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1 . There are many beautiful places in Europe worth visiting. Among them Greece is right at the top. A vacation to Greece will give you everything you ever want in a holiday. The attractive hot springs, beautiful villages, rich history, delicious seafood and beautiful beaches are all here. The streets are always alive with music, fireworks and celebrations. Winter is the time to enjoy some great skiing, with so many mountains around here that offer this sport.

Spain is the second largest tourist destination (目的地) in the world. It’s one of the first countries in the world to develop summer beach vacations. Spain, along with Italy, officially has the most world heritage sites, 42 to be exact. With so many mountainous regions, Spain is big when it comes to the winter vacation. Lastly, for great nightlife, you’d love to be in Barcelona or Madrid.

Switzerland is the most popular winter destination in the world. It has 15,000 miles running through mountainous regions. The Swiss Alps attract people from all over the world. If you think Switzerland is only a winter holiday destination, youre mistaken. The same places are popular in summer too. Hiking is popular in summer. Switzerland is also proud of Jungfraujoch — the highest train station in Europe. Switzerland has developed an amazing transport network, and each and every mountain village can be got to by some kind of public transport.

Venice of Italy is another great destination. It has an amazing history and is famous for its beautiful architecture. There are many old churches worth visiting. Venice is also filled with many art galleries. The Grand Canal is a long canal that runs right through the city. This is referred to as the most beautiful street in the whole of Venice. The city, made up of 117 small islands, is amazingly linked by 400 bridges over 150 canals.

1. We can know from the passage that ________.
A.the highest train station of the world is in Switzerland
B.the old churches are the most beautiful places in Venice
C.Spain is perfect for the winter vacation thanks its mountains
D.Spain is the first country to develop summer beach vacations
2. According to the passage, if you are quite interested in works of art, you’d better go to ________.
3. In which countries do mountains make great contributions to their tourism?
A.Greece and Spain.B.Switzerland and Venice.
C.Spain and Venice.D.Spain and Switzerland.
4. Where would you most probably find the passage?
A.A book review.B.A government document.
C.A travel guide.D.A fashion magazine.
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