the fuselage (机身) was on fire and Janan, who was covered in blood, was on the wing trying to pull her husband from the wreck. Meffert, afraid the plane would explode, guided her to safety behind it. At this point, traffic had come to a stop, and two nurses jumped out of their cars to help lead Janan farther away as Meffert ran back for the pilot.

“I’m going to get you out,” Meffert said as he positioned himself under the pilot’s arms and carefully lifted him from the seat. He dragged the pilot off the wing and carried him to the side of the freeway to safety, where they watched flames swallow the plane.

Remarkably, Meffert’s car was the only one hit by the plane. Had Meffert been a second or two faster, Frank told the Orange County Register, the left propeller (螺旋桨) would have torn the top off his SUV and killed him.

“I play all the what-ifs—going slower, going faster. It could have been in a very different situation,” Meffert told Fox 8. “We just had a lot of angels.”

1. What was the reason for the accident?
A.The plane hit a SUV.B.Frank was not a good pilot.
C.One of the engines didn’t work.D.The plane landed at a wrong place.
2. What damage did the plane do to Meffert?
A.It hit part of Meffert’s car.B.It set Meffert’s car on fire.
C.It caused Meffert covered in blood.D.It threw Meffert into the air.
3. Why did Meffert manage to carry the pilot out of the plane?
A.Because he knew how to perform first aid.
B.Because the plane couldn’t fly any more.
C.Because he didn’t want to cause a traffic jam.
D.Because the plane might explode.
4. How did Meffert feel about the outcome of the accident?
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3 . The latest photo taken at China’s well-known Tsinghua University became a hit, where a student was seen using his laptop while riding on a bike. The moral of the story is that wasting time on things like commuting between university facilities becomes unacceptable, since the pressure to graduate top of the class is so intense.

Into the real world, working extra hours is a common practice of China’s most brilliant figures in technology. In finite overtime, premature balding (秃顶) and hospital admissions are all but part of standard professional life for the nation’s brightest. Similarly, blue-collar workers don’t have it easier. Food delivery riders are reportedly trapped by an algorithm (算法) that automatically works out the best delivery time for app users, and never minds if the workers are at the risk of road accidents.

People are wondering whether all this hard work really makes life better. Actually, it may well be making things harder for everyone, but there doesn’t seem to be a way out. A popular sense of being stuck in an ever so exhausting rat race where everyone loses has given rise to a new buzzword: neijuan (involution). The Chinese word, neijuan, is made up of the characters for “inside” and “rolling”, and is understood as something that spirals in on itself, a process that traps participants who know they won’t benefit from it.

“From a sociological point of view, involution is unavoidable because of society’s structural shifts,” said Yan Fei, a professor of sociology at Tsinghua University, “One big question for the middle class is how to remain in the middle class. Meanwhile, the lower class still hopes to change their fate. But the middle and upper classes aren’t so much looking upward, and they are marked by a deep fear of falling downward. Their greater fear is perhaps losing what they already have,” he explained.

1. Why is the photo of a student in Tsinghua University mentioned in Paragraph 1?
A.To clarify the writing purpose.
B.To present an argument.
C.To introduce the topic of the passage.
D.To describe a character.
2. What can we learn from the passage?
A.I’s common to work overtime in the real world.
B.Neijuan reflects the fierce competition in China.
C.Food delivery riders benefit a lot from the apps.
D.People live a better life due to their great efforts.
3. What can be inferred from what Yan Fei said in the last paragraph?
A.The lower class suffers a deep fear of falling downward.
B.The middle class tries to be a member of the upper class.
C.The greatest fear of every class is to lose what they already have.
D.Involution is inescapable in the development of society for each class.
4. From which column of the newspaper can the passage be taken?
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4 . School had just started in August when Conner began throwing up for no reason. It wasn’t long before the boy also began suffering terrible headaches. In February a 1.7-inch tumor (肿瘤) was found in his brain and Conner was set to begin to receive radiation (放射疗法) treatments. Before treatments start, technicians make a white plastic mask to keep patients immovable and protect unaffected parts of the brain while radiation is directed at the tumor.

It’s an unpleasant experience and a frightening time. The doctor Cook decided that the masks could at least be made to look like something fun — maybe Batman or Mickey Mouse. “I started thinking these masks are white and not fun at all for kids,” she told The Greenville News. “I felt like if we could make it a little more fun for them, they might be a little more excited about coming in for the treatment. Because the kids are afraid. While the treatment itself isn’t physically painful, it can cause a lot of anxiety. And the treatment is required daily for up to six weeks.” And the masks really make a difference. “The kids really like them because they get to choose something themselves.” Cook said.

When new children come in for the treatment, Cook finds out what their favorite movies or cartoon characters are. Then she sets about creating the mask by drawing the image she wants onto paper, sticking it with glue, and once it’s dry, she applies the colors using paints. Each child can take the mask home once the treatment ends.

“Coming to the doctor always means fear and pain. I wanted to make it fun,” she said. “The kids really love it. It’s something they enjoy and can relate to. And it fills an interest I have. I get great pleasure from it.”

1. Why was the plastic mask used according to Paragraph 1?
A.To check the patient’s brain.
B.To reduce the patient’s headache.
C.To protect the patient’s brain during the treatment.
D.To prevent the patient from throwing up.
2. What can we know about the radiation treatment?
A.It can be received at home.
B.It may make the patients feel anxious.
C.It has to be finished in a month.
D.It will cause huge physical pain for patients.
3. What does Cook do to help the children being treated?
A.Make the masks more interesting to kids.
B.Show them their favorite movies or TV shows.
C.Dress them up as cartoon characters.
D.Offer them some free masks as gifts.
4. What does the author want to show by telling this story?
A.Health matters to everyone.
B.Creativity leads to success.
C.Love can treat the terrible sickness.
D.Kindness can bring warmth and joy.
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了女孩Emily Bhatnagar从书籍中找到了一种将消极情绪转化为积极情绪的方法。她决定收集书籍并将它们分发给在当地医院接受癌症治疗的孩子们。她希望通过捐书活动,安慰更多的孩子们。

5 . Emily Bhatnagar has always loved reading. “Growing up, I was really shy, so I always turned to books,” she said. “They became my best friends when I didn’t have one.”

In 2019, when Emily was in her second year of high school, her dad suffered from cancer. The news was difficult for the family. Books became an even bigger comfort, and she started thinking about families in similar situations. When her father recovered, she came up with a plan to help others. “The idea came from the fact that there were kids who were facing the same problem,” she said.

Then, Emily started the book drive in her hometown, Gaithersburg, Maryland. The goal was to collect books and give them to kids being treated for cancer in local hospitals. Her father was not surprised by this plan. “She always wants to do things for the neighborhood,” he said. Since the start of the book drive, which she calls For Love & Buttercup, Emily has collected more than 10,000 books.

Emily had no idea how much attention her work would get. She started by posting on social media, asking people in her area to donate. “I was expecting maybe two or three neighbors to do it,” she said. “But it ended up blowing up,” especially when newspapers began reporting it.

The Children’s Inn is one of the places where Emily has donated books. “Donations like Emily’s share a piece of the world with kids and families that they may not experience,” said its director, Aisha Campbell. Emily continues to run the book drive with her parents’ help. She hopes to one day make it reach more kids. The memory of the first time she visited children who’d received her books sticks with her. “It was the best day of my life,” she said. “I realized I wanted to do this type of work forever.”

1. What made Emily come up with the book drive?
A.Her father’s illness.B.Her care for others.
C.Her habit of reading.D.Her own shyness.
2. What did Emily’s For Love & Buttercup want to do?
A.Help her father defeat cancer.B.Give her father a surprise.
C.Comfort other kids in need.D.Collect books for hospitals.
3. How did Emily feel about the book drive at first?
4. What is Emily’s future plan?
A.Getting more help from her parents.B.Starting another book drive very soon.
C.Making her program benefit more kids.D.Writing books about her experiences.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . Qin Yueyu has managed to fulfill a dream that initially seemed unusual. Her reproduction (仿制品) based on the murals (壁画) at the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang gains online popularity and sees her fame grow, as technique and attention to detail wins many admirers.

Qin’s creation that was brought to public attention was meant to be displayed for her graduation. It runs 2.1 meters high and is her re-creation of part of the mural in Cave 159 of the Mogao Grottoes, a piece from Tang Dynasty. Qin restored every vivid detail of the mural and made sure its size was the same as the original. Her work made its way to the list of trending topics on social media platform Sina Weibo at the end of May. She has also attracted more than 10,000 followers to her personal account on Xiaohongshu, another social media platform.

Qin developed an interest in painting at 6. Then, the cartoon Nine-Colored Deer produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio introduced her to the charm of Dunhuang. The strong elements of Dunhuang scenery in the cartoon left a deep impression on her. “I became curious about Dunhuang and more interested in art,” she recalls.

In the beginning, Qin struggled with every step of mural reproduction. “The only way is to practice over and again,and learn from your mistakes,” she says. Through trial and error, Qin continued perfecting her skills and has reproduced dozens of well-known murals in Mogao Grottoes.

Qin feels very lucky that she can now make a living by doing something she likes. She is glad that her efforts have helped popularize the murals. “I hope I can tap into more stories about Dunhuang and present them in my future works.”

1. What can we learn about Qin’s creation from paragraph 2?
A.It was created based on a piece from Song Dynasty.
B.It is smaller than the original mural in Mogao Grottoes.
C.It was originally designed to be on show for her graduation.
D.It has attracted 1,000 followers to her account on Xiaohongshu.
2. Which of the following is NOT a reason for Qin’s success?
A.Making a living by painting.B.Sticking to her dream.
C.Paying attention to detail.D.Learning through trial and error.
3. What can be inferred according to the passage?
A.Qin has made a big fortune through her work.
B.Qin will pay a visit to Dunhuang in the future.
C.Qin enjoys making money by popularizing murals.
D.Qin will continue to create mural reproduction of Dunhuang.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Artist Becomes Curious about DunhuangB.Murals of Cave 159 Wins Admirers
C.Artist Paints a Career from GrottoesD.Mogao Grottoes Gains Online Popularity
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7 . Last week, social media posts about a cooking course for school kids, as part of a life skill program to be delivered nationwide this September, went viral (迅速传播) on the Internet. It quickly became the top trending topic on China’s Twitter-like Weibo, sparking heated discussions among netizens.

Based on a new national curriculum standard for compulsory education launched by China’s Ministry of Education (MOE), it outlines different cooking and nutrition courses for students in different grades.

It is recommended that first and second graders learn how to peel fruits and brew tea and acquire a basic knowledge of nutrition as well as the ability to take part in basic cooking at home. Students in grades five and six are expected to acquire basic cooking skills such as frying and stewing, and be able to prepare a nutritious meal for their own families.

Apart from essential skills such as cooking and housekeeping, the program is also designed to enrich their knowledge in production work as well as services.

Many netizens hailed the life skill program and expressed their happiness toward the changing pattern of education.

“This should have been done earlier. Children nowadays lack adequate physical activities and can barely distinguish wheat from rice crops,” commented a user on Douyin. So far the comment has gained 24,000 likes and received nearly 500 replies.

Some netizens, however, expressed their concern that as a non-core curriculum, the program cannot be fully carried out in schools, while others are worried that the program will merely put an extra burden on parents.

“Through the learning and experience, students will develop respect for labor, the ability to make innovations and apply knowledge and skills in real life, and a sense of social responsibilities. Schools should take the lead in teaching life skills, while families should play a supporting role.” said Gu Jianjun, a MOE official.

1. What can we learn about the life skill program from the passage?
A.Cooking and nutrition courses vary for students in different grades.
B.The program is designed only to enrich students’ cooking knowledge.
C.Students in grades one and two are required to prepare a nutritious meal.
D.Fifth and sixth graders are expected to learn how to peel fruits and brew tea.
2. What does the underlined word “hailed” in Paragraph 5 mean?
3. Why do some netizens worry about the program?
A.It should have been done earlier.
B.It will put an extra burden on students.
C.It will not be put into effect completely.
D.Children nowadays lack adequate physical activities.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Teaching life skills became popular among schools.
B.A new national curriculum standard went viral online.
C.A cooking course for school kids caused discussions online.
D.Learning cooking developed a sense of social responsibilities.
2023-01-30更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省益阳市2022-2023学年高三9月质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . The following beach destinations range from ocean-side to lake-side locations, each one offering unique and quality experiences.

Channel Island

You’ll have difficulty finding a more scenic and adventurous beach getaway with an abundance of sea life. Whales and dolphins visit the area every year. You can also camp on one of the islands in Channel Islands National Park. Hiking, exploring tide pools, diving, surfing-the activities are boundless.

Gulf Islands National Seashore

Imagine cotton candy-blue water, sugar-white sand and lots of lemonade-yellow sun and the picture will look a lot like Gulf Islands National Seashore. Spend a day at Perdido Key or overnight at Fort Pickens campground. Or consider the “Coastal Curiosities” activity at historic Fort Pickens.

Indiana Dunes National Park

The park hugs 15 miles of the southern shore of Lake Michigan. From camping to flying kites to a sunset stroll, this lakeshore will continually attract you. You will enjoy 45 miles of trails over rugged dunes (沙丘), mysterious wetlands, and peaceful forests. There are eight beach access points along the shoreline and most parking lots are open from 7 AM until 30 minutes after sunset.

1. Which destinations are ocean-side locations?
A.All the three destinations.
B.Channel Islands & Indiana Dunes National Park.
C.Channel Islands & Gulf Islands National Seashore.
D.Gulf Islands National Seashore & Indiana Dunes National Park.
2. Which destination best suits people travelling by car?
A.Channel IslandsB.Gulf Islands National Seashore
C.Perdido KeyD.Indiana Dunes National Park.
3. What activity can you enjoy in all the three destinations?
A.Surfing in the oceanB.Going camping
C.Watching sea lifeD.Hiking over dunes.
2023-01-30更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省益阳市2022-2023学年高三9月质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . A food allergy (过敏) is a medical condition that occurs when the body’s protection system perceives certain foods as a threat and responds to them with an allergic reaction.

Symptoms (症状) of a food allergy

    1     However, a severe reaction can take up to a few hours following exposure. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. And they may differ each time a specific allergen appears. Symptoms can include: a skin rash or hives, swelling of the face or lips, or feeling lightheaded or dizzy.     2     That can send the body into shock or make it difficult to breathe.

Judging a food allergy

Doctors consider a number of factors when investigating a food allergy. Those include both a patient’s symptoms and family history of allergies. A physical examination may be performed to rule out any other conditions.     3    

Treating a food allergy

It may not be possible for a patient to completely avoid foods that induce (导致) an allergic reaction. For minor reactions, you can take some medicine. For severe reactions, however, turn to doctors for help.


The only sure way to prevent an allergic reaction to food is to carefully avoid the allergens. This can be a difficult process. That requires patients to carefully study food labels to ensure the food is safe for them.     5     So it’s necessary to inform family or friends of the food that can cause a food allergy.

A.Avoiding harm from allergy.
B.Preventing an allergic reaction.
C.Not everyone knows what a food allergy is.
D.But many people don’t know the allergens.
E.Other tests can include blood test or oral food challenge.
F.An allergic reaction to food usually occurs within minutes.
G.For some people, certain allergens can bring a severe reaction.
2023-01-27更新 | 77次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省益阳市2022-2023学年高三上学期期末质量检测英语试题
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10 . If you’re in the market for a new food or water dish for your cat, you might want to check out Free the Ocean’s Bamboo Cat Bowls. These are made from bamboo fibers and rice husks(稻壳).

The presence of bamboo—used as a renewable filler in the dish’s composition—is part of what makes it greener. Bamboo, which is technically a grass, grows faster than trees. Not surprisingly, it produces more oxygen and absorbs more carbon dioxide than trees.

Rice husk is a byproduct of rice production that poses a challenge to farmers, due to its resistance to decomposition (分解), digestion, and low nutritional value as animal feed. Its use as a filler provides a purpose for an otherwise useless material and, along with the bamboo, reduces the need for plastic fillers.

While plastic is still needed to make the cat bowl, the rationale behind their increased eco-friendliness is that less actual plastic is required when more natural fillers are used. The total amount of plastic required to make each product is reduced, because the bamboo fibres make up a significant percentage of the overall composite(合成) material.

Plastic cat dishes harbor bacteria even if pet owners clean them regularly, which can put your cat’s health at risk. However, the bamboo cat bowl is BPA-free and will not release harmful chemicals into your pet’s water the way that conventional plastic can. Bamboo is naturally antibacterial. And, of course, you can throw it in the top rack of the dishwasher for easy cleaning.

One customer said, “I prefer these cat food bowls and so do my cats. The cats like the low lip that makes it easy to eat out of and I like the fact that they’re made of bamboo and that purchasing them makes a difference for plastic pollution! Easy to wash in the dishwasher.”

1. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To recommend a new product.
B.To introduce the benefits of bamboos.
C.To raise people’s environmental awareness.
D.To call on people to make good use of bamboos.
2. What does the underlined word “rationale” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
3. What can we learn about the bamboo cat bowl?
A.It is cheap to buy.B.It is light to carry.
C.It is safe to use.D.It is easy to make.
4. How is paragraph 5 developed?
A.By listing numbers.B.By giving examples.
C.By asking questions.D.By making comparisons.
2023-01-27更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省益阳市2022-2023学年高三上学期期末质量检测英语试题
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