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Long March exhibition

The Shanghai History Museum is putting on an exhibition to mark the 60th anniversary of the Long March. On show are more than 220 photos and 40 items that explain with pictures how the communist Red Army drew back from its besieged(被围困的) bases in Jiangxi Province and fought its way to northern Shanxi Province in the mid-1930s.Explanations are all in Chinese. The show will end on November 20.

Time: 10:00 am-4:00 pm

Address: 1286 Hongqiao Road

Admission: 8 yuan for Chinese /15 yuan for foreigners

Thai elephants

Eight elephants from Thailand are entertaining visitors at Changfeng Park by riding bikes, playing basketball, balancing on a pole, dancing and blowing a mouthorgan(口琴).People are encouraged to have a tug-of-war(拔河比赛)with the animals or lie on the ground and have the elephants walk over them. The elephants give three shows a day at 9:30 am, 3:30 pm and 8:00 pm and there is an additional show at l:30 pm at weekends. The show will end on November 15.

Address: 189 Daduhe Road

Admission: 30-40 yuan

Dancing dolphins

Dolphins jumping from the water to touch a ball, swaying their bodies to music, kissing people and doing math by tapping their tails have made the dolphinarium(海豚馆) in Peace Park an attraction for children. Seals and sea lions also perform.

Hours: 10:30 am, 4:00 pm, and 7:30 pm

Admission: 20 yuan for adults and 10 yuan for children. (252 words)

1. If you go to visit the Long March exhibition with an Australian, how much will you pay altogether for the admission?
A.23 yuan.B.30 yuan.C.16 yuan.D.20 yuan.
2. Which of the following is NOT done by the Thai elephants?
A.Riding bicycles.B.Doing math.
C.Having a tug-of-war with people.D.Blowing a mouth-organ.
3. The dolphinarium in Peace Park is a hall where you can see ______.
A.only seals and sea lions perform
B.only dolphins perform
C.not only dolphins but also seals and sea lions perform
D.only seals perform
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Have you ever forgotten to lock the door of your house? Or, have you ever forgotten to switch off the TV or computer?     1    , and can sometimes lead to problems. However, in the not-too-distant future, we will be living in smart homes that will help solve those problems.

Intelligent controls

Today, we have to use switches for your lights, and remote controls for our TVs and air conditioners. In the future, we will be using advanced technology every day for automatic control of just about everything in our home. You will no longer have to think about turning switches on and off yourself.     2    , so everything will be ready for you.

Regular Health Checks

In addition, your smart home will be monitoring your health for you every day. Your bed, for example, will record how well you sleep every night.     3    . If you start to have sleep or weight problems, it will send a warning to your phone. It will also give you suggestions on a healthier diet and how to sleep better.

No more disasters

    4    . For example, if a water pipe starts leaking, or if there is a short in the electrical wiring, your smart home will detect it and provide you with the relevant information. This way, you will be able to fix the problem before your home becomes flooded or catches fire.

This smart technology is not a fantasy.     5     and being used in some homes. In this sense, the home of tomorrow is already the home of today. Nevertheless, it will take some years, before most new homes begin to use this new technology.

A.Natural disasters happen all the time
B.It will also be checking your body weight
C.These kinds of things happen to us all the time
D.Many of these new inventions are already available
E.The smart technology is being widely-used in our daily life
F.Your home will also learn your daily schedule and preferences
G.Smart homes will be able to prevent serious damage from accidents
2020-08-09更新 | 200次组卷 | 7卷引用:浙江省衢州市2019-2020学年高一下学期期末教学质量检测英语试题

3 . Iceland is a large island. In fact, it’s the world’s 18th largest island. Most of the population, however, lives in the southwestern part of the country, in or around the capital city of Reykjavik. By its very name, you’d expect Iceland to be mostly ice. Looking at Iceland on a map, you’ll notice it sits just outside the Arctic Circle. Despite this location and its name, Iceland actually has a temperate climate, because it is warmed by the Gulf Stream. The Gulf Stream also helps keep Iceland’s coastal ports ice-free through the winter.

There is plenty of ice on Iceland, though. The country consists of a large plateau(高原)that includes fields of sand, mountains and glaciers. Over 60% of Iceland is tundra(苔原). About 14% of Iceland is lakes and glaciers. Only about 24% of the country has plants or vegetation of any kind, which covers a vast area in the south of the country.

Iceland was settled in the late 800s and early 900s by Norsemen from the Scandinavian country of Norway. Other settlers also came from Ireland and Scotland. From the 13th century up until 1918, Iceland was part of the Norwegian and later Danish monarchies. For most of that time, the small Icelandic population depended upon fishing and farming to make a living. For hundreds of years, Iceland was one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world. After World War II, international aid and industrialization of the fishing industry turned Iceland into one of the wealthiest countries in the world. In 1994, Iceland became part of the European Economic Area(经济区), which allowed its economy to grow even more.

Iceland boasts one of the youngest islands in the world. Surtsey rose out of the ocean during a series of volcanic eruptions between 1963 and 1968. Today, only scientists who study the growth of new life can occasionally visit the volcanic island of Surtsey.

1. What can we know about Iceland according to the passage?
A.It lies in the Arctic Circle.
B.Its capital city is very crowded
C.Many people live in the east.
D.It has a fairly mild temperature.
2. What is mainly talked about in the third paragraph?
A.Iceland’s history.
B.Iceland’s geography.
C.Iceland’s economy.
D.Iceland’s politics.
3. What can we infer about Surtsey from the last paragraph?
A.People live on fishing.
B.No human beings live there at all.
C.There are many visitors.
D.Science is developing fast there.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . If you really want to enjoy what Bermuda has to offer, cruising (乘船游览) there is the way to go. Not only is it fun, it is also affordable. It’s advisable to come in summer (Mid May- August).


Most tourists prefer small cruise lines that dock in downtown Hamilton. It’s an ideal destination since it’s right on Front Street, from where you can easily get to Hamilton, the capital of Bermuda, and other parts of the island. Large cruise lines dock at Royal Navy Dockyard, which is inconveniently situated at the far western end of the Island.


Getting off a small cruise, you can easily go to Hamilton and other places by bus. From Royal Navy Dockyard, you can take a bus, a taxi or a boat. The most saving way of travelling around is by buying a day’s pass. You will enjoy unlimited transportation services using any public means.


The Bermuda Caves (洞穴)

This is a popular attraction that you have to tour. Anyone who loves to explore caves will definitely enjoy this place. You’d better wear sports shoes as some caves are a bit wet and slippery.

Beaches of Bermuda

Your trip to Bermuda is surely incomplete without spending some time at the amazing pink-sand beaches. Try Tobacco Bay and Horseshoe Bay, which are suitable for family visits. Bermuda is the world’s most famous shipwreck (沉船) site. If you’re a good diver, there are too many shipwrecks waiting to be discovered.

Sea Glass

If you want to pass time doing something for fun, head straight to the Alexander battery beach to collect lots of sea glass.

1. When is the best time to cruise Bermuda?
2. What does the author suggest a tourist do?
A.Buy a day’s pass to travel around the island.
B.Book a small ship at Royal Navy Dockyard.
C.Keep away from the crowded beaches.
D.Collect sea glass at Horseshoe Bay.
3. What is most likely to be an adventurer’s dream about Bermuda?
A.Exploring the far eastern end of the island.
B.Taking a bus to visit the capital city.
C.Diving to discover sunken ships.
D.Walking in the Bermuda Caves.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Before the end of the year, employees at Ubiquitous Energy, a company in Redwood City, Calif, will gather in a window-lined conference room to stare toward the future. That’s because their new glass windows will offer more than an amazing view of the North California landscape. They will also be able to power the company’s lights, computers and air conditioners.

Several years in the making, Ubiquitous’ energy-producing glass is a remarkable technological achievement. Its power lies in the layers of organic polymers (聚合物) between sheets of glass. As light enters the window,the flow of electrons between the polymer layers creates an electric current, which is then collected by tiny wires in the glass.

“It’s sort of like a transparent computer display run in reverse (反过来),” says Veeral Hardev, director of business development at Ubiquitous Energy. “Instead of electricity being shuttled to different points in a display to light them up, light is producing electricity to be shuttled out of different points in the window.”

Right now the windows produce about a third as much electricity from a given amount of sunlight as the typical solar cells used in roof panels (板).These windows, about half as transparent as ordinary glass, don’t work as well as transparent ones. Hardev says the company is likely to improve the transparency significantly. As for the lower output of electricity, he notes that windows can cover a much greater surface area than a roof, so numerous windows will produce a surprisingly larger amount of electricity than the production from a rooftop full of higher-efficiency solar panels. “You could do both.” says Hardev. “But you’ll get more from the windows. The biggest challenge, he adds, is increasing the windows from less than two square feet currently to about 50 square feet.”

1. What makes the new glass windows special?
A.They can offer an amazing view.
B.They are controlled by computers.
C.They can power the conference room.
D.They can help stare toward the future.
2. What is Hardev trying to explain in Paragraph 3?
A.The source of light.
B.The significance of different points.
C.The similarity of computer and glass.
D.The working principle of energy-producing glass.
3. What can affect power production according to the passage?
A.The transparency of the glass.
B.The quality of the rooftop.
C.The height of the solar panels.
D.The thickness of the glass.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Windows: A New Challenge of Technology
B.Windows: No Longer Just for Letting in the Light
C.Power: A Pressing Problem in the Near Future
D.Power: Not Enough from Rooftop Solar Panels
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Craziest Food Festivals sounds like a joke topic, but once you start looking into it, you’ll realize they’re everywhere — the crazier, the better.

1. Bibimbap Festival

In the South Korean town of Jeonjuloves, their “mixed rice” dish is a hearty serve of rice topped with raw beef, a rainbow of vegetables, a raw egg and gochujang sauce so much. They take four days out of October to celebrate it.

Like any festival there’s music, entertainment and magic, but making it that little bit different is the bibimbap that’s whipped (搅拌) up in a big bowl by dozens of chefs and served to over 400 people.

2. Waikiki Spam Jam

Who knew this canned meat had so much love? Well, it turns out that a can of Spam is the go-to item in Hawaii, along with a grass skirt and garland (花环). The people of Hawaii love Spam so much that they even spend a day in May giving out the best Spam, a type of cheap canned meat made mainly from pork.

3. Bessieres Easter Egg Festival

At Easter time, for those in the French town of Bessieres it’s all about an egg far less sweet.

Here they celebrate the holiday by getting dozens of chefs to make one large omelette (煎蛋卷) — 15,000 eggs strong — for the townsfolk (市民).

4. Potato Days Festival

This festival actually takes place in Barnesville, Minnesota, the US. Over the last Friday and Saturday in August the town celebrates its potato-growing skills by hosting potato picking and peeling contests, as well as a Miss Tater Tot pageant (盛典) for five- and six-year-old girls.

1. What makes Bibimbap festival special?
A.They take four days to celebrate it.
B.The mixed rice is rich in many vegetables.
C.There’s music, entertainment and magic during the festival.
D.The rice dish needs to be mixed in one big bowl by dozens of chefs together.
2. What do we know about Waikiki Spam Jam ?
A.The spam is the most favorite for Hawii people.
B.People spend one day to prepare the Jam.
C.The Jam isn’t affordable for the plain townsfolk.
D.The Jam is mainly made from raw beef.
3. If you have time in August, you can go to ______.
A.Bibimbap FestivalB.Waikiki Spam Jam
C.Bessieres Easter Egg FestivalD.Potato Days Festival
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Summer is the most popular season to visit Texas since there is so much to see and to do. While visiting the Lone Star State this summer, don’t miss visiting some of these attractions and taking part in some of Texas’ best summer vacation activities.

Visit SeaWorld

There are sea life shows,adventure camps,thrilling rides and a water park. A great many activities are waiting for you at SeaWorld.

Windsurf at South Padre

With miles of shallow (浅的),calm water in the Lower Laguna Madre and strong winds conning off the Gulf of Mexico,South Padre Island is a windsurfer’s dream.

Swim at Barton Springs

Barton Springs is in the famous Zilker Park. It was formed when Barton Greek was built. Since its opening, Barton Springs has become one of the most popular swimming pools in the state.

Take part in an outdoor adventure

In the scenic Texas Hill Country, Lake Buchanan Adventures offers different kinds of activities, including boating, hiking, camping and more.

Camp and hike in Big Bend Park

Big Bend offers a great number of outdoor activities in an old way. Backpacking, mountain biking, fishing, boating, hiking, nature watching and camping - you name it. If it can be done outdoors, it can be done in Big Bend.

Enjoy saltwater fishing

Saltwater fishing in Texas is as good as anywhere else in the USA. More and more fishermen have been discovering this in recent years and packing their bags and rods (鱼竿)to make good use of Texas, world - class saltwater fishery.

1. The underlined phrase “the Lone Star State” in Paragraph 1 is another name for       .
A.TexasB.San AntonioC.South PadreD.Gulf of Mexico
2. When you visit SeaWorld, you can enjoy the following EXCEPT .
A.sea life showsB.adventure camps
C.climbingD.exciting rides
3. Where can you go if you want your windsurfing dream to come true?
A.San Antonio.B.South Padre.
C.Barton Springs.D.Texas Hill Country.

8 . Notre-Dame, the cathedral (大教堂) that serves as one of Paris’s most beloved monuments, is on fire. According to The New York Times, the fire began around 6: 30 p.m. local time, when tourists urgently rushed out of the building. While Andre Finot, a spokesman for the cathedral, told The Times, that the cause of the fire is still unknown and that no one has been hurt while damage to the building appears catastrophic(灾难性的).

CNN reports that over 400 firefighters have been sent to fight the fire, but that they may be unable to save the cathedral. Built in the 12th century, Notre-Dame houses several relics important to Catholics (天主教徒). NBC News reports that relics from Saint Genevieve and Saint Denis may been lost, together with a relic believed to be from Jesus Christ’s crown of thorns, but it states that authorities now believe that the cathedral has been saved from “total destruction”.

Notre-Dame is visited by a reported 30, 000 people a day and 13 million people per year. Its destruction represents a global cultural loss. “This is just horrible”, Mohamed Megdoul, 33, a film producer and witness to the fire told The Times, speaking through tears. “A thousand years of history is being wiped away. This belonged to the whole world, and now it’s disappearing.”

French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his sadness on Twitter. “Notre-Dame of Paris in flames,” reads an English translation of his statement. “Emotion for a whole nation. Thoughts for all Catholics and for all the French. Like all our countrymen, I’m sad together to see this part of us burn.” Other politicians, including Melanis Trump, London Mayor Sadiq Khan, U. K. Prime Minister Theresa May also shared their sadness on Twitter.

1. What do we know about Notre-Dame according to the passage?
A.It has been completely destroyed by the fire.
B.It’s a huge political loss to the world.
C.It’s only meaningful to Catholics.
D.The reason of the fire remained to be found out.
2. What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph imply?
A.The history of France is destroyed because of the fire.
B.The loss the fire caused is huge.
C.The damage of Notre-Dame is being wiped off.
D.The cathedral has been saved from “total destruction”.
3. What’s the purpose of writing the passage?
A.To report a disaster of Notre-Dame.
B.To express people’s sadness of the destruction.
C.To emphasize the value of Notre-Dame.
D.To show the concerns from the worldwide.
2020-02-10更新 | 251次组卷 | 3卷引用:浙江省宁波市九校2019-2020学年高一上期期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Got 48 hours to relax yourself? You’ll make full use of your timeand have great fun at these amazing destinations.

Alabama: Gulf Shores

For relaxing weekend getaways in Alabama, head south to the white-sand beaches of Gulf Shores. Get on the water for some deep-sea fishing. History lovers can get a lesson in the Civil War along a 90-mile path with more than a dozen historic sites.

Alaska: Homer

How does fresh seafood sound? You’ll find it in Homer, located in south-central Alaska, which is either a short flight or a great four-hour scenic drive on the Seward Highway from Anchorage. Get your fill of fishing in Kachemak Bay, explore local trails and enjoy exceptional birding in this remote natural setting.

Arizona: Sedona

Adventurous types can get their fill in the magical red rocks of Sedona, which is said to be the location of healing centers of energy. People flood to the area to meditate, practice yoga and more. Sedona also offers fantastic hiking, off-roading, biking, and even climbing.

Arkansas: Hot Springs

Relax and renew in Arkansas’ hot waters in Hot Springs, an art community with Art Deco architecture that is also the home of Hot Springs National Park. Make time for a visit to Bathhouse Row, a National Historic Landmark of eight bathhouses, and Superior Bathhouse Brewery, which produces beer made of the hot spring water inside the National Park. Don’t miss these National Parks that are off the beaten path.

1. Which activity can be found in both Gulf Shores and Homer?
A.Going fishing.B.Taking a flight.
C.Enjoying beautiful birds.D.Visiting historic sites.
2. What is Superior Bathhouse Brewery known for?
A.Its bathhouses.B.Its paths.
C.Its self-made beer.D.Its architecture.
3. Where is this text most likely from?
A.A diary.B.A survey.C.A novel.D.A magazine.

10 . Some cities and lawmakers are resisting crime-fighting tech owing to bias (偏见) and accuracy concerns. Police departments around the U.S. are asking citizens to trust them to use facial recognition software as a handy tool in their crime-fighting toolbox. But some lawmakers — and even some technology giants — are against it.

Take the western Massachusetts city of Springfield, where many residents are Latino or black. Springfield police say they have no plans to use facial recognition systems, but some City Council members are moving to block any future government use of the technology anyway.

At an October hearing on the subject, Springfield City Councilman, Orlando Ramos, defended the technology. “The facial recognition technology does not drop a net from the sky and put you to prison,” he said, noting that it could serve as a useful investigative tool. However, he doesn’t want to take any risks. “It would only lead to more racial discrimination.” he said, citing studies that found higher error rates for facial recognition software used to identify women and people with darker skins.

Similar debates across the country are highlighting racial issues and concerns about the technology’s accuracy. Axon, which supplies body-worn cameras nationwide, had already formed an artificial intelligence ethics board (伦理委员会)that concluded facial recognition technology isn’t yet dependable enough to justify its use on police cameras. Axon Chief Executive Rick Smith said, “Even if facial recognition software was perfectly accurate, the ability to track people raises privacy concerns. “Do we want everybody who walks near a police officer to get their face identified and logged in a database?” he said.

Nevertheless, Todd Pastorini, general manager at biometric forensics (生物取证) company DataWorks Plus, said it’s the “extremely effective” method of running images through photos to help identify a suspect. “Society and the public are going to get frustrated, if governments refuse to adopt a technology that keeps improving”, he said. In his eyes, facial recognition hits are just one part of an investigation.

1. What is Orlando Ramos’ attitude towards facial recognition?
2. What is one focus of the debates about facial recognition?
A.Gender discrimination.B.Speed limit.
C.Accuracy rate.D.Steadiness control.
3. What does Rick Smith think of facial recognition?
A.It appears to cause prejudice.B.It brings about privacy concerns.
C.Its technology is reliable.D.Its accuracy needs improving.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Facial recognition tool meets with resistance.
B.All the people disapprove of facial recognition.
C.Facial recognition is the only tool of investigation.
D.Governments should ban facial recognition.
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