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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Jonah pressed his hand into his dad’s old baseball glove as he looked out the window of his stepfather’s car. No one could imagine how much he missed his dad. He breathed in the glove’s warm, leathery smell. The car stopped outside the baseball field.

“Hey, buddy (伙计), have fun at practice. And don’t forget about your sister’s dancing performance tonight,” said Jonah’s stepfather, Steve, as Jonah climbed out. Zoe was not my sister, and you couldn’t tell me what to do, Jonah complained in his mind. Since Mom married Steve a few months ago, Jonah had a lot of mixed-up feelings. He could hardly concentrate. Even baseball 一what he always loved — felt different lately.

After practice, Jonah and David, his best friend, sat together and waited for their ride. Jonah expressed how he wished things hadn’t changed and that he could still be with his own dad, not a stepfather. David comforted Jonah it was no big deal. “I have a stepmother and stepbrother too,” David smiled, “They’re just Mom and Dennis now. Give it a chance.” Jonah let out a breath, still unsure about the performance tonight. Still unsure about everything!

Back at the apartment, Jonah found Zoe in her costume, but something was wrong. Her arms tight across her chest, her eyes were filled with tears. Wondering what was up, Jonah asked Mom, who explained Zoe was just too nervous to go on stage.

Huh! This should have been the best thing that could have happened — the possibility of not going to the performance. But somehow it wasn’t. Zoe had practiced so hard. She’d reminded Jonah at least a thousand times where she would be onstage.

1. 续写词数应为 100 左右;

Having thought twice, Jonah went forward.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . On a Saturday morning last November, I got up at 5 to be at the Armory track on 168th Street in Harlem, a neighborhood in Manhattan for the girls’4×2 relay race (接力赛).

I joined the team when I was a freshman at Abraham Lincoln High School. I hadn’t considered it until a girl came up to me and said, “You look like a good runner. Would you like to join the track team?” She thought I would make a good runner because she saw my legs and arms were built, but I was just naturally slim.

I was excited and surprised, “I don’t know. What do I have to do?”

“It is a lot of hard work and devotion. It’s not easy.”

She was right. My team had practice every day from 3:30 to 6 except for Fridays. When we didn’t have practice, I’d run on my own on the boardwalk. I got faster and focused. Track helped me get away from troubles. Arguments with my mom, problems with schoolwork, and dramas with the kids at school. I felt calm every time I ran.

I got to the Armory at 7. My team was already there. We gave each other hugs and high fives. When the officials called for the relay race, I went out to the starting line. Then the gun went off. As I pounded the track, I was focusing so much on myself. I started running away from my problems. I couldn’t see anyone or anything but the finish line. Everything else was just a blur. I fought to the finish line. I wasn’t only fighting against the other teams; I was also fighting to win my battle against my stress.

I could feel the wind blowing against my skin. I felt like I was flying. My stress disappeared. I   came in second as I passed the baton (接力棒) to my teammate.

1. Why did the author take up running?
A.By chance.B.Due to stress.C.Out of interest.D.For weight loss.
2. What benefit did the author get from running?
A.Having a regular life style.B.Escaping from her problems.
C.Doing well in school work.D.Getting along well with Mom.
3. What does paragraph 6 mainly talk about?
A.The running process.B.The team spirit.
C.The training hardship.D.The race purpose.
4. What can we learn form the passage?
A.Every dog has its day.B.Challenges build character.
C.Talent is the key to success.D.Accidents can lead to the right path.
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Ethan was passionate about playing the guitar. Every day after school, he would rush home, _______ his guitar, and lose himself in the melodies. One day, an opportunity _______ Ethan’s door. The village was hosting a talent show, and Ethan decided to participate. _______, doubts started to creep into his mind. The fear of failure began to _______ him.

But Ethan’s grandfather shared his story. He had a dream of becoming a _______ but filled with self- doubt, so he decided to seek guidance from a wise old artist. The artist listened to his worries and offered him a _______ to paint a picture on a large canvas in front of a crowd. _______ by the challenge, he hesitated. The wise artist smiled, “Paint from your heart and _______ your soul into every stroke. The beauty lies not in _______, but in the authenticity (真实) of your creation.”

Encouraged by these words, he painted with passion, letting his emotions guide his brush. The crowd watched in awe as a beautiful masterpiece ________ on the canvas. Finishing the story, Ethan’s grandfather said, “That day, I realized that success is not ________ by how perfect we are or how we ________ others.”

Inspired by his grandfather’s story, Ethan practiced ________ and poured his heart into every ________. When the day arrived, the audience was captivated by his performance. At that moment, he realized that his self-doubts had held him back, but now he was ________.

A.beat outB.kicked outC.knocked onD.crashed into
A.communicate withB.engage inC.relate toD.compare to
2024-07-05更新 | 108次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州十校2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . A Neurologist’s Tips to Protect Your Memory

As we age, our memory declines. This is a fixed assumption for many people; however, according to neuroscientist Dr. Richard Restak, a neurologist and clinical professor, decline is not unavoidable.     1    . Here are some of his tips for developing and maintaining a healthy memory.

Pay more attention.

Some memory declines are actually attention problems, not memory problems. For instance, if you’ve forgotten the name of someone you met at a cocktail party, it could be because you were talking with several people at the time.

One way to pay attention when you learn new information is to visualize the word.     2    .

Play games.

Dr. Restak’s “favorite working memory game” is 20 Questions — in which a group thinks of a person, place or object, and the other person, the questioner, asks 20 questions with a yes-or-no answer. To succeed, the questioner must hold all of the previous answers in memory in order to guess the correct answer.     3    . “Maintaining information and moving it around in your mind.” Restak wrote.

Read more novels.

One early indicator of memory issues, according to Dr. Restak, is giving up on fiction. “People, when they begin to have memory difficulties, tend to switch to reading nonfiction.” Fiction requires active engagement with the text, starting at the beginning and working through to the end.

    4    .

Storing everything on your phone means that “you don’t know it.” This can damage our own mental abilities. And the phone takes our focus away from the task at hand.

Find regular everyday memory challenges.

    5    . Dr. Restak suggested composing a grocery list and memorizing it. When you get to the store, don’t automatically pull out your list (or your phone) — instead, pick up everything according to your memory. Once in a while, get in the car without turning on your GPS, and try to navigate through the streets from memory.

A.Beware of technology
B.Sort out things on devices
C.The point is to engage your working memory
D.However, we can prevent the memory decline
E.Ultimately, “we are what we can remember,” he said
F.Having a picture associated with the word can improve recall
G.There are many memory exercises that you can integrate into everyday life
2024-07-05更新 | 102次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州十校2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Life is precious, but health is more precious than it because life without health is just like food without taste. Health gives you the opportunity to live your life full of joy and make you able to do all of its activities as you desire. When you live a healthy lifestyle, your body remains healthy, and your mind stays fresh. So, this would prevent you from so many severe diseases, and live a healthy life to its full extent.

Living a healthy lifestyle not only extends your life but also rejuvenates your body and mind; it will help you feel better. Although a healthy habit is very hard to develop, it needs a change in one’s mindset. But a firm will and a focused goal will help you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Most of us have some kinds of health issues like overweight, lack of energy, and dull appearance. A good healthy lifestyle plays an important role in overcoming these issues. It will encourage you to live your life with no chance of a great difficulty in life.

A healthy lifestyle plays a vital role in boosting the energy in a person’s body and providing a better performance in every activity of life. It minimizes the chances of insufficient sleep, and a person’s body will get all the essential nutrients (营养) that are required to function precisely. A healthy lifestyle includes slight changes in life like daily habits and routine, and the most important food you eat because the food you eat impacts directly on your body and behavior.

Bad habits in your daily lifestyle may lead to a bad emotion, and you can improve it by adopting a healthy lifestyle. It will lead you to a relaxed mind and keep you energetic in a day. It is human nature that when a person is happy and satisfied, he performs his work more accurately and creatively, but if his mood is not refreshing then he can’t perform anything at his best. A fine and healthy lifestyle will help the person to release stress and tension from his mind, so this person can perform all the tasks in his best condition and give amazing results.

1. Why does the author mention the importance of life?
A.To provide an example.B.To support the author’s argument.
C.To introduce the topic.D.To make comparisons.
2. What does the underlined word “rejuvenate” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What helps to keep a healthy lifestyle?
A.A firm determination and a clear goal.B.A slight change in food and sleep.
C.Proper daily stress and tension.D.Large amounts of creative work.
4. What is mainly talked about in the text?
A.Ways to have a healthy lifestyle.
B.The significance of a healthy lifestyle.
C.How to boost one’s energy to be healthy.
D.How to perform well with healthy habits.
2024-07-05更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州新力量联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Pablo Picasso, born in 1881 in Malaga, was an active artist for most of his long life. His father, an artist himself, was his first and most formative art teacher. Picasso had one of the most fruitful and creative careers in history.

Picasso went through many creative periods in his career. His “Blue Period” started in 1901, when one of his dear friends, a painter and poet named Carlos, passed away in a cafe in Paris. Picasso was deeply affected, and sank into a depression that lasted several years.

In 1904, Picasso moved to Montmartre in Paris, and settled into the community of artists and creators there. Coming out of his depression, Picasso moved on from dark and serious subjects in his paintings to more lighthearted compositions featuring harlequins, clowns and carnival performers. His color palette (调色盘) warmed up as well, with his paintings now bathed in reds, oranges, pinks and earth tones. This period was known as Picasso’s “Rose Period” and it lasted until 1906.

From 1906 to 1909 Picasso was heavily inspired by African art, after he was exposed to traditional African masks (面具) and other art objects coming from Africa into French museums in Paris. This stage was called his “African Period”, and was a precursor (先驱) to his most famous period, “Cubism”. Influenced by Paul Cezanne’s experimentation with three-dimensional spacing and perspective on art, Picasso and Georges Braque led the artistic movement known as Cubism. This way of breaking down a form to its most basic forms and reconstructing them in an abstracted way is what Picasso is most known for.

Throughout his life, Picasso took inspiration from everywhere in his life, whether it be working through his emotions, responding to a difficult life event, or the works of his fellow artists. In turn, his life’s works have inspired and influenced millions of people around the world and forever changed the history of art.

1. Which event caused Picasso’s “Blue Period”?
A.His moving to Paris.B.The death of his friend.
C.The influence of his father.D.The infection of a serious disease.
2. What can we learn from the text?
A.Picasso’s paintings were warm-colored before 1906.
B.Picasso went to Africa for new ideas in the 1900s.
C.Picasso was the pioneer in the use of 3D techniques.
D.Picasso’s painting style changed with his life experience.
3. What’s purpose of this text?
A.To show the difficulties Picasso met with in his life.
B.To explore when Picasso’s paintings stood out.
C.To introduce how Picasso got inspired for his art.
D.To tell the way Picasso’s success has influenced the world.
4. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A guidebook.B.A book review.C.A news report.D.A biography.
2024-07-04更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州新力量联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Clean energy may also be called renewable energy or green energy, and it specifically refers to energy produced from renewable resources without creating environmental problems. There are several other ways that this term can be explained, however. It may refer to energy processes that pollute less or, alternately, to energy that doesn’t pollute at all and doesn’t use resources that can’t be easily renewed, The basic forms of clean energy are often referred to as those that come from water, wind, or sun.

It’s hoped that using this type of energy, especially as a total replacement for use of things like oil, might help to reduce global warming and greenhouse gas emission, creating a safer world for all people. In reality, clean energy has its problems too, which have not been fully realized that it is not a complete replacement for energy created by non-renewable resources. For instance, wind farms that can provide power may have significant effect on local bird populations, and birds of some types can face serious reduction of numbers when they live near wind farms.

Nevertheless, these negative consequences tend to be smaller in comparison to the use of oil or non-clean coal. Many environmentalists reason that, though no power source is completely without risk, green energy could have a wide-reaching effect on helping the planet to recover and perhaps stopping the trend of global warming. An additional reason why it can be so desirable is that it tends to come from sources that are free. While controlling this energy costs money, wind and sun aren’t owned by anybody in particular. Otherwise, political problems may be created and wars may be fought for a certain resource. For example, most of the oil in the world is gathered in a few places, and the majority is located in the Middle East. So they believe that wind or solar energy could lead not only to a cleaner planet, but also a more peaceful world.

Much remains to be done to figure out how to best control renewable energy sources and how to use them to their best advantage. One issue is how to transport collected energy from one place to another, since many places that produce this energy are located in remote locations. Changing the power net to adapt to different sources of energy can help this problem, but this has yet to occur on a wide range.

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.The definition of clean energy.B.The importance of clean energy.
C.The basic forms of clean energy.D.The bright future of clean energy.
2. What can be inferred from paragraph 2?
A.Clean energy can be a total replacement for other resources.
B.The efficiency of clean energy is great enough to stop global warming.
C.It is not a good idea to build wind farms for producing energy.
D.New problems may be brought about by using clean energy.
3. Many environmentalists hold the view that ________.
A.the negative part of clean energy can be totally ignored.
B.it is free of charge for people to control clean energy.
C.the power from wind and sun is open to everyone.
D.using clean energy may lead to wars between countries.
4. What’s the writer’s attitude towards renewable energy sources?
2024-07-04更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州新力量联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Your home can be a dangerous place. But, if you understand what you can do to make your home safer, you can prevent accidents. And always keep a first-aid kit in your home—just in case there is an accident.

The kitchen, bathroom and bedroom are the most unsafe places. Common accidents in these rooms include falls, fires, poisoning, cuts, hot water burns and electric shocks.


Make sure the floor is not wet or slippery.

Always use a ladder (梯子) to reach high cupboards; never stand on a chair.

Always cut away from your body when you use a knife.

Follow directions for all electrical appliances carefully.

Unplug (拔掉插头) all appliances, especially irons, after use.

Keep matches out of the reach.

Store all cleaning materials and poisonous materials in a locked cupboard.


Never smoke in bed

Unplug electric blanket (毯子) when not in use.

Have a telephone near the bed, especially if ill.


Don’t plug in an electrical appliance or use it while standing in water.

Don’t use a hair dryer near a bath containing water.

Never leave a little child alone in the bath.


Fires can cause terrible damage to your home and terrible injuries to people. But people are more important than things; so, if there is a fire, get everyone out of the house safely. Then call for help. Never go back into a burning building to save your things.

Have fire extinguishers in the house, which can be quite helpful at the beginning of a fire.

Buy clothes, curtains and toys that do not burn easily.

Put screens in front of fires.

Use heaters very carefully as they can set objects on fire. Place them away from furniture.

When cooking, do not let oil touch flames or other sources of heat.

Check electrical wires a number of times a year to make sure they are in good condition.

Put covers over electrical outlets if young children are at home.

1. Which of the following electrical appliances is not specially mentioned in the passage?
A.Irons.B.Computers.C.Hair dryers.D.Heaters.
2. Which of the following is suggested by the writer to prevent fires?
A.Equip your house with fire extinguishers.
B.Buy clothes that are fire proof.
C.Change electrical wires several times a year.
D.Cover the electrical appliances when not in use.
3. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To remind readers of the danger of living at home.
B.To introduce readers to the different styles of houses.
C.To inform readers of ways to prevent accidents at home.
D.To persuade readers to use electrical appliances less frequently.
2024-07-03更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州新力量联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填(约150词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Many people hold some memory of a kite from their childhoods, but nobody knows     1     (exact) when a kite was first flown. One legend goes that the first kite     2     (invent) by Mozi, who spent three years making a wooden hawk (鹰). Later, Lu Ban made improvements by replacing wood     3     bamboo. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cai Lun improved paper-making     4     (technique), leading to the invention of “paper hawks”,     5     looked like kites as we know them today. In the Song Dynasty, kite flying     6     (become) a fashion. On the Tomb Sweeping Day and the Dragon Boat Festival, people would fly kites     7     (shake) off ill luck, so that family members could live long and healthy lives.

Although originally used for military purposes like signaling, kites have been     8     important part of people’s daily lives throughout history. As a combination of physical activity     9     folk tradition, this heritage has been passed down,     10     (reflect) the lasting charm of Chinese civilization.

2024-07-03更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末教学质量统一检测英语试题(B卷)
书信写作-演讲稿 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 假定你是李华,准备参加校英文报下周举行的“认识身边高尚的人(Getting to know the fine people around me)”的演讲比赛。请你准备一份演讲稿,内容包括:

Good morning, my dear friends! I’m Li Hua.


Thank you!

2024-07-03更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末教学质量统一检测英语试题(B卷)
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