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1 . Children of all ages gathered in New York City recently for the International Toy Fair. Hidden among already popular toys were new, high-tech educational products. Toymakers are working to create these products for improving a child’s emotional intelligence.

Companies showed off their products last week at New York’s Jacob Javitz Convention Center.

PleIQ is a set of plastic toy blocks. It uses visual reality technology to teach words, numbers and other things. Edison Duran directs the company that makes PleIQ. She showed people at the toy fair how virtual images appear on the blocks when they are held in front of a tablet camera. PleIQ has children act as teacher or guide to a companion character.

On the other side of the convention center, Karen Hu from another company demonstrated an educational robot called Woobo. The robot comes programmed with educational games and activities. Children use its touch-screen face to get them started. Hu described how the robot can help a child who has autism (自闭症). “The child can communicate with Woobo and follow some of the instructions Woobo is giving because he thinks of this as a companion instead of a parent or someone else telling him about certain things.”

At the EQtainment stand, sales director Jonathan Erickson explained the company’s toys. “The purpose of all of our products is to develop emotional and social intelligence.” he said. Erickson showed off a board game called “Q’s Race to the Top”. He said the game got his 4-year-old daughter to open up. “The biggest thing is her talking. And that’s the key of all this—getting her feelings expressed out. Like, ‘Hey, what does it feel like to be sad? Or how does it feel like to be happy?’”

It remains to be seen whether a game or toy can improve emotional intelligence. But toymakers are doing what they can to help parents in their efforts to raise well-rounded children.

1. How does PleIQ instruct children to learn?
A.By playing the role of a companion.B.By giving direct guidance.
C.By taking photos with a camera.D.By presenting visual images.
2. What can be inferred about Woobo from Paragraph 4?
A.It is programmed to replace teachers.B.It may be good company for kids.
C.It can get started automatically.D.It is intended to design games.
3. What does Jonathan Erickson think of his toys?
A.They are quite easy to operate.B.They can teach children numbers.
C.They help kids express themselves well.D.They can show their emotions clearly.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Toys are made to help to build emotional intelligence.
B.Educational toys sell well at the International Toy Fair.
C.Toymakers are making profits in education.
D.Children celebrate the International Toy Fair.

2 . It seems that the Englishmen just cannot live without sports of some kind. A famous French humorist once said that this is because the English insist on behaving like children all their lives. Wherever you go in this country, you will see both children and grown-ups knocking a ball about with a stick or something, as if in Britain men shall always remain boys and women girls! Still, it can never be bad to get exercise, can it?

Taking all amateur(业余)and professional sports in Britain into consideration, there can be no doubt that football is at the top of the list. It is called soccer in the United States. The game originated(起源于)in Britain and was played in the Middle Ages or even earlier, though as an organized game, or “association football”, it dates only from the beginning of the 19th century.

The next is rugby, which is called “football” in the United States. It is a kind of football played by two teams of fifteen players than eleven. In rugby, an oval-shaped ball is used which can be handled as well as kicked. It is a pretty rough game.

In summer, cricket is the most popular sport. In fact, it has sometimes been called the English national game. Most foreigners find the game rather slow or even boring, but it enjoys great popularity among the British.

Tennis rates high on the list, too. It was introduced into England from France in the 15th century, but it was from England that it spread to practically every country in the world.

Table tennis, or “ping-pong”, surely is not played on a great scale as it is in China or Japan. Basketball and volleyball were introduced into Britain during the late 19th century from America and are gaining popularity. Horse-back riding, swimming, rowing and golf all attract a lot of people.

1. The main purpose of Paragraph l is to tell us that the English__________.
A.are all sports loversB.behave like children
C.like to kick a ball aroundD.can remain young all their lives
2. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about football and rugby?
A.They differ in the shape of the ball.B.They are played by different numbers of players.
C.They both can be handled.D.They both can be kicked.
3. The game that was never played in Britain until the late 19th century is__________.
4. What would be the best title for this passage?
A.The Most Popular SportsB.The English Sports
C.History of SportsD.Sports in Britain
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Independence is something that can be difficult to achieve. But don’t worry because here we have four books that can help you. If you don’t buy less than three of them, you’ll be given a 20% discount!

The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

Taking care of your finance is hard. Dave Ramsey, a famous businessman, is here to take you on the whole process of planning your finance, and show the myths of cash advances and debt consolidation (债务重整), to make sure your finance is healthy.

Price: $14.49

Grace’s Guide by Grace Helbig

Grace Helbig shared her tips to becoming a grown-up. The book is full of personal stories of Helbig, her struggles and the lessons she learnt from failing many times. This book is your on-the-go fun read with pictures and drawings of Helbig, and worksheets (作记录) to practice.

Price: $7.95

The Oh She Glows Cookbook by Angela Liddon

Having suffered from eating disorder and living on diet, Angela Liddon promised to eat healthily forever. She threw out her fat-free butter spray (黄油喷雾) and low-calorie frozen dinners after learning how to properly cook. This book contains more than 100 recipes (食谱) covering breakfast, salads, soups, power snacks and the main dishes for a healthy meal at any time of the day. We all know that healthy eating is all part of being independent.

Price: $22.22

Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed

Life can be hard, especially when it comes to relationships with others. In the book, Strayed gives advice on love and life. She writes about different subjects: a son rejected by his parents, a mother who has lost her child. And the message hidden throughout all her advice is always that, if you want a good life, you have to create it.

Price: $8.76

1. How much will you save at least if you buy three of the listed books?
2. What is special for the book Grace’s Guide?
A.It is about how to grow up healthily.
B.It is mainly about how to work better.
C.It is based on its author’s life experience.
D.It teaches readers to learn from others’ life stories.
3. Which book should you choose for someone who is bad at getting along with others?
A.Grace’s Guide.B.Tiny Beautiful Things.
C.The Total Money Makeover.D.The Oh she Glows Cookbook.
2019-09-22更新 | 368次组卷 | 23卷引用:新疆乌鲁木齐市第十一中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Imagine walking through an ancient city, then climbing a gate tower to take in a wonderful view of the city and its more than 600-year-old walls. You can hear the city's heartbeat in the air. This is Pingyao Ancient City in Shanxi Province, a place that should definitely be on your travel route if you enjoy history or ancient architecture since its origins can be traced back to more than 2,700 years ago.

Located in the center of Shanxi Province, Pingyao is the hometown   of Jin merchants, a group of merchants who actively dominated (支配) a booming commodity market throughout China for more than 500 years, especially during the Ming and Qing dynasties. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the city's agriculture and manufacturing industries developed rapidly. Following China's reform and opening up, Pingyao struggled for the transition from a managed economy to the current market-oriented economy. During this time, the city government sought out new ways to break through this   economic bottleneck.

Finally in the winter of 1997, opportunity came knocking. Through the efforts of the city government, Pingyao earned its place on the UNESCO World Heritage list, which caused the entire world to take notice of the city.

Since the city's fame rose, locals in Pingyao have deepened their understanding of the conservation efforts preserving the historical relics in their hometown. Meanwhile the city administration has continued to upgrade itself through a strategy that follows the pillars of "conservation, entrepreneurship, development and protection" .

Currently, the city is focused on establishing a sustainable industry that will enable it to continue to grow while also protecting its relics and introducing them to the world.

1. What does the underlined word "transition" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. What contributed to Pingyao's popularity around the world?
A.The city government's hard work.
B.The official recognition by the UNESCO.
C.The development of Pingyao's economy.
D.The ancient architecture in the city.
3. What measure is taken to further develop the city?
A.Combining the economy with cultural protection.
B.Constructing more modern buildings.
C.Learning from other cities in the world.
D.Establishing the manufacturing industry.
4. How is the text developed?
A.By giving examples.
B.By following the time order.
C.By listing reasons.
D.By raising questions.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Adult education courses

Computer studies

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, and we rely more and more on computers for everything from cooking to organizing our taxes. This six-week course will give you an understanding of computer fundamentals including the use of software packages (Word, Excel and Power Point) and how to use the Internet.
Start: May 2, 2019
Time: Wed 7pm-9pm
Length: 6 weeks
Place: Shandong University


Learn the basics of woodworking with simple hands-on projects to build your confidence and skills. Each lesson explores a different area of woodworking that will provide you with the skills needed for any woodworking project. Flexible learning allows you to choose only the lessons that interest you.
Start: April 15, 2019
Time: Mon 5pm-7pm
Cost:¥30 per lesson
Length: 12weeks
Place: Adult Learning Centre

Web Design

Provides advanced training in software, design, and coding for the web. Students must have already completed a recognized basic web design course or have at least 2 years’ relevant work experience. Students completing the course will receive the Diploma in Advanced Web Design.
Start: June 1, 2019
Time: Weekdays 9am-4pm
Cost: ¥4,990
Length: 40 weeks
Place: University of Technology


This practical course is intended to help established artists take their creativity further. From sketching and colour, to composition, painting and experimenting with style, you will study and explore an engaging variety of creative media and subject matter.
Start: April 21, 2019
Time: Thur 3pm-6pm
Length: 15weeks
Place: City Art Centre

1. Which courses are suitable for beginners?
A.Web Design and Art.B.Computer Studies and woodwork.
C.Woodwork and Web Design.D.Computer Studies and Art.
2. Which course awards students an official certificate?
C.web Design.D.Computer Studies.
3. How much will a student who attends only half of all the woodwork lessons pay in total?
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Taking a vacation is a perfect way to help family members connected with one another, which is especially important when you consider the effects it has on children.

The following will help you   know how to choose the right vacation for bringing your family together.

Making the time

With summer filled with school work there are fewer times available for families to take vacations together.     1     You can get kids excited by packing them up for a fun—filled weekend trip in winter or spring

Choosing the location

The first step you'll want to take is picking a place. There are plenty of choices, but one of the best choices is a place connected to the outdoors.     2     These kinds of activities give your family a sense of accomplishment(成就).

Setting some goals

    3     You should also think about how you want the connection with your family to develop. Vacations are a chance to open up to one another. Spending a few days in the mountains with only your family members can help bring meaningful conversations in a beautiful setting.


One thing you don't want is your children not getting along well with each other. Often the best solution is to keep your schedule full and include different activities. Perhaps include your children's opinions on what they want to do.

Family vacations can lead to a real turning point for family members providing a memorable experience that also makes everyone happier.     5    

A.Keeping the kids happy
B.Planning some great activities
C.So, next time you plan your trip, plan accordingly.
D.But winter and spring provide their own opportunities
E.There are plenty of activities that are fun for the whole family.
F.You can take a hike, watch wildlife, or camp outside with your kids
G.Vacation shouldn’t just be about getting away from work or seeing sights.
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

My name is Wil Wheaton—and I am a nerd (怪人). It’s awesome to be     1     nerd. When I was a little boy, people really teased me about that and     2     (make) me feel like there was something wrong with me for loving strange things. Now that I’m an adult, I’m a     3     (profession) nerd, and the world has changed. I think we     4     (realize) that being a nerd is not about what you love     5     about how you love.

So there’s going to be a thing in your life that you love. I don’t know what it’s going to be. It might be sports or science or reading or     6     (tell) stories — it doesn’t matter what it is. Some of us love Game of Thrones, while others love Star Wars. But we all love those things so much that we travel     7     (thousand) of miles — which is     8     (probable) easy for you, but we’re still using fossil fuels, so it’s difficult — to be around people who love the things that we love the way that we love them. That’s     9     being a nerd is awesome.

I want you to work hard because everything worth     10     (do) is hard. I want you to be awesome, and I will do my very best to leave you a planet that you can still live on.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Sunrise Hike

Saturday, October 21, 6:45 am---7:45 am

Enjoy sunrise from the hilltop as you learn about wildlife, plants, history and forest. Ages 8 and up; under 18 with an adult. To register (报名)by phone, call 630-933-7248.

Meet in the parking lot on the west side of Greene Road south of 79th Street. Dress for the weather, wear comfortable shoes and bring water.

Trick Or Treat

Saturday, October 28, 9:00 am---11:30 am

You and your family are invited to join the YMCA for a Halloween hike up Badger Mountain! Make sure to wear your Halloween costumes (戏装)!

Free shirts for the first 200 kids registered. Remember to take away your shirt by 11:30 am or it will be given away.

Cost: Trick or Treat is a FREE event.

Discovery Hike

Thursday, October 26, 1:00 pm---4:00 pm; Ages 3-8

Fall is pumpkin time. Listen to a pumpkin story and learn how pumpkins grow. Then we will head out on the path in search of a little pumpkin just for you and maybe, we will find the great pumpkin along the way. $7 per child.

Harvest Day Camp

Monday, October 31, 8:00 am---5:00 pm

Harvest Camp is an opportunity for children aged 5-13 to find the wonder of autumn at Keystone Science School and enjoy all the fun the Halloween season offers. We’ll explore the ways our natural environment has changed from summer to fall. As always, our programming is focused on building skills, knowledge and confidence. Cost: $0.00.

1. What do these activities have in common?
A.They are designed only for children.
B.They are held in a mountain.
C.They are to celebrate Halloween.
D.They all take place in autumn.
2. In which activity might children get free clothes?
A.Sunrise Hike
B.Discovery Hike
C.Harvest Day Camp
D.Trick Or Treat
3. What can children do on the last day of October?
A.Listen to a pumpkin story.
B.Hike with their parents.
C.Enjoy the beauty of autumn.
D.Learn about wildlife and forest.
2017-11-14更新 | 971次组卷 | 17卷引用:2020年秋季高一新生入学分班考试英语试卷(全国通用版)卷03
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . Most children have ever heard their parents yell “sit up straight!” or “don’t hang your head !” when they eat dinner. Nowadays, it is also heard around another activity — video games. Ten-year-old Owaish admits it takes him three to four hours a day to play games on his tablet computer. In addition, he plays for about two hours on the smart phone every day. As a result, he started suffering a serious pain in the neck around June or July. What’s worse the pain has spread to the hand and back gradually, which makes his mother Mehzabin become concerned.
The doctors note the number of young children with the chronic pain(慢性病) in their necks, arms and shoulders is on the increase sharp in recent years . They are not aging, they haven’t had an accident, the blood reports are fine, their X-rays are fine, and their MRIs are fine. Facts have proved that the pain is from the poor posture(姿势) while they are playing video games on smart phones or other electronic devices. 19-year –old student Nida feels pain in the finger which holds the weight of her smart phone most of the day. Nida almost uses her smart phone 24/7, which means 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or all the time.
Health experts predict there will be not only physical(身体的)but mental(精神的) problems resulting from the overuse of electronic devices. They encourage people to often take breaks and exercise from using computers, smart phones or other devices. Stand up! Stretch(伸展) the legs, back, shoulders and arms in all the possible directions. That’s the most effective way and maybe the key to solving the problem completely. After all, the medication doesn’t help sometimes.
1. What is Mehzabin worried about?
A.Her son has no table manners.
B.Her son’s physical problems get worse.
C.Her son doesn’t work hard at school.
D.Her son spends much money on games.
2. What do we know about the chronic pain?
A.Using a heavy smart phone will cause it.
B.Adults don’t have the problem.
C.It is caused by the wrong body position
D.Children with it often have other diseases.
3. According to health experts, _______.
A.best treatment for the chronic pain is exercising
B.people must take medicine to cure the chronic pain
C.people should stop using smart phones
D.the chronic pain has nothing to do with one’s mental health
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.To Play Games Well, Sit Up Straight
B.Too Much Gaming Is A Pain In The Neck
C.How To Avoid The Pain In The Neck
D.How To Be More Fit By Playing Games
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . February 4, 2012 saw the take-off of a new rising NBA star-Jeremy Lin.

Among professional basketball players, Jeremy Lin's background is not typical. He graduated from Harvard University, which sends few players to the NBA, and he is the only Chinese-American NBA player. But when you watch him on the court, there is no doubt that he belongs there. He moves with speed and grace that demonstrate years of faithful practice, which is fueled by a love for basketball.

Lin's enjoyment of basketball actually began in Taiwan. When Lin's father moved to U.S., his interest in the sport only grew and he passed on this love of basketball to his son, introducing him to the game at the age of five. The young Lin spent much of his youth playing basketball for fun.

In high school, Lin dreamed of playing in the NBA. When he applied for college, he was not offered a single sports scholarship. However, after his admission to Harvard, he was offered a place on its college basketball team.

During Lin's time at Harvard, his basketball career began to speed up. He scored 1,482 points, making him one of the highest scorers in Ivy League history.

When he graduated, no professional teams offered Lin a contract, but he was invited to play in the NBA Summer League. He played well and ended up eagerly signing a contract with the Golden State Warriors.

At first,playing in professional games filled Lin with excitement. He treasured opportunities to meet players he had been watching on TV for years. But slowly, the excitement wore off and was replaced by anxiety. In a few very difficult months, he was cut by two teams before the New York Knicks picked him up.

But he had the courage and determination to stick to his dream, so he put himself into hard training to get ready for his opportunity to come. Then his moment arrived on February 4, 2012,on which his excellent performance made him famous overnight. After that, he led the Knicks to their fifth straight victory.

The Associated Press called Lin "the most surprising story in the NBA". Knicks fans developed the nickname for him "Linsanity" (林发疯). Time magazine released its 2012 list of the 100 "Most Influential People in the World", Jeremy Lin included.

No doubt, Lin fever is continuing to spread. If you haven't already caught "Linsanity", get ready.

1. Which of the following elements is of little help in Lin's success?
A.his father's influence
B.his devotion to basketball
C.his years of hard work
D.his graduation from Harvard University
2. What does the phrases "wore off" in seventh paragraph probably mean?
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Lin learned to play basketball when he was eight.
B.Before Lin there was no Chinese-American NBA players.
C.Lin was excited for professional games and did a good job at the beginning.
D.Lin is the most outstanding player in NBA.
4. Which is the right order for Lin's life?
a. He made an excellent performance on Feb,4.
b. He was fired by the Golden State Warriors.
c. He was invited to play in the NBA Summer League.
d. He graduated from Harvard University.
e. He became famous overnight.
A.a, d, c, b, eB.d, b, c, a, e
C.d, c, b, a, eD.a, e, d, c, b
5. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A.NBA prefers graduates from Harvard University.
B.Lin got an easy entry into NBA.
C.Lin didn't show his basketball talents in Harvard University.
D.Lin didn't have a smooth road in NBA.
2016-12-12更新 | 316次组卷 | 4卷引用:2014-2015学年新疆兵团农二师华山中学高二下学前考英语试卷
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