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阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |

1 . The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms (节气). The year starts from Beginning of Spring and ends with Greater Cold, moving in cycles. The solar term culture is still useful today to guide people’s lives through special foods, cultural ceremonies and even healthy living tips.

Grain Buds (小满) is the 8th solar term of the year. It means that the seeds (种子) from the grain are becoming full. During Grain Buds, the summer harvest is about to begin. A saying about rain during this time mentions, “Heavy rainfall makes the river full.” Because of the great increase in rainfall, rivers are full of water. This is a good time to enjoy fish. It is also a harvest season for fishermen.

Frost’s Descent (霜降), the 18th solar term of the year, is the last solar term of autumn. The weather becomes much colder than before and frost begins. The apple is one kind of recommended fruit during Frost’s Descent. There are many sayings about apples’ benefits (益处) in China, such as “ Eat an apple after meals. Even old men can be as strong as young men.

Minor Cold (小寒) is the 23rd one. For most areas of China, it marks the start of the coldest days of the year and people always start preparing for Chinese New Year. According to traditional Chinese medicine thoughts, people need to eat food that has more yang energy to prevent cold from harming their bodies. Another important traditional food for Minor Cold is Laba porridge (腊八粥).

1. Which is the last solar term of a year?
A.Frost’s Descent.B.Greater Cold.
C.Minor Cold.D.Beginning of Spring.
2. Which solar term do fishermen like best?
A.Beginning of Spring.B.Grain Buds.
C.Frost’s Descent.D.Minor Cold.
3. Which of the following sentences is closest in meaning to the underlined sentences in Paragraph 3?
A.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
B.It’s more useful for old men to eat apples than young men.
C.If old men eat apples after meals, they will never die.
D.Old men will grow into young men after eating an apple.
4. What are the usual practices for people in most areas of China during Minor Cold?
①prepare for Chinese New Year          ②have Laba porridge
③say goodbye to the coldest days        ④wear warmer clothes
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . When Chinese people think of wushu, what often comes to mind is wuxia novels, a kind of historical novel that involves wushu warriors.    1    . For example, the characters may have superhuman strength or the ability to fly. They may also be able to focus their inner spiritual strength and send it through the air, knocking people over or breaking down walls.

    2    . However, by far the most popular author in this genre(文体) was Zha Liangyong(1924-2018) who used the pen name Jin Yong and sold over 300 million books worldwide. His novels have also been translated into many languages and some have been made into movies and TV series.

    3    , and then he goes off to learn wushu. After becoming a wushu master, the hero begins travelling the jianghu, fighting evil wherever it may be found. Eventually, the main character proves to be an example of justice, kindness, courage, loyalty, truth, and honesty.    4    , which refers to a person who holds back the strong and helps the weak. Through hardship, self-discipline and a well-known teacher, one can be a wushu master. However, he coming a wuxia hero, one should always bear xia in mind. A wuxia hero always puts friends, his people, and his country first.     5    . Through superior martial arts skills pus fiends, qualities he and his fellows save the day.

A.Wuxia stories most often take place in the jianghu
B.Central to the idea of the wuxia hero is the concept of xia
C.Most often, there are some fantastic elements to these novels
D.Wuxia has a long literary history dating back as far as Sima Qian
E.As a master storyteller, he wove fact and fiction in a fantastic way
F.And he is willing to battle to help those in need and make a better society
G.Typically, wuxia stories begin with a hero who experiences personal trouble
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . It’s been nearly two decades since the traditional clothing style Hanfu first started to reemerge in China. Since then it has gone from a small cultural movement celebrating an ancient fashion to a trend that is booming on social media, having been adopted by China’s Generation Z as a means of connecting with their past. Instead of following other cultures blindly, Generation Z now have different opinions about what trend is by promoting local culture while having an objective view of exotic cultural products.

The new tastes of Generation Z—young people born after 1995—are well represented on Bilibili. In the recent New Year’s Eve gala presented by Bilibili, it attracted more than 100 million views within 48 hours with a colourful set of programmes ranging from Peking Opera to classical Chinese cartoons. The same is also true of movie industry. Last year, for the first time, the top 10 most viewed films in China were all domestic films, while the ticket sales for imported films have dropped to only 16.28 percent.

”Generation Z grew up with the rapid development of China and under good economic conditions. With the development of the Chinese Internet industry, they have more access to diverse international information and culture, which bring them a much broader vision and makes them more open and confident in analyzing foreign culture. Apart from taking pride in China’s rapid development, this generation also pursues individuality and values devotion to the country,“ Professor Zhang Yiwu said.

He also noted that the popular rock and punk culture pursued by the 70s and 80s generation is more of a challenge against real life and local culture. Some people who were born in the 1970s and 1980s did not grow up in the Internet age—they experienced the transformation of China going from poor to rich first-hand. This kind of longing and admiration of the West came from a lack of confidence.

However, Generation Z now have the confidence to look at Western culture with equal status. This kind of cultural confidence will result in China being more active and creative in its development on the international stage in the future.

1. What does the underlined word ”exotic“ in Paragraph 1 mean?
2. Why is Bilibili mentioned in Paragraph 2?
A.To confirm the rise of new media.
B.To promote Chinese Internet industry.
C.To highlight the popularity of domestic art.
D.To show the popularity of New Year’s Eve gala.
3. What do we know about Generation Z from the passage?
A.They have a stronger cultural identity.
B.They are longing for cultural diversity.
C.They have made China develop rapidly.
D.They are more fond of foreign culture.
4. What can be a suitable title for the passage?
A.Confident China, Better Future
B.China’s Progress Results in Cultural Confidence
C.China’s New Generation Redefine Local Culture as Trendy
D.Hanfu Style, Connector of Ancient Fashion and Modern Trend
2023-10-09更新 | 326次组卷 | 20卷引用:冀教版2019选择性必修三Unit 3 Confucius and Today's Society Section 1 Reading for Meaning 单元测试
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . In the traditional religions of Africa, life doesn’t end with death.     1     Some African groups believe these spirits dwell (栖居) underground in a world much like that of the living—but upside down. Other groups believe the sky is the permanent resting place of the dead. For instance, the Bushmen of southern Africa believe that the spirits of the dead go up to the sky and become stars.

Among the spirits, the ancestors comprise a special category of their own.     2     To become an ancestor is the best that one can hope for after death. However, not everyone who dies will turn into an ancestor. For one to become an ancestor, there are conditions to be fulfilled while the person is alive—living an upright life and fulfilling all social and religious duties, for example.

Many African groups believe that the spirits of ancestors remain near their living descendants as guardians of the family and their traditions.     3     But they punish people if certain ceremonies have not been performed properly or if there are some violations of community laws.

    4     For example, the people of Buganda in present-day Uganda say that their first ancestor was Kintu, who came from the land of the gods and married Nambe, daughter of the king of heaven. Another example is the Dinkas of Sudan, who believe they are descended from Garang and Abuk, the first man and woman created by God as tiny clay figures in a pot.     5    

A.As ancestors, they have some extra powers.
B.After death, humans continue to live on as spirits.
C.Ancestors have an indispensable significance for some Africans.
D.Some of the dead will become spiritual ancestors living in their descendants’ hearts.
E.Ancestor worship also plays a very significant role in the mythologies of some African peoples.
F.They help in times of trouble as long as their descendants perform proper rituals and pay them due respect.
G.For these Africans, the honored dead have become not only objects of worship but also subjects of tales and legends.
2022-08-01更新 | 571次组卷 | 3卷引用:冀教版2019必修一 Unit 4 Culture and Cultural DiversitySection 4 Expanding Our Horizons 单元测试
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Cultural heritage is an essential part of our identity, history and traditions. It includes buildings, monuments, artworks, books, music and other artefacts.    1    . However, the preservation of cultural heritage is not always guaranteed, and many valuable pieces have been lost or destroyed over time.

So, what can we do to protect our cultural heritage? The first step is to raise awareness about its importance. People need to understand that cultural heritage is not just a collection of old things.     2    . We should appreciate and respect it, and encourage others to do so as well.

Another way to protect cultural heritage is through legislation.     3    . They can also provide funding for restoration and maintenance projects, and impose penalties on those who damage or destroy cultural heritage.

Education plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage. Schools and universities can teach students about the value of cultural heritage and how to care for it     4    .

Technology can be a useful tool in protecting cultural heritage. Digitization allows us to preserve and share cultural artefacts with a wider audience, while also reducing the risk of damage or loss. Virtual reality can also be used to recreate historical sites and buildings, allowing people to experience them in a new and immersive way.

    5    . By raising awareness, establishing laws, educating people and using technology, we can ensure that our cultural heritage is preserved for future generations to enjoy and appreciate.

A.Historic buildings are climate friendly.
B.It is also a symbol of our cultural diversity and creativity.
C.Protecting cultural heritage requires a collective effort.
D.To be kept alive, cultural heritage must be related to its community.
E.This non-renewable treasure should be passed down from one generation to another.
F.Governments can establish laws and regulations to protect historic sites, buildings and artifacts.
G.Museums and other cultural institutions can offer exhibitions and events that show the importance of cultural heritage.
2023-07-30更新 | 242次组卷 | 5卷引用:冀教版2019必修一 Unit 4 Culture and Cultural Diversity 单元复习与测试 单元测试
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述文创设计师Yao Yanbei在文创设计上做出了突出贡献,弘扬了敦煌的艺术文化,在他们这些文创设计师的影响下,文创产业在敦煌扎根。

6 . Born and raised in Dunhuang, Northwest China’s Gansu Province, Yao Yanbei has long been lost in the cultural heritage of the city. She ______ to Dunhuang as a promising ______ after graduating from a college in Xiamen.

In 2016, inspired by patterns in Dunhuang murals (壁画), Yao ______ a toy camel. “Through the toy camel, I intended to ______ the spirit of the locals who are usually tough-minded and hard-working,” Yao said.

In August 2017, Yao spent nearly a month inside grottoes (石窟) drawing the murals. “Staying in the grottoes from dawn to dusk, I felt ______ connected with the ancient artists who ______ the murals. It was an amazing ______,” she said. Inspired by the sculptures and murals, Yao later designed some innovative products, including T-shirts, bookmarks, pocket mirrors and key rings.

Thanks to the efforts of designers like Yao, the ______ and creative industry began to take root in Dunhuang. Starting from 2018, every year the city has ______ an international design week to help ______ the industry. “By pooling the wisdom of designers from home and abroad, we want to make Dunhuang’s creative ______ more fashionable,” said Liu Mengxing, a vice general manager of a local company.

       Looking ahead at her ______ in design, Yao plans to ______ Dunhuang’s ancient art further and apply the wisdom of ancient artists to products of modern life. “I want to design more creative products that ______ more international customers,” said Yao. “I hope my design can bring people ______ to Dunhuang.”1.
A.test outB.result inC.rely onD.appeal to
2023-07-23更新 | 252次组卷 | 6卷引用:冀教版2019选择性必修三 Unit 3 Confucius and Today's Society 单元复习与测试 单元测试
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . You might think of it as a scene from martial arts movies when you see people performing graceful moves down the river, all standing on a bamboo strip, but actually it is a form of intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产): bamboo drifting.

Over 2,000 years ago, the high-quality wood, nanmu, in Guizhou was in great demand by the royal court more than 2,000 kilometers to the north. With no better transportation, people had to stand on one log to drift down the river. Later, local people began to compete along the way and the game of wood drifting was born. In the Qing Dynasty, wood drifting became bamboo drifting because of bamboo’s lower price. Due to the great strength and balance it takes for one to master this act, bamboo drifting was included in the national intangible cultural heritage list in 2021.

Yang Liu, a 25-year-old inheritor of bamboo drifting, learned it at seven. “Usually, the bamboo under your feet is about 9 meters long, and the bamboo in your hands is about 5 meters. If the length or diameter of the bamboo is not long enough, it will not be buoyant (有浮力的) enough to float. Keeping our feet firmly positioned on the narrow bamboo pole is the key, so we should fight against the current by constantly changing the angle. I lost my balance and fell in the water many times while practicing. Once I fell, I gave it another try until I knew how to handle the most difficult part,” she said.

The love for the ancient skill keeps Yang going. In the past 18 years, she has drifted all year round, in cold winter and hot summer. As hanfu culture has been on the rise, Yang started wearing hanfu while performing, creating a more beautiful scene. In 2020, Yang began to post her videos on social media. “I’m extremely proud to get responses from viewers that bamboo drifting makes the line between what is possible and impossible unclear. It’s my mission to keep it alive and known to more people,” Yang Liu says.

1. What can be learned from the first two paragraphs?
A.Bamboo drifting involves lots of skills.
B.Nanmu was delivered to the north by land.
C.Bamboo was costly in Guizhou 2,000 years ago.
D.The martial arts movie is a form of cultural heritage.
2. What is the biggest challenge in bamboo drifting?
A.Keeping balance.B.Maintaining a fixed angle.
C.Finding the proper bamboo.D.Holding the bamboo firmly in hands.
3. What do the viewers think of bamboo drifting?
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Balancing with GraceB.Yang Liu: a Creative Performer
C.Transporting Bamboo down the RiverD.Intangible Cultural Heritage in Guizhou
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . For the British, the home is a private place in which he or she goes to hide away from the troubles of life. It is very seldom that one would be invited to a British person’s home. It is rude to knock on a person’s door if you are not invited. If you are invited, don’t ask to see more than the downstairs that your British host invites you into. Never ask how much the house or any of the items in it cost.

To the American, most of them want their home to be a place where they can entertain (款待) and share their lives with their friends. They may be delighted to give you a full tour of their houses. They may also be pleased when you show your interest and pleasure in their houses.

Both British and American people will engage in quite a bit of chat and a drink or two before the meal is served. After the first mouthful, you should say how delicious the food is and ask something about it. Remember, never eat with your mouth open and make very little noise while eating. It would be nice of you to help your host in any way. Maybe offer to pour some drinks or clear up after the meal.

1. If your British friend invites you to his home, you can _________.
A.see anything you like
B.ask how much his house is
C.only see the downstairs that you’re invited into
D.ask the cost of any the items in it
2. When you show your interest and pleasure in American people’s houses, they may be _______.
3. What does the underlined phrase “engage in” mean in Chinese?
4. What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Different table manners between British and American people.
B.Some manners on visiting British and American people’s home.
C.Different ideas about the home between British and American people.
D.Different ideas about how to get along well with neighbors between British and American people.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . It is no secret that China has an amazingly rich history and culture. My first exposure (接触) to Chinese culture came totally by chance. One day, I entered my grandfather’s personal library and took a book named Tao Te Ching from one of the shelves. As an 8-year-old, the book’s content completely confused me, but it provided me with an early connection to a beautiful and great philosophical (哲学的) tradition that still influences me today.

Around this time, I also came across several cartoons heavily inspired by traditional Chinese culture and martial arts such as Avatar: The Last Airbender and Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat. Both cartoons describe beautiful landscapes and buildings similar to those found in classical Chinese paintings. This further developed my love of the rich and beautiful culture.

At school I began studying Chinese. My interest in the language developed early on, combining my love of travelling with my love of meeting new people. Later on, my interest in the language developed into exploring widespread Chinese culture. I wanted to challenge myself in a totally new linguistic (语言的) landscape and listen to the lives and stories of others in their own language. I have been lucky enough to have lived in China for around three years. I loved every second I spent there and there is never a shortage of things to see and do, people to meet, and foods to enjoy.

It is safe to say that my journey to studying Chinese has only just begun and these first steps are only a drop in the ocean of lifelong learning, but as the Chinese philosopher Laozi says, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

1. How does the author like the book Tao Te Ching?
A.It encourages him to go to the library.
B.It improves his behavior and habits.
C.It has a long lasting influence on him.
D.It makes him know Chinese society better.
2. What makes the author more interested in Chinese culture?
A.Watching some cartoons.B.Admiring Chinese paintings.
C.Living abroad for long.D.Cooking Chinese food.
3. What can we learn from paragraph 3?
A.Chinese culture differs greatly from others’.
B.Travelling takes up much of the author’s time.
C.It’s easy for the author to get on well with others.
D.The author learns languages in real surroundings.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.My Grandpa’s Influence on MeB.My Exploration of Chinese Culture
C.My Travel Experience in ChinaD.My Exposure to TaoTe Ching
2023-07-08更新 | 228次组卷 | 6卷引用:(2019)人教版必修二 Unit 4 History and Traditions 单元检测
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . New Zealand’s amazing scenic beauty plays host to some amazing music, food, and cultural festivals throughout the year. Below are some best festivals in New Zealand to add to your wish list.

Wellington on a Plate
When: 20th-21st November, 2022
Where: Wellington
Entry Fee: Free of charge

Wellington on a Plate is an impressive food festival in New Zealand which is not limited to just one place. Wellington’s restaurants, venues, and even car parks become hosts to this wild celebration. Hamburgers are a popular food choice in Wellington. Besides them, creative cocktails, wines, and over 100 exciting events also wait for you.

Rhythm & Alps
When: 29th December, 2022
Where: Robrosa Station, Wanaka, South Island
Entry Fee: INR 5,000-34,000

Are you crazy about mountains and music? Rhythm & Alps is a festival that you can plan a road trip to. It is one of the camping festivals in New Zealand that could bring together world-class bands, DJs and festival-goers to welcome the coming year.

Rhythm and Vines
When: 28th-31st December, 2022
Where: Waiohika Estate, Gisborne
Entry Fee: INR 20,500-34,000

Gisborne is the first city in the world to see the New Year, as it is on New Zealand’s East Cape. A 3-day-long international music festival, Rhythm and Vines, is held there to welcome the first sunrise of the New Year.

Victorian Fete
When: 21st November, 2022
Where: Victorian Precinct, Oamaru
Entry Fee: INR 700

Victorian Fete is a good occasion during which festival-goers take a step back in time to the Victorian time. Festival-goers show up in Victorian full dress during the celebration. Have your spare time enjoying tasty food, wine, beer, and world-class whisky at one of the exciting New Zealand traditional festivals.

1. What is special about Wellington on a Plate?
A.It’s free to the locals.
B.It’s known for its road trips.
C.It’s held at various locations.
D.It’s an excellent music festival.
2. What do we learn about Rhythm & Alps and Rhythm and Vines?
A.They’re good choices for camping fans.
B.They require the same fee for admission.
C.They fall on the first few days of the year.
D.They are intended to celebrate the New Year.
3. Which of the follow appeals most to one interested in old fashion?
A.Victorian Fete.B.Rhythm & Alps.
C.Rhythm and Vines.D.Wellington on a Plate.
2023-03-27更新 | 248次组卷 | 4卷引用:Unit 1 单元综合测试题-2022-2023学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第三册
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