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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A boy called Jimmy always arrived home hungry every day and his parents couldn’t figure out why. When Jimmy wouldn’t share what was going on, his parents decided to visit the principal (校长), hoping he could offer the answer.

After talking with Jimmy’s classmates, the principal and his parents heard a story. Although Jimmy never talked about it, his classmates told them that he always came to school without food. The principal and his parents were shocked. No wonder Jimmy was always so hungry after school! Was there something happening on the way to school?

To make the situation clear, the principal naked Jimmy’s teacher, Mr. Green, to talk to Jimmy in private. During the conversation with the teacher. Jimmy refused to say anything about the situation, leaving everyone helpless. This left the principal with no evidence to take any action regarding the missing lunch of Jimmy.

Jimmy’s parents were becoming increasingly concerned as their child continued to come home from school without saying a word. Despite their meeting in the school, they thought that they had no other ways to discover the reason why Jimmy was always so hungry. The lack of communication with their child only added to their helplessness. They knew they needed to take action, but they had no idea where to start.

Determined to get to the bottom of the problem. Jimmy’s father derided to take action again. The next day. Jimmy’s father went to school and asked to speak with Jimmy’s teacher, Mr. Green.

When Jimmy’s father reached the school, Mr. Green spoke with him and patiently answered all of his questions. However, despite a deep conversation between them, no conclusion could be reached, which still questioned Jimmy’s parents.

注意:1. 写作词数应为120左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

One day, by accident, Jimmy’s father found a thank-you letter from Jimmy’s room.


Jimmy’s parents were touched by his act of kindness.

2024-06-14更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省韩城市2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Styrofoam, or polystyrene, is a light-weight material, about 95 percent air, with very good insulation (隔热) properties, according to Earthsource. org. It is used in products from cups that keep your drinks hot or cold to packaging material that protects items during shipping. With the above good features, Styrofoam still enjoys a bad reputation. It cannot be recycled without releasing dangerous pollution into the air. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency says it is the fifth-largest creator of harmful waste.

But now the common worms which are usually disgusting can come to the rescue, specifically, meal-worms. Scientists from the U. S. and China have discovered that meal-worms can digest plastic. One meal-worm can digest a pill-sized amount of plastic a day. Study co-author Wei-Min Wu says that in 24 hours, the plastic is turned into carbon dioxide.

Since Styrofoam has no nutrition at all, are the worms hurt by eating plastic? Much to the scientists’ surprise, the study found that worms eating Styrofoam were as healthy as worms eating bran (谷糠) . The researchers will study the worm’s eating habits and digesting system, looking to copy the plastic breakdown but on a larger scale. Once the way can be put into practice, it will make a revolutionary difference to the disposal of plastic.

“Solving the issue of plastic pollution is important”, says Wu, a Stanford University environmental engineering instructor. After all, our earth is small and landfill space-is becoming limited with too much garbage waiting to be dealt with, he says.

About 33-million tons of plastic are thrown away in the United States every year. Plastic plates, cups and containers take up 25 percent to 30 percent of space in America’s landfills. One Styrofoam cup takes more than 1 million years to recycle in a landfill, according to Cleveland State University.

1. What do we know about Styrofoam?
A.It can be used to cool drinks.B.It is a weightless material.
C.It is harmful when recycled.D.It is usually used on ships.
2. What can we infer from the second paragraph?
A.Meal-worms have amazing digesting power.B.Meal-worms are not bad in their nature.
C.Meal-worms can rescue people’s lives.D.People misunderstood meal-worms in the past.
3. In the future, plastic may be recycled _______.
A.by raising amounts of meal-wormsB.by environmental engineering instructors
C.using a method inspired by eating meal-wormsD.without sending out dangerous pollution
4. What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Styrofoam is widely used in daily life.B.Meal-worms are genius at eating plastic
C.Plastic recycling may be no more a problem.D.Plastic can be turned into carbon dioxide
2024-03-24更新 | 116次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省渭南市蒲城县尧山中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . When Amelia thinks about her freshman year two years ago, she remembers being tardy to her 8 a.m. first period class from time to time. “It was so hard to wake up in the morning,” she said. “I had to bike to school and I lived on the other side of the island.”

Like other teens, mornings area struggle because she had several hours of homework and extracurricular activities the night before, but research shows that’s not the entire story. According to psychotherapists, Heather Turgeon and Julie Wright in their book Generation Sleepless, today's teens are sleepier than ever and earlier school start time is disturbing their body's circadian (昼夜节律的) rhythm.

“One of the things that happens somewhere around age 12 is that their brain clock becomes set to a later pace,” said Turgeon, which put sateen about two hours behind the sleep schedule of a young child or an adult. “That means they want to go to sleep later and they want to wake up later,” she said.

“We consider adequate sleep —the very lowest amount—to be about eight hours,” said Wright. However, the average sleep time for high school students is usually about 6.5 hours. And missing out on just a couple hours of rest each night has negative consequences for developing teenage brains.

When a teen is tired, the amygdala—which is the part of the brain that responds to danger—will become more active. And the parts of the brain that are in charge of judgment become less active. Sleep issues are commonly associated with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder (双相情感障碍) and ADHD (多动症). “We see teens with very serious mental health issues and accidents and soon things that parents really worry about—and getting enough sleep addresses those issues.”

Even with research showing that letting students sleep well contributes to better academic performance, lower truancy (旷课) rates and improved mental health, there has been pushback from parents and school districts about delaying the start of the school day.

1. What does the underlined word “tardy” probably m can in paragraph 1?
2. What do we know about the kids aged about 12 according to Turgeon?
A.They feel more tired than everB.They sleep later and wakeup later.
C.They have about 6.5 hours of sleepD.They sleep about two hours later than adults.
3. What docs the fifth paragraph mainly tell us?
A.The teens are always feeling tired
B.The amygdala becomes more active.
C.The lack of sleep causes many problems.
D.The teenagers have trouble sleeping
4. What maybe the author's attitude to later school start time?
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |

4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I was about ten years old, my brother and I received a great gift—a basketball. But the problem was there wasn’t a basketball court (球场) near our home.

One Saturday morning, my brother came up with a good idea. He said, “Hey, let’s take our ball to the school to play.”

I thought it was a great idea, so I agreed. When we arrived at the school, we started playing. But suddenly, something terrible happened. The ball got out of control and hit through one of the classroom windows, breaking the glass into pieces. We looked around and saw that nobody was there, except for an old man sitting nearby.

I whispered to my brother, “What should we do now?”

“Well,” my brother replied, “Nobody saw us, except for that old man. But he probably can’t see this far, and he doesn’t know who we are anyway.”

As we got the ball and started going home, we talked about whether we should tell Mom and Dad what had happened. Would we get punished for our mistake? Or should we just keep it a secret? We thought about these things again and again on our way home.


When we arrived at home, we decided to tell the truth to our parents.


On Monday, my brother and I went to see the headmaster (校长).

书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I used to be very active in sports and games when I was in primary school. As a result, I was chosen to represent the school in the long jump and relay events at the District Sports Meet. I promised myself I would make every effort so as not to leave the meet empty-handed.

The meeting lasted two days. Our events were scheduled for the second day. The long jump was scheduled for the early afternoon, followed by the 8 x 50m relay later in the afternoon. I thought I was a pretty good jumper, but as the competition began, I realized I was vastly outclassed. 3. 65m was not bad. But there was boy who jumped over 4 meters! We finished our jumps,and I came in fourth place, just missing out on a medal. That was disappointing, but I reminded myself that we still had a chance in the 8 X 50m relay,for which I was assigned to run the last leg.

The race was about to begin. We filed into our assigned spots and prepared for the race. After a tense minute or so, I heard the starter’s gun go off. When the first runners took off, I watched with bated breath (屏住呼吸地) as my team runners kept up with the others. As they got closer, I realized we were at least in second place.

Then came my turn. I took the baton (接力棒) cleanly and began my run. The air rushed past me as I moved closer to the next runner. I was sure the medal which we dreamed of was within easy reach. Then disaster struck! I saw a boy,about 2-or-3-year-old, run across the track into my path out of nowhere. Quite likely, his parent didn’t notice what was happening. I couldn’t get away from him fast enough. I couldn’t avoid hitting him if I continued running for my medal.


I had to make a decision in only seconds.


I cried, realizing I missed out on another medal.

书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

During the summer before Patty entered fifth grade, she decided to try a new sport. Swim training was nearly over and Patty was the fastest swimmer in her age group. She had always been the best. The neighborhood was offering a one-week tennis training course. Patty and her friend Darla got permission from their parents to join.

On Saturday morning, Darla’s mom took the girls to a store and bought them each a good, used tennis racket. “If you girls stick to tennis, then we’ll talk about a new racket. These will do for now.” The girls were excited about their new purchases. On Monday morning, at 7:00 a.m., Patty’s mom woke her up. “It’s time for tennis!” Patty covered her face. “Mom, it’s too early!” She made great effort to get out of bed and down to the breakfast table. Patty finished breakfast and ran to Darla’s house, then they walked to the court.

Mrs. Cane, the tennis coach, lined everyone up and started with the basics. After that, Mrs. Cane tirelessly taught them to practice their forehand and backhand. By the end of the week, Patty had made impressive progress. Mrs. Cane commented that Patty had lots of potential. Darla, on the other hand, was struggling. The other teenagers were having a tough time of it, too. Patty was the only one who seemed to get somewhere.

Since then, Darla had always been out in the August heat, practicing her serves or hitting the ball. Patty wasn’t really interested. She felt she was such a “natural” for tennis that she really didn’t need to practice. By the end of the summer, Darla began to get the hang of it. She joined a neighborhood junior tennis team. There would be matches every Thursday. Patty wanted to join as well, but she didn’t want to miss her favorite TV show. She told herself that she would join it when she got some free time. If Darla had fun, she would join the team in the spring.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The week before school started, Mrs. Cane held another training course.


Patty couldn’t stop thinking of her poor performance on the way home.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . When the company OpenAI developed its new artificial intelligence (AI) program, ChatGPT, in late 2022, educators began to worry. ChatGPT could create text that seemed like a human wrote it. How could teachers discover whether students were using language created by an AI chatbot to cheat on a writing task?

As a linguist who studies the effects of technology on how people read, write and think, I believe there are other more pressing concerns besides cheating. These include whether AI, more generally, threatens student writing skills, the value of writing as a process, and the importance of regarding writing as a tool for thinking.

As part of my research on the effects of AI on human writing, I surveyed young adults in the U.S. about some issues related to those effects. One participant said that at some point if you depend on predictive text, you’re going to lose your spelling abilities. Enter “Was Rom” into a Google search and you’re given a list of choices like “Was Rome built in a day”. Type “ple” into a text message and you’re offered “please” and “plenty”. These tools complete our sentences automatically, giving us little chance to think about our spelling, and continuously asking us to follow their suggestions.

Evan Selinger, a philosopher, worried that predictive texting reduces the power of writing as a form of mental activity and personal expression. “By encouraging us not to think too deeply about our words, predictive technology may change how we deal with each other,” Selinger wrote. “We give others more algorithms (算法) and less of ourselves. Automation can stop us thinking and the resulting text didn’t feel like mine anymore.”

I asked ChatGPT whether it was a threat to humans’ motivation to write. The bot responded: “There will always be a demand for creative, original content that requires the unique viewpoint of a human writer.” It continued: “Writing serves many purposes beyond just the creation of content, such as self-expression, communication, and personal growth, which can continue to encourage people to write even if certain types of writing can be automated.”

I was glad to find the program had seemingly admitted its limitations.

1. What is the author’s main concern about ChatGPT?
A.Whether it will lead to students’ cheating.
B.Whether it will shape students’ writing style.
C.How students will make use of it at school.
D.What effects it will have on students’ writing.
2. What will predictive technology do to us according to Evan Selinger?
A.Give us more creative ideas.B.Make us write like a machine.
C.Encourage us to think more deeply.D.Make us tend to ignore grammatical mistakes.
3. What can we learn from ChatGPT’s response?
A.Writing will become completely automated.B.Robots will work with humans in writing.
C.Robot writing will become more creative.D.Human writing will still matter a lot.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.What impact will AI bring to writing?B.What is the future of modern literature?
C.How to improve writing with AI’s help?D.How to apply AI technology to education?
完形填空(约280词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . I was walking down the road one day when my cell phone rang. A _________ voice on the other end spoke to me, “Dad, please come back soon. I miss you so much.” I judged that it was a _________ number. A little while later, the call came once again, so I rudely _________, “You’ve dialed the wrong number!” and then _________ up.

During the following days, I got the same _________ now and then. But I didn’t care much about it. Then one day she constantly called me, _________ I didn’t answer. Finally I answered the phone and heard a weak voice, “Dad, please come back. I miss you so much! Dad, I’m in so much pain! Mom said you were too _________ to take care of me. But, dad, please _________ me again, OK?” The innocent (天真无邪的) request was difficult to _________. I made a loud kiss on the __________. Then I heard the weak __________ say, “Thank you Dad, I am so happy, so happy…”

Shortly after this, I became __________ about who had been on the other end of my phone. So I called __________, and a woman answered, “Sorry, sir. I am really sorry to have bothered you. My daughter has __________ from bone cancer since she was born. And her father __________ in an accident a short while ago. I dare not tell her this __________ news. Poor baby! When she couldn’t bear the painful chemotherapy (化疗), she would cry for her dad, who had always __________ her. I __________ couldn’t bear it, so I gave her a random (任意的) number”.

“How is your daughter now?” I couldn’t wait to __________.

“She has __________. You must have kissed her on the phone, because she went with a smile, tightly holding the cell phone”.

Tears blurred (模糊) my eyes.

A.passed byB.passed awayC.passed throughD.passed out
听力选择题-长对话 | 较难(0.4) |
9 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Who might the woman be?
A.The man’s mother.B.The man’s classmate.C.The man’s teacher.
2. What is the topic of Daniel’s presentation?
A.Different cultures around the world.
B.Stories about dragons.
C.Natural disasters.
3. What does the woman think of Daniel’s topic?
A.It’s serious.B.It’s ordinary.C.It’s interesting.
4. What will Daniel probably do next?
A.Write a report.B.Read some books.C.Give a presentation.
2023-05-28更新 | 165次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届陕西省渭南市高三上学期一模英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was the first week of Lily’s middle school. The bell’s ringing brought her out of her daydreaming. She nervously gathered her books, preparing to reach another classroom for the next new class.

Lily followed the other kids and rushed into the hallway. Others walked in groups, chatted, and laughed, using the break to socialize. Lily, instead, walked alone along the wall of the hallway, with her head down. She was a shy girl, afraid to speak in front of other kids, and didn’t think others would like her.

Lily finally sat in Mr. Johnson’s Language Arts class nervously. “Welcome to Language Arts,” said Mr. Johnson. He told jokes as he talked about English. Lily forgot to daydream and laughed along with the rest of the class. “We’ll have some fun with language,” he said. “Just wait and see.”

Fun was far beyond what Lily desired. She just wanted to be like other kids—running with friends in the hallway, laughing and joking between classes. Reminded of her pimply (长粉刺的) face, she felt hopeless and disappointed.

“Take out a piece of paper,” the teacher continued, when pointing at words on the blackboard. “Write for the next thirty minutes on this topic.” Lily began writing crazily as idea after idea fought for recognition in her head. The final result was a short story about a beautiful beach house. As she wrote, she could smell the salty air, hear the crashing waves and feel the pull of the sand beneath her feet. For just a moment, she forgot where she was. She was lost in the story.

“OK, pass your papers forward,” said the teacher. “Let’s see what we have.” For the rest of the class time, the teacher read each individual work aloud. Lily originally thought it would be awkward. However, she was gradually attracted by the excitement in the teacher’s voice. “He’s actually enjoying this,” she thought. When the class would be soon over, there were still fifteen students’ papers not read, including Lily’s paper. Then, Mr. Johnson announced his decision, asking these students to read their work themselves in front of the class next class.

Paragraph 1:

A week later, the bell rang and the Language Arts class began again.

Paragraph 2:

After Lily finished her reading, the clapping from her classmates continued for a long time.

2023-05-21更新 | 332次组卷 | 22卷引用:陕西省渭南市大荔县2022-2023学年高一下学期期末英语试题
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