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语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Yiwu’s market bounces back after three difficult years

Orders from all over the world     1     (flood) into Yiwu factories since earlier this month, a snapshot of global trade in the post-pandemic era     2     indicates a strong recovery for foreign trade in Zhejiang province in early 2023.

Statistics show that on Feb 2, 75,000 merchants     3     (participate) in the opening ceremony at Yiwu International Trade City — the world’s largest     4     (distribute) center for small commodities — placing orders on-site after almost three years of being unable to do so     5     person since the COVID-19 epidemic began.

Lu Qingrong, manager of the Jingrong Toy Company, said that orders have already been scheduled for May and June,     6     that this year’s sales are expected to be 30 percent     7     (high) than the previous two years.

For the past three years, Yiwu’s manufacturing companies     8     (devote) more energy to innovation and quality as they have upgraded, in a bid to underpin steady and accelerated growth.

Lu added that Jingrong will focus on strengthening innovation and research     9     (satisfy) increasing demands and plans to launch at least 10 new products every week.

In addition, the company is currently adding more production lines, which will raise     10     (efficient) and is expected to increase production by 50 percent.

2024-03-10更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京田家炳高级中学2022-2023学年高三下学期3月月考英语试卷
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易(0.94) |
2 . What does the man mean?
A.E­commerce is a double­edged sword.
B.Local specialties should be exported.
C.Commercials are of no use.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The natural world provides humans with essential services. For instance, forests channel water into rivers that irrigate crops while their roots prevent landslides. Over decades, therefore, governments have made promises about preserving the world’s biodiversity.

However, those promises have been broken many times, which has caused the depressing destruction of natural environments. One step towards avoiding yet more disappointment is to emphasize the close link between preserving biodiversity and the widely held goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions. Unfortunately, less known is the link between them.

Given that biodiversity has an important role in meeting these carbon-reduction goals, you might think it would feature highly in the net- emissions plans. Not so. For example, faced with tighter regulation of emissions, many companies are now channeling more time and cash to their firms’ carbon footprints reduction and energy transition, yet the plans have too little to say about biodiversity.

That needs to change. Sale guarding biodiversity is an efficient way to control carbon emissions. Companies and investment firms should pay more attention to the opportunities from preserving ecosystems. By investing in biodiversity—directing capital to projects that repair an ecosystem—companies can offset (抵消) their emissions. By some estimates, projects to manage carbon-rich wetlands and to reforest cleared and could provide more than one-third of the emissions reductions that are needed to prevent more than 2°C of global warming.

Key to managing more capital is better measurement so that the link between investment in natural projects, biodiversity and carbon is made clear. Today some so-called carbon-offset projects that involve firms paying money to are questionable and not supported by evidence. Better guidelines and practice can help and so can new technology. Drones and satellites can improve the measurement of biodiversity and accounting systems can measure how spending on biodiversity compares with pouring cash into other kinds of carbon management.

1. What do we know about biodiversity?
A.Its importance is undervalued.B.Its link with carbon emissions is clear.
C.It is the source of carbon dioxide.D.I gets promised benefits from governments.
2. Why is “many companies” mentioned in paragraph 3?
A.To clarify a rule.B.To make a conclusion.
C.To explain a plan.D.To support an opinion.
3. What is the benefit of safeguarding biodiversity?
A.Rebuilding wetlands.B.Redirecting capital.
C.Cutting carbon emissions.D.Transforming energy.
4. What message does the writer convey in the text?
A.The natural world deserves more investment.
B.The key to managing capital is new regulations.
C.It is hard to achieve net-zero carbon emissions.
D.It is worthwhile spending money on clean energy.
2024-01-06更新 | 132次组卷 | 4卷引用:江苏省苏州市相城实验中学2023年高二上英语10月月考试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . China has a unique advantage that is recognized by the world: its huge market. China has a population of more than 1.4 billion, larger than the combined population of all developed countries today. It is predicted that in the next 15 years or so, China’s middle-income group will grow from 400 million to 800 million.

McKinsey Global Institute estimates that in 2020, 55 Chinese cities could be classified as high-income cities, covering 27 percent of China’s population. By 2030, the number of high-income cities in China will increase to 93, which will be home to 44 percent of the population.

China is the biggest engine of global growth and is expected to contribute to one-third of global growth this year.

China has recently announced a series of new measures to promote opening-up, including improving the protection mechanism (机制) for foreign investment rights and interests, further reducing the negative list for foreign investment access, and guaranteeing the national treatment of foreign-invested ventures. This once again shows China’s determination to build a market-oriented (以市场为导向的), law-based and international business environment.

China’s advantages are reflected in its comprehensive cost performance, including world-class infrastructure, complete industrial structure, long industry chains and the responsiveness of the government system, as well as its large number of entrepreneurs (企业家) and high-quality workers. These are competitive advantages that no other country has all of.

Statistics show that in the first 10 months of this year, 41,947 new foreign-invested enterprises were established in China, an increase of 32.1 percent year-on-year. It is fair to say that whoever gives up on the Chinese market is separating themselves from opportunities and the future. China brings energy, certainty and growth to a world that is in short supply of them as it enters a period of change. That explains China's continued appeal to the foreign business community.

1. According to Paragraphs 1&2, which of the following might the author agree with?
A.China’s high-income cities will house 44 percent of the population in 2030.
B.China’s population is larger than the population of all developing countries.
C.China’s middle-income group will increase by 800 million in the next 15 years.
D.China’s 27 percent population could be classified as low-income group in 2020.
2. What does “this” refer to in paragraph 4?
A.Protecting foreign investment rights and interests better.
B.Reducing the negative list for foreign investment access.
C.Announcing a series of new measures to promote opening-up.
D.Ensuring the national treatment of foreign-invested ventures.
3. China’s advantages are reflected in the following aspects EXCEPT ________.
A.The numerous entrepreneurs.B.The world’s first-class facilities.
C.The overall industrial structure.D.The insufficient industry chains
4. What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To persuade us to become entrepreneurs.
B.To share information about Chinese market.
C.To tell us how to improve China’s economy.
D.To appeal to the foreign business community.
2023-12-22更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省扬州市高邮市2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The best ideas are often so smart, so simple and so clearly needed; it’s strange to discover they don’t already exist. So it is with Farm My School, a program that’s turning underused land at secondary schools into commercially achievable, regenerative market gardens farmed by and for local communities.

Co-founded by permaculturist Ben Shaw and regenerative educator James McLennan, Farm My School connects local people and organizations through volunteering that helps establish a school’s market garden. Students learn about community networks, healthy eating, ecological responsibility, waste reduction and climate relief while helping with food production. Schools integrate all these into their courses while producing vegetable boxes every week that feed local families, supply the school’s food needs and ultimately pay the farmer’s salary.

Farm My School has gained the extraordinary enthusiasm of the locals, who answered an online shout-out to buy tickets to the program’s launch event at Bell Secondary School last October. Called Build A Farm in a Day Festival, the event featured workshops by Ben and James to share the skills required to build what they say is the world’s largest no-dig garden. “It was such a powerful event, and I think that comes down to people wanting to act now,” says James. “We charged for the experience and 600 guys turned up! They didn’t even need free drinks to get excited. We were gardening till midnight. It was amazing. We’ve got true community buy-in.”

Volunteers have since begun beneficial planting throughout the school. Next steps include further discussions with local communities, employing a farmer, and bringing in a teacher to develop courses. “We’ve seen this huge push towards seeing schools as regenerative spaces, not just for planting but for kids to be more connected to the outside world, and really seeing the school in a whole new light,” James says. “For us, the big excitement is that by allowing a professional farmer to take the responsibility of growing food, it’s not only on the school to look after that farm anymore, which eventually makes it much more sustainable,” adds Ben.

1. Why was Farm My School founded?
A.To raise the income of the local people.
B.To advocate a commercial farming plan.
C.To provide free food for local communities.
D.To turn underused campus land into market gardens.
2. How do schools involve students into the program?
A.By developing program-based courses.
B.By organizing voluntary work in communities.
C.By offering them part-time jobs in the market gardens.
D.By encouraging them to produce daily vegetable boxes.
3. What does the underlined word “buy-in” mean in paragraph 3?
4. What is the highlight of the program according to Ben?
A.It brings in money to support the school.
B.The school farm will be able to last long.
C.The local people will take care of the farm.
D.Students connect more with the outside world.
2023-08-09更新 | 348次组卷 | 7卷引用:江苏省如皋中学2022-2023学年高三4月阶段测试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

December 11, 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of China’s entrance to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Over the past 20 years, China has won widespread     1     (recognize) for its commitments, becoming a country that practices and defends globalization

Since 2001, China’s overall tax rate     2     (drop) from 15.3 percent to 7.4 percent, lower than that in most developing countries. China has also continuously cut     3     (it) negative list of foreign investment access, and opened up as many sectors as possible to international trade.

The facilitation of trade and investment proves that China is opening     4     (wide) to the outside world,     5     in turn has promoted faster growth of the Chinese economy. In the last two decades, China’s GDP has gone from sixth to second in the world, with its trade in goods rising from sixth place to first and trade in services     6     (climb) from eleventh to second place.

WTO spoke highly of the nation’s important role as a driver of global growth and its commitment     7     guarding the trading system and participating in the various parts of WTO projects.

As the years progressed, China contributed     8     average of 30 percent to world economic growth. In 2020     9     (specific), the global economy declined owing to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,     10     China became the only major economy to sustain positive growth, putting the nation in an important position to drive the world’s gradual economic recovery.

2023-07-19更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省奔牛高级中学2022-2023学年高二下学期第一次学情调研英语试卷(含听力)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What might Mr.Wells be?
A.An athlete.B.A business owner.C.An advertising expert.
2. What do we know about the product?
A.It is from family business.
B.Its main buyers are runners.
C.It is designed to be used by a team.
3. According to the woman, what does Mr. Wells need most?
A.The budget of the advertising.
B.The name of the chosen person.
C.The artwork of the advertisement.
2023-06-05更新 | 115次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省泰州市?2023?届高三第四次调研测试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Give the Senate (参议院) some credit: in shaping the current immigration-reform bill, it has come up with one idea that almost everybody hates. That’s the plan to create a new class of “guest workers” — immigrants who would be allowed to work in the U.S. for three two-year stretches, at most, provided that they return home to stay for a year after each visit. Conservatives dislike the plan because they believe that the guest workers won’t return home after their visas expire. Liberals dislike it because they believe the program will depress American wages and trap guest workers. The only supporters of the bill are businesses that rely heavily on immigrant labor, and they’re probably just looking out for themselves.

With the broader concerns about the effects of illegal immigration, the hostility to the new plan is understandable. However imperfect, the guest-worker program is better than any politically feasible alternative. Opponents of immigration sometimes imply that adding workers to a work-force automatically brings wages down. But immigrants tend to work in different industries than native workers, and have different skills, and so they often end up complementing native workers rather than competing with them. That can make native workers more productive and therefore better off.

According to a recent study by the economists Gianmarco Ottaviano and Giovanni Peri, immigration actually boosted the wages of most American workers; its only negative effect was a small one, on the wages of workers without a high-school diploma. And if by increasing the number of legal guest workers we reduced the number of undocumented workers, the economy would benefit even more.

Guest workers are also, paradoxically, less likely than illegal immigrants to become permanent residents. The U.S. already has a number of smaller—and less well-designed—temporary-worker programs, and there’s no evidence that workers in those plans routinely overstay their visas. One remarkable study found that after border enforcement was stepped up in 1993 the chance of an illegal immigrant returning to his homeland to stay fell by a third.

In fact, whatever benefits the guest-worker program brought to the U.S. economy or to particular businesses, the biggest winners would be the workers themselves. There are few, if any, foreign-aid programs that do as much for people in developing countries as simply allowing them to work in U. S. legally. This program’s costs to American workers are insignificant, the gains for the guest workers are enormous, and the U.S. economy will benefit. This is that rare option which is both sensible and politically possible.

1. According to the passage, the guest-worker program ________.
A.allows immigrants to work in the U.S. for six continuous years
B.has aroused criticism from conservatives, liberals and the business world
C.will make local workers more productive as it brings fierce competition
D.is a sensible approach to resolving the illegal immigration problems
2. Gianmarco Ottaviano and Giovanni Peri point out that immigration ________.
A.is immune from negative effects
B.will root out undocumented labourers
C.has led to economic prosperity and social stability
D.has enhanced wages of most American workers
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 4?
A.Illegal immigrants are more likely to stay permanently in the U.S. than guest workers.
B.With stepped-up border control, illegal immigrants are more likely to stay in their homeland.
C.Workers in temporary-worker programs usually pay no attention to their visa duration.
D.Guest workers will not stay too long because of the enhanced border enforcement.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards guest workers’ plan?
2023-05-12更新 | 141次组卷 | 2卷引用:阅读理解变式题-市场与经济
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填人一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Economic and trade ties between China and countries along the Belt and Road    1     (grow) significantly over the past decade.

Proposed by China in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative refers    2    the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 2lst Century Maritime Silk Road. China’s trade in goods with Belt and Road countries doubled    3    $1.04 trillion in 2013 to $2.07 trillion in 2022, with    4    average annual growth rate of 8 percent. Chen Chunjiang, assistant minister of commerce, said at a news conference. By the end of 2022, Chinese enterprises had invested $57.13 billion in economic and trade cooperation zone countries along the Belt and Road,    5    helped create 421.000 jobs for local residents.

    6    (go) ahead, China will expand imports of quality goods, improve its two-way investment structure    7    conclude free trade agreements with more countries along the Belt and Road. China will    8    (active) negotiate and sign bilateral (双边的) cooperation agreements on green development, digital economy and blue economy countries along the Belt and Road.

China will also strengthen cooperation with countries along the Belt and Road in areas including poverty     9    (reduce), health and education, and initiate more “small but beautiful”     10     (project)to enhance local people’s sense of accomplishment, Chen said.

阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . This year, everything is getting more expensive. This is called inflation. The word inflation comes from inflate, which means “to grow big”. For instance, we inflate balloons.     1     When everyone suddenly wants the same thing, it becomes scarce and the price goes up because people will pay more to get it. In fact, inflation has been described as “too much money chasing too few goods”.

    2     During that time, people all over the world spent little money, because they were forced to stay home. Fuel prices dropped because people weren’t really going anywhere. But now that everything is getting back to normal in many countries, people want to go out and meet friends, get their hair properly cut and generally spend money again. So the demand for goods and services is rising rapidly.

In fact, the world has been hit by a number of drastic problems all coming together, ranging from the pandemic to war to climate change. Oil and gas prices dropped during the pandemic, but now have shot up again.     3     Extreme weather events all over the world have made things much worse. For example, droughts in China and California threatened hydropower, while heavy rainfall and flooding in South and Southeast Asia disrupted coal mining in countries like India and China. The cost of coffee increased when Brazil—the world’s largest producer—had a poor harvest after severe drought.     4    

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned that 2023 could be the “darkest hour” for the global economy: “The three largest economies — the United States, China and the Euro area—will continue to stall. The worst is yet to come.” But, to end on a hopeful note, experts say that manufacturing and tourism are gradually rebounding in Malaysia, Thailand and the Pacific island countries.     5    

A.The Covid-19 pandemic is the main cause.
B.Therefore, we should prepare for “the worst”.
C.So we can hope ”the worst" can be prevented.
D.In the case of money, inflation means the price of things is rising.
E.There is also a shortage of materials like plastic, concrete and steel.
F.All of this hits the poor the hardest, and leads to fewer goods being bought.
G.The war in Ukraine has affected the supply of gas to Europe, as this mostly comes from Russia.
2023-03-27更新 | 127次组卷 | 3卷引用:江苏省南通市如皋市2022-2023学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题(含听力)
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