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1 . Drinking your daily cup of coffee may help to lower your risk of stroke(中风)and heart disease, according to a latest research. Researchers at the Heart and Vascular Centre, Budapest, Hungary have found that drinking up to three cups of coffee a day may help protect your cardiovascular(心血管的)system.

The team studied data from nearly 500,000 people registered in the UK Biobank with an average age of 56 and no signs of heart disease at the time of recruitment. They divided them into three categories according to their coffee drinking habits: non-drinkers, up to three-cup-a-day drinkers, and more than three-cup-a-day drinkers.

Considering influencing factors such as age, sex, weight height, physical activity, blood pressure, diabetes, socioeconomic status, and usual intake of alcohol, meat, tea, fruit and vegetables, they found that three-cup-a-day drinkers had a 12 per cent lower risk of death from all causes, a 17 per cent lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease, and a 21 per cent lower risk of stroke

"To our knowledge, this is the largest study to systematically assess the cardiovascular effects of regular coffee consumption in a population without diagnosed heart disease," said study author Dr Judit Simon.

To further investigate the effect, the researchers used data from more than 30, 000 partic-ipants in the UK Biobank who had undergone MRI(核磁共振成像)scans to determine the structure and functioning capacity of their hearts.

Dr Judit Simon said, "The imaging analysis indicated that compared with participants who did not drink coffee regularly, daily coffee consumers had healthier sized and better func-tioning hearts. Our findings suggest that coffee consumption of up to three cups per day is associated with favourable cardiovascular outcomes. While further studies are needed to explain the underlying mechanisms, the observed benefits might be partly explained by positive changes in cardiac structure and function. "

1. What is the latest research mainly about?
A.The risk of heart disease.B.The ways to avoid stroke.
C.The cups of drinking coffee.D.The benefits of drinking coffee.
2. Why does the author mention the influencing factors in paragraph 3?
A.To show the difficulty of the research.
B.To show the reliability of the findings.
C.To introduce the process of the research.
D.To introduce the limitation of the findings.
3. What do the two data analyses have in common?
A.They find coffee's positive effects on people.
B.They focus on negative changes in people's hearts.
C.They oppose coffee consumption.
D.They have been accepted widely.
4. What attitude does Dr Judit Simon have to drinking coffee?
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Grandfather was a wise and honorable man. His house was not far from ours, and I would visit him often going home after school.

No matter how rotten I had been, 1 could tell Grandpa anything. My secrets were safe. He always understood. He loved me.

I remember a time when a bunch of us were playing baseball in the field behind Mrs. Ferguson's house. I hit one pitch (投) just right and . . . slam! It was a home run that soared (急升) high and away, and ended up breaking Old Lady Ferguson's kitchen window! We all ran!

Walking home, my best friend, Tom, asked, “How will she ever know who did it? She's blinder than a bat!” I decided to stop by Grandpa's. He must have known something was up by the expression on my face. I felt ashamed. I wanted to hide. I wanted to bang my head against a tree a thousand times and make the world just go away- as if punishing myself could undo things. I told him about it.

He knew we had been warned many times about the dangers of playing where we shouldn't. But he just listened.

“I was wrong,   I told him, with my head down. “I hate myself for what I did. I really blew it. Is there a way out? Will she call the police?”

“Well,” he said, “she has a problem, just like you. I'll bet if she knew you cared, she would be sad to know that you're afraid of her. I'll bet she wishes you would give her a chance... a chance to be understanding, It's your decision, ” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “Just so I don't say the wrong thing, is the plan to pretend nothing happened? Just keep quiet and carry your little secret around . . . hide what you're not proud of?”

“I don't know, ” I sighed. “Things might get worse. . . . ”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Grandpa asked, “If you were Mrs. Ferguson, what would you do?”


“Doing what's right is not always easy, ” Grandpa said, handing me the phone.

2021-10-25更新 | 216次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省东营市胜利第一中学2022-2023学年高三上学期12月期末英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般