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1 . My first job was at a fast-food restaurant called Carroll’s in my hometown. One spring day my next-door neighbor _________ me to apply for work with her there, and I agreed to have a try.

One little _________ was that I wasn’t 16 yet, so I just changed my birth date on the application from July to _________. Luckily, they didn’t ask for any ID to prove my _________, because there were few applicants for the job. Both of us were _________.

The pay was _________, only $1.60/hour with no tips. I worked at the _________ and only boys were allowed to work in the kitchen. I got a chance to make milkshakes, though, which I considered kind of fun. I also _________ the relationships with all the other workers, who were mostly easy-going teenagers.

It was great to _________ different diners. The restaurant was located on a __________ entryway into town, so all kinds of people came in. One day a man in plain clothes __________ but ordered many signature dishes. When he came to my counter to check out, I was __________ to find he was my idol.

Besides __________ about my age, I also failed to inform the manager that I was leaving in June to attend summer camp, so my first job only lasted a few __________. It has been long gone, but the __________ in the restaurant remains a sweet memory of my life.

A.woke upB.gave upC.turned upD.looked up
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2 . Here are some pet-friendly universities in the UK and US.

University of Illinois

Students are allowed up to two pets in each apartment, as well as a fish tank of no more than 50 gallons.

To keep a pet, you will need to get approval from the Family & Graduate housing department at the University of Illinois. You will have to provide proof that your pet is up to date with its vaccinations(疫苗), and pay a monthly US$30 pet fee, which is non-refundable(不可退款的).

Your pet can’t be left for extended periods of time, and if there’s evidence that you’ve left it alone due to vacation or illness, the university may remove it.

Harvard University

With as many as 12 pet-friendly apartments, Harvard is a very pet-friendly university. It allows students to have fish in a tank of no more than 50 gallons, except for Harvard’s Cronkhite Graduate Center.

In Harvard’s pet-friendly apartments, you’re allowed: one cat or one dog, which can’t be over 40 pounds when fully grown. At most, two pet birds.

University of British Columbia Students can take advantage of the university’s B. A. R. K program, which uses the calming power of therapy dogs to help them.

B. A. R. K started at the University of British Columbia, after an assistant professor called Dr. John-Tyler Binfet noticed that he couldn’t walk across campus without students running over to play with his dog, Frances. The students told him they were homesick and missed their pets, which encouraged Binfet to establish B. A. R. K as a way of fighting their loneliness.

University of Oxford

The University of Oxford is famous for its resident pets, who happily wander around college grounds. Many Oxford colleges have their own tortoise and take part in the annual Corpus Christi tortoise race.

Although you are not allowed to keep your own pet as a student, several Oxford colleges hold dog petting and walking therapy sessions.

1. What is one of the rules for keeping pets at the University of Illinois?
A.Pet keepers should pay a monthly US$ 30 pet fee which will be returned.
B.Pets can’t be left alone in the apartments due to vacation or illness.
C.Students have to keep fish in a fish tank of no more than 20 gallons.
D.The cat or dog can’t be over 40 pounds when fully grown.
2. Why did Dr. John-Tyler Binfet start B. A. R. K?
A.To help students to fight against homesickness.
B.To do research on dogs and train them to be pets.
C.To help more professors to do exercise on campus.
D.To give assistance to the pet dogs by offering them foods.
3. Which university doesn’t allow students to keep pets?
A.Harvard University.
B.University of Oxford.
C.University of Illinois.
D.University of British Columbia.
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 容易(0.94) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Liu Ruying,     1     grandfather is a huge fan of Peking Opera, has been interested in Peking Opera for much of her young life. Her grandfather is a great influence     2     her. At the age of 8, she     3    (begin) to practice the classic art. It wasn’t easy for a little girl     4    (experience) the difficult training, as performances combine martial arts, dancing and acrobatics(杂技).

“Sometimes I was tired,“ she said. ”I had to balance my studies and other     5    (course) I was interested in, such as dance. But the great charm(魅力) of Peking Opera made me always practice it.”

When Liu got the news that her region would have a cultural exchange with other countries, she had the idea of     6    (introduce) Peking Opera to the world in English. With     7     help of her mother, she took part in the activity after several months of practice.

“I     8    (extreme) love traditional Chinese culture,” she said. “Peking Opera has a long history of about 200 years and     9    (consider) a treasure of our nation. We should let     10    (we) make great efforts to carry forward our culture and protect the cultural diversity of the world.”

2023-01-11更新 | 1494次组卷 | 17卷引用:辽宁省朝阳市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 容易(0.94) |

4 . Years of research show that when a native English speaker enters a conversation among nonnative speakers, understanding goes down.Communication specialist Heather Hansen tells us that's because the native speaker doesn't know how to do what nonnative speakers do naturally: speak in ways that are understandable to everyone, using simple words and expressions.They unconsciously use unnecessarily confusing vocabulary, which makes language less understandable.

Ting Gong grew up in Shanghai and moved to the U.S.in her 20s. She ran up against this problem of confusing vocabulary at the doctor's one day. "The receptionist(接待员)gave me a form and asked me to write down my complaints,”she said.“I told her that I did not have any complaint,and she looked impatient and then she asked me to write down anything that I could think of.”

“I only realized that‘complaints' here refers to symptoms I have after I spoke to my husband when I got home. At the doctor's I actually wrote down 'the receptionist was not friendly' as one of my complaints."

So what can we do to improve communication between native and nonnative English speakers?

Hansen says the responsibility shouldn't be on nonnative speakers but rather on native English speakers. Take a page out of nonnative speakers' book, says Hansen, by changing your English to be more inclusive.That means no more confusing expressions. Small changes like this might allow native speakers to join in conversations with nonnative speakers.

Joseph Issam Harb, who was raised in the United States and Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates, said,"I am still learning about English from nonnative speakers.

"In emails, I've discovered an expression commonly used by some nonnative speakers 'please do the needful,' "Harb said."For years I have been interested in this expression and its use in formal work environment emails." Discovering it and wondering about the origins of the expression, which means "please do what needs to be done,"has been an enjoyable thing for Harb.

1. What makes communication between native and nonnative speakers less smooth according to Hansen?
A.The speed of native speakers' talk.
B.Nonnative speakers' bad pronunciation.
C.The difference between speakers' cultures.
D.Native speakers' use of confusing expressions.
2. Why did Gong reply that she did not have any complaint?
A.She had difficulty expressing herself in English.
B.She wanted to get treatment as soon as possible.
C.She failed to understand what the receptionist had meant.
D.She feared that the receptionist would become impatient.
3. What does Hansen suggest native English speakers do?
A.Read books by nonnative English writers.
B.Join in more nonnative speakers' conversations.
C.Make no comment about nonnative speakers' English.
D.Use expressions understandable to nonnative speakers.
4. What did Harb say about nonnative English?
A.It is very interesting.B.It should be corrected.
C.It sounds strange and funny.D.It can be used in informal situations.
语法填空-短文语填(约110词) | 容易(0.94) |
5 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Chinese scientists have     1     (success) collected seeds of several plants at an altitude of about 6,200 meters on Mount Qomolangma,     2     (set) a new record for plant seed collection at the     3     (high) altitude in China.

The mission     4     (lead) by the Germplasm Bank of Wild Species (GBOWS),     5     national database for the collection and preservation of wild species.

“The mission is a new     6     (explore) and an attempt to collect high-altitude germplasm resources,     7     is useful for protecting biodiversity and checking climate change impact     8     the globe.” said a researcher.

The collection team went to Mount Qomolangma twice this year to conduct plant diversity     9     (survey). The seeds     10     (collect) were preserved for long-term storage after drying, cleaning and counting in GBOWS.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 容易(0.94) |

6 . Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. There are many ways to drink coffee. Here is what a cup of coffee looks like around the world.

Espresso (浓缩咖啡) Romano

Espresso is the most popular coffee drink in Rome, so you will find lots of ways to prepare it there. One good way to have coffee in Rome is with a slice of lemon. It can be served on the side or put right into your cup of espresso. It is said that the sourness of lemon brings out the sweetness of coffee, so you actually don’t need to add any sugar!

Flat White

Now you can find flat white in every coffee shop around the world. Flat white is relatively young — it was invented in Sydney, Australia, somewhere in the mid-80s. This drink might be like a latte, but don’t get confused. Flat white is prepared with more espresso followed by less milk than latte. It’s stronger than latte due to less milk.


We are pretty used to drinking coffee with milk, but how about mixing it with milk tea? This is exactly how people like to drink their coffee in Hong Kong. Also named Kopi Cham in Malaysia, this type of drink is a mixture of coffee and traditional milk tea, which can be served either hot or cold.

Kopi Susu Panas

Malaysia is one of the many countries that like coffee to be sweet and milky. One of the ways to achieve that is by mixing strong coffee with condensed milk. That is Kopi Susu Panas. Strong coffee is made from freshly ground beans and then thick condensed milk is added on top.

1. What is special about Espresso Romano?
A.It contains condensed milk.B.It tastes quite sweet.
C.It has a lemon slice in it.D.It is mixed with milk tea.
2. What is the difference between flat white and latte?
A.Latte tastes stronger than flat white.B.Latte contains more milk than flat white.
C.Flat white was invented earlier than latte.D.Flat white is prepared with much less espresso.
3. Which might be more popular with Malaysian?
A.Kopi Susu Panas and flat white.B.Kopi Susu Panas and Espresso Romano.
C.Yuenyeung and Espresso Romano.D.Yuenyeung and Kopi Susu Panas.
7 . 词形转换
1. capable adj. ________ n.
2. desperate adj. ________n.
3. tight adj. ________ v.
4. represent v. ________ n. (人)
5. dominate v. ________ n.
6. ambition n. ________ adj.
7. analyse v. ________ n.
8. novel n. ________ n. (人)
9. expose v. ________ n.
10. option n. ________ adj.
2022-04-26更新 | 260次组卷 | 2卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第二十中学2021-2022 学年高二下学期四月阶段验收英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 容易(0.94) |
文章大意:这是一篇应用文。作者向读者介绍去巴塔哥尼亚( Patagonia)最值得一游的一些地方。

8 . If you’re traveling to South America in summer, you should have Patagonia (at the southern end of South America) high up on your list of things to do. With this list, I show you the best places to visit in Patagonia. The climate down there is pretty rough, especially in the very south - if you plan to do hiking or camping, the best time for a trip is between the end of November and the beginning of March.

1. Bariloche, Argentina

The fact that Bariloche is well connected (airport, direct bus to and from Buenos Aires) makes it the perfect starting point of a round trip through Patagonia. But more than that: the combination of mountains, lakes and green forests results in its beautiful scenery.

2. Futaleufú, Chile

Further down south and a bit harder to access is the small Chilean village Futaleufú which is located at the border to Argentina. The reason which makes it worth it: the Futaleufú River is often referred to as one of the best white water spots for rafting in the world. The landscape along the river is unique and, due to its location, still pretty much untouched.

3. Puerto Rio Tranquilo, Chile

If you want to get there quickly, you should travel through Argentina and cross over to Chile Chico as this place is also very remote. The reason to do so: the marble caves in the General Carrera lake.

4. Torres del Paine, Chile

Personally the national park Torres del Paine is my number 1 attraction in Patagonia - you should take some time and do a multi-day trek to experience as much of it as possible: glaciers, forests, impressive mountain ranges, lagoons and rivers.

1. What is the best time for hiking in Patagonia?
A.October 1—November 1B.December 25—January 15
C.March 5—April 1D.November 5—June 7
2. Which of the following about the Futaleufú River is true?
A.It lies in an easily accessible village.B.It is ignored due to rafting sports.
C.It is the best rafting river in the world.D.It still has untouched landscapes.
3. Which place attracts the author most in Patagonia?
C.Puerto Rio Tranquilo.D.Torres del Paine.
完形填空(约280词) | 容易(0.94) |

9 . Eating fruits and vegetables is part of keeping a healthy diet. Health experts ______ people should eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. A(n) ______ way to remember this is to try to eat each color of the rainbow (彩虹) ______. This is because different colored fruits and vegetables contain different vitamins and minerals. ______ you eat one of each color each day, you are sure to ______ the necessary nutrition your body needs.

______ fruits and vegetables is good for the heart. There are many delicious ______ in this group. Have an apple with lunch. You can ______ have a red pepper for a hot tasty small meal. ______ some tomatoes and put them on your sandwich. Or ______ you can have strawberries after dinner. When you ______ red, your heart works better.

Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C. Vitamin C helps the ______ protect itself against disease. In this way it helps your body stay in good health. ______, these wonderful foods are good for your sight. So it is a great ______   to have a glass of orange juice with breakfast. Then put some peaches in your lunchbox. Are you afraid of catching a cold? ______ that from happening by eating a juicy tangerine (a type of small sweet orange).

Green fruits and vegetables have long been widely known as healthy foods. ______, they are especially good for keeping teeth and bones strong. When you eat green, your smile will thank you! Your bones will thank you too!

Blue and purple fruits and vegetables are useful to the ______. They help with memory. Put blueberries in your bowl. You can easily ______ where you put your keys!

Eating the rainbow is an easy way to ______ yourself. So make your eating habits a little more ______!

A.On purposeB.As usualC.In factD.At last
A.rely onB.believe inC.learn fromD.care for
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10 . Claudio Viera de Oliveira is from Brazil. He was born with an upside down head and deformed (畸形的) legs. His mother was told by doctors that she should allow him to die. But she ignored their advice. Oliveira grew up and now he has written a book about his life after the age of 40. Since he was a child, Oliveira has liked to keep himself busy. He didn't like to depend totally on others. He learned to do things all by himself. At eight, Oliveira began to walk on his knees. His family had to change the floor of the house, so he could walk without injuring humself. His bed, plugs and lights had to be made lower so that he could do things for himself.

He couldn't use a wheelchair because of his unusual shape, making it hard for him to be independent outside the home, but he begged his mother to allow him to go to school and learn with other children. He learned to use a pen with his mouth to type words and even use his lips to operate a mouse or a phone. He also went on to qualify as an accountant and gave speeches at special events. Now Oliveira has published his first book, called"O mundo esta ao(The world is the wrong way around)".

Oliveira said, “Throughout my life I was able to adapt my body to the world. Right now, I don't see myself as being different. I am a normal person. I don't see things upside down. Nowadays I can say that I am a professional, international public speaker and that I receive invitations from all over the world."

1. What was the doctors' attitude towards Oliveira's disease?
2. What do we know about Oliveira?
A.He adapted himself to society.
B.He managed to walk on foot at eight.
C.He used a normal bed and lights at home.
D.He controlled a wheelchair with his mouth.
3. What does Oliveira do at present?
A.A doctor.
B.An accountant
C.A publisher.
D.A professor.
4. Which saying can best describe Oliveira's experience?
A.All that glitters is not gold.
B.Where there is a will there is a way.
C.Health is not valued till sickness comes.
D.It is more blessed to give than to receive.
2022-01-15更新 | 131次组卷 | 2卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第十中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期中测试英语试题
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