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1 . In Japan, the new year began with disaster as a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula (能登半岛) on the country’s western edge on Monday. More than 2,000 active fault lines (断层线) lie beneath Japan, making it one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world.

Many scientists have long considered earthquake forecasting to be impossible. But given recent improvements in artificial intelligence, some researchers have been studying whether that could change.

Last fall, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin increased such hopes for earthquake prediction with a seven-month trial in China. In all, the algorithm (演算法) successfully forecast 14 earthquakes, each within about 200 miles of its actual epicenter (震中). Meanwhile, it missed one quake and predicted eight that never happened. The trial was part of an international A.I.-design competition, one of a few such events held in recent years to advance earthquake prediction technologies.

Sergey Fomel, a geoscientist at UT Austin and a member of the research team, says in a statement. “We’re not yet close to making predictions for anywhere in the world, but what we achieved tells us that what we thought was an impossible problem is solvable in principle.”

Additionally, machine learning could help detect hidden patterns in data or collect more data to better inform earthquake forecasting, Hutchison writes for MIT Technology Review. For example, some researchers are showing how A. I. might use recordings from a specific seismic site to anticipate an earthquake’s magnitude. One team has built and trained neural networks to predict where aftershocks may occur after an initial strike. And others are using machine learning to identify and extract seismic waves—the vibrations that spread through the earth during tectonic activity (构造活动)—from other noises in the ground.

1. What’s the function of the first paragraph?
A.To explain a concept.B.To introduce a new topic.
C.To supply a summary.D.To provide an example.
2. What made some researchers optimistic about the earthquake forecasting?
A.The recent progress in theories.B.The use of traditional methods.
C.The increasing number of earthquakes.D.The advancements in artificial intelligence.
3. What do we know from the third paragraph?
A.The trial was conducted by Chinese.B.The algorithm was totally successful.
C.A. I. shows promise in earthquake prediction.D.The A. I. competition only focused on earthquakes.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Japan’s Vulnerability to EarthquakesB.Helper in Predicting Earthquakes—A.I.
C.The Impossibility of Earthquake PredictionD.International Efforts to Predict Earthquakes
2024-03-01更新 | 134次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西柳州高中、南宁三中高三一轮复习诊断性联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . The law of supply and demand determines that an overabundance of anything will lead to a decrease in price. This rule applies not only to goods and services, but also to lifestyle and fashion trends.

In the 19th century, the primitive paintings of Picasso and Matisse shook up the positive image of the French bourgeoisie (中产阶级). In the 1970s, talented musicians with tailored costumes and egos were overshadowed by a band of punk rockers who sang about the harsh realities of ordinary life in poor urban areas.

I predict that this will also happen with beauty standards. The idealized version of life portrayed in fashion magazines will reach a turning point, as people become tired of unattainable perfection.

During my time in Washington D.C. in the 1990s, I had the opportunity to interact with numerous political celebrities. While chatting with former presidents or bumping into TV pundits (名嘴) in elevators, I also assisted former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, who was my boss’s boss. What struck me was how ordinary these people appeared in real life despite their public characters. Like everyone else, they grappled with insecurities and mood swings, even though they were constantly under the spotlight.

Yes, it was great to drop names on the phone to my friends. My father, of course, couldn’t understand why I would ever want to leave. “Because you’re not me and I’m not impressed,” I told him. We do not need to lead a luxurious life or make groundbreaking achievements to be content. Happiness can be found in living out the ordinary moments of an authentic life.

Most of us end up being ordinary people without doing anything that changes the world, but that does not mean our lives are meaningless. In fact, it is precisely this realization that leads to sustainable happiness because, when all is said and done, no one’s lifestyle is essentially better than any other’s.

1. Which of the following phrase can best replace the underline phrase in paragraph 4?
A.struggled withB.put up withC.came up withD.fought with
2. What’s the author’s father’s attitude towards his decision to leave Washington D.C.?
A.supportiveB. indifferentC.opposedD.unimpressed
3. What does the author’s observation about political celebrities suggest?
A.They are just like ordinary people.
B.They lack the ability to lead a normal life.
C.They are not as successful as they claim to be.
D.They are not as intelligent as they appear on TV.
4. What does the author want to imply in the last paragraph?
A.People should strive for a better lifestyle.
B.No one’s lifestyle is inherently superior to others’.
C.People should be content with their own lifestyles.
D.People should critically evaluate other people’s lifestyles.
2024-03-01更新 | 127次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西柳州高中、南宁三中高三一轮复习诊断性联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . In the northernmost edge of Colombia sits the coastal town of Acandí. Access to the town is only by water or air; there is no road that leads there. The residents there are faced with the struggles of balancing livelihoods while protecting biodiversity.

In the past, traditional community fishing methods, passed down by the elders, focused on the reasonable fishing and management of resources. However, the introduction of large-scale trawling vessels(拖网渔船) decades ago gradually depleted the area’s fishing resources, leading to damage to marine(海洋的) life seriously.

Jesús Antonio Julio Cuestas, who serves in the region’s conservation and management of marine resources, stresses the bad impact of these developments and calls for new fishing techniques. “Fishing and conservation co-exist as long as we have good management practices and reasonable use of our fishing resources,” says Cuestas. He and other officials actively monitor fishing activities in Acandí. Each morning, they visit the fish markets to gather data on fishery resources—including prices and sizes—to monitor the state of the local fishing industry.

Along with Cuestas, the fishers work to reduce their impact on the marine ecosystem. By changing fishing methods and adopting new practices, they aim for a more balanced approach to fishing. “This year the local fishermen have not used the trawl net s that were causing the death of the leatherback sea turtles,” explains Cuestas proudly. Changes include the efforts of boats to protect the seagrass that serves as feeding grounds for marine life and an end to fishers throwing net s where turtles lay their eggs.

This marine reserve in Acandí, Cuestas believes, is their greatest treasure. He attaches great importance to working together with local residents to improve the quality of life while preserving the marine ecosystem. By doing so, he imagines a picture where individuals from the fishing community can pursue various careers, such as engineers or lawyers, proudly stating that they are the products of the fishing tradition in Acandí.

1. What does the underlined word “depleted” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. Why does Julio Cuestas call for new fishing techniques?
A.To cut down on the costs of fishing.
B.To improve the income of local residents.
C.To promote the well-being of marine wildlife.
D.To spread traditional community fishing methods.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The aim of the changes to fishing methods.
B.The efforts to preserve marine ecosystem.
C.The results the trawl net s have brought about.
D.The impact of fishers on the local environment.
4. What is Julio Cuestas’s attitude towards Acandí’s future?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 .    Lots of kids like to talk about sports, but Joseph D’Avirro talks about sports like a professional host in a show called Sliders & Curveballs. The 9-year-old from Newington, Connecticut is a natural at sports talk and has been broadcasting the show—which is about baseball, basketball and other sports—with his dad, Mike D’Avirro, since September 2019.

   The D’Avirro started the broadcast after two former college roommates of Mike died, which made Mike want to spend more time with his son. Then the idea came to him. So far, they have done about 50 programs. Joseph’s favorite is when the father-and-son team interviewed Jim Calhoun, the coach leading the Connecticut Huskies to three national titles. They have also interviewed important sports authors.

   The father and son make about one 30- to 40-minute podcast each month. They prepare for the podcasts by deciding on the questions they want to ask the guest. Joseph asks half of the questions, and Mike handles the other half. Joseph reads his questions again and again to get them in his brain well. It is a lot of work, but Joseph says it is “a lot more fun than homework”. Joseph has also learned to speak up and speak clearly. He has to listen and to go with the flow of the conversation. For example, he said, “If the guest is talking about sports in the 1990s, you have to think about sports in the 1990s.”

When asked how long he and his dad will continue doing the show, he answered, “Until my dad starts growing gray hairs.” Joseph has other ambitions when he grows up—to be a sports player, a sports broadcaster or to own a basketball team. Those are big dreams, but Joseph is already living a dream: talking sports and spending time with his dad.

1. What is Joseph’s show about?
A.Some talk shows on sports.
B.Ways to get along with parents.
C.Stories about famous sports players.
D.Sports that his family loves playing.
2. What inspired Mike to start the show with his son?
A.His son’s talent for sports.
B.His wish to be a host since college.
C.The deaths of his college roommates.
D.The encouragement from his roommates.
3. What does Joseph think of memorizing his questions?
A.It’s as boring as homework.
B.It’s challenging to his brain.
C.It takes a lot of time but means a lot.
D.It’s more interesting than homework.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.A rising sports broadcaster
B.A long road to go to success
C.The father-and-son team hosts
D.Joseph D’Avirro’s big dream
文章大意:本文是一片信息匹配题。文章以人物为线索展开, 讲述了作者收养了一只髦毛小狗, 取名Bailey, 这只狗给作者一家带来了欢乐并最终救下了他们一家人。
5 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容从所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项, 补全材料最后两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。选项中有两项为多余选项。

We met Bailey 5 years ago. He was a standard poodle (髦毛小狗) born on Valentine’s day in 2020, and came to us in a small blue box. His previous owner posted the news online and we adopted him. Our only request was that he behave calmly and be able to put up with the pushing and hugging of our eight-year-old daughter and six-year-old son.

We were a sweet family: me, my husband, our children Angela and Tony. But for years. I’d felt that we wouldn’t be truly whole if we didn’t have a dog. Also, my husband worked for a commercial company and traveled around 200 days a year. and I knew that having a large animal sleeping by the door made me feel safer.

The last piece of our purzle fell into place when we opened the box. With his dark hair and smart eyes, Bailey was beautiful. He was so small that he could fit in the palm of my hand, his big paws (爪子) resting at his sides. He was a little scared, too. As I pulled him close, I felt his heart racing, and 1 wondered if we had done the right thing by taking him away from his mother. But it was too late. Angela and Tony were already arguing about who would carry him and who had the right to bathe him.

Over the following months, we spent countless hours watching Bailey play with his toys or roll around on the living room floor. Like most poodles, he was smart. He quickly mastered house-training and never chewed (咀) on our furniture or shoes. He considered himself one of us.

One night we were sleeping in the bedroom when I heard some strange noise.     1    

At that time, Bailey ran towards me.     2    

A.I thought it was Bailey running and hitting something, so I kept lying in the bed and made an attempt to fall asleep again. However, the noise became louder and louder, which had already annoyed me. Quickly l got up from my bed. I opened the door and found Bailey running around the living room, trying to let all the things fall down. These abnormal behaviors really made me confused and a little afraid.
B.He firmly grabbed my trousers and pulled me to the kitchen. As I approached the kitchen could obviously smell a strong burning smell and immediately knew what had happened. When¹ aw the fierce fire in the kitchen, I dashed into my children’s room like an arrow(前), waking them up at my maximum voice. Rushing out of the house together with my family. I called 911 and asked our neighbors for help at the same time. Fortunately both my family and my house were saved Thanks to our smart Bailey, we did escape from death.
C.Angela and Tony completed the delicious breakfast and they could not wait to bring it to me who slept in the room. Their father praised their hard-earned work with his thumb up, informing them that I was sleeping on the second floor. To my surprise, their hand-made food was so delicious that l would never forget it. Obviously. what they had done for me would be rooted in memory.
D.I nodded with a smile and encouraged the children to get started. Quickly. Angela volunteered to get the big box of com and prepared to make popcorn. At the same time, Tony. my smart boy. went to buy some paper bags. I ran to Bailey’s home to invite him. Not surprisingly. Bailey was amazed at this great project and couldn’t wait to come. To our delight, the popcorn they made looked great and tasted delicious. Finally. they packed the sweet popcorn in the paper bags together. Laughter and happiness filled this house.
2024-02-28更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西壮族自治区百色市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末教学质量调研英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Here are four festival s around the world that can offer you special and unique experiences.

Carnival of Oruro, Bolivia       

As one of the largest events in South America which has been held since the 18th century, it was recognized by UNESCO as a masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Every year, dozens of groups wear colorful costumes or masks and perform folk dances that draw crowds up to 400,000 annually, celebrating pre-Columbian traditions.

Underwater Music Festival, the USA       

It starts from 1985 and its founder took music festival s to a whole new level with the aim to protect the corals (珊瑚). The event houses radio playlists and ocean-themed songs streaming live from underwater speakers along with musician-divers and local people playing instruments with strange shapes.

Day of the Little Candles, Colombia

This festival can date back to 1854 and Colombia’s windows, balconies, and sidewalks would come alive on the night of every December 7. And houses and streets are decorated with candles in varying colors and paper lanterns by families. Many people also consider it the unofficial start of the Christmas season when cities and towns debut (初次登场) their Christmas lights and decorations.

World Toe Wrestling Championship, England

This competition is not a new competition, with its history going back to 1976. The sport involves two opponents who lock feet in an attempt to pin each other’s foot down in the least time possible, similar to arm wrestling. There are three rounds played on a best of 2 out of 3 bases. Rounds kick-start with the right foot, then left and followed by right again.

1. What do we know about Carnival of Oruro?
A.It features colorful costumes and folk dances.
B.It is a time for families to reunite.
C.It is no use for the local economy.
D.It only has one single presentation.
2. What does Day of the Little Candles feature?
A.Body strength.B.Colorful candles.
C.Underwater creatures.D.Christmas goods.
3. Which festival has the shortest history?
A.Carnival of Oruro.B.Day of the Little Candles.
C.Underwater Music Festival.D.World Toe Wrestling Championship.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Here are some of the best shopping malls in the world.

Mall of America (Minnesota, the United States)

It isn’t just a shopping center; it’s a destination. There are more than 520 stores,50 restaurants, more than 30 specialty (特产) food stores, 14 movie screens, a park, an aquarium, and other unique attractions like the LEGO Imagination Center. The mall is so large that it has its own Visitor’s Guide.

West Edmonton Mall (Alberta, Canada)

The mall describes itself as “the greatest indoor show on earth”. With over 800 stores, over 100 restaurants, an amusement park with roller coasters, a water park, a skating court, themed attractions, and hotels, you can spend your entire vacation within its walls. Shoppers at the West Edmonton Mall can enjoy everything from educational displays to dance parties.

Ala Moana (Hawaii, the United States)

Located in Honolulu, Hawaii, the mall owns a variety of unique features. It is the largest open-air mall. Swinging palm trees (棕桐树) and beautiful Hawaiian sun add to the atmosphere. Creating a Hawaiian experience seems to be part of its appeal because it offers a variety of events including daily classes, Hula shows, live Hawaiian music, and more. While you’re there, also make sure to check out the Art Walk — a multi-million dollar collection of art.

Galleria Vittorio Emmanuel(Milan, Italy)

If antique (古老的) and period art is your thing, the Galleria Vitoria Emmanuele is a not-to-be-missed stop on your journey. Topped with glass round roofs, this masterpiece in architecture has interesting and significant history. Thought as one of the world’s best shopping destinations, it is definitely known mostly for its ancient and splendid architecture, brand name stores, and historical significance.

1. What do Mall of America and West Edmonton Mall have in common?
A.They are both indoor shopping centers.B.They both own a number of restaurants.
C.They both have their own Visitor’s Guide.D.They are both located in the United States.
2. Compared with other malls, what can you enjoy more in Ala Moana?
A.A collection of modern art.B.A variety of special cuisines.
C.Large amounts of sunshine.D.Lots of different music styles.
3. What makes Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele special?
A.Its unique location.B.Its warm weather.
C.Its historic buildings.D.Its attractive scenery.
2024-02-21更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西壮族自治区玉林市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . When 62-year-old fisherman Kpana Charlie finished the day’s catch, he liked to settle into a wooden chair, thinking about his childhood. Back then, his life on Sierra Leone’s Nyangai Island seemed excellent. He spent endless hours playing with his friends on the island’s white beaches. Whenever he wanted to avoid having to do his housework, he could simply disappear into the forest that covered much of the island. He remembers as recently as ten years ago, it still measured some 2, 300 feet from end to end.

Today, Nyangai is disappearing before his very eyes, covered by the endless sea. The forests are gone. And the land on which Charlie’s family home once stood, has long since disappeared beneath the waves.

In fact, the local government has responded to the sharp increase of sea level by building a concrete (混凝土制的) seawall along the length of the town. But in the many smaller coastal towns and villages in the area, there simply aren’t the resources. Then, the government made a project to protect some of the settlements by planting trees, but this has had limited success. With the population relying on woods for building and smoking-fish, few trees lived longer than the project, which ended in 2021.

Sierra Leone has been identified as one of the world’s most weak countries to the effects of climate change, despite having little influence on global CO2 emissions (排放). “Weak countries should be getting some support from wealthy nations to strengthen their climate defenses (防御),” says Gabriel Kpaka, the head of the country’s Meteorological Agency. “But we’re not really seeing that.”

With global sea level expected to rise by anywhere between 1 and 3 feet by the end of the century, along with an increase in extreme weather events, the experience of this West African island offers an understanding of the possible future of countless other low-lying areas around the world.

1. Why does the author tell Charlie’s story in paragraph 1?
A.To describe his wonderful life at present.B.To offer-readers-background information
C.To call on local people to protect the seenD.To attract more visitors to Nyangai Island.
2. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The reasons for the changes on the island.B.The rich natural species in coastal areas.
C.The measures taken to deal with rising sea level.D.The way to build a concrete seawall on the island.
3. What can be done to help Nyangai Island according to Kpaka?
A.Local government should build a stronger seawall.
B.Local people on the island limit their CO2 emissions.
C.Countries in low-lying areas work together for their rights.
D.Rich countries should offer support about climate defenses.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the future of other low-lying areas?
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

On June 29, 2021, Zhang Guimei     1     (award) the highest honour of the Communist Party of China — the July 1 Medal for her     2     (value) contribution to rural education.

After her husband passed away because of cancer, she moved to Huaping county in Lijiang. Seeing the poverty in the mountains and the tragedies     3     had happened to young girls, she was     4     (determine) to find an effective method to help them out. She figured out the major problem was education. Thus, she wanted to set up     5     free girls-only high school. At first, she was questioned by the people there but she never gave up and began to raise money. She even begged for funds to establish the school.     6     (fortunate), her story was known to the authorities in Huaping and Lijiang who later funded the construction of the school.

    7     (set) up China’s first free senior high school for girls, Zhang has helped many local girls from impoverished (rural families achieve their dreams. She never hesitates     8     (aid) her students even though she suffers     9     more than 20 diseases due to years of heavy work and stress.

After years of hard work, the school has made great     10     (achievement). In the past fifteen years, as many as 2,000 poor girls from the school have entered universities or colleges. As a result, their life has been changed.

2024-02-20更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西百色市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末教学质量调研测试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . The Healing Power of Humor

As a heart doctor, I have to deliver a lot of bad news. Humor is a wonderful tool. Not only can it help lift patients’ spirits up, but it actually helps them recover faster. There is tons of scientific evidence that patients who are depressed after heart operations have a higher death rate, and optimistic patients have significantly fewer wound infections.     1    

It relaxes patients.

Medical operations usually make patients feel nervous. Some may sweat, have chest pain and feel unusually strong or irregular heartbeats.     2     When people use humor, the nervous system just tones down a bit, and that allows the heart to relax.


People are scared of their bodies. Humor can crack through the ice and take the fear away. For example, I have to tell patients about the risk of cognitive impairment (认知损伤) after operations. They’re terrified, fearing the worst.     4     I tell them in a humorous way that it’s usually just like forgetting second grade. People understand what that means, and it doesn’t seem quite as frightening.

It eases worries.

After open-heart operation, a patient might say, “Doctor, my chest really hurts.” And I’ll smile and say, “Oh, does it feel like someone opened you up, cut the bone and operated in there?” That tells them the pain is normal and they are going to be fine. So they take their minds off their troubles and worry less.

It helps doctors.

    5     When we give the news, we are supposed to help patients in a human way. A good sense of humor is just like a weapon, and it can beat the difficult situation. As a matter of fact, humor benefits doctors as well. Plus, it is a better way to enjoy life.

A.It calms fear.
B.It reduces risk.
C.So, recovering cognition is important.
D.However, humor can be a healing power.
E.Breaking bad news is never a pleasant task.
F.Others may even feel like they are choking.
G.Humor truly is the best medicine in many ways.
2024-02-20更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西百色市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末教学质量调研测试英语试卷
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