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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I don’t look like the rest of my family. As a matter of fact, I stand out quite a bit with my white skin and blue eyes. When people see us together, it is clear that I am adopted. I am happy to have such a loving and caring family, but sometimes I wish I knew who my birth parents are.

My friends often ask, “Are you sad that you don’t know your real parents?” I know that they are just curious and concerned about me — I’m fine, for the most part — but I feel like there’s something missing in my life, like a giant hole in my heart. My mother listens when I tell her about my feelings, and she feels that it is important for me to be in touch with my culture. Because of this, she and I go to Chinese Heritage Camp (CHC) each year in Snow Mountain Ranch.

CHC is a two-day camp where hundreds of adopted kids like me spend time with each other. We talk about how it feels to be adopted, and we participate in fun outdoor activities. It’s great because we can talk about our feelings without having the conversation get too intense. Confusion, occasional disappointment and anger are no longer strange; they are normal here. It makes me feel like I am not alone, and there is someone out there going through the exact same emotions. Whether we’re talking, laughing, crying, or dancing, CHC is always an experience to remember. I like all of the new people I meet, and I will keep them in my heart forever, because it always feels good to know there are people out there just like me.

In this way, my journey to find my roots continues for several years. I also gradually come out from the shadow of a seemingly inseparable teenager. Camp has changed the way I look at things. Each year seems to open up new surprises, adventures and friendships.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

CHC teaches me to learn that being adopted doesn’t mean that I’m strange.


I also sincerely love and thank my parents.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Binge-watching (刷剧) is when a person watches more than one episode of a show in a row. With developments in the speed and connectivity of the Internet, increases in technology and the rise of on-demand entertainment companies, people can now have their favorite shows stream (流播) directly to their television at their convenience.

This behavior is nothing new. In fact, binge-watching has been officially listed in dictionaries since 2015. The entertainment companies recognize this behavior and many take steps to encourage it. Often, instead of releasing each episode on a week-by-week basis, an entire series will become available concurrently. Once the episode finishes, many platforms will display pop-ups with “you might like” suggestions, or will automatically play the next episode.

However, recent research suggests that out of the more than half of British adults who watch more than one episode of a show back-to-back (一集接一集地), almost a third have admitted missing sleep or becoming tired as a result; and 25% have neglected their household chores (家务活). Next we’ll be missing work!

Bingeing has other connections — binge eating, binge drinking and binge smoking. All of them are often associated with a lack of control and a possible route to addiction. Lindsey Fussell, consumer group director, said, “The days of waiting a week for the next episode are largely gone, with people finding it hard to resist (抗拒) watching multiple episodes around the house or on the move.” If people find binge-watching hard to resist, are we witnessing the birth of a new type of addiction?

The countless number of information and entertainment that television and online media can bring us is, many would say, a good thing. However, when the activity begins to bleed into other areas, causing us to stop functioning, then it becomes a problem. So, what’s the answer? Moderation! Neither a tiny amount, nor too much. After all, as the old proverb says, “A little of what you fancy does you good.”

1. How did the writer develop the first paragraph?
A.By giving a definition.B.By telling a story.
C.By listing some examples.D.By analyzing the cause and effect.
2. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “concurrently” in Paragraph2?
A.For convenience.B.At the same time.
C.In detail.D.Free of charge.
3. What Lindsey said in Paragraph 4 implies that ______.
A.people can’t control their feelingsB.people can’t resist the temptation of Bingeing
C.people have no patience to do workD.people are addicted to waiting for a new episode
4. What advice did the writer give at last?
A.To keep online media from stopping functioning.
B.To enjoy entertainment as much as possible.
C.To learn life lessons from the episodes.
D.To watch episodes in a moderate way.
听力选择题-短对话 | 较难(0.4) |
3 . What does the man mistake?
A.The seat number.B.The carriage.C.The train.
2024-05-29更新 | 49次组卷 | 2卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
4 . — I would support ________ he decides.
— Me too. He has my support, ________ happens.
A.what; whichB.anything; no matter what
C.whatever; anythingD.no matter what; whatever
2024-05-21更新 | 129次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省大庆市实验中学实验二部2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
听力选择题-短文 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. How many presidents are there before Lincoln?
2. What do you think of Lincoln’s family when he was young?
3. What led to the American Civil War?
A.Lincoln was elected to the president of the U.S.
B.Some southern states wanted to break off.
C.Some slaves began to fight for their rights.
4. What did Lincoln contribute most to his country?
A.He was one of the greatest lawyers in the U.S.
B.He gave one of the most famous speeches.
C.He managed to keep his country together.
2024-05-19更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省鸡西市密山市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题
语法填空-单句语填(约10词) | 较难(0.4) |
6 . A simple restaurant was ________ he usually had the same meal of sausages, eggs and coffee. (用适当的词填空)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Search “toxic parents”, and you’ll find more than 38, 000 posts, largely urging young adults to cut ties with their families. The idea is to safeguard one’s mental health from offensive parents. However, as a psychoanalyst (精神分析学家), I’ve seen that trend in recent years become a way to manage conflicts in the family, and I have seen the severe impacts estrangement (疏远) has on both sides of the divide. This is a self-help trend that creates much harm.

“Canceling” your parent can be seen as an extension of a cultural trend aimed at correcting imbalances in power and systemic inequality. Today’s social justice values respond to this reality, calling on us to criticize oppressive and harmful figures and to gain power for those who have been powerless. But when adult children use the most effective tool they have—themselves—to gain a sense of security and ban their parents from their lives, the roles are simply switched, and the pain only deepens.

Often, what I see in my practice are cases of family conflict mismanaged, power dynamics turned upside down rather than negotiated. I see the terrible effect of that trend: situations with no winners, only isolated humans who long to be known and feel safe in the presence of the other.

The catch is that after estrangement, adult children are not suddenly less dependent. In fact, they feel abandoned and betrayed, because in the unconscious, it doesn’t matter who is doing the leaving; the feeling that remains is “being left”. They carry the ghosts of their childhood, tackling the emotional reality that those who raised us can never truly be left behind, no matter how hard we try.

What I have found is that most of these families need repair, not permanent break-up. How can one learn how to negotiate needs, to create boundaries and to trust? How can we love others, and ourselves, if not through accepting the limitations that come with being human? Good relationships are not the result of a perfect level of harmony but rather of successful adjustments.

To pursue dialogue instead of estrangement will be hard and painful work. It can’t be a single project of “self-help”, because at the end of the day, real intimacy (亲密关系) is achieved by working through the injuries of the past together. In most cases of family conflict, repair is possible and preferable to estrangement—and it’s worth the work.

1. Why do young people cut ties with the family?
A.To gain an independent life.B.To follow a tendency towards social justice.
C.To restore harmony in the family.D.To protect their psychological well-being.
2. What does the underlined word “catch” in paragraph 4 mean?
3. To manage family conflict, what should young adults do in the author’s view?
A.Break down boundaries.B.Accept imperfection of family members.
C.Live up to their parents’ expectations.D.Repair a family item that has broken up.
4. What’s the author’s purpose of writing the text?
A.To advocate a self-help trend.B.To justify a common social value.
C.To argue against a current practice.D.To discuss a means of communication.
2024-05-11更新 | 76次组卷 | 2卷引用:黑龙江省大庆市实验中学实验二部2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It had been a challenging week, marked by a sudden large increase in oil prices coinciding with a sharp drop in temperatures in Boston. It was nearly below zero degree. With three missed workdays under my belt, my upcoming paycheck was going to be lower than normal. The stress weighed heavily on me as I carefully sought for every conceivable opportunity to save pennies, ensuring that I could afford both groceries and keep the house warm.

My eight-year-old son didn’t understand when I told him we were struggling that week. He had his heart set on a particular brand of yogurt, but I didn’t have the extra three dollars to buy it for him. It was the kind of yogurt decorated with a cartoon child skateboarding on its packaging, containing a mere two spoonfuls per cup. Such products, designed to lure children with their flashy marketing, only served to make me hate advertising.

However, a bunch of parental guilt gripped me as his innocent eyes met mine, silently questioning, “Why is yogurt such a big deal?” Determıned to sweep his disappointment, I made a sacrifice typical of single mothers. I returned an item needed to the shelf, ensuring that he could enjoy his favorite yogurt.

On the journey back from the grocery store, a sight caught my attention—a homeless man, holding a sign by the roadside. My heart ached, and I turned around, observing   passers-by purposefully steer (绕开) clear of him, avoiding any meaningful interaction. Even my son didn’t seem to care much. either. Yet, upon closer inspection, I noticed the man—bare hands grasping a piece of cardboard, snot frozen to his face, a worn-out jacket. And there I was struggling because I had to buy oil and groceries. But I decided to help. I pulled over to the man and handed him a five-dollar bill.


Seeing this, my son became confused and surprised.


On that day, my son performed an act that most adults wouldn’t have done.

书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The summer vacation had just begun, and Alex and Maria were ready to spend all day outside. They decided to walk to the neighborhood park, where there was a river that they liked to swim in when it was particularly hot.

When they got to the river, they saw that it was too deep to swim in. Alex and Maria were disappointed. On the other side of the river, about fifty yards away, there was a fountain from which the water is flowing out. “We should go to play in the fountain,” Maria said. “How will we get there?” asked Alex.       

Maria looked around the grassy riverbank and noticed a few logs and branches lying close to the water. “We could build a bridge!” she said. She ran over to a thick log that looked long enough to be placed across the river. Together, she and Alex lifted the log onto their shoulders and walked to the water. Here, they stopped. How would they get the log across?       

Maria suggested throwing it down into the water and seeing if it reached the other side. That seemed improper to Alex-what if the log did not reach the other side of the river, and got stuck or swept away by the water? Then they would be unable to walk all the way across the river.       

Maria wondered if they could measure the distance from the riverbank they stood on to the other shore. They put the log carefully down and decided to test the distance with lighter, thinner branches. They found a few branches and they tied the branches together using hair bands.

At their first attempt, they tied two branches together and went back to the river to test the length. The branches only reached the center of the water. After tying two more branches together to the initial branches, Alex and Maria were able to get the thin model bridge to touch the far bank, “Hooray!” Maria said. “Now we know how long the log needs to be.”


They set the tied branches on the ground next to the log.


Alex and Maria managed to get to the other side of the river.

2024-04-19更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学青冈实验中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月考试英语试题
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Tripod’s story started one spring morning as I finished morning surgery at the veterinary clinic (兽医诊所) I owned. I was writing up medical records of the surgery patients when my receptionist stuck her head into my office, saying that a lady phoned that she’d just found a cat in her back yard with a badly injured leg.

I immediately sent my two pre-vet students in the clinic right out to pick up the cat. They eagerly accepted the challenge and soon returned with my newest patient. We gently removed the large gray tabby (斑猫) from the carrier and placed him on a warm towel on the exam table. He lay very still, his breathing rapid and shallow. His right front leg was mutilated (残废的) from just below the shoulder. The students hadn’t exaggerated; the odor (气味) coming from what remained of the leg was overpowering. This guy was in pretty bad shape, with a mangled (轧平的) front leg, some scars on his head and no collar or tag on him. The poor thing…We were close to tears, especially those two students.

“Looks like he was caught in a trap. See those ragged wound edges?” I felt the ice-cold toes and foot pads, recognizing there was little, if any, chance of saving the leg. The only way I could save him was to amputate (截肢) that leg. The students watched in somber silence as I carefully cleaned the wound. I knew from years of experience this guy didn’t have an owner. “Well, then,” I sighed, “Either remove the leg and see if we can find a home for him or put him to sleep.” Just then, one of the students stroked the cat’s head. Somewhere deep in the cat’s throat, a faint purr began. As the student continued to pet the tabby, I noticed the cat’s breathing became less labored.

“You’re a fighter, aren’t you, boy?” I whispered. “You deserve a chance.” After stabilizing the cat’s vital signs, I performed the amputation in the hope of saving his life.

Over the next few weeks, Tripod, who the students had named, went through many ups and downs. I was cautiously optimistic about his recovery. Word got around about the three-legged “miracle cat” and many clients stopped by on a regular basis to check on his progress.

Paragraph 1:

The day finally came when I decided Tripod had truly survived.

Paragraph 2:

One day, one of our regular and favorite clients came in the door.

2024-04-15更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次验收考试英语试卷
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