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1 . How to protect your privacy when you travel

It hasn’t been an easy year for the privacy of travelers, at least so far. Data leaks, surveillance (监视) worries and those troublesome cameras in airplane seatbacks and hotel rooms are enough to make passengers anxious.     1    . These tips can help you deal with these troubles.

    2    . “It’s not clever to declare on Facebook that you’re traveling to somewhere, reminding a wide range of people that your property is sitting empty,” says Danny McLoughlin. “That puts your security at risk.” Wait until you return to start posting vacation photos.

Some homeowners renting their residences may install security cameras. Travelers should find out if the hosts disclose the presence of surveillance devices. If the rental comes with cameras, ensure they aren’t in a sensitive area by conducting a careful sweep.     3    , ask the host about it.

Although you can’t control how a hotel or airline handles (or mishandles) your data, you can take reasonable steps to ensure the information it has won’t get you into trouble.     4    .

But some of the worst data leaks happen when you’re staying at a hotel. For example, a hotel clerk sometimes asks for your name and then announces your room number after you’ve checked in. You’d better hand the employee your ID when he or she asks for your name and ask the employee to write your room number on a piece of paper. Why?     5    . Just make sure, never leave the customer copy behind. You can destroy it later, but keep it under your control.

A.You should like the place
B.If there is anything doubtful
C.Travelers say they’re taking privacy seriously
D.Never broadcast your journey on social media
E.Walls have ears
F.Some travelers only offer the bare minimum, such as a P. O. box instead of a home address
G.Fortunately, there are ways to protect your privacy on land and in the air
2024-09-13更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三中学校2024-2025学年高一上学期入学调研考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Knowing how to communicate well needs very personal attention between you and another human being. Is there a better way to learn how to communicate effectively? Yes, there is.     1    

*Relax and breathe

Whether it’s a business meeting or a first date, the first thing you must do in order to communicate is to relax.

When you relax, you are in control. You control your reactions and your reactions do not control you. Breathing is central to relaxation. Take a few deep breaths and your body will begin to be more at ease.


*Think and you will be prepared

    3     Well, it is true. By thinking ahead about how the conversation might flow, you will be better prepared, more at ease and more confident.

*     4    

If you are uncomfortable, being silent will only make it worse and make the other person uncomfortable as well. So when all else fails, follow through with small talk until a common topic appears.

A good way to keep a conversation going is to ask the other person questions. People love to talk about themselves and if you do this, they will leave the conversation, thinking very highly of you.     5     If you make an effort, you will succeed.

A.Have you ever heard the old saying “think before you speak”?
B.First think, and you will be prepared.
C.Follow the flow of the conversation.
D.This will help you apply what you already know about how to communicate well.
E.You and the other person will have fun chatting with each other.
F.Please follow the 3 basic steps below.
G.Learning good communication skills is not something out of reach.
2024-09-13更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学附属中学2024-2025学年高一上学期入学测试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . We are currently seeking a qualified and experienced individual to join our team as a marketing manager. As a key leadership position within our organization, the marketing manager will play a crucial role in driving the department’s success and contributing to our overall business objectives.


*Bachelor’s degree in business administration, management or related fields.

*Proven experience in a marketing role, with a track record of successfully leading teams and achieving results.

*Strong communication, interpersonal and problem-solving skills.

*Proficiency in relevant software apps.


*Overseeing daily operations of the department, including staff management, budgeting and goal setting.

*Developing and implementing strategies to meet departmental targets and enhance efficiency.

*Cooperating with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless coordination and communication.

*Providing leadership and guidance to team members to develop a positive work culture and professional growth.

If you are a motivated and enthusiastic leader with a passion for driving organizational success, we invite you to apply for the position. Join us in shaping the future of our department and making a lasting impact on our company.

To apply, please submit your resume and a cover letter detailing your relevant experience and why you are the ideal candidate for this role. We look forward to welcoming a dedicated and talented individual to our team. Contact us at Jessica3158@yahoo.com.

1. What is a must to apply for the position?
A.A master’s degree.B.A strong body.
C.The related work experience.D.The ability to develop software.
2. What does the marketing manager have to do?
A.Communicate with consumers regularly.B.Assist the leaders to develop annual plans.
C.Achieve the overall goal of the industry.D.Help co-workers develop their business.
3. How can you get in touch with the interviewer?
A.By filling out a form.B.By sending an email.
C.By writing a letter.D.By making a phone call.
2024-09-13更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省龙东十校2024-2025学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The concept of sharing goods and services with your community as a means of economic transaction (交易) is ancient. But thanks to the Internet, the concept now has global scale at the click of a button. It's called the sharing economy. As its most basic, the sharing economy, also known as the collaborative or peer- to- peer economy, is about connecting individuals with resources to others that want them. It often works through lending or borrowing but can also involve the financial transaction of goods of services.

While the concept of sharing economy has been round for some time, the coming of apps and smart phone technology means that it’s easier for individuals to participate in peer- to- peer sharing transactions in real time.

There are many reasons why people participate in the sharing economy, but here are some of the biggest ones:

Finding temporary accommodation while traveling can be stressful — especially if you’re looking for something on short notice. Thanks to the sharing economy, there are a few popular services that connect people looking to rent out their apartment or home with travelers for a day or two.

Everyone, who’s ever driven in a major city knows that finding parking can be a real pain. Limited parking spaces and higher fees have contributed to tech- based services that can help you find, and even reserve available parking space. Whether you’re pressed for time or need to find somewhere to leave the car for a day or two while visiting an unfamiliar city, parking is one more head ache the sharing economy is helping alleviate.

For pet owners, leaving town on vacation can be a stressful experience. Finding a dog sitter on short notice can be a problem, and leaving your pet at a kennel (犬舍) might leave you worried about their well- being when you should be relaxed. Luckily, a little tech- inspired collaboration can offer an elegant solution. Partnering pet owners with willing hosts can give your dog a vacation of their own, with plenty of TLC —“ tender lo ving care” and space to roam (漫步) in the home of a fellow pet lover.

Now it is true that apps empower you to exchange a variety of items with people from all over. Whether it’s a bike, some tools you need for a project, or anything in between, collaborative economies make it easier to access the things you need without cash.

1. What do we know about the sharing economy from the first two paragraphs?
A.The sharing economy has been around since ancient times.
B.The sharing economy is about connecting those with resources to those in need.
C.The sharing economy only involves the financial transaction of goods or services.
D.The sharing economy is brought by the coming of apps and smart phone technology.
2. How can the sharing economy help people find temporary accommodation while traveling?
A.By checking the information on short notice.B.By giving people many useful information.
C.By offering those in need some popular services.D.By finding people who want to rent out their home.
3. What does the underlined word “alleviate” in paragraph 5 mean?
4. Which of the following is NOT the example of people participating in the sharing economy?
A.Going to work by car sharing through some apps.
B.Reserving an available partaking space before driving to a major city.
C.Making a little tech- inspired collaboration for pets.
D.Buying food in the supermarkets and paying without cash.
2024-09-12更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省牡丹江市第一高级中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . A hearing aid is an electronic device that can receive and amplify (放大) incoming sounds for people with hearing impairment (损伤) to aim for better sound understanding through proper amplification.

Here’s how they work:

●A microphone picks up sound around you.

●An amplifier makes the sound louder.

●A receiver sends these amplified sounds into your ear.

Not everyone with hearing loss can benefit from hearing aids — only 1 in 5 people could have improvement to wear them. Most of the time, they’re for people who have damage to their inner car or the nerve that 1inks the ear with the brain.

What can I expect from my hearing aids?

Unlike eyeglasses, hearing aids do not correct your hearing back to normal. Instead, hearing aids function to amplify sounds in a particular range of pitches — the range where the hearing loss exists, Included in those sounds are speech or environmental sounds such as bells ringing, birds singing, conversations from nearby tables at a restaurant or busy traffic noise.

While the hearing aid technology today is excellent, the devices are still an “aid” and cannot separate the desired speech signal from the background noise as well as our brain and two normal functioning ears can, Therefore, it is important to employ communication strategies when using hearing aids in difficult listening environments.

Do I need one or two hearing aids?

If hearing loss exists in both ears, there is greater benefit in using a device in each ear — similar to wearing eyeglasses with two lenses. There are always exceptions to the general rule and that will be discussed with your audiologist (听觉矫正专家).

1. What is the primary function of a hearing aid?
A.To diagnose hearing loss.B.To repair damage to the inner ear.
C.To protect the ears from loud noises.D.To pick up and amplify incoming sounds.
2. Which best describes the hearing aids today?
A.They are imperfect.B.They are cost-effective.
C.They are unreliable.D.They are user-friendly.
3. What does the last part of the text intend to do?
A.To present a basic fact.B.To clarify an exception.
C.To make a suggestion.D.To explain a general rule.
2024-09-10更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省龙东十校2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Weekend trips in Europe can be a truly magical experience, from the sunny beaches of Greece to the rolling hills of Italy. The following destinations are places that are easily accessible and offer incredible experiences that you’ll always remember.

Hallstatt, Austria

Hallstatt, famous for its alpine houses, crystal clear lake, and snow-capped mountains, is among Earth’s most picturesque destinations. Activities include exploring salt mines and ancient churches, and taking a boat trip on Lake Hallstatt or visiting the nearby Dachstein Ice Cave, promising unforgettable experiences.

Paris, France

Paris, with its iconic Eiffel Tower, winding streets, and charming cafes, is a top destination for couples seeking an unforgettable weekend. Whether exploring the City of Light or snuggling up in its gardens, Paris promises endless romance and cherished memories. For a weekend of European romance and adventure, look no further than Paris!

Zakynthos, Greece

Zakynthos, also called Zante, is famous as one of Europe’s most breathtaking islands, boasting white beaches, unspoiled nature, and crystal clear blue waters. It’s a top choice for a relaxing weekend break, offering activities like boat trips to the Blue Caves and exploring local pubs.

Florence, Italy

Florence’s breathtaking architecture, rich history, and Mediterranean climate make it ideal for a weekend getaway in Europe. Its small size allows you to explore extensively in just two days. Don’t miss the chance to learn to make gelato, pasta and pizza in a Florence cooking class, especially if you’re a food enthusiast.

1. Where can you enjoy the boat trip?
A.In Hallstatt and Paris.B.In Zakynthos and Florence.
C.In Hallstatt and Zakynthos.D.In Paris and Florence.
2. Why is Florence considered an ideal city for a weekend trip?
A.For its salt mines and ancient churches.
B.For its architecture, history, and climate.
C.For its famous Blue Caves and relaxing atmosphere.
D.For its large size and vast exploration opportunities.
3. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A travel guide.B.An educational novel.
C.A science fiction.D.A research paper.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了Yellowstone National Park的基本信息及其作为生态旅游目的地的特色,并通过Lisa和她的朋友们的旅行经历展现了Yellowstone National Park的自然美景和独特的地热景观。

7 . Yellowstone National Park, located in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, was established as the first national park in the United States. The park is a popular destination for visitors who enjoy ecological tourism as it offers forests, mountains, and many ecosystems to explore. Some of Yellowstone’s most well-known landmarks are its geothermal hot springs and geysers, the most famous of which is named Old Faithful.

Last fall, Lisa and her friends decided to take a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park. For their camping trip, they brought their backpacks, sleeping bags, some food and drinks. They set up their tents immediately upon arriving at their campsite.

During their trip, Lisa and her friends hiked the many trails of the park, exploring its natural surroundings. In the forest, they saw a lot of local wildlife. Lisa was blown away by a family of grizzly bears, some gray wolves, and even bald eagles flying overhead. Unexpectedly, she seemed to quite enjoy being in such a great place. They were well protected.

Since Yellowstone contains many hot springs and the world’s largest area of active geysers, Lisa and her friends visited many different geyser sites. Of all of the sites, Lisa and her friends agreed that Old Faithful was the most fascinating. Lisa and her friends waited patiently for the geyser to erupt. After about 40 minutes, a stream of boiling water over 100 feet tall sprayed from the ground and up into the air. Luckily, no one got wet!

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.An introduction to Yellowstone National Park.
B.Reasons for building Yellowstone National Park.
C.The history of Yellowstone National Park.
D.Benefits of Yellowstone National Park.
2. What did Lisa and her friends decide to do last fall?
A.To do volunteering in Yellowstone National park.
B.To take a trip to Yellowstone National Park.
C.To find a campsite for travelers.
D.To do some wildlife research.
3. How did Lisa feel when she saw the wildlife?
4. What did Lisa and her friends do at Old Faithful?
A.They cleaned the site.
B.They played with water.
C.They waited for the geyser to erupt.
D.They had a look at some wild animals.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . As much as I love watching Olympic diving, I’ve never understood why athletes hurry off to the showers and then proceed to relax in a hot tub (热水浴池) after each dive. They’re already wet. They’re only in the pool for a handful of seconds, so it’s not like they need to get cleaned up. And doesn’t taking a shower serve the same purpose as sitting in a hot tub? Actually, that’s what Olympic divers usually do between dives as they know very well about the importance of warm-ups and cool-downs. So, what’s the actual reason?

As it turns out, showers and hot tubs are used pretty interchangeably by the swimming pool. However, there is a need for both. First, let’s start with why divers need to take a shower between dives. It has to do with body temperature and keeping their muscles relaxed. As you can imagine, practicing dives in the pool, then having to keep your body warm in a shower, and then jumping off a 10-meter platform and into cold water couldn’t be comfortable for anyone. Going back and forth between these warm and cool temperatures can cause a diver’s muscles to tense or cramp up (痉挛), which can lead to injuries to the muscles. Showers allow an Olympic diver to recover and prevent that.

In that way, showers and hot tubs serve the same purpose. A hot tub is generally used if you have a bit more time between dives and have already stretched. The shower walls on the pool deck can typically provide enough space for more divers at the same time, and they’re especially helpful for athletes who need to stretch or who only have a few minutes between dives. Just like Olympic swimmers depend on thick clothes to keep their muscles warm, Olympic divers rely on these methods to stay loose. If you ask me, it’s not a bad way to pass the time!

1. What does the underlined word “proceed” in Paragraph 1 mean?
2. Why do the athletes need showers after diving?
A.To fully clean their body.B.To rest and wait for the results.
C.To avoid possible muscle injuries. D.To stop themselves from catching a cold.
3. What does the last paragraph suggest?
A.The shower walls are designed for divers in the final round.
B.Olympic swimmers need to stay warm using hot tubs.
C.Athletes usually do some activities to pass the time.
D.Hot tubs are as important as showers for divers.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing this text?
A.To tell us the difference between diving and swimming.
B.To explain some little-known knowledge about divers.
C.To compare cold showers with the hot bath.
D.To provide some diving advice for us.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . When the patient arrives, it can barely move its body. The parrot tries to spread its green wings — and fails — to fly. It is just one of dozens of rainbow lorikeets (彩虹鹦鹉) being treated for a mysterious paralyzing (瘫痪) illness in Australia. Cases of what is called lorikeet paralysis syndrome (LPS) have been increasing over the past decade, says vet Claude Lacasse. But scientists are puzzled as to what is causing it.

Claude has partnered with several researchers to try solving the mystery. So far, they’ve ruled out hundreds of human-made chemicals as well as various infectious diseases. Their current theory is that LPS is caused by a plant the birds are eating, something that flowers or fruits between late spring and early fall — when cases always rise. But researchers have no idea which plant or plants might be involved, why the disease is getting worse or whether climate change is playing a role. For now, their top priority is figuring out everything the sick lorikeets are eating.

Ecologist Rachele Wilson used a technique involving testing DNA in sick birds’ droppings to match it to specific plant DNA. These data suggest the birds are feeding on more than 130 plant species, at least 30 of which are probably poisonous. Other researchers are not just looking at plant DNA but also at bacterial and animal DNA to allow for the possibility that the birds are swallowing a poisonous insect in fruit, or a poison produced by bacteria found on a plant.

It’s possible climate change plays a role by driving rainbow lorikeets to seek out unusual food sources. Animals are broadening their hunting range and going into more traditionally uninviting areas to find food, including fruit, seeds and, strangely, even meat.

With climate change causing more extreme weather events and intensely hot summers, the need to find what’s paralyzing rainbow lorikeets — and probably other species — is of urgent concern. “They’re amazing birds,” Phalen says. “It’s hard to see them as sick as they are.”

1. What is the primary task of Claude and his team in their research?
A.Identifying lorikeets’ living habits.B.Discovering what lorikeets are feeding on.
C.Deciding what chemicals led to LPS.D.Locating where lorikeets usually gather.
2. What can we learn about other researchers in paragraph 3?
A.They collected data from a specific area.
B.They identified DNA hidden in different plants.
C.They take more possibilities into consideration.
D.They have found the number of plants lorikeets eat.
3. How does climate change possibly influence rainbow lorikeets?
A.By making a change in their diets.B.By enlarging their habitats.
C.By lengthening their hunting season.D.By forcing them to settle in cooler areas.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Endangered Rare Species in Australia
B.Strange Diseases Striking Australian Birds
C.The Influence of Climate Change on Animals
D.The Mystery of Australia’s Paralyzed Parrots
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Boxing has been practiced for centuries — it was even one of the sports in the original Olympic Games in ancient Greece. More recently, boxing has become the mainstream in the UK, with hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life participating in the sport every week. But why? The answer lies in the physical, mental and even social benefits boxing can bring.

Its physical benefits are clear. Whether it’s practicing with a punching bag (沙袋) or a partner or facing an opponent in the ring, boxing can be an intense form of exercise and give a full-body workout. It can improve muscular strength, and it can also increase fitness — allowing someone to work out harder, for longer. These can, in turn, have a positive impact on other aspects of physical well-being, like heart health and weight management.

But the high physical demands of the sport aren’t just good for the body — boxing can also have a positive impact on someone’s mental well-being. Dr Jessica Pinchbeck, Senior Lecturer in Sport and Fitness at the Open University, says that boxing can mitigate some of the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Exercising regularly is already widely known to be good for mental health, but boxing can also bring a sense of discipline and focus.

And there is a third benefit of putting on the boxing gloves. Practicing punches can be done alone, of course, but boxing is not just an individual activity — it also involves working with others to train and stay safe. Dr Gavin Williams, Senior Lecturer in Education at the Open University, says that this cooperation and team work can create a sense of identity and belonging. So, no matter what the reason that attracts someone to boxing, the interactive elements of the sport mean it can also have profound social benefits.

Good for body, mind and social interactions? It’s not surprising that more and more people are stepping into the ring.

1. How does the author develop the passage?
A.By giving examples.B.By making suggestions.
C.By listing reasons.D.By answering questions.
2. What does the underlined word “mitigate ”in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. What would be the best choice according to Dr Gavin Williams?
A.Practicing boxing in the ring.B.Practicing boxing with a partner.
C.Practicing boxing on your own.D.Practicing boxing with a punching bag.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.The benefits of boxingB.Boxing leads to great teamwork
C.The ways to practice boxingD.Boxing does good to your health
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