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1 . Most of us are familiar with Groundhog Day, wherein a large groundhog checks to see its shadow on February 2 and helps to predict when winter will end. But have you ever heard about how a mountain town in North Carolina uses a caterpillar (毛毛虫) known as the Woolly Worm to make similar predictions?

According to the folklore (民间传说), the amount of black on the woolly worm in autumn predicts the severity of the upcoming winter. The longer the woolly worm’s black bands (带) are, the longer, colder, snowier, and more severe the winter will be. Similarly, a wider middle brown band is associated with a milder upcoming winter. The position of the longest dark bands supposedly indicates which part of winter will be coldest or hardest. If the head end of the caterpillar is dark, the beginning of winter will be severe. If the tail end is dark, the end of winter will be cold. In addition, the woolly worm caterpillar has 13 segments to its body, which traditional forecasters say correspond to the 13 weeks of winter.

Scientific studies on worm forecasting are few and far between. The most often cited is a small trial that American Museum of Natural History entomologist Howard Curran conducted in 1948. Having heard about the caterpillar folklore, Curran traveled to Bear Mountain State Park to collect woolly worms each fall for eight years. He found that if the worms had brown markings on more than a third of their body, winters tended to be milder.

Most scientists discount the folklore of caterpillar predictions as just a folklore. “It’s a wonderful story, but I do think it was a playful trial,” says Joe Boggs, an entomologist at Ohio State University Extension who has studied woolly worms. “Curran was a real scientist. He had a bunch of papers published, but he never published this one—probably because he knew it wouldn’t stand up to peer review.”

Mike Peters, an entomologist at the University of Massachusetts, doesn’t disagree, but he says there could be a link between the band of a woolly worm and the severity of winter. Peters suggests that the timing of their growth and environmental conditions, such as temperature, moisture levels, and food sources, can impact the appearance of woolly worms, including their size, coloration, and band patterns. By analyzing these characteristics, researchers can potentially infer information about the weather conditions. “The band does say something about a heavy winter,” he says. “The only thing is that it’s telling you about the previous year.”

1. How do people predict the weather through woolly worms?
A.By analyzing their living habits.B.By measuring the change of their size.
C.By studying color bands on their bodies.D.By calculating the number of their segments.
2. What is Howard Curran’s finding based on?
A.A survey on the locals.B.His personal observations.
C.Studies by previous scientists.D.Statistics collected by the museum.
3. What does the underlined word “discount” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. Which statement might Mike Peters agree with?
A.The caterpillar forecasting needs long-term data to support it.
B.The color band of caterpillars can be a mirror of past weather.
C.The cold environment has a great impact on caterpillars’ growth.
D.Woolly worms can help predict the severity of winter accurately.
7日内更新 | 70次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西壮族自治区“贵百河”4月高三新高考模拟二模英语试题(含听力)
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Gus Kiebel在暴风雪中救助了一对被遗弃的比格犬,联系了动物福利协会,保证它们被收容在一起。最终,这对狗狗被一对爱心家庭收养,展现了善良与同情。

2 . It was snowing hard. Gus Kiebel, a county wildlife officer, was driving home from work when he ________ the pair in the flash of his headlights. The father-to-be scanned the roadside so that his struggling ________ might rest safely for the night. He looked over at her ________. They needed a warm ________ from the bitter wind.

Gus parked his truck and ________ the animals. He stretched out his hands to the beagles (比格犬), which made no effort to ________. Then he dialed the number from the dogs’ tags (标牌). A man answered and immediately grew ________ when Gus told him why he was calling. “I gave those dogs away,” the man said. “They’re not mine anymore.” Then he hung up.

Obviously, these beagles were ________. Then he brought the tired beagles home. As a boy, owning beagles had been his ________, but keeping this pair was out of the question now—the Kiebels already had a family dog. So he ________ the League for Animal Welfare to drop them off—on one ________. “I’m not signing the dogs over to you if you’re going to ________ them,” he said. The shelter workers promised him they’d keep the couple together.

In the following days, Gus phoned the shelter ________ to check up on them. Soon, the beagles were adopted as a pair, to a loving family. It’s a simple story, but it ________ the best of our nature. And when kindness weighs more than ________, it becomes the greatest miracle of all.

7日内更新 | 198次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省新高考基地学校第五次大联考英语试卷
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3 . In a groundbreaking achievement, a rhino has successfully undergone embryo (胚胎) transfer, marking the first successful use of a method that holds promise for saving the nearly extinct northern white rhino subspecies.

The experiment, conducted with the less endangered southern white rhino subspecies, involved creating an embryo in a lab using eggs and sperm (精子) collected from other rhinos. This embryo was then transferred into a southern white rhino alternative mother in Kenya. Despite the unfortunate death of the alternative mother due to an infection in November 2023, researchers praised the successful embryo transfer and pregnancy (怀孕) as a proof of concept. They are now ready to proceed to the next stage of the project: transferring northern white rhinoembryos.

Professor Thomas Hildebrandt expressed optimism about the findings, highlighting the significance of the successful embryo transfer in demonstrating that frozen and defrosted embryos produced in a lab can survive. This development offers hope for the revival of the northern white rhino population.

However, challenges facing rhino conservation remain significant. While the southern white rhino subspecies and the black rhino species have shown signs of recovery from population declines due to illegal hunting for their horns (牛角), the northern white rhino subspecies is on the edge of extinction. With only two known members left in the world, Najin and her daughter Fatu, both unable to reproduce naturally, and the recent death of the last male white rhino, Sudan, in 2018, urgent action is needed to prevent the extinction of this subspecies. Dr. Jo Shaw, CEO of Save the Rhino International, emphasized the importance of addressing the primary threats facing rhinos worldwide: illegal hunting for their horns and habitat loss due to development. She stressed the need to provide rhinos with the space and security they need to succeed in their natural environment.

While the successful embryo transfer representsa significant advancement in rhino conservation efforts, organized action is required to address the main challenges facing rhino populations worldwide.

1. What is the purpose of the experiment mentioned in the text?
A.To evaluate the efficiency of a new rhino birth program.
B.To observe the behavior of rhinos in a controlled environment.
C.To assess the effects of climate change on the southem rhino habitats.
D.To develop a way of rescuing the endangered northern white rhinos subspecies.
2. Which word can replace the underlined word “revival” in paragraph 3?
3. What is the current condition of the northern white rhino subspecies?       
A.Facing extinction.B.Showing signs of recovery.
C.Developing in their natural habitat.D.Recovering from population declines
4. What might be the best title of this text?
A.Dr. Jo Shaw’s Call to Action: Addressing Threats to Rhino Survival
B.Challenges Facing Rhino Conservation Efforts: Urgent Action Needed
C.The Successful Embryo Transfer: A Breakthrough in Rhino Conservation
D.Professor Thomas Hildebrandt’s Optimism: Hope for Rhino Population Revival
7日内更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省省级名校高三下学期第二次联考英语试题(AB卷)(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

4 . The Coral Sea is home to an amazing variety of turtles, sharks, whales, dolphins, large fish, birds, corals, plants, and many other species. Many of these species are endangered elsewhere in the world, but still survive in the healthy environment of the Coral Sea.

The Coral Sea is a large series of coral reefs located off the northeast coast of Australia. This area is three times larger than Australia’s famous Great Barrier Reef, which the Coral Sea borders.

The Coral Sea is one of the few coral reef environments that have remained largely undamaged by overfishing, oil and gas exploration and pollution. However, statistics show that coral reefs around the world are disappearing five times faster than rainforests. It is very likely that in the near future the Coral Sea will face the same threats to its existence.

The Australian government is currently looking at options for protecting the Coral Sea but has made no decisions. Environmentalists are pushing for laws to declare the Coral Sea area a marine protected area. This would mean a large “no-take zone” for fishermen, a no-exploration zone for gas and oil companies and a no-dump zone for pollution. This would make the Coral Sea a marine park larger than any in the world.

We can write letters to Australian leaders, Australian environmental protection agencies, and Australian friends, to let them know that people worldwide support this protection of the Coral Sea. To lose this last great marine wildness would be a loss for the whole world.

For more information, CLICK here please.

1. What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To teach people how to protect the Coral Sea.
B.To call for the public awareness to protect the Coral Sea.
C.To show the amazing features of the Coral Sea.
D.To explain the function of the Coral Sea.
2. What is the most important reason for protecting the Coral Sea?
A.The Coral Sea, home to many species, will disappear soon.
B.The Coral Sea is rich in oil and gas.
C.The Coral Sea is three times larger than Great Barrier Reef.
D.The Coral Sea will be a marine park larger than any in the world.
3. You can most probably read this passage _______.
A.in a guidebookB.on a website
C.in a science textbookD.on a TV show
4. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?
A.The reason for protecting the Coral Sea.
B.The way to protect the Coral Sea.
C.The location of the Coral Sea.
D.The money-raising for saving the Coral Sea.
7日内更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第十九中学2021-2022学年高二下学期(5月)复学评估诊断英语试卷及答案
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . A grey-headed flying fox is back gliding through the night after life-saving surgery on a broken wing. The female flying fox’s wing was badly injured when it was twisted in a net placed over fruit trees in Geelong, Victoria. It was rescued and taken to Werribee Open Range Zoo’s veterinary hospital where it needed two operations to repair the wing.

Paul Eden, doctor of the hospital, said, “The flying fox was in a very serious condition when it arrived.” Flying foxes are highly dependent on their wings for many purposes. They can fly an astonishing 6,000 km in a year to search for food and pollinate a wide range of plants. They also use their wings to help capture insects, regulate body temperature and attract other flying foxes during mating season, So, it was extremely important that we did everything we could to help this animal make a full recovery. Vets operated to remove some of the flying fox’s damaged wing tissue and also gave it antibiotics (抗生素) and pain relief medication.

Following the successful procedure, the flying fox was transferred to a wildlife carer to prepare it for release back into where it belonged. Dr Eden said, “It is very rewarding to see the flying fox recover fully and safely return home.” According to researchers from Werribee Open Range Zoo, flying foxes played a critical role in Australia’s ecosystem, not only for the survival of other native animals but also humans. Our ecosystem would be dramatically different without flying foxes.

Dr Eden noted that there were some simple actions people could take to keep flying foxes safe, including reducing the risk of twisting by using nets with a size no bigger than 5 mm×5 mm when fully stretched over vegetable gardens or fruit trees. “If you encounter a flying fox that is sick or in distress, for the safety of everyone, don’t attempt to rescue the animal yourself. Instead, contact Wildlife Victoria who will send a trained officer to rescue the animal,” Dr Eden said.

1. How did the flying fox get injured in the wing?
A.It was stuck in the net.B.It was hit by the fruits.
C.It was hunted while flying.D.It was twisted in the branches.
2. What is paragraph 2 intended to do?
A.Analyse the reason.B.Draw a conclusion.
C.Present a problem.D.Add some backgrounds.
3. How will the flying fox be dealt with after recovery?
A.It will be raised in a reserve.B.It will be adopted by D Eden.
C.It will be set free back to nature.D.It will be tended in a wildlife carer.
4. What did Dr Eden advise us to do while coming across an injured flying fox?
A.Rescue it on the spot.B.Seek professional aid.
C.Send it to Wildlife Victoria in person.D.Drive it to hospital as soon as possible
7日内更新 | 102次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省辽阳市高三下学期二模英语试卷(含听力)
书信写作-倡议信 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 应用文写作运用: 倡议书——保护野生动物
1. 利用本单元所学知识完成句子;
2. 使用恰当的过渡衔接词连句成篇。
7日内更新 | 3次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版(2019) 高中英语 选择性必修第二册 Unit 6 Survival
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Going for a picnic is a good experience to be in nature, but it’s terrible to have a picnic that will do harm to the environment. Here are some ways to keep your picnic green.

Use reusable plates and cups. You don’t need to wash disposable (—次性的) plates and cups because they pollute the environment. It’s greener and cheaper to bring metal plates and cups from home. After the picnic, you can take them home and wash them.

Try to buy food from local farmers’ markets. In general, if you bring less food for your picnic, you’ll create less pollution.

Try to have an all-vegetarian picnic. Modern production of meat uses lots of energy and creates lots of pollution.

Instead of driving, ride a bike or walk to the park. If the park you want to visit is too far from your home, you can take public transportation like buses or subways.

After your picnic, remember to pick up all your trash. Try to keep the picnic area clean. If possible, try not to create any trash at all and reuse whatever you can.

1. It’s ________ to have a picnic that will do harm to the environment.
2. How many ways can we keep the picnic clean from the passage?
3. Why should we bring some metal plates and cups to have a picnic?
A.Because they are very hard.
B.Because we can bring them home to reuse them after washing them.
C.Because they are cheap.
D.Because they look nice.
4. If we want to bring less food for your picnic to create less pollution, we’d better ________.
A.buy the food from the big shop in the city
B.buy the food from local farmers’ markets
C.buy the food from the supermarket near your house
D.buy the food from the restaurants in the city
7日内更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:专题02 阅读理解 经典题20篇(考题猜想)-2023-2024学年高二英语下学期期中考点大串讲(译林版2020)
短文填空-根据提示/语境补全短文 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 短文填空

Suddenly, the aftershock struck, which made the rescue work more difficult. “A nurse in the ward was covered with rubble,” a doctor screamed with horror then. We volunteers rushed to     1     (帮助医生抢救被掩埋在废墟里的护士). Although we were faced with falling rubble from time to time, we focused our efforts on removing the bricks and the rubble that trapped her.     2     (通过我们的共同努力), the nurse was rescued. It was a miracle that she survived the earthquake.     3     (我们的努力和付出是值得的).

7日内更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版(2019) 高中英语 选择性必修第二册 Unit 4 Breaking boundaries
短文填空-根据提示/语境补全短文 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 根据汉语提示补全短文

One day, while Tom was behind the wheel, some yellow vests     1     (分散了他的注意力). It is some volunteers dedicated to environmental protection work who are cleaning up the garbage on the roadside.     2     (相比) those who spit in public and litter about, these volunteers       3     (激励他做一些促进环境保护的事情). On reflection he decided to join the volunteers since the beautiful environment       4     (依靠每个人的贡献).

7日内更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版(2019) 高中英语 选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Improving yourself
书信写作-演讲稿 | 困难(0.15) |
10 . 使用恰当的过渡衔接词连句成篇
7日内更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版(2019) 高中英语 选择性必修第二册 Unit 5 A delicate world
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