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听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Who first traveled around the moon before human beings?
2. Why were the creatures studied after returning to earth?
A.To see how they were affected.
B.To examine where they were affected.
C.To find out whether they were affected.
3. What caused the main changes in the creatures?
A.The space travel..B.A lack of food..C.Loss of appetite.
4. What happened in 1948?
A.One dog landed in the Indian Ocean.
B.Mice helped people explore space.
C.Monkeys were being sent into space.
7日内更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019 必修三 Unit 4 单元测试A卷(含听力)
短文填空-根据提示/语境补全短文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 短文填空

Save Us — South China Tiger

We are called South China Tiger, and we are     1     (处于灭绝的危险). It’s     2     (alarm) that there are only 30-80 living in the zoo. Our skin and fur are regarded as expensive traditional medicine. (For this reason we are being illegally hunted)     3     (用强调句升级加黑体部分). Even worse,    4     (由于) the fact that trees are being cut down by human beings, 5.    5     (我们的自然栖息地——森林,正受到威胁). However,    6     (人们正采取有效措施增加野生虎的数量).

Please refuse to buy our fur or other tiger products!

7日内更新 | 3次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 高中英语 必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 语法填空

Herds of elephants used to live on the plains of Africa and in the forests of Asia. But today, hunters are a serious threat     1     them. The number of these large animals     2     (reduce) at an alarming rate due to     3     (legal) hunting. To save them, some     4     (reserve) have been established where they can live in peace and safety. However, the attacks on them will continue as long as interest in buying elephant products exists. To make humans and animals live     5     harmony, measures must be taken     6     (protect) these beautiful creatures from becoming     7     (endanger).

7日内更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 高中英语 必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
4 . 假定你是学生会主席李华,学生会拟在下周末组织志愿者参加到附近公园捡垃圾的活动。请你向全校同学发起倡议,内容包括:
Dear fellow students,

The Students’ Union

7日内更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版(2019) 高中英语 第1讲 热考文体
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Humans have sailed the oceans’ surfaces for millennia (千年), but their depths remain effectively uncharted. Only about a quarter of the seafloor has been mapped at high resolution. Maps of most regions display only approximate depths and often miss entire underwater mountains or canyons (峡谷).

So a group of researchers has recruited some deep-diving experts: Elephant Seals and Weddell Seals. Scientists have been placing trackers on these blubbery marine mammals around Antarctica for years, gathering data on ocean temperature and salinity. For a new study, the researchers compared these dives’ location and depth data with some of the less detailed seafloor maps. They spotted places where the seals dove deeper than should have been possible according to the maps-meaning the existing depth estimates were inaccurate.

In eastern Antarctica’s Vincennes Bay, the diving seals helped the scientists find a large, hidden underwater canyon. An Australian research ship called the RSV Nuyina later measured the canyon’s exact depth using sonar, and the researchers have proposed naming their find the Mirounga-Nuyina Canyon — honoring both the ship and the involved Elephant Seals, genus (动植物的属) Mirounga.

But seals can’t map the entire ocean floor. The trackers used in the study could pinpoint a seal’s geographical location only within about 1.5miles. Plus, because the seals don’t always dive to the bottom of the ocean, they can reveal only where the bottom is deeper than in existing maps — not shallower. McMahon notes that scientists could improve on these data by using more precise GPS trackers and analyzing the seals’ diving patterns to determine whether they have reached the seafloor or simply stopped descending.

The current seal-dive data can still be valuable for an important task, says Anna Wåhlin, an oceanographer. The deep ocean around Antarctica is warmer than the frigid waters at the surface, and seafloor canyons can allow that warmer water to flow to the ice along the continent’s coast, Wåhlin explains. To predict how Antarctica’s ice will melt, scientists will need to know where those canyons are and how deep they go.

1. What problem is mentioned at the beginning of the text?
A.Lack of the map.B.Not enough tools.
C.Ineffective charts.D.Inaccurate measurement.
2. How did the researchers conduct the study?
A.By observing the seals.B.By comparing different data.
C.By using advanced equipment.D.By analyzing the existing maps.
3. What does the underlined words “their find” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The canyon.B.The ship.C.The seals.D.The genus.
4. What can be inferred from the text?
A.The present data is of little use.
B.Seal’s swimming pattern influences the data.
C.The ocean’s surface around Antarctica is warmer.
D.The seal can’t reach deep ocean because of temperature.
7日内更新 | 106次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省鞍山市高三下学期第二次质量监测英语试题
书信写作-演讲稿 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 应用文写作运用:演讲稿——太空探索
1. 利用本单元所学知识完成句子;
2. 使用恰当的过渡衔接词连句成篇。
⑤无论遇到什么样的困难,中国人民会继续和平利用太空,参与到为人类谋福利的活动中。 (no matter what引导让步状语从句)
7日内更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版(2019) 高中英语 选择性必修四 Unit 6 Space and beyond
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 语法填空

At present, we are accustomed to     1     (observe)the night sky with     2    telescope and most of us have been aware that it is an awesome invention. With the help of it, we can see numberless stars     3     (visible)to the naked eye. However, our quest is far beyond observing the stars, and we have been trying to explore more unknown regions in the universe.Our efforts never     4     (suspension), although the loss of the Challenger once cast a shadow    5     our hearts.

7日内更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版(2019) 高中英语 选择性必修四 Unit 6 Space and beyond
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是Alison Teal探索世界的故事以及她的环保理念。

8 . Born to an adventure-loving mom and a National Geographic’s photographer dad, Alison Teal was already exploring the world as a baby. The family traveled the globe staying not at five-star hotels but in a six-foot-wide tent. From cold mountaintops to hot jungles, they completely involved themselves in local nature and culture.

Between journeys, they would return home to a quiet and faraway part of the Big Island of Hawaii, where they built a solar-powered oceanfront rest center. The front yard was the ocean, and Alison’s friends were dolphins. She would dive into the water and release seaweed. A dolphin would catch it on its nose or fin and throw it to the next player. Over the years, the dolphins grew to trust Alison. They looked for her and came close to her in the water.

After graduating from university, she continued her world travels. Her adventurous childhood and life skills landed her a spot in the reality show Naked and Afraid, in which she and her partner had to live on an unwelcoming island for 21 days. Alison’s deep knowledge of how to live in a wilderness saved the pair, but what shocked her was the amount of trash washed upon the shore.

“After that, I couldn’t ignore our plastic problem. I shifted my focus and started to protect our greatest resource, the ocean,” says Alison. Swimming in familiar waters back home, she also found her dolphin friends were no longer tossing (抛) seaweed to each other, but plastic. “That was distressing,” she says.

Her book, Alison’s Adventures: Your Passport to the World, is fled with travel tales and environmental lessons. She also offers free adventure films to go along with each chapter on her YouTube and TikTok. Alison believes all of us can make changes to protect the Earth and, in turn, those we love. “Whether you’re a lawyer, a gardener, an artist, a teacher or a surfer, we can all help in our own ways,” she says.

1. What can we infer from the first paragraph?
A.Alison Teal had a comfortable life when she was young.
B.Alison Teal was fond of photography when she was young.
C.Alison Teal’s parents we restrict with her when she was young.
D.Alison Teal led a life close to nature when she was young.
2. What alarmed Alison Teal during her participation in the reality show?
A.The amount of trash washed upon the shore.
B.The unwelcoming island where they had to live.
C.The lack of resources in the wilderness.
D.The dangerous situations they encountered.
3. When did Alison Teal decide to shift her focus and start protecting the ocean?
A.During a journey with her parents.
B.After her participation in a show.
C.Before her graduation from university.
D.When visiting the Big Island of Hawaii.
4. What’s Alison Teal’s opinion about protecting the Earth?
A.Everyone can contribute in their own ways.
B.Only certain professions can make a difference.
C.It is impossible to make any significant changes.
D.It is the responsibility of governments and organizations.
7日内更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期教学测评月考卷(五)英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Billions of insects are moving together over the sky like a black cloud. It’s a swarm of locusts. Many insects move in huge swarms. They form swarms for different reasons. Some move together to look for food or to find new homes. Sometimes insects swarm for protection. These enormous swarms can destroy food crops and harm other living things.

When something disturbs a red fire ants’ nest, out they will come. Not just one or two, but thousands of them. The fire ants swarm all over their victim. Their stings burn like fire. Each ant in the swarm can sting over and over again. The fire ants hold onto their victim with their mouth parts. Then they inject their prey with poison. Most small animals cannot survive the stings from a swarm of fire ants.

When army ants are on the move, anything in their path is prey. Even snakes can’t escape a swarm of these stinging ants. Army ants move together to look for food. They can’t see their prey, but they use smells and sounds to find their way. If they come to a river, they make a bridge with their bodies. They cling together with their legs. Then the rest of the ants can cross the bridge. There is not much that can stop these fierce and cruel ants from chasing their prey.

Insects are not the only animals that swarm. There are many others that do. Most are not harmful to people. Being close to a huge swarm of animals can be scary and dangerous. Some scientists have studied animal swarms. They have found that many swarms follow simple rules. They work together to solve problems. When they work together they are a very strong team.

1. What does the underlined word “swarm” in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.To force a liquid into something.B.To hold onto something tightly.
C.To move together in a large group.D.To watch over something.
2. What can we learn about fire ants from the text?
A.Their stings contain a kind of poison and are deadly to most small animals.
B.They can destroy food crops and are harmful to other living things.
C.When they move together, they are called “a swarm of locusts”.
D.They move in swarms to make new nests in different places.
3. Which of the following can be the proper feature of army ants according to the text?
A.Blind and smelly.B.Angry and violent.
C.Scary and dangerous.D.Strong and fast.
4. What is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Moving NestsB.Stinging Fire Ants
C.A Moving ArmyD.Swarms of Animals
7日内更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届新疆维吾尔自治区塔城地区高考第二次模拟二模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . If you think about World Heritage Sites, you probably think of places associated with ancient art and culture and historical buildings. And of course, many of these are on the World Heritage List (WHL). These include remains of ancient cultures like Cuzco in Peru or the rock city of Petra in Jordan as well as old city centers such as Rome in Italy. Also common are places of artistic or cultural significance, like the Stonehenge stone circle in England. But the WHL contains a lot of sites that are not so obvious. Let’s look at a few of the more unusual sites on the WHL and why it is important to preserve them.

Citadel of Haiti

These monuments were built at the end of the 19th century when Haiti became independent and the many thousands of black slaves in Haiti were free for the first time. These ex-slaves built the monuments, which the WHL describes as “a universal symbol of liberty”.

Borders of France and Spain

This is an area of great natural beauty and the mountains have many interesting geological formations.

But it is also an area of small farms. The WHL has listed the site because it shows us about past European society through its landscape of villages, farms, fields, up land pastures and mountain roads.

The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway

This railway in India was opened in 1881 and is still operating today. It crosses a difficult area of mountain landscape and it is a great example of railway engineering. The WHL says that it is “the first, and still the most outstanding, example of a hill passenger railway.”

The city of Brasilia

Brasilia is a capital city that was created from nothing in 1956. The WHL calls it “a land mark in the history of town planning”. The different areas of the city and the buildings themselves were all designed at the same time so that they would harmonize with each other.

1. What’s the function of the examples of World Heritage Sites in paragraph 1?
A.To highlight the importance of WHL.
B.To exemplify sites of artistic and cultural value.
C.To compare the differences between various sites.
D.To draw readers’ attention to more unique sites on the WHL.
2. Who built Citadel of Haiti?
A.Former slaves.B.Citizens in Haiti.
C.Active revolutionaries.D.Haiti government.
3. Which site will attract a town planner most?
A.Citadel of Haiti.B.Borders of France and Spain.
C.The city of Brasilia.D.The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.
7日内更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省G5联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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